"The Development of an Instrument for K12 Coordinators Implementing Cur" by Janine Monica Lim

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Leadership PhD

First Advisor

Erich W. Baumgartner

Second Advisor

Isadore Newman

Third Advisor

James R. Jeffery


Problem. The role of the coordinator and factors affecting their ability to support curriculum videoconferencing in relationship to the utilization of videoconferencing in the school have not been thoroughly studied. The focus of this study is the videoconference coordinatorand their influence on the utilization of videoconferencing.

Method. A measure of the usage of curriculum videoconferencing was developed and compared to a multidimensional conceptualization of factors influencing usage. The conceptualization included the development of a K12 Curriculum Videoconferencing Implementation Scale, as well as measures of educational service agency support, technical support, administrative support, and school and demographic variables. Multiple regression analysis was used to determine the variables that predict usage of curriculum videoconferencing. The 277 coordinators who participated in the study were from six countries and 31 U.S. states.

Results. A prediction model was developed from variables that maximize the prediction of total usage of videoconferencing in the curriculum. Variables that positively contributed to the prediction model included elementary school as the level of school, female coordinators, a 2-year degree, coordinator's job title as paraprofessional or teacher, support from an educational service agency that facilitates videoconferences, location of the system as a mobile cart, the coordinator's ability to work with teachers, teacher's attitudes, and principal support. Variables that negatively contributed to the prediction model included training of mostly technical content, location of the system as coordinator supporting multiple systems, and videoconference quality.

Conclusions. The major findings of this study provide an understanding of who may be the best videoconference coordinator in a school, the importance and design of educational service agency support, the non-significance of some of the administrative variables, and the development of a scale that has good estimates of psychometric properties, reliability, and validity estimates that can predict the usage of videoconferencing. In addition, a multidimensional perspective was developed to predict the usage of videoconferencing that includes school and coordinator demographics, administrative support variables, and the K12 Curriculum Videoconferencing Implementation Scale.

Subject Area

Videoconferencing, Internet videoconferencing in education, Educational technology


