"The Relationship Between Perspectives ofSpiritual Care and Organizatio" by Edelweiss Ramal

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


College of Education and International Services


Higher Education Administration PhD

First Advisor

Hinsdale Bernard

Second Advisor

James R. Jeffery

Third Advisor

Teyni Grajales



The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between perspectives of spiritual care held by students and faculty in Seventh-day Adventist baccalaureate nursing programs and their perception of the school climate and compare these between faculty and students, Seventh-day Adventists and non-Seventh-day Adventists, and males and females.


The University Version of the Kettering School Climate scale and the Role of Spiritual Care in Nursing Subscale answered by 49 faculty and 159 students of nine Seventh-day Adventist baccalaureate nursing programs provided the data. Pearson correlation, one-way analysis of variance, and t tests at a .05 level of significance were used to find the relationships and differences.

Findings and Conclusions

1. Organizational climate is not related to perspectives of spiritual care. 2 Students’ perspectives of spiritual care are related to climate factors: “respect,” “school renewal,” and “caring” whereas faculty’s perspectives of spiritual care are not related to any of the climate factors. 3 There is no difference in perception of the organizational climate or perspectives of spiritual care between nursing programs. 4. Faculty perceive the actual climate factors “opportunity for input” and “trust” closer to the desired climate in these two areas than students do. 6. Seventh-day Adventist faculty perceive more “opportunity for input” than non-Seventh-day Adventist faculty do. 5. There is no difference in the perception of overall organizational climate and the individual climate factors between Seventh-day Adventist and non-Seventh-day Adventist students and between male and females students. 9. Faculty’s perspectives of spiritual care are more positive than students’ perspectives. 10. There is no difference in perspectives of spiritual care between Seventh-day Adventist and non-Seventh-day Adventist faculty or students, or between male and female students.

Subject Area

Nursing--Study and teaching; Nursing--Religious aspects



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