Professional Dissertations DMin

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Report

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry


Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Doctor of Ministry DMin

First Advisor

Arnold A. Kurtz

Second Advisor

Fritz Guy

Third Advisor

Abraham Terian


Problem. The shortness of the average pastoral tenure— 2.3 years, and the lack of a systematic process in the selection of pastors for a church as well as in the initial start-up time in a new pastorate are two of the major problems facing the Seventh-day Adventist ministry today. It was the purpose of this project to implement a process of entry into a new pastorate which would inform a continued ministry.

Method. This project focused on principles of "Intentional Ministry" and "Negotiation." These principles were applied in every possible area of pastoral ministry and church life. The study took between twenty-two to twenty-four months as the initial start-up time, but is written from the perspective of thirty-six months into the new pastorate.

Results. The application of these principles to pastoral ministry were very helpful in the initiation of the new pastorate. The relationships of trust and confidence between the pastor and members were facilitated and provided the foundation for a style of ministry that is strong, open, and yet flexible. The process of self-evaluation which was a strong component of the project was helpful in establishing an atmosphere for change and growth. The pastor and church leadership are committed to a continuation of this style of leadership and envision further growth and development.

Conclusions. The principles of an intentional ministry are helpful during the start-up time of a new pastorate and can be applied in a continued ministry. Outside help in the form of church consultants would be helpful in pastoral selection and the start-up time.

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