Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Higher Education Administration EdD

First Advisor

Edward A. Streeter

Second Advisor

Gary Dickson

Third Advisor

Peter Wong


This study is primarily descriptive research with the addition of some elements of historical research.

In the area of forecasting or planning for guidance offices (centers) within secondary schools, the study identified two main schools of thought. The first of which says that guidance offices should be located near or within the administrative complex. The second of which says that guidance offices should be located away from the administrative offices.

The purpose of the study was to determine whether it is appropriate to assume that locating guidance centers somewhat removed by distance or by visual barriers away from administrative centers in secondary schools will increase the number of self-referrals that the counseling staff will receive as opposed to the number of self-referrals that the counseling staff would receive if the location of the guidance center is close to or within sight of the administrative center.

A survey was developed and administered to 2052 secondary-school students in southwestern Michigan. The results of the survey indicated that the location of a guidance office within a school building is not viewed by the students as a major factor in determining whether or not they will visit with a counselor through a self-referral.

The primary conclusion drawn from this study was that when educational facilities planners including guidance counselors, principals, superintendents of schools, business managers, and school architects are planning new school buildings or the remodeling of existing structures, they should plan the location of the counseling offices to be in such a position that it facilitates the counseling, consulting, and coordinating aspects of a school counselor's functions. According to the responses from the students who answered the survey questions for this study, the location should be centrally situated in terms of student traffic and may be near the principal's office. This may suggest that the historical concern of complete privacy for the counselor and client has been overrated and that a counseling office located near the principal's office will not detract from the number of student self-referrals. A location near the principal's office also has the recognized advantages of being convenient to other school personnel and to student records.

Subject Area

Educational counseling, Student counselors.


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