We Have the Mind of Christ: The Relations of Reason and Faith in Theology


Haughey Hall, Science Complex

Start Date

20-10-2012 11:45 AM


It is often assumed that faith is more important to theology than reason. This assumption may seem to be supported by the frequency of the word faith in English translations of the Bible and the relative infrequency of the word reason. However, what we usually mean by the “reason” is very frequently mentioned in the Bible in other words such as the word mind. In this paper I present a study of the Apostle Paul’s use of the term “mind of Christ” to describe Christian rationality. This clarifies the relations of faith and reason in the Christian mind. I will also present some implications for a Christian perspective on the relations of science and theology.


Martin Hanna is from Nassau, one of the beautiful islands of the Bahamas, where he served as High School Teacher and Pastor. At Northern Caribbean University, in Jamaica, he served as Counselor, Dean of Men, Associate Professor, Chair of Religion, and Research Center Director. He earned a PhD at Andrews University, where he enjoys research and teaching, especially on science-theology relations, as is evident in his dissertation on The Use of Science in Theology and his book on The Cosmic Christ of Scripture.

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Oct 20th, 11:45 AM

We Have the Mind of Christ: The Relations of Reason and Faith in Theology

Haughey Hall, Science Complex

It is often assumed that faith is more important to theology than reason. This assumption may seem to be supported by the frequency of the word faith in English translations of the Bible and the relative infrequency of the word reason. However, what we usually mean by the “reason” is very frequently mentioned in the Bible in other words such as the word mind. In this paper I present a study of the Apostle Paul’s use of the term “mind of Christ” to describe Christian rationality. This clarifies the relations of faith and reason in the Christian mind. I will also present some implications for a Christian perspective on the relations of science and theology.