"The Concept of Contextualization and its Implications for the Seventh-" by Melchizedek M. Ponniah

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Religious Education, PhD

First Advisor

Roy C. Naden

Second Advisor

Walter B. T. Douglas

Third Advisor

Gottfried Oosterwal



The Seventh-day Adventist chruch in India operates in a rapidly changing pluralistic context and a predominantly Hindu culture. Response to the emerging opportunities and demands suggest the reconstruction of theological education in more contextual terms. It is imperative that the institutions and practice of ministry be shaped and evaluated in terms of the manifold functions to be performed in the varegated and highly differentiated cultures within which the Adventist church functions.


This study utilized the historical and descriptive methods. Literature was reviewed to gather concepts related to the concept of contextualization and contextualization of theological education.


1. The existing Seventh-day Adventist theological education in India does not adequately address the ministerial context. Consequently, a more contextual curriculum construct was a necessity.

2. The religious, socio-cultural, economic, and educational contexts of India are significant determinants for the contextualiztion of theological education.

3. The data in this study indicated that contextualization was a theological, ecclesiological, educational, and sociological necessity.

4. Involvement in the contexts of ministry during the theological training tend to reinforce the various needs, issues, and problems a future minister might confront, and thus give opportunity to address them in the class discussions.


1. Inasmuch as Adventist theological education in India was in need of contextualization, it is recommended that the proposed contextual construct be studied by concerned entities with a view to implementation.

2. Contextualization is a dynamic and ongoing process. It is recommended, therefore, that Spicer memorial College in conjunction with the Southern Asia Division and union missions set up a committee to evaluate theological education annually. Of necessity, this committee should include both theologically trained church leaders, theology educators, experienced ministers, ministers in training, and laypersons.

3. It is recommended that field seminars be conducted in all the union missions of India to facilitate the process of contextualization as a mission methodology.

Subject Area

Theology--Study and teaching--India--Seventh-day Adventists.



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