"The Eschatological Judgment in Job 19:21-29 : an Exegetical Study" by Gordon E. Christo

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Religion, Old Testament Studies PhD

First Advisor

Jacques B. Doukhan

Second Advisor

Richard M. Davidson

Third Advisor

J. Bjørnar Storfgell


Practically all scholars today acknowledge the juridical features of the book of Job. The purpose of this study is to identify the legal event that Job is understood to believe would take place in the eschaton.

Chapter 1 first analyzes the significance of the place of our passage in the structure of the book. Job 19 is found to be the center of a structurally balanced composition. Further study of structure reveals that v s s . 25-27b can be viewed as: (1) the heart of the chiasm in 19:21-29, (2) the node of that speech, and (3) a pivot of the book. The immediate context of Job 19 is considered next. Though he echoes the vocabulary and imagery of Bildad, Job rejects his tenets: (1) that there is no future life, and (2) that rewards are given in this present life. In contrast, Job is seen to affirm a belief in vindication in a future life.

Chapter 2 examines the vocabulary of Job 19:21-29. OT usage suggests that numerous words are technical terms from both the juridical and eschatological 'associated fields'. Comparison with other OT texts, whose contexts are considered established and which utilizes similar clusters of terms as our passage, confirms that Job 19:21-29 combines technical terms of both the juridical and eschatological 'associated fields', to describe an eschatological judgment.

Chapter 3 begins with an interpretation of the passage by attending to its form. The poet appears to have selected the genre, structure, and poetic devices to give oody and shape to his message and to highlight the significance of vss. 25-27b in his thinking. The explanation of Job 19:21-29 is built upon the arguments of the previous chapters, and further confirms the thesis that Job believed he would die, but be raised for the purpose of vindication in the eschaton.

The eschatological judgment is central to the solution of Job's problem. Ultimate vindication resolves the theological problem for the moral order of the universe, and trust in his redeemer enables Job to endure the existential problem of his suffering.

Subject Area

Bible, Job 19:21-29--Criticism, interpretation, etc, Judgment Day--Biblical teaching, Andrews University--Dissertations--Bible, O.T. Job 19:21-29--Criticism, interpretation, etc.



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