"The Empirical Development of an Instructional Product for the Training" by Randy C. Horning

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Religious Education, PhD

First Advisor

Roy C. Naden

Second Advisor

Selma A. Chaij

Third Advisor

Slimen Saliba


Problem. This study addressed the training needs of SDA literature evangelists through an empirically developed curriculum.

Method. The instructional product development method of Baker and Schutz (1971) served as the basis for this research. After the need for the product was established, a series of behavioral objectives was written. The criteria for evaluation of the behavioral objectives were obtained from current sales literature as it applied to the work of literature evangelists. Additionally, a study of training literature was reviewed for methods to increase the effectiveness of the training seminar. The curriculum was presented in the form of a two-day seminar. Mastery was set at 80% of the participants scoring at least 80% on each of the 20 behavioral objectives. Practicing literature evangelists in different regions of the United States were utilized as representative of the target population. The seminar was first presented in the United states to groups in the central and southern parts of the East coast. As the product was modified, it was presented again to groups in California and in North Carolina.

Results. Eighty percent of the literature evangelists scored at or above the 80% mastery level on each of the 20 objectives.

Conclusions. The instructional product was considered successful in meeting the basic training needs of SDA literature evangelists. Because the SDA church lacks any such training program for literature evangelists, this empirically developed curriculum could be considered for use as a secondary level course for the training of professional literature evangelists.

Subject Area

Christian literature--Publishing.



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