"The Effect of a Jail-Based Substance-Abuse Program on Anxiety, Depress" by Peggy Leigh Frick

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Counseling Psychology, Ph.D.

First Advisor

Frederick A. Kosinski, Jr.

Second Advisor

Jimmy Kijai

Third Advisor

Meredith Jones Gray


Problem. More and more alcohol and drug users are coming into contact with the criminal justice system. Some of these individuals may have comorbid mental health issues. This present study sought to determine whether the New Avenues Substance Abuse Treatment Program, housed at the Correctional Work Center, Davidson County, Tennessee, did, in the course of treatment, have an impact on the anxiety, depression, and locus of control of those individuals completing the program.

Method. The Beck Depression Inventory-II, the Beck Anxiety Inventory, and the Rotter Internal versus External Control of Reinforcement Scale were utilized to measure depression, anxiety, and locus of control respectively. Paired samples t -tests and analysis of covariance were utilized to analyze the results.

Results. The New Avenues Substance Abuse Treatment Program, while keeping its major focus on substance abuse treatment, apparently had no significant impact on the anxiety, depression, and locus of control of those completing the program over what they would have experienced just by being incarcerated in the facility during the treatment period.

Conclusions . Although depression, anxiety, and locus of control may be involved in substance abuse,substance abuse treatment as put forth by the New Avenues Substance Abuse Treatment Program did not have a significant impact on them. If the individuals had not been involved in treatment, changes in their levels of depression, anxiety, and locus of control would have occurred anyway.

Subject Area

Criminals--Rehabilitation, Substance abuse--Treatment, Prisoners--Mental health services



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