The Faith that lies at the Heart of Science


Haughey Hall, Science Complex

Start Date

20-10-2012 9:30 AM


It is often considered that religion is based upon faith, and science upon reason. However, the reality is not so simple, with reason and faith both being necessary for both disciplines. In particular, this essay will show that the foundational axioms of science, those principles without which modern science could not exist, are based on faith about reality that originated out of a Theistic worldview. Because the theologian and the scientist use the same foundational axioms, the theologian can vouch for the reliability of science in arriving at valid truth about the world. And although the scientist and theologian may look at reality through two different windows, they are in fact looking at different aspects of the same reality.


Gary Burdick received his PhD in physics from the University of Texas at Austin. He held postdoctoral positions in France, Hong Kong, and Virginia before joining the physics faculty at La Sierra University. He moved to Andrews University in 1999, where he is currently professor of physics and associate dean for research. In his research area of optical spectroscopy, dealing with electronic (optical) transitions of lanthanide elements in solid-state media, he has established international collaborations, with more than fifty refereed scientific publications.

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Oct 20th, 9:30 AM

The Faith that lies at the Heart of Science

Haughey Hall, Science Complex

It is often considered that religion is based upon faith, and science upon reason. However, the reality is not so simple, with reason and faith both being necessary for both disciplines. In particular, this essay will show that the foundational axioms of science, those principles without which modern science could not exist, are based on faith about reality that originated out of a Theistic worldview. Because the theologian and the scientist use the same foundational axioms, the theologian can vouch for the reliability of science in arriving at valid truth about the world. And although the scientist and theologian may look at reality through two different windows, they are in fact looking at different aspects of the same reality.