"Proclamation in Cross-Cultural Context: Missiological Implications of " by Sung Ik Kim

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Religion, Mission and Ministry PhD

First Advisor

Bruce L. Bauer

Second Advisor

Russell L. Staples

Third Advisor

Roy E. Gane


This study attempts to explore the biblical foundation ofsalvific mission as revealed in God's purposes for the nations (missio Dei ) in the book of Daniel and to investigate the means that Daniel employed in his ministry as an overt missionary who was sent to witness to God's salvific purpose in the cross-cultural context of heathen kingdoms.

The main objective of this research is to validate the book of Daniel as a missionary document and show that its missiological implications are still relevant to present-day missions. Chapter 2 explores the salvific purpose of missio Dei in the book of Daniel including God's initiative for salvation in human history, "God's salvific purpose for all people." The chapter demonstrates that Daniel was aware of the sovereignty of God in the process of the exile as a means to achieve God's salvific purpose for all people through his human agents.

Chapter 3 researches the strategies of missio Dei , showing how God used committed individuals, dreams, visions, and spiritual conflict. The chapter shows that God's strategy involves not only calling people to serve for his salvific purpose but also demonstrates God's direct intervention in human history through dreams, visions, and spiritual conflict.

Chapter 4 focuses on the cultural perspective of Daniel's ministry by analyzing the process of cultural learning and symbolism within the book of Daniel. Furthermore, Daniel's witness to Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, and Darius is examined and analyzed from a cross-cultural perspective. The chapter reveals that Daniel and his friends were sensitive to the local culture as they communicated God's truth in a cross-cultural context without sacrificing the content of that truth.

Chapter 5 suggests missiological implications from the book of Daniel for current cross-cultural missionary work. The elucidation of practical implications demonstrates that the book of Daniel should be treated as a missionary document to develop for the present-day cross-cultural mission practices as well as theology.

Subject Area

Missions--Biblical teaching, Mission of the church--Biblical teaching, Bible. Daniel -- Criticism, interpretation, etc. -- Cross-culural studies



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