"The Resurrection Motif in Hosea 5:8-6:6: an Exegetical Study" by Bertrand C. Pryce

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Religion, Old Testament Studies PhD

First Advisor

Richard M. Davidson

Second Advisor

William H. Shea

Third Advisor

Abraham Terian


This study investigates Hos 5:8-6:6 in an attempt to discover the mode and function of the resurrection motif. Chapter 1 surveys the interpretation of Hos 5:8-6:6 since the beginning of the twentieth century to the present. Previous discussion of this passage, notwithstanding a few careful exegetical and pointed treatments, is in the main cursory, not comprehensive and detailed, or engages in alteration of the MT. The studies reviewed support either a healing, historical/political, or resurrection viewpoint of Hos 6:1-3. These conclusions are for the most part not buttressed by a detailed and close scrutiny of each verse and similar contexts in Hosea, and often do not assume general reliability of the Hebrew text of Hos 5:8-6:6. The review of literature shows the need for a multifaceted-exegetical approach.

Chapter 2 deals with preliminary exegetical considerations. These cover limitation, translation, historical context, form, thematic patterns, and lexical data. The main focus of this chapter is on the lexical survey of certain significant terms assigned to sickness-healing and death resurrection categories.

Chapter 3 treats the exegesis proper. It is apparent that the two divine speeches in Hos 5:8-15 and 6:4-6 tell of judgment of sickness and death leveled on Israel and Judah. The response in 6:1-3 reveals that the people expected both healing from sickness and resurrection from death. It is shown in greater detail that the twin parallel terms sk30 and sk30 in Hos 6:2 and in the remainder of the OT without exception speak of the resurrection hope, either physical or metaphorical. The death and resurrection concepts in Hos 5:8-6:6 reappear in the concluding chapters in Hos 13-14.

We conclude that the resurrection motif exists in Hos 5:8-6:6. However, its use is metaphorical referring to the restoration of the exiled and abandoned people. Thus, the resurrection theme functions to bring hope to a desperate people punished for their faithlessness.

The metaphorical use of the resurrection concept by Hosea implies its existence prior to his time in the second half of the eighth century B.C.

Subject Area

Resurrection, Bible. Hosea 5:8-6:6--Criticism, interpretation, etc



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