Content Posted in 2018
Poets in Autumn Tour 2017-Heart Check, Andrews University
Political Sectarianism and Social Services in Lebanon, Michelle Sawwan
Popular Alternatives, Winston J. Craig
Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Vegetarian Diets, Winston J. Craig, Vesanto Melina, and Susan Levin
Postmodern Teens and Twentysomethings in German-Speaking Europe, Alexander C. Schulze
Power of the Bottle, Winston J. Craig
Power of the Word, George R. Knight
Power or Person: Nature of the Holy Spirit, JoAnn Davidson
Power or Person: Nature of the Holy Spirit, JoAnn Davidson
Practical Guidelines For Supervisors And Interns Within A Biblical Perspective Of Ministry, Mendel Reid
Prayer Ministry: Evangelism’s Power Source, Karen Pearson
Prayers, Blessings and Baptisms, Steven Atkins
"Praying for the Sick", Bruce Bauer
Praying for Your Child’s Future Mate, Susan E. Murray
Preaching by Discovery: A Training Program To Help Lay Speakers Develop a Style of Preaching That Motivates to Action, Michael A. Mnich
Preaching With Power, Ashleigh Jardine
Preach the Word, Hyveth Williams
Predawn Arrival At Tell El Umeiri, Larry Mitchel
Predawn In Field D-Jason Shooting Levels With Colin House, Larry Mitchel
Predestination and Justification by Faith: Was Luther a Calvinist?, Darius Jankiewicz and Joel Klimkewicz
Predestined to Freedom According to Foreknowledge and Other Kinds of Divine Knowledge, Martin Hanna
Preliminary Report on the 2014 and 2015 Seasons of the Madaba Plains Project: Tall Jalul Excavations 2014 and 2015, Constance E. Gane, Chantal J. Klingbeil, Helena Gregor, Randall W. Younker, and Paul Ray
Premiums for Voting Rights in the 2013-2016 Time Period, Alan J. Kirkpatrick
Preparing for Marriage, Susan E. Murray
Prep-HPLC Method Development to Isolate Potentially-Carcinogenic, Arginine-Based Heterocyclic Amines, Victoria S. Kim
Presenting Financial Information in an Understandable Way, Annetta M. Gibson
Presenting The Gospel Message In Thailand, Khamsay Phetchareun
President Andreasen's Farewell - Alumni Tribute - Loren Hamel, Andrews University
President Andreasen's Farewell - Faculty Tribute - Richard Choi, Andrews University
President Andreasen's Farewell - Local Government Tribute - Mike Ryan, Andrews University
President Andreasen's Farewell - Remarks from the Andreasens, Andrews University
President Andreasen's Farewell - Sabbath Blessings - Dwight Nelson, Andrews University
President Andreasen's Farewell - Staff Tribute - Elynda Bedney, Andrews University
President Andreasen's Farewell - Tribute for Mrs. Andreasen - Stella Grieg, Andrews University
Presidential Views of Leadership in Seventhday Adventist Higher Education, Christopher C. Combie
President's Board Briefing (March 6, 2018), Andrews University
President's Board Briefing (October 29, 2018), Andrews University
Presidio Brass in Concert at Andrews University, Presidio Brass
Presidio Brass in Concert at Andrews University, Howard Performing Arts Center
Prevalence and Correlates for Smoking among Persons Aged 25 Years or Older in Two Rural Districts of Zambia, Olesegun A. Babaniyi, David Mulenga, Adamson S. Muula, Peter Songolo, Mazyanga L. Mazaba-Liwewe, Chola Besa, Namaunga Chisompola, Emmanuel Rudatsikira, and Seter Siziya
Prevalence and Correlates of Adolescent Cigarette Smoking in the West Bank (Judea and Samaria), Emmanuel Rudatsikira, Adamson S. Muula, and Seter Siziya
Prevalence and Correlates of Being Bullied among In-school Adolescents in Malawi: Results from the 2009 Global School-Based Health Survey, H. W. Kubwalo, Adamson S. Muula, Seter Siziya, S. Pasupulati, and Emmanuel Rudatsikira
Prevalence and Determinants for Overweight and Obesity among Residents of a Mining Township in Kitwe, Zambia, in 2011: A population-based Survey, Cosmas Zyaambo, Olesegun Babaniyi, Peter Songolo, Adamson S. Muula, Emmanuel Rudatsikira, Victor M. Mukonka, and Seter Siziya
Prevalence and Predictors of Smoking in a Mining Town in Kitwe, Zambia: A 2011 Population-Based Survey, Cosmas Zyaambo, Olesegun Babaniyi, Peter Songolo, Adamson S. Muula, Emmanuel Rudatsikira, and Seter Siziya
Preventing Holiday Pounds, Winston J. Craig
Preventing Obesity in Children, Susan Allen
Principles for Interpreting Old Testament Eschatological Prophecies, Richard M. Davidson
Professional Development for Early Career Researchers, Melissa Ponce-Rodas, Krista Cooper, Alina Baltazar, and Petr Cincala
Professionalism from Academics to Practice: From Architecture 101 to Professional Practice 2101, Thomas Lowing
Professor Joins International Research Team, Andrews University
Professors awarded the J.N. Andrews Medallion, Samantha Snively
Profiles of Youth, Andrews Academy
Profiles of Youth, Amy Michelle Hahn
Programa Para Confrontar La Disidencia Antitrinitaria En La Asociacion Central Amazonas De La Iglesia Adventista Del Septimo Dia, Abraao Vergasta Reis
Project-based Learning Curriculum Design, Diedre Swoope
Project Education Learning Lab: A Family-based Summer School, Randy J. Siebold and Katie Shaw
Project Sheep, Steven Atkins
Promoting Church Support Through Giving, Silvanus Ifechukwu Anuligo
Proposed Research Instrument for Establishing a Baseline Measurement of Buddhist Background Believers, Gregory P. Whitsett
Prosocial Effects of Perpective-Taking Through LEGO Play, Carlyle Francis C. Tagalog
Prospects and Challenges of Growing Nigerian Economy through Agricultural Exports, Ijeoma Ogundiwin
Protecting Our Children, Melissa Ponce-Rodas
Protection Is Real, Andrew Baker
Protest & Progress: Black Seventh-day Adventist Leadership and the Push for Parity, Calvin B. Rock
Providing A Premarital Education Seminar For The Single Young Adults Of Abuakwa Seventh-day Adventist Church In Ghana, Daniel Opoku-Adjei
Proximity Verspers, Andrews University
Public Health, Nutrition & Wellness at Andrews University, Andrews University
Puerto Rico Mental Health Mission Trip, Troy Homenchuk
Puerto Rico Mental Health Mission Trip, Gillian Sanner
Purim and Pedagogy, Rahel Wells
Purity, Community, and Ritual in Early Christian Literature [review] / Blidstein, Moshe., Rodrigo Barbosa Galiza
Purrell Commercial - by Summer Medina, Summer Medina
Pursue a Paul, Be a Barnabas, Seek a Timothy: The Secret to Accountability, L. Fernando Ortiz
Putting the C3 Framework to Work in the Social Studies Classroom, Shainanne Pierre
Questions on Doctrine Conference Opens Way to Healthier Theological Dialogue, University Relation Staff
Race, Protest and Adventist Leadership, Andrews University
Race, Protest and Adventist Leadership
Randy Siebold, Randy Siebold
Rankings and Enrollment Report, Stephen Payne
Rankings and Enrollment Report, Jonathan Logan
Reach Honduras, Glenn Russell
Reaching African American Males In Hartford, CT, Through The Use Of Black Heritage Bible Studies, Stephen L. Williams Sr.
Reaching Millennial Generations, Shiekainah Decano
Reaching millennial generations, Samantha Angeles
Reaching Millennial Generations Conference, Andrews University
Reaching Millennial Generations Conference
Reaching Millennial Generations Ministry leaders from around the world gather to focus on mission to younger generations, Samantha Angeles
Reach Romania 2002 Mission Adventure, Erin Heldstab
Reading and Interpreting A Financial Statement, Annetta M. Gibson
Reading As A Disclosure Of The Thoughts Of The Heart: Proto-Halakhic Reuse And Appropriation Between Torah And The Prophets, Kenneth Bergland
"Reading Genesis Well" Conference, Brandon Shin
"Reading Genesis Well" Conference, Clarissa Carbungco
Reading the Old Testament in Greek: A Text-critical Study of Daniel 8:23–25, Jonatas de Mattos Leal
Really Living, Winston J. Craig
ReBuild: Reset Your Life, Renew Your Church, Reshape Your World. By Tommy “Urban D.” Kyllonen, Shawna Henry
Recent Advances in the Geometry of Submanifolds: Dedicated to the Memory of Franki Dillen (1963-2013), Yun Oh, Bogdan D. Suceava, Alfonso Carriazo, and Joeri Van der Veken
Recent Advances in the Study of Upward Field-Aligned Currents Generated Near the Earth’s Magnetopause Boundary, Jay R. Johnson, Simon Wing, and Marius Echim
Recent Discoveries and Controversies in Biblical Archaeology, Randall W. Younker
Recognition Assembly, Jiří Moskala
Recruiting and Equipping Postmodern Immigrant Youth Preachers in Emmaus, Christian Fellowship, and Community Tabernacle Seventh-day Adventist Churches, Anthony L. Usher
Redemption of the Body: A Study in Micro-, Messo-, and Macro-Cosmic Eschatology, Martin Hanna
Re-Entry Challenges: Comparison and Contrasts Between Korean and American MKs, Ok Kyung Ha
Reflecting Jesus — 1, George R. Knight
Reflecting Jesus — 2, George R. Knight
Reflecting Jesus — 3, George R. Knight
Reflections on 45 Years of Research Discovery, Duane McBride
Reflections on Mentoring and Multi-generational Ministry, Gordon MacDonald
Reflections on the Symposium, Gary Land
Refugees and Migrants Focus of Conference at Andrews University, Felecia Datus
"Reggie and Ladye Love Smith" in Concert, Brandon Shin
"Reggie and Ladye Love Smith" in Concert, Reggie Smith
Region of Smooth Functions for Positive Solutions to an Elliptic Biological Model, Joon Hyuk Kang and Timothy Robertson
Relational Leading: Practices for Dialogically Based Collaboration. By Lone Hersted & Kenneth J. Gergen., Stanley E. Patterson PhD
Relationship Danger Signs, Susan Murray
Relationship of Urinary Incontinence to Hysterectomy and Episiotomy, Elizabeth Oakley, Debra Buchtel, Rachel Atanosian, and A. Lynn Millar
Release of Restricted Funds and How to Account for Them, Annetta M. Gibson
Religion, Liberty, and the Jurisdictional Limits of Law [review], edited by Iain T. Benson and Barry W. Bussey, Nicholas Patrick Miller
Religiosity and Ethnic Identity as Predictors of Identity Orientation Among African American and Caucasian American Women, Helen N. Rolle
Religious Syncretism in Transjordan During the Iron Age as seen in Tall Jalul and Khirbet Atarutz, Abelardo Santini Rivas
Remember . . . and Connect!, Melissa Ponce-Rodas
Renaissance Kids Architecture Camp
Renowned Businessman and Alumnus Gary Hamel Speaks to Students, Lucero Castellanos-Aguirre
Researchers Hopkins, McBride, Randall Given Adventist Health Ministries Medal of Distinction, Ansel Oliver
Research Project Leads to Boston Internship, Danni Francis
Residue Analysis as Evidence of Activity Areas and Phased Abandonment in a Medieval Jordanian Village, Bethany J. Walker, Robert D. Bates, Silvia Polla, Andreas Springer, and Sabrina Weihe
Responding to Your Child’s Anger, Susan E. Murray
Responses to Mike Toupin's Article, Lilya Wagner, Albert Reyes, and Mike Toupin
Response to Averbeck, Joshua Berman
Response to Berman, Roy Gane
Response to Dr. Paulien (Revelation 13 and the Papacy) by Dr. Tom Shepherd and Questions & Answers, Thomas Shepherd
Response to Gane, Noel K. Weeks
Response to Kilchör, Daniel I. Block
Responsible Stewardship, Winston J. Craig
Restorative Justice, Susan E. Murray
Retention Matters: Academic Libraries Leading the Way, Silas M. Oliveira
Retention of New Members Into the Caffin Avenue Seventh-day Adventist Church, David W. Hinds
Rethinking Education-50 Years as Andrews University, Keri Suarez and Meredith Jones Gray
Revelation 2 & 3 : Messages/ Letters To The Seven Churches In Revelation Explained Part 1, Ranko Stefanovic
Revelation 4 and 5: Inauguration or Day of Atonement?, Ranko Stefanovic
Revisiting Our Mission: What We Publish and Why, Larry D. Burton
Revisiting the Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, Compassion Satisfaction, and Resilience Connection Among CISM Responders, Harvey J. Burnett Jr.
Revival and the Holy Spirit: The 1939 Australasian Revival., David J. B. Trim and Marye Trim
Reviving Family Worship In The Rocky Mountain Indonesian Seventh-day Adventist Church, Purasa Marpaung
Ricardo Reyna - Junior Trumpet Recital, Department of Music
Ricardo Reyna - Junior Trumpet Recital, Department of Music
Rich and Creamy Avocados, Winston J. Craig
Richard Davidson Sabbath Evening Iowa Missouri Camp Meeting, Richard Davidson
Righteous Beauty: Jonathan Edwards and Justification by Faith, Ante Jeroncic
Rising Sea Surface Temperatures and Tipping Points for Seabird Colonies, Shandelle M. Henson, James L. Hayward, and James M. Cushing
Risk Assessment for Yellow Fever in Western and North-Western Provinces of Zambia, Olusegun A. Babaniyi, Peter Mwaba, David Mulenga, Mwaka Monze, Peter Songolo, Mazyanga L. Mazaba-Liwewe, Idah Mweene-Ndumba, Freddie Masaninga, Elizabeth Chizema, Messeret Eshetu-Shibeshi, Constatine Malama, Emmanuel Rudatsikira, and Seter Siziya
RMES Prepares Materials for VBS in the Dominican Republic, Willyta Ruiz-Wamack
RMES students Build Houses Without Hammers, Wendy Keough
RMES Students Celebrate Spring Week of Prayer, Wendy Keough
RMES Students Offer Tangible Reminder of Christ at Christmas, Philip E. Giddings III
Robert Benjamin, Robert Benjamin
Rodney Summerscales, Rodney Summerscales
Role of Religiosity in Alcohol Consumption Among Christian College Students: A Mixed Method Approach, Alina Baltazar
Romans 17:11, Andrews University
Roots and Wings, Susan E. Murray
Ruiz - TIFF Film, Ruiz .
Runner for Christ, Ashleigh Jardine
Running with a Purpose, Gillian Sanner
Ruth Murdoch Elementary School celebrates Grandparents Day, Wendy Keough
Ruth Murdoch Elementary School Teacher Receives Excellence in Teaching Award, Keri Suarez
Sabbatarianism, Denis Kaiser
"Saint Liberty" Featured in Grand Rapids ArtPrize, Greg Constantine
"Saint Liberty" Featured in Grand Rapids ArtPrize Painting by Andrews Artist-in-Residence, Greg Constantine, Gillian Panigot
Salud Sin Barreras: Health Without Borders, Alyssa M.G. Royster
Salvation by Allegiance Alone: Rethinking Faith, Works, and the Gospel of Jesus the King [review] / Bates, Matthew W., Zdravko Stefanovic
Salvation: Contours of Adventist Soteriology, Martin F. Hanna, Darius Jankiewicz, and John Reeve
Salvation: Contours of Adventist Soteriology, Martin Hanna, Darius Jankiewicz, and John Reeve
Salvation shared a shoebox at a time, Samantha Snively
Salvific Implication of the Magi, Pilate and Jewish Leaders at the Birth and Death of Christ, Omwocha O. Nyaribo
Same-sex Marriage and the Apocalyptic Consciousness of Seventh-day Adventism, David James Hamstra
Sanctification and Perfection are the Work of a Lifetime, Denis Fortin
Sandy and the Sabbath, Samantha Snively
Saved for a Purpose, Keren Toms
Saying ‘Aloha’ to Student Missions, Ashleigh Jardine
School Dress Code: Strict or Loose Enforcement, Rebecca Williams
School of Health Professions Offers Two New Online Degrees, Pat Spangler
School of Health Professions Trailer, Andrews University
Sealed by the Spirit, Jiří Moskala
Search for Continuous Gravitational Waves from Neutron Stars in Globular Cluster NGC 6544, Tiffany Summerscales and LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration
Search for Gravitational Waves Associated with Gamma-Ray Bursts during the First Advanced LIGO Observing Run and Implications for the Origin of GRB 150906B, Tiffany Summerscales and LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration
Search for Gravitational Waves from Scorpius X-1 in the First Advanced LIGO Observing Run with a Hidden Markov Model, Tiffany Summerscales and LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration
Search for high-energy neutrinos from binary neutron star merger GW170817 with ANTERES, IceCube, and the Pierre Auger Observatory, Tiffany Summerscales and A. Albert et al.
Search for High-energy Neutrinos from Gravitational Wave Event GW151226 and Candidate LVT151012 with ANTARES and IceCube, Tiffany Summerscales and A. Albert et al.
Search for Intermediate Mass Black Hole Binaries in the First Observing Run of Advanced LIGO, Tiffany Summerscales and LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration
Search for post-merger gravitational waves from the remnant of the binary neutron star merger GW170817, Tiffany Summerscales, LIGO Scientific Collaboration, and Virgo Collaboration
Searching the Scriptures: Andrews University Seminary Emerging Scholars Pay Tribute to Their Professors, Slavisa Milodar Jankovic
Seeing the Bigger Canvas, Winston J. Craig
Seek. Affirm. Change. Andrews Tours of the World, Beverly Stout
Seeking Understanding, Randall W. Younker
Self-Appraisals in Mexico, Jose R. Goris
Self - inflicted Serious Injuries among Adolescents in Zambia, Adamson S. Muula, Seter Siziya, and Emmanuel Rudatsikira
Seminar for Improving Marital Satisfaction in the New Bethel Seventh-day Adventist Church in Antigua/Barbuda, Mark Lincoln Braithwaite
Seminarian to Serve God and Country, Becky St. Clair
Seminario de Treinamento Para Lideres de Louvor de Capital Brazilian Temple, Edemilson Alves Cardoso
Seminario Para Fortalecer La Vida Devocional De Los Jovenes De La Iglesia Adventista Centra De Miami, Bernardo Rodriguez Trivino
Seminars Offer College Financial Aid Information, Randy Graves
Seminary Promotes Healthy Lifestyles, Eloise Ravell
Seminary Releases Revised MDiv Program, Samantha Angeles
Seminary Releases Revised MDiv Program, Martin Lee
Seminary Releases Revised MDiv Program, Samantha Angeles
Seminary Releases Revised MDiv Program, Martin Lee
Seminary Scholarship Symposium, Samantha Angeles
Seminary Scholarship Symposium 14th Annual Symposium Featured Dr. Millard Erickson, Adelina Alexe
Seminary Student Won Sermon Contest, Keri Suarez
Serendipitous (Re)Discovery of a Chemical Reaction, Andrews University
Servant, Leader, or Both?: A Fresh Look at Mark 10:35-45, Bill Thompson
Servants and Fools: A Biblical Theology of Leadership, David Penno
Servants and Friends: a Biblical Theology of Leadership, Erich Baumgartner
Service: A Way of Life at Andrews Academy, Mark Becker
Service in a Suitcase Benefits Many, Andre Weston
Service reigns at Ruth Murdoch Elementary School, Wendy Keough
Service Through Scholarship Why Public Policy Is So Important, Samantha Snively
Serving the Worldwide Community, Melodie Roschman
Seven Last Words, Andrews University
Seventh-Day Adventist Clergy: Understanding Stressors and Coping Mechanisms, Duane C. McBride, David Sedlacek, Annette Heck, and Rene Drumm
Seventh-day Adventist Leadership Recruitment and Training Program for Basarwa in Botswana, Africa, Boitirelo Kabo
Seventh-day Adventist Opinions on Same-Sex Attraction and Same-Sex Unions, Curtis VanderWaal
Seventh-day Adventists, Lilianne Douhkan
Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Darren Heslop
Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary revises Master of Divinity Program, Samantha Angeles
Shandelle Henson 3, Shandelle Henson
Shannon Trecartin, Shannon Trecartin
Shared Leadership: Best Practice in a Ministry Context, Shaldana Juanette Johns
Sherri Isaak, Sherri Isaak
Sh-h-h-h!, Susan E. Murray
Shobak Castle-Long View, Larry Mitchel
Shobak Castle-Passageway, Larry Mitchel
Shortchanging Girls, Susan Murray
Short on Shut-eye?, Winston J. Craig
Short-term Mission; Long-term Impact, Glenn Russell
Short-term Missions, Long-term Partnership, Becky St. Clair
Short-Term Mission Trip: Long-Term Partnership, Glenn Russell
Shovel Ceremony for Wellness Center, March 5, 2018, Audrey Castelbuono
Shovel Ceremony for Wellness Center, March 5, 2018, Andrews University
Showcase Concert, Department of Music
Silence Can Be Deadly, Susan E. Murray
Silent Pain, Joshua Martin
Silmara Ferreira, Silmara Ferreira
Simca Hatchback, Larry Mitchel
Singing Lessons, Malissa Martin
Sisterly: Nina Vallado's Story, Becky St. Clair
Sisters United in Service, Samantha Snively
Six Leadership Lessons From Photography, Brenda L. Boyd
Slave Manumission Inscriptions from Classical Athens, Mills McArthur
Sleep, Baby, Sleep, Susan E. Murray
Sleep Matters, Winston J. Craig
Small Business Summit, Gillian Sanner
Small Business Summit, Andrews University
Small Desert Castle, Larry Mitchel
SmartLabs Provides Hands-on Physics Experience, Erin Heldstab
Smiles behind Bars: The Untold Stories from the Jail, Evelyn Obo-Rayos and Ebenezer Danquah
Snakes in the Sand, Dwight Nelson
Social Belonging and Cultural Citizenship for African American LGBTQ Youth in Birmingham Alabama: A Dialectical Approach to Methodology, Stacie Hatfield
Social Bonding/Integration and Alcohol Use in the Chinese Union of Seventh-day Adventists, Duane C. McBride
Social Consciousness Summit "The Legacy of Dr. King: Are We Living the Dream?", Gillian Sanner
Social Consciousness Summit "The Legacy of Dr. King: Are We Living the Dream?", Gillian Sanner
Social Workers Unite to Provide Help to Church, Ann-Marie Jones
Sola Scriptura Statuat Lex Orandi: Toward a Transcultural Theology of Liturgy, David A. Williams
Soledad O’Brien speaks at Andrews University Leadership Conference, Samantha Snively
Soli Deo Gloria: La Honra al Unico Dios Verdadero, Tevni Grajales Guerra
Something More in the Way of Organization: Seventh-day Adventist Ecclesiastical Polity in Historical Perspective, David J. B. Trim
Songs for Support Concert Benefits Lebanese Refugee, Bonnie McLean
Songs of Freedom: 150 Years after the 13th Ammendment | Black History Sabbath (February 6, 2016), Andrews University
Sonscreen Film Festival awards/Student awarded prestigious scholarship, Andrews University
Soy Solutions, Winston J. Craig
Space Weather in the Machine Learning Era: A Multidisciplinary Approach, Jay R. Johnson, Enrico Camporeale, Simon P. Wing, C. M. Jackman, and R. McGranaghan
Spanish translation of abstract for Courtship and Copulation in Glaucous-winged Gulls, Larus glaucescens, and the Influence of Environmental Variables, Sonia R. Badenas, Kelly M. McWilliams, Amanda G. Sandler, Gordon J. Atkins, Shandelle M. Henson, and James L. Hayward
Speaking Life To A Church In The Process Of Healing And Growth, Emeka Buffong
Speaking the Truth in Love, Susan E. Murray
Speaking the Truth in Love, Susan E. Murray
Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (SPLAD) at Andrews University, Andrews University
Spiritual Coaching: Helping People Develop and Implement Their Own Growth Strategies, Jenny E. McBride
Spirituality and Leadership: Integrating Spirituality as a Developmental Approach of Improving Overall Leader Effectiveness, George Gregory Houston
Spiritual Leadership at Home, Susan E. Murray
Spiritual Leadership in Religious Organizations: A Grounded Theory Study, Kenyon S. Washington
Spiritual Retreat Weekend Planned, Robert Moncrieff
Spotify Commercial, Liz Kosowesky
Spring Convocation | Andrea Luxton (January 7, 2016), Andrews University
Spring Convocation | Andrea Luxton (January 8, 2015), Andrews University
Spring Graduation 2015 - Consecration Service, Andrews University
Spring Graduation 2015 - Graduate Baccalaureate, Andrews University
Spring Graduation 2016 - 11am Commencement, Andrews University
Spring Graduation 2016 - 2pm Commencement, Andrews University
Spring Graduation 2016 - 8:30am Commencement, Andrews University
Spring Graduation 2016 - Consecration, Andrews University
Spring Graduation 2016 - Graduate Baccalaureate, Andrews University
Spring Graduation 2016 - Undergraduate Baccalaureate, Andrews University
Spring Graduation 2017 - 11am Commencement, Andrews University
Spring Graduation 2017 - 2:00pm Commencement, Andrews University
Spring Graduation 2017 - 8:30am Commencement, Andrews University
Spring Graduation 2017 - Commencement 2pm, Andrews University
Spring Graduation 2017 - Commencement 2pm, Andrews University
Spring Graduation 2017 - Commencement 8:30am, Andrews University
Spring Graduation 2017 - Consecration Service, Andrews University
Spring Graduation 2017 - Consecration Service, Andrews University
Spring Graduation 2017 - Graduate Baccalaureate, Andrews University
Spring Graduation 2017 - Graduate Baccalaureate 9am, Andrews University
Spring Graduation 2017 - Undergraduate Baccalaureate, Andrews University
Spring Graduation 2017 - Undergraduate Baccalaureate 11:45am, Andrews University
Spring Graduation 2018 - Commencement 11:00am, Andrews University
Spring Graduation 2018 - Commencement 2:00pm, Andrews University
Spring Graduation 2018 - Commencement 8:30am, Andrews University
Spring Graduation 2018 - Consecration Service, Andrews University
Spring Graduation 2018 - Graduate Baccalaureate, Andrews University
Spring Graduation 2018 - Undergraduate Baccalaureate, Andrews University
Spring Week of Prayer | Alexy Gatica (January 24, 2018), Andrews University
Spring Week of Prayer | Danielle Bernard (January 26 Morning, 2018), Andrews University
Spring Week of Prayer | Krissy Savage (January 25, 2018), Andrews University
Spring Week of Prayer | Matthew Rajarathinam (January 26 Evening, 2018), Andrews University
Spring Week of Prayer | Mikelle Wile (January 22, 2018), Andrews University
Spring Week of Prayer | Puia Fanai (January 23, 2018), Andrews University
Spring Week of Prayer | Rebecca Davis (January 25, 2016; Evening), Andrews University
Spring Week of Prayer | Rebecca Davis (January 25, 2016; Morning), Andrews University
Spring Week of Prayer | Rebecca Davis (January 26, 2016; Evening), Andrews University
Spring Week of Prayer | Rebecca Davis (January 26, 2016; Morning), Andrews University
Spring Week of Prayer | Rebecca Davis (January 27, 2016; Evening), Andrews University
Spring Week of Prayer | Rebecca Davis (January 27, 2016; Morning), Andrews University
Spring Week of Prayer | Rebecca Davis (January 28, 2016; Evening), Andrews University
Spring Week of Prayer | Rebecca Davis (January 28, 2016; Morning), Andrews University
Spring Week of Prayer | Rebecca Davis (January 29, 2016; Morning), Andrews University
Spring Week of Prayer | Taj Pacleb (January 23, 2017), Andrews University
Spring Week of Prayer | Taj Pacleb (January 24, 2017), Andrews University
Spring Week of Prayer | Taj Pacleb (January 25, 2017), Andrews University
Spring Week of Prayer | Taj Pacleb (January 26, 2017), Andrews University
Spring Week of Prayer | Taj Pacleb (January 27, 2017 Morning), Andrews University
Spring Week of Prayer | Taj Pacleb (January 27, 2017 Vespers), Andrews University
Stability and Change in Perceived Risk Associations with Binge Drinking and Marijuana Use among US Young Adults: A National Study, 1990-2016, Yvonne Terry-McElrath
Staff in the Spotlight: Bill Richardson, Beverly Stout
Staff in the Spotlight: Dan and Julia Hansen, Elizabeth Lechleitner
Standing Tall, Bonnie Green
Start Your Day Right, Winston J. Craig
Statement on Child Detention & Family Separation, Michael T. Nixon
State of the University, Andrews University
State of the University, Andrews University
Staying Power, Winston J. Craig
STEM: Total Engagement for High School Students, Marian V. Prince
STEM: Total Engagement for Middle School and Elementary Students, Marian V. Prince
Stepping Out in Faith, Ashleigh Jardine
Steps to Christ: Historical Introduction and Notes by Denis Fortin, Denis Fortin
Stewards of a Legacy, Niels-Erik Andreasen
Stimuli-Responsiveness and Self Healing Polymers, Andrews University
STL Mission Rally - Dr. Errol McLean on Friendship Evangelism, Errol McLean
Stories of Andrews: Bruna Barbosa, Bruna Barbosa
Stories of Andrews: Evenny "Ev" Milliner, Evenny Milliner
Stories of Andrews: Heaven Shin, Heaven Shin
Stories of Andrews: Jessica Felicio, Jessica Felicio
Stories of Andrews: Jessina Wangui Marenga, Jessina W. Marenga
Stories of Andrews: Joakim Hjortland, Joakim Hjortland
Stories of Andrews: Nia Darville, Nia Darville
Stories of Andrews: Sarah Brockett, Sarah Brockett
Stories of Andrews: Sarah Stelfox, Sarah Stelfox
Stories of Andrews: Sharyl Cubero, Sharyl Cubero
Stories of Andrews: Wol Bol Wol, Wol Bol Wol
Stories of Andrews: Zack Babb, Zack Babb
Strategies for Success, Winston J. Craig
Strategies to Prepare Complex Molecules: Target-Driven Synthesis and Reactivity-Driven Methodology, Andrews University
Strengthening Adventist Education in the North American Division: Recommendations for Educators, Jerome Thayer, Anneris Coria-Navia, Aimee Leukert, Elissa Kido, and Larry Blackmer
Strengthening Adventist Education: Recommendations for Pastors and Officers, Jerome Thayer, Anneris Coria-Navia, Aimee Leukert, Elissa Kido, and Larry Blackmer
Strength to Persevere, Becky St. Clair
Stressing the Defenses, Winston J. Craig
Stress Less, Winston J. Craig
Structured for Mission, by Alan J. Roxburgh, Marshall A. Randall
Student Evaluations of Teaching, Course and Student Characteristics at Andrews University, Fatimah Al Nasser
Student Financial Services: A Partnership in Action, Jerri Gifford
Student Interpretations of Written Comments on Graded Proofs, Robert C. Moore, Martha Byrne, Sarah Hanusch, and Tim Fukawa-Connelly
Student Leaders Follow God’s lead, Becky St. Clair
Student Life welcomes Paul Buckley, Andre Weston
Student Missions #1, Andrews University
Student Missions #2, Andrews University
Student Missions #3, Andrews University
Student Movement - Issue 1, Andrews University
Student Movement - Issue 10, Andrews University
Student Movement - Issue 11, Andrews University
Student Movement - Issue 12, Andrews University
Student Movement - Issue 13, Andrews University
Student Movement - Issue 15, Andrews University
Student Movement - Issue 17, Andrews University
Student Movement - Issue 17, Andrews University
Student Movement - Issue 19, Andrews University
Student Movement - Issue 2, Andrews University
Student Movement - Issue 20, Andrews University
Student Movement - Issue 3, Andrews University
Student Movement - Issue 4, Andrews University
Student Movement - Issue 5, Andrews University
Student Movement - Issue 6, Andrews University
Student Movement - Issue 7, Andrews University
Student Movement - Issue 8, Andrews University
Student Movement - Issue 9, Andrews University
Student Pages Serve at GC Session, Heather Schander
Student Perception of Biblical Worldview and Personal/Professional Impact of the SAU Higher Education Biblical Foundation Course Design Model, Lilly Tryon and Ronda Christman
Students and Faculty Honored with Awards, Beverly Stout
Students and Faculty Raise Awareness about Depression, Eloise Ravell
Students awarded by Michigan Campus Compact, Keri Suarez
Students Get All Fired Up!, Beverly Stout
Students Get All Fired Up!, Susan E. Murray
Students Learn about God’s Wonders, Wendy Keough
Student’s Perceptions of Spiritual Preparedness and Contribution to their Community Following An Emergency Preparedness Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Simulation, Elizabeth J. Scott, Ronda M. Christman, Sonia K. Wrate, Rebecca Retzer, Laura Racovita, Faith A. Laughlin, Leslie Ann Schwarazer, Cynthia F. M. Gettys, and Maureen Baksh-Griffin
Students Produce Envision magazine, Ashleigh Jardine
Student’s Understand Their Care Role and Have the Ability to Provide Care Following a Multi Patient Collaborative Practice Simulation, Barbara James, Ronda M. Christman, Christina Shrode, Laura Racovita-Szilagyi, Caroline T. McArthur, Sonia Wrate, Christy Showalter, Leslie Ann Schwarazer, Michael Liedke, Christine A. Moniyung, and Jill Buchholz
Student Volunteers Sharing Experiences, Andrews University
Student Volunteers Sharing Experiences, Andrews University
Student Volunteers Sharing Experiences, Andrews University
Student Volunteers Sharing Experiences, Andrews University
Student Volunteers Sharing Experiences, Andrews University
Student Volunteers Sharing Experiences, Andrews University
Student Volunteers Sharing Experiences, Andrews University
Student Volunteers Sharing Experiences, Andrews University
Student Volunteers Sharing Experiences, Andrews University
Student Volunteers Sharing Experiences, Camaron pt 1, Andrews University
Student Volunteers Sharing Experiences, Camaron pt 2, Andrews University
Stupid, Heather Briggs
Subcellular Distribution of Carboxypeptidase O Affected by Nutrient Availability (933.1), Peter J. Lyons and Donnell Dockery
Subtypes of Pancreatic Cancer, Andrews University
Successful Parenting Begins with Love, Alina Baltazar
Success Stories of Korean Christian Female Leaders: Practicing Authentic Leadership, Kyungmi Joyce Seo
Summer 2015 Graduation Baccalaureate, Andrews University
Summer 2015 Graduation Commencement, Andrews University
Summer 2015 Graduation Consecration, Andrews University
Summer Camp: A Discipleship Ministry, Jaime Vargas
Summer Graduation 2016 - Baccalaureate, Andrews University
Summer Graduation 2016 - Commencement, Andrews University
Summer Graduation 2016 - Consecration, Andrews University
Summer Graduation 2017 - Baccalaureate, Andrews University
Summer Graduation 2017 - Commencement, andrews
Summer Graduation 2017 - Consecration Service, Andrews University
Summer Graduation 2017 - Sabbath Vespers, Andrews University
Summer Graduation 2018 - Combined Baccalaureate Service, Andrews University
Summer Graduation 2018 - Commencement, Andrews University
Summer Graduation 2018 - Consecration Service, Andrews University
Summer Graduation 2018 - Sabbath Vespers, Andrews University
Summertime, Summertime, Susan E. Murray
Sunday Music Recital Series - Carla Trynchuk & Chi Yong Yun, Department of Music
Sunday Music Recital Series - Carla Trynchuk & Chi Yong Yun, Department of Music
Sunday Music Series, Department of Music
Sunday Music Series - Aleksandra Kemble, Department of Music
Sunday Music Series: Aleksandra Kemble
Sunday Music Series: Carla Trynchuk & Chi Yong Yun, Shiekainah Decano
Sunday Music Series: Carla Trynchuk & Chi Yong Yun, Brandon Shin
Sunday Music Series - Kate Boyd, Piano Recital
Sunday Music Series - Kate Boyd, Piano Recital, Department of Music
Sunlight Therapy, Winston J. Craig
Suppertime Devotions, Susan E. Murray
Supplement Shortfall, Winston J. Craig
Surface Survey-Real Thing On Site, Larry Mitchel
Surrendering Our Children to God, Ingrid Slikkers
Susan Joshua Memorizes 2,500 Bible Verses, Andre Weston
Sushi 101 proceeds benefit ADRA, Samantha Snively
Sweet Nothings, Winston J. Craig
Sweet Results, Winston J. Craig
‘Swimming in a Sea of Diversity’ included in Public Art Display, Keri Suarez
Swimming Pool Chemistry, Andrews University
Swimming to Shore, Abbie Hall
Symphony Orchestra Fall Concert, Shiekainah Decano
Synthesis of Oxygenated Boronic Acid Substituted a-Cyanostilbenes For Use as Antibacterial, Yewon Kim
Systematic Review of the Physical Home Environment and the Relationship to Psychological Well-being Among Community-dwelling Older Adults, Shannon Trecartin and Sherry Cummings
Take a TIME-OUT, Winston J. Craig
Takeaways: What Matters Most in an Andrews Education, George Knight
Take Off Your Shoes, Susan Allen
Talking to Our Children About Refugees, Ingrid Slikkers
Talking with Him More, John Henri Rorabeck
Tanya Thomas, Tanya Thomas
Tardigrade stress proteins for enzyme protection, Andrews University
Teacher in the Spotlight, Aaron Beaumont
Teacher in the Spotlight, Beverly Stout
Teacher in the Spotlight, Elizabeth Lechleitner
Teacher in the Spotlight, Bjorn Karlman
Teacher in the Spotlight, Bjorn Karlman
Teacher in the Spotlight, Bjorn Karlman,
Teacher in the Spotlight, Beverly Stout
Teacher in the Spotlight, Aaron Beaumont
Teacher in the Spotlight, Katie Shaw
Teacher in the Spotlight, Bjorn Karlman
Teacher in the Spotlight, Bjorn Karlman
Teacher in the Spotlight, Bjorn Karlman,
Teacher in the Spotlight: Robert Mason, Beverly Stout
Teacher Prep Program “Exemplary”, Ashleigh Jardine
Teaching and Christian Imagination Book Discussion, Susan Felch
Teaching and Learning in Palau, Ashleigh Jardine
Teaching High School Chemistry: One Teacher's Journey Through Generations X, Y & Z, Andrews University
Teaching How and When to Disagree, Susan E. Murray
Teach Like a T.E.A.C.H.E.R., Yanina C. Jimenez
Te Amo Mujer, Ivan Ruiz
Technology Training For Administrators And Pastors In The Greater New York Conference Of Seventh-day Adventists, Rohann D. Wellington
Teela Ruhle, Teela Ruhle
Tel Dan, Randall Younker
Tell Hesban-Areas C-Left & A-Right, Larry Mitchel
Tell Hesban-Bus Back To Camp, Larry Mitchel
Tell Hesban-Bus Back To Camp, Larry Mitchel
Tell Hesban-Larry Geraty-Right-With Group, Larry Mitchel
Tell Hesban-Larry Geraty-Right-With Muh Murshed, Larry Mitchel
Tell Hesban-Larry Herr-Right-Doug Clark-Cleaning Up, Larry Mitchel
Tell Hesban-Off The Bus Before Dawn, Larry Mitchel
Tell Hesban-Off The Bus Before Dawn-3 scan, Larry Mitchel
Tell Hesban-Overall View From South, Larry Mitchel
Tell Hesban-Probe G12 Crew, Larry Mitchel
Tell Hesban-Roman Monumental Stairs, Larry Mitchel
Tell Hesban-Roman Monumental Stairs, Larry Mitchel
Tell Hesban-Roman Monumental Stairs-Larry Herr Center-Ron Geraty Upper Left, Larry Mitchel
Tell Hesban-Square D4-At Bedrock-Done, Larry Mitchel
Tell Hesban-Square D4-Donald Casebolt & Helpers, Larry Mitchel
Tell Hesban-Square D4-Donald Casebolt Larry Mitchel & Crew, Larry Mitchel
Tell Hesban-The Tell At Dawn-3 scan, Larry Mitchel
Tell Hesban-The Tell At Dawn-3 scan, Larry Mitchel
Tell Umeiri-View North, Larry Mitchel
Tell Umeiri-View South, Larry Mitchel
Ten Questions to Ask Your Parents, Susan Murray
Ten Ways to Energize Your Life, Winston J. Craig
¡Terminémoslo ya! – End it Now!, Melissa Ponce-Rodas
Terre Haute Members Refreshed by Sabbath Seminars, Karen Peckham
Textbooks Go Paperless, Ashleigh Jardine
That’s Not Fair!, Susan E. Murray
The Abolishment and Fulfillment of the Law in the New Testament: The Try of a Harmonic Reading of the New Testament Teachings Regarding the Law, David Hans Bernhard Harms
The Added Value of Conducting Learning Design Meeting to the Online Course Development Process, Denise Shaver
The Adventist Pilgrim: A Construct for Theological Reflection, Erik C. Carter
The Adventist Sola Scriptura Research Project, Fernando Paris Canale
The Agora, Brandon Shin
The Ancestry of Mary Louise Ormson, Lawrence W. Onsager
The Ancient Waldenses: Did the Reformation Predate Luther?, P. Gerard Damsteegt
The Andrews Story, Andrews University
The Angora-Modern Discourse.Relevant Issues., Andrews University
The Association of the Cumulative/Lifetime Duration of Breast Feeding and the Development of Post Menopausal Breast Cancer. Results from Adventist Health Study - 2., Sozina Katuli, Synove Knutsen Dr, raymond Knutsen Dr., Ronald Mataya Dr., Oda Keiji, and Gary Frasier Dr.
The Balancing Act, Andrews University
The Bible and Seventh-Day Adventists, Nicholas Patrick Miller
The Bible that Wouldn’t Burn, Josie M. Burns
The Biblical Criticism of Ibn Hazm the Andalusian: A Medieval Control for Modern Diachronic Method, Joshua Berman
The Biblical Law of Niddah and Its Muslim Parallels, Jan A. Sigvartsen
The Blessings and Responsibilities of Pets, Susan E. Murray
The Blue Hem, John T. Baldwin
The Book of Revelation: Guidelines for Responsible and Meaningful Preaching, Ranko Stefanovic
The Book That Changed America: How Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Ignited a Nation [review] / Fuller, Randall., David K. Penno
The Call of Disruption, Andrea Luxton
The Call to Go, Ashleigh Jardine
The Camisard Uprising: War and Religion in the Cévennes, Brian E. Strayer
The Care and Keeping of Inventory and Fixed Assets, Annetta M. Gibson
The Care and Keeping of Receivables and Payables, Annetta M. Gibson
The Central Theme Of The Book Of Revelation Explained, Ranko Stefanovic
The Clarity and Obscurity of Inspired Writings: An Historical Survey from the Protestant Reformers to Seventh-day Adventists, Denis Kaiser
The Coherence and Internal Rationale of the Priestly Legislation in the Pentateuch, Richard E. Averbeck
The Concept of Social Justice in the Social Sciences, in the Bible, and in Adventism, Michelet William
The Conscientious Objector, Katie Shaw
The Controverted Little Book of Revelation 10 and the Shape of Apocalyptic Mission, George R. Knight
The Cookie Man Baked Goods and Prayer, Melodie Roschman
The Correlation Between a Pastor’s Job Experience and Church Servant Leadership Practices
The Creativity Behind Creation: The Trinity in Genesis 1:1-2:3 and Group Creativity, Justin R. Bowers
The Curvy and Aligned Journey to Personalized, Competency-based Learning, Virgel Hammonds
“The Cycle of Dysfunction Sin” Dr David Beverly Sedlacek Part 2, David Sedlacek and Beverly Sedlacek
The Daniel Plan, Winston J. Craig
The Dark Side of the Universe (Dark Matter), Andrews University
The Dawn Dulhunty Story, Keri Suarez
The Dawn of the Battle of the Sexes – Genesis 3:16, Leanne M. Sigvartsen and Jan A. Sigvartsen
The Decalogue in Luther and Adventism, Jiří Moskala
The Decision Maker. By Dennis Bakke, Tom Stone and Charity Stone
The Design Focused Engineering Outreach to a Middle School Using Arduino Projects, Hyun J. Kwon
The Development and Evaluation of a Program for Bible evangelism To Be Used by Laymen Employing Small-Group Methods as a Basic Format, Johnny Durant Johnson
The Development And Implementation Of A Marriage Support Group And Its Evaluation Using The DAS In The Thousand Oaks Seventh-day Adventist Church, Robert Norman Randall
The Diachronic Study of Animal Exploitation at Hesban: The Evolution of a Research Project, Oystein S. LaBianca
The Disruption of Evangelicalism: The Age of Torrey, Mott, McPherson and Hammond [review] / Treloar, Geoffrey R., Michael W. Campbell
The Distinctive Characteristics of Religious Leadership: A Case Study of the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel in the United States, Stephen Bialowas
The Diverse Operations of the Holy Spirit: Ellen White's Progressing Description of Divine Inspiration, Denis Kaiser
The Divine Judgement - Good News or Bad News?, Jiri Moskala
The Effects of Age on Reactive and Proactive Resilience, Rachelle E. Pichot
The Effects of Climate Change on Marine Birds, Part II: Population Dynamics and Evolutionary Outcomes, Shandelle M. Henson and James M. Cushing
The Effects of Climate Change on Marine Birds, Part I: Rising Sea Surface Temperature, Cannibalism, and Reproductive Synchrony, Shandelle M. Henson and James M. Cushing
The Effects of Jungle Justice on Social Reengineering in Nigeria (A Case Study of Lagos State), Victor Adetoyese Adesiyan and Oguntuyo Christianah
The Electoral Value of Executive Power in Mexico: 1994-2012, Enrique Quezada
The Emergence Narrative of the Atonement: Which is the Fairest of Them All?, John J. Markovic
The End of an Era, Katie Shaw
The End of Leadership, Richard Aparecido Teixeira Figueredo
The Enduring Legacy of Ellen G. White and Social Justice [review] / Thompson, Jonathan A., ed., Douglas Morgan
The Equinox-Celebrating this Moment in Time, Andrews University
The Essential Nature of Humility for Today's Leaders, Jerry D. Breedlove Jr.
The Euro-American Seventh-day Adventist Church: Its Foundation And Future, With Special Focus On Six Such Congregations In New York City, Ned P. Maletin
The Fabric of Faith, Beverly Stout
The Faith Factor, Winston J. Craig
The Faithful and True Witness of Revelation 1:5 and 3:14, S. Joseph Kidder
The Faith of a Child, Breanna Jardine
The Family Bible, Susan Murray
The Family Model: A Possible Solution to Avert the Current Crisis in the Church, Omwocha O. Nyaribo
The Field D Staff, Larry Mitchel
The Flipped Classroom Approach in the Higher Education Classroom, Wayne L. Buckhanan, Anneris Coria-Navia, and Tammy Shilling
The Fluidity of Tribal Peoples in Central Transjordan : Four Millennia of Sedentarization and Nomadization on the Madaba Plains, Oystein S. LaBianca
"The Fork In The Road", David Penno
The Fullness Of Christ, Eduard Schmidt
The Future of Early Research, Desmond H. Murray, Sherine O. Obare, and James H. Hageman
The Genesis Creation Account and Its Reverberations in the Old Testament, Gerald Klingbeil
The Gift of Conversation, Susan E. Murray
The Gift of Giving, Jin Park
The Gift of Music, Lucy Lewis
The Gift of Time-Chi l d r e n S p e ll L o v e . . . T - I - M - E, Susan E. Murray
The Gift of Transforming Grace, Robert Overstreet
The God Dimension in Leadership, Erich Baumgartner
THE GOD WHO RETURNS, Willie Edward Hucks II
''The Gospel According to Moses'', Roy Gane
The Grace Place Ministry Leads to Bible Studies and Baptisms, Betty Eaton
The Great Awakening—Calvinism, Arminianism and Revivalistic Preaching—Homiletical Lessons for Today, Kenley D. Hall
The Great Depression and the New South, Stephanie Carpenter
The Great Sabbath Welcome, Jo Ann Davidson
The Handbook On Science Communication, Andrews University
The Hand of God, Susan E. Murray
The Hand on the Shakespearean Stage: Gesture, Touch and the Spectacle of Dismemberment, Vanessa I. Corredera
The Handy Guide to Difficult and Irregular Greek Verbs: Aids for Readers of the Greek New Testament [review] / Laansma, Jon C., and Randall X. Gauthier., Dominic Bornand
The Helper’s High, Winston J. Craig
The Heritage of the Reformation, Nicholas Miller
The High Cost of Inactivity, Winston J. Craig
The History of Ordination, Darius Jankiewicz
The Holy Spirit, S. Joseph Kidder
The Holy Spirit in Adventist Theology, 1844-2004, Jerry Moon
The Hugs Project - Trailer, Andrews University
The Idea of a University, Keri Suarez
The Identity and Role of the Servant in Isaiah 42:1-9: An Exegetical and Theological Study, Stephane A. Beaulieu
The Impact of a History of Childhood Abuse on Life as a College Student, David Sedlacek, Stanley Stevenson, Carrie Kray, Timothy Henson, Chelsea Burrows, and Mary Nell Rosenboom
The Impact of Child Abuse and Neglect on Health Risk Behaviors and the Mental, Physical, and Spiritual Health of Survivors, Katia Reinert
The Impact of Ethical Climate on Corporate Social Responsibility and Organizational Commitment Among Christian Healthcare Providers, Jerry L. Chi and Grace Chi
The Impact of Family Satisfaction, Racial Identity and Perceived Ethnic Discrimination on African-American College Students' Vulnerability to Stereotype Threat, Erica Lynn Featherson
The Impact of Family Support and Rejection among Seventh-day Adventist LGBT+ Millennials, Curtis VanderWaal, David Sedlacek, Shannon Trecartin, and Nancy J. Carbonell
The Impact of Media Influence About Hair Texture on Internalized Racial Oppression, Ethnic Identity, and Self-Efficacy, Kristy L. La Mar
The Impact Of Student Self-Discipline And Parental Involvement in Students' Academic Activities on Student Academic Performance, Susan N. Mbaluka
The Impact of Student Self-Discipline and Parental Involvement in Students’ Academic Activities on Student Academic Performance, Susan Mbaluka
The Impact of the Philosophical Foundations of Education on Schooling Practices in the Ancient Near East, Jonatas Leal
The Implications of Arminius’ Understanding of the Intellect on the Role of Scholarship in the Mission of the SDA Church, Terry Dwain Robertson
The Implications of College Tuition Cost: Multiple Considerations, Kadejha Adams
The Importance of Integrity in Christian Leadership : Giftedness + Integrity(3) = Productivity, Jasmin O. Brown
The Inclusive Classroom: A Framework for Cultivating a Welcoming Space for All Learners, Emily Carlson and Michael T. Nixon
The Influence of Culture on Leadership Styles and Behaviors, Erich Baumgartner, Jimmy Kijai, Mordekai O. Ongo, Stanley E. Patterson, David K. Penno, and Boubakar Sanou
The Influence of Spiritually-Based Learning Opportunities on Personal Faith and Denominational Loyalty in Seventh-Day Adventist Academies, Jerome Thayer, Anneris Coria-Navia, and Tammy Overstreet
The Introduction Of Management By Objectives Into the Buchanan, Michigan, Seventh-day Adventist Church, Oliver Lawrence Johnston Sr.
The Invisible Decade, Susan Murray
The Issue of Divorce and Remarriage in 1 Corinthians 7:15 in the Light of the Dominical Logion of 7:10, David Sciarabba
The Jackie Film: A Wellness Transformation Project, Andrews University
The Jacobson Family from Laerdal Parish, Sogn Og Fjordane County, Norway: Pioneer Norwegian Settlers in Greenwood Township, Vernon County, Wisconsin, Lawrence W. Onsager
The James White Library, Andrews University
The Johannine Comma (1 John 5:7–8): The Status of Its Textual History and Theological Usage in English, Greek, and Latin, Rodrigo Barbosa Galiza and John W. Reeve
The Journey of a Lifetime, Bryan Fellows
The Law and the Gospel, George R. Knight
The Least of These, Ashleigh Jardine
The Legacy of Gerhard Hasel’s Old Testament Theology: Basic Issues in the Current Debate Revealed in Old Testament Scholarship of the Last Two Decades, Richard M. Davidson
The Legacy of Gerhard Hasel's Old Testament Theology: Basic Issues in the Current Debate Revealed in the Old Testament Scholarship of the Last Two Decades, Richard M. Davidson
The Legacy of God's Leadership
The Legacy of God's Leadership, Petr Cincala
THE LEGACY OF INANNA, Michael Orellana
The Length of an Educational Day, Elizabeth Atencio
The Life of a Volunteer, Hannah Gallant
The Light Bearers, Andrews University
The Little Colporteur Who Couldn’t!, Andrew Blosser
The Living Temple by John Harvey Kellogg and Lessons of Leadership from Ellen White: Two Books—Two Years Apart, Thomas Rasmussen
The Living Water, Tina Carriger
The Local Environment and Human Food-Procuring Strategies in Jordan: The Case of Tell Hesban and Its Surrounding Region, Lawrence T. Geraty and Oystein LaBianca
The Long Slow Distance, Lauren Olson
The Lord God Reigns, Teresa Reeve
The Markan "Divorce" Pericope: an Exegesis, Carlos C. Camarena
The Marshmallow Test, Susan E. Murray
The Meaning of the Intercessory Ministry of Jesus Christ on Our Behalf in the Heavenly Sanctuary, Jiri Moskala ThD, PhD
The Meaning, Usage and Possible Applications of “The Pupil of His Eye” in Deuteronomy 32:10, Yvette Viola Parham
The Missionary “Look”, Cara Swinyar
The Moral Government of God, the Sabbath, and Adventist Activism, Nicholas Patrick Miller
The Moral Government of God, the Sabbath, and Adventist Activism, Nicholas Patrick Miller
The More Abundant Life: Seventh-day Adventist Views on Health, Healing, Wellness, and Prevention, Peter Landless
The Most Neglected Fitness Factor, Dominique Gummelt
The Most Precious Gift, Susan E. Murray
"The Mystery of the Remnant", Martin Frederick Hanna
The Nameless Servant, Stan Patterson
The Nature and Work of the Holy Spirit in the Pentateuch, Richard M. Davidson
The Nature and Work of the Holy Spirit in the Pentateuch, Richard M. Davidson
The Necessity of the Reformation, Darius Jankiewicz
The Neighborhood Kids-Obstacle or Opportunities?, Susan E. Murray
The Never-Ending Debate of the Homework Assignment in K-12 Education, Jocias Diaz
"The New Era of Gravitational Wave Astronomy", Andrews University
Theologisches Wörterbuch zu den Qumrantexten. Band III, Gerald A. Klingbeil
The Origins And Antecedents Of Joachim Of Fiore's (1135-1202) Historical-Continuous Method Of Prophetic Interpretation, Dojcin Zivadinovic
The Ottoman Qasr at Hisban: Architecturre, Reform, and New Social Relations, Oystein S. LaBianca, Lynda Carroll, and Adam Fenner
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and the Arts, Gerald A. Klingbeil
The Paleo Plan, Winston J. Craig
The Panorama of Divine Judgement At Its Best Part 1, Jiri Moskala
The Panorama of Divine Judgement At Its Best part 2, Jiri Moskala
The Pastor as Leader: Assessment, Change, and Growth in Pastoral Leadership Style and Ability, David C. Crawford
The Path God Wanted, Jennifer Burrill
The Peace that Passes, Melodie Roschman
The Place of the Book of Daniel in the Hebrew Canon, Jiří Moskala
"The Poisoner's Guide to Communicating Chemistry" Presented by Deborah Blum, Andrews University
The Post-Colonial State in Nigeria as a Predisposing Factor to Constant Violence, Aaron Ogundiwin
The Power and Promise of Early Research, Desmond H. Murray, Sherine O. Obare, and James H. Hageman
The Power of an Apology, Susan Murray
The Power of Encouraging Conversation, Lisa Hayden
The Power of Encouraging Conversation, Jessica Condon
The Power of Perspective, Andrews University
The Power of Praying Parents, S. Joseph Kidder
The Priesthood of All Believers and its Implications for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, David J. B. Trim
The Priesthood of Believers and the Separation of Church and State: 18th Century American Protestant Thought and Religious Disestablishment, Nicholas Patrick Miller
The Problem of Hermeneutics, Darius Jankiewicz
The Process of Developing and Implementing a Statement of Mission in a Church-Owned Institution Using the DE-VAU-GE Gesundkostwerk as an Example, Wolfgang Manfred Witzig
The Prophet Elijah as an Agent of Change for Community Development, Lollo Zo Nantenaina, Joel Raveloharimisy, and Karen McWilliams
The Push Toward Conservative Lifestyle And the Rise of the Antichrist, John Reeve
The Puzzling Plurals in Philemon, Ernie Bursey
The Radical Reformation (Anabaptists) and Seventh-day Adventism, Trevor O'Reggio
The Rationale Behind the Homicide Law in Numbers 35:30–34, Slaviša Janković
The Reformation and the Christian Impulse to Persecute, David J. B. Trim
The Reformation and the Remnant: The Reformers, the Great Controversy, and the Sabbath, Nicholas Patrick Miller
There is No Manual for University Presidents: An Interview with Andrea Luxton, President of Andrews University, on her leadership in response to the #ItIsTimeAU uprising on her campus, Ty-Ron M. Douglas, Dena Lane-Bonds, and Sydney Freeman Jr.
There’s No Place Like Home, Susan E. Murray
The Return of the Nomad: an Analysis of the Process of Nomadization in Jordan, Oystein S. LaBianca
The Revised Version in the Advent Review and Sabbath Herald: 1881–1891, Tanner Lee Martin
The Rise and Fall of the Complementarian Doctrine of the Trinity [review] / Giles, Kevin., Matthew L. Tinkham
The Role of Fine Arts in K-12 Education, Joelle Kim
The Role of Letter Grades in K-12 Education, Autumn Bange
The Role of Nollywood Film in Combating Sexual Violence among Female Adolescents in Selected Secondary Schools in Lagos State, Nigeria, Onyinyechi Nwaolikpe
The Salve of Sunlight, Winston J. Craig
The Sankofa Bird and Reflection, Appiah Kubi Kwarteng
The Scholar and the Word of God: Reflections on 2 Peter 1:16-21, Thomas Shepherd
The School Uniform Debate: Why Schools Need to Adopt Uniforms, Alivia Cowin
The Science of Addiction, Karl Bailey
The Science of Salvation, Martin Hanna
The Search for the Monotheistic Revelations of God in Ancient Egypt: A Case on the Perspectives of the Amen and the Egyptian-Christian Correlation, Michael H. Hiller
The Second Coming of Christ: Is There a Delay?, JoAnn Davidson
The Secret Life of the Pastor, S. Joseph Kidder and Craig Carr
The Semantics of Love: A Study of ‘ahad, hesed, and racham, Sandra Lee Stebenne
The Septuagint Translation of Jeremiah 31(38):31–34: Stylistic Adjustments or New Theological Insights?, Adenilton Tavares de Aguiar
The Seven Last Plagues Explained - Book of Revelation chap.16, Ranko Stefanovic
The Seventh-day Adventist Church and “Growing in Christ”: From Ecclesiological Awareness to Missiological Engagement, Michee Bade
The Significance, Meaning, and Role of Christ's Atonement, Jiří Moskala
The Significance of Theological Interpretation as Demonstrated in Case Study: Adam-Christ Typology and Categories of Representation, Timothy J. Arena
The Significance of Two, Four, Six, and More, Susan E. Murray
The Silent Killer, Winston J. Craig
The Soteriology of Philip Melanchthon, Timothy J. Arena
The Spirit over the Earth: Pneumatology in the Majority World [review] / Green, Gene L., Stephen T. Pardue, and Khiok-Khng Yeo, eds., Boubakar Sanou
The Sunshine Vitamin, Sherine Brown-Fraser
The Systematic Nature of Creation in the New Testament, Thomas Shepherd
The Table Landscape, Winston J. Craig
The Tension of the Seventh-day Adventist Identity: An Existential & Eschatological Perspective, Jacques B. Douhkan
The Third Angel’s Message and Paul, P. Richard Choi
The Throne Motif in the Book of Revelation: Profiles from the History of Interpretation [review] / Gallusz, Laszlo., Ranko Stefanovic
The Time Of The Second Coming And The Members Of The Sanhedrin, Alina Roxana Lupu
The TOEFL IBT Writing: Korean Students’ Perceptions of the TOEFL IBT Writing Test, Eun-Young Julia Kim
The Trinitarian Foundation of Leadership: Working Together for God’s Glory in Unity and Diversity, Matthew Dean Ross
The Trip Next Door, Danielle-Andree Atangana
The Triumph of God's Love, John Peckham
The Truth About Math, Susan E. Murray
The Waldenses: Historical Perspectives from the Writings of Ellen G. White, Kathleen Demsky
The Waldensians, Andrews University
The Washington D.C. Lead Crisis (2001-2004): Prelude to Flint 2015, Andrews University
The Way-A Way of Life , A Way of Understanding , A Way of Clear Direction, Niels-Erik Andreasen
The Whole is More Than the Sum of Its Parts: Jeremiah 36’s Contribution to the Reliability of the Jeremiah Text, Judit A. Manchay
The Window, Filip Milosavljevic
The Winter Season, Christopher Bartley
The Word Speaks for Itself: Issues of Revelation and Inspiration, JoAnn Davidson
They Need Your Prayers, Rebecca Coleman
Thinking About Grad School?, Andrews University
Think! The Reconciling of Science & Faith, Andrews University
Third Annual Easter Passion Play, Beverly Stout
Third Culture Kids, Susan Murray
This Ain't No Ordinary Chaplain: A Conversation with Chaplain Michael A. Polite about Activism, America, and his Advocacy of the #ItIsTimeAU Uprising at Andrews University, Ty-Ron M. Douglas, Rasford Pinto, Noelle Withersponn Arnold, and Evan Willis
This Little Light of Mine, Ashleigh Jardine
Thorpe Named Dean of Distance Education, Keri Suarez
‘Those People Needed Help’, Konner Dent
'Those People Needed Help', Konner Dent
Thou Shalt Honor... Assisting Aging Parents, Susan E. Murray
Three Major Building Projects Announced, Keri Suarez
Three Parts of Trinity, Richard Davidson
Three Turning Points in Research History towards a Farewell to the Mosaic Origin of the Pentateuch. How Strong are They?, Benjamin Kilchör
Thriving in Leadership: Strategies for Making a Difference in Christian Higher Education. By Karen A. Longman, Denise Ross Haynes
Thunderbird Commercial - Mike Young, Mike Young
Thursday Chapel | Albert Handal (October 6, 2016), Andrews University
Thursday Chapel | Andrea Luxton (February 23, 2017), Andrews University
Thursday Chapel | Andrew Collins and Jameel McGee (January 19, 2017), Andrews University
Thursday Chapel | AUSA Officers (September 22, 2016), Andrews University
Thursday Chapel | Carlos Tavarez-Miqui (November 3, 2016), Andrews University
Thursday Chapel | Christon Arthur (January 12, 2017), Andrews University
Thursday Chapel | Craig Detweiler (March 9, 2017), Andrews University
Thursday Chapel | Donnie Keele (March 16, 2017), Andrews University
Thursday Chapel | Eugene Cho (March 2, 2017), Andrews University
Thursday Chapel | Glenn Russell (April 13, 2017), Andrews University
Thursday Chapel | Ishe Mazani (November 10, 2016), Andrews University
Thursday Chapel | Ivan and Olivia Ruiz-Knott (February 2, 2017), Andrews University
Thursday Chapel | Jeremy Anderson (October 13, 2016), Andrews University
Thursday Chapel | Jonathan Jacobs (April 6, 2017), Andrews University
Thursday Chapel | June Price (September 1, 2016), Andrews University
Thursday Chapel | Michael Polite (September 8, 2016), Andrews University
Thursday Chapel | Olen Netteburg (April 20, 2017), Andrews University
Thursday Chapel | Oliver Glanz (October 27,2016), Andrews University
Thursday Chapel | Sherine Brown-Fraser (March 30, 2017), Andrews University
Thursday Chapel | Student Missions (September 29, 2016), Andrews University
Thursday Chapel | Vickie Reddy (October 20, 2016), Andrews University
Thursday Series | Andrew and Julie Doan (March 5, 2015), Andrews University
Thursday Series | Andrew Kooman (March 26, 2015, Andrews University
Thursday Series | Ante Jeroncic (September 18, 2014), Andrews University
Thursday Series | Archie Wheeler (November 5, 2015), Andrews University
Thursday Series | Corey Ciocchetti (October 23, 2014), Andrews University
Thursday Series | Damien Chandler (Febuary 4, 2016), Andrews University
Thursday Series | Danny Hernandez (February 18, 2016), Andrews University
Thursday Series | Dave Ferguson (September 4, 2014), Andrews University
Thursday Series | David and Esther Caulkill (September 10, 2015), Andrews University
Thursday Series | David Quilatan (November 20, 2014), Andrews University
Thursday Series | Devon Franklin (April 2, 2015), Andrews University
Thursday Series | Edward Blum (October 15, 2015), Andrews University
Thursday Series | James Appel (March 10, 2016), Andrews University
Thursday Series | Jannel Monrue (November 12, 2015), Andrews University
Thursday Series | Jasel McCoy (October 2, 2014), Andrews University
Thursday Series | J. N. Andrews Honors Scholars (March 31, 2016), Andrews University
Thursday Series | John Gonzalez (November 6, 2014), Andrews University
Thursday Series | Jose Bourget (April 16, 2015), Andrews University
Thursday Series | José Bourget (February 12, 2015), Andrews University
Thursday Series | Jose Bourget (January 21, 2016), Andrews University
Thursday Series | June Price (January 29, 2015), Andrews University
Thursday Series | June Price (September 3, 2015), Andrews University
Thursday Series | Karl Bailey (September 25, 2014), Andrews University
Thursday Series | Kelly Gabriel (October 30, 2014), Andrews University
Thursday Series | Laurence Burn (September 24, 2015), Andrews University
Thursday Series | Melodie Roschman (November 13, 2014), Andrews University
Thursday Series | Michael Polite (February 5, 2015), Andrews University
Thursday Series | Nick Howard (October 1, 2015), Andrews University
Thursday Series | Niels-Erik Andreasen (April 14, 2016), Andrews University
Thursday Series | Onleilove Alston (January 15, 2015), Andrews University
Thursday Series | Radolfo Paredes (November 19, 2015), Andrews University
Thursday Series | Robert Bates and Stefanie Elkins (April 7, 2016), Andrews University
Thursday Series | Romanita Hairston-Overstreet (March 3, 2016), Andrews University
Thursday Series | Service Opurtunities (March 24, 2016), Andrews University
Thursday Series | Soong-Chan Rah (February 26, 2015), Andrews University
Thursday Series | Student Mission Report (Octover 8, 2015), Andrews University
Thursday Series | Student Missions (April 9. 2015), Andrews University
Thursday Series | Taurus Montgomery (January 14, 2016), Andrews University
Thursday Series | Tim Kasser (March 12, 2015), Andrews University
Thursday Series |Todd Stout (February 11, 2016), Andrews University
Thursday Worship, English Department and Music Department
Tier 3 Primary Grade Reading Interventions: Can We Distinguish Necessary from Sufficient?, Luana Greulich, Stephanie Al Otaiba, Jill Allor, Miriam Ortiz, Jeanie Wanzek, and Joseph Torgesen
Tiffany Steinweg - Violin Junior Recital, Department of Music
Time for Bed!, Susan E. Murray
Time Lags Associated with Effects of Oceanic Conditions on Seabird Breeding in the Salish Sea Region of the Northern California Current System, Rashida S. Smith, Lynelle M. Weldon, James L. Hayward, and Shandelle M. Henson
Time-Savoring Challenging the Cult of Speed, Susan E. Murray
Tired of Feeling Tired?, Winston J. Craig
‘Tis the Season, Winston J. Craig
Tis the Season to Adopt a Family, Ashleigh Jardine
To Act Justly, Elvin Gabriel
To Ghana: February-March 2004, Keith Clouten
To Listen is to Love, Jessica Yoong
Tom Lowing, Tom Lowing
Tom Lowing 2, Tom Lowing
Too bad to be transformed, Thomas R. Shepherd
Too bad to be transformed, Thomas Shepherd
Top Ten Foods that Pack a Punch, Winston J. Craig
Touch Therapy, Winston J. Craig
Tour Stop, Larry Mitchel
“Toward a Biblical Model of Discipleship: A Case Study of the Willow Creek...", Boubakar Sanou
Toward A Model Of The Ontology Of The Divine Indwelling Of Humans: A Comparative Study Of John Wesley And John Cobb, Cory Wetterlin
Toward an Eco-stewardship Ministry: Communicating Environmental Values in the Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Korea, Young Seok Cha
Toward An Integrated Youth Ministry: A Case Study Of The Application Of Principles From Ephesians Among Teens And Their Families Of The Collegedale Church Of Seventh-day Adventists, Timothy Allen Cross
Toward A Theology Of Youth Ministry And Its Praxis In The Local Church, Luis Fernando Ortiz
Towards A Model Of Congregational Evangelistic Campaigns In The Seventh-day Adventist Churches In West Germany, Ekkehardt Muller
Toxic Failures: How and Why We Are Harmed by Toxic Chemicals, Andrews University
Tracking the Trans Fat, Winston J. Craig
Tragedy That Empowers, Hannah Gallant
Tragedy That Empowers, Clarissa Carbungco
Tragedy That Empowers: Sharon Risher's Story, Hannah Gallant
Tragedy that empowers: Sharon Risher’s story, Hannah Gallant
Training Members In The Greenwich Seventh-day Adventist Church Towards A More Effective Sharing Of The Gospel, Terry Messenger
Trait-Specific Processes of Convergence and Conservatism Shape Ecomorphological Evolution in Ground-Dwelling Squirrels: Trait-Specific Evolutionary Processes, Bryan S. McLean, Kristofer M. Helgen, H. Thomas Goodwin, and Joseph A. Cook
Transaction Recovery in Federated Distributed Database Systems, Roy Villafane, Dominic Damoah, James B. Hayfron-Acquah, Shamo Sebastian, Edwar Ansong, and Brighter Agyemang
Transcendent Occultation of the Divine in Neo-Babylonian Art, Constance E. Gane
Transfer Entropy and Cumulant Based Cost as Measures of Nonlinear Causal Relationships in Space Plasmas: Applications to D St., Jay R. Johnson, Simon Wing, and Enrico Camporeale
Transforming Grace, Susan E. Murray
Transforming Worldview(s) Conference, Esther Green
Transforming Worldview(s) Conference "Biblical Faithfulness in a Pluralistic Age", Shiekainah Decano
Transitional Characters, Susan E. Murray
Transitioning to Local Conference President: a Study in North America, David Weigley
Transmitting Biblical Tradition to Contemporary Culture, Martin Hanna
Transparency, Accountability, and Culture, Annetta M. Gibson
Transparency, Accountability, Governance, and Ethics, Annetta M. Gibson
Travel as Family Therapy, Alina Baltazar
Treasures in diversity, Shirley Freed
Trust God’s Lead, Alexi Decker
Trusting God Lesson Learned When God Say “ N o ”, Rebecca Overstreet
Truth Is Timeless, Susan E. Murray
Tuesday Choice: The New Testament and Homosexuality, P. Richard Choi
TV-Radio Spot Evangelism: An Experiment in Attitude Change, James David Chase
Twenty Centuries of Living Hymns, Lilianne Douhkan
Twenty-five Years of Public Health Policy and Interventions in Berrien County, Nikki Britten
Two Models of Inspiration?: The Challenge of the Old Testament Narratives, Bernard White
Two Sides of the Circle, Susan E. Murray
Two Sides of the Circle, Susan E. Murray
Two Visions of God and Male Headship: A Study in Calvinist and Arminian Presuppositions, Darius Jankiewicz
Ty Gibson | A Lingering Fragrence | Reimaging God Session # 11 (September 19, 2015), Andrews University
Ty Gibson | Alluring Love | Reimaging God Session # 4 (September 15, 2015), Andrews University
Ty Gibson | Infinite Intimacy | Reimaging God Session # 6 (September 16, 2015), Andrews University
Ty Gibson | Irresistable Beauty | Reimaging God Session # 1 (September 14, 2015), Andrews University
Ty Gibson | Letter vs Spirit | Reimaging God Session # 9 (September 18, 2015), Andrews University
Ty Gibson | Navigating Evil | Reimaging God Session # 8 (September 17, 2015), Andrews University
Ty Gibson | PRE Creation | Reimaging God Session # 3 (September 15, 2015), Andrews University
Ty Gibson | Seeing God, Seeing Me | Reimaging God Session # 5 (September 16, 2015), Andrews University
Ty Gibson | Sundering | Reimaging God Session # 10 (September 18, 2015, Andrews University
Ty Gibson | Through Tears | Reimaging God Session # 2 (September 14, 2015), Andrews University
Ty Gibson | Whoever Lives in Love | Reimaging God Session # 7 (September 17, 2015), Andrews University
Ucci Honored for 20+ Years of Prison Ministry, Patricia M. Spangler
Ultimate Workout 24: It Changed My Life, David Forner
Umm El Jamal-Cantilever Steps, Larry Mitchel
Umm El Jamal-Ceiling Corbels, Larry Mitchel
Umm El Jamal-Corbelled Lintel Doorway, Larry Mitchel
Umm El Jamal-Corbelling & Arch-Doug Clark, Larry Mitchel
Umm El Jamal-Jett Tour Bus, Larry Mitchel
Umm El Jamal-Larry & Jason, Larry Mitchel
Umm El Jamal-Long View, Larry Mitchel
Umm El Jamal-Stone Beams, Larry Mitchel
Umm El Jamal-Weekend Tour, Larry Mitchel
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, c
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclassified, Andrews University
Unclean Spirits Like Frogs: A Revelation from Job, Lael O. Caesar
Undergraduate, Andrews University
Undergraduate Preview, Darren K. Heslop
Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), Rita Seay and Lynn Todman
Understanding Iron Nanoparticles and Lead Occurrence in Drinking Water, Andrews University
Understanding sola scriptura: A working approach for the church, John Peckham
Understanding Stanley Hauerwas’ Narrative Theology: Application to Christian Foundation (Scripture, Character and Community), Marcos Jeffrey Cruz Arellano
Unification in Christ, Ashleigh Jardine
Uniqlo Commercial, Andrews University
United Way 2014 Campaign Thank You, Andrews University
University Chapel | Alex Wilson (November 2, 2017), Andrews University
University Chapel | Arlyn Drew (January 18, 2018), Andrews University
University Chapel | Carl Wilkens (September 28, 2017), Andrews University
University Chapel | Cassie Hales (November 9, 2017), Andrews University
University Chapel | Cynthia Heidi (April 12, 2018), Andrews University
University Chapel | Damien Chandler (October 5, 2017), Andrews University
University Chapel | Dan Jackson (September 6, 2018), Andrews University
University Chapel | Heather Day (February 8, 2018), Andrews University
University Chapel | Jeff Tatarchuk (March 15, 2018), Andrews University
University Chapel | José Bourget (April 5, 2018), Andrews University
University Chapel | Katia Reinert (March 1, 2018), Andrews University
University Chapel | Leslie Samuel (October 12, 2017), Andrews University
University Chapel | Lucas Johnson (October 25, 2018), Andrews University
University Chapel | Michael Nixon (February 1, 2018), Andrews University
University Chapel | MyRon Edmonds (March 29, 2018), Andrews University
University Chapel | Reframe (March 8, 2018), Andrews University
University Chapel | Reframe (November 30, 2017), Andrews University
University Chapel | Reframe (October 19, 2017), Andrews University
University Chapel | Ruth Burn (April 19, 2018), Andrews University
University Chapel | Student Missions (October 4, 2018), Andrews University
University Chapel | Taurus Montgomery (September 27, 2018), Andrews University
University Convocation, Andrews University
University Convocation, Andrews University
University Convocation | August 25, 2016, Andrews University
University Convocation (August 25, 2016), Andrews University
University Convocation | August 31, 2017, Andrews University
University Convocation | Niels-Erik Andreasen (August 27, 2015), Andrews University
University Convocation | Niels-Erik Andreasen (August 28, 2014), Andrews University
University Forum | Ken Nwadike (October 26, 2017), Andrews University
University Forum | Kevin McDonald (November 16, 2017), Andrews University
University Forums | Ingrid Slikkers (October 11, 2018), Andrews University
University Students Embark Upon Scholarship by Giving Through Service, Ashleigh Jardine
University students receive gift of the Andrews Study Bible, Ashleigh Jardine
University Vepsers | June Price (October 9, 2015), Andrews University
University Vespers | Adrianne Magsipoc (August 29, 2014), Andrews University
University Vespers | Celesta Burt (February 26, 2016), Andrews University
University Vespers | Dave Ferguson (September 5, 2014), Andrews University
University Vespers | Dwight K. Nelson (August 21, 2015), Andrews University
University Vespers | Elden Ramirez (September 26, 2014), Andrews University
University Vespers | Francisco da Silva (March 27, 2015), Andrews University
University Vespers | Gregory Boyd (October 23, 2015), Andrews University
University Vespers | Hadassah Schnepp (April 1, 2016), Andrews University
University Vespers | Jatniel Rodriguez (January 22, 2016), Andrews University
University Vespers | Jeremy Lee (October 31, 2014), Andrews University
University Vespers | Jonathan Leonardo (October 17, 2014), Andrews University
University Vespers | Jon Debulgado (April 1, 2016), Andrews University
University Vespers | Jose Bourget (October 2, 2015), Andrews University
University Vespers | Jose Bourget (September 19, 2014), Andrews University
University Vespers | Jose Bourget (September 4, 2015), Andrews University
University Vespers | June Price (November 13, 2015), Andrews University
University Vespers | June Price (October 3, 2014), Andrews University
University Vespers | June Price (September 11, 2015), Andrews University
University Vespers | Justin Torossian (November 7, 2014), Andrews University
University Vespers | Kevin Wilson (January 15, 2016), Andrews University
University Vespers | Mark Finley (January 30, 2015), Andrews University
University Vespers | Michael Goetz (October 24, 2014), Andrews University
University Vespers | Michael Polite (August 28, 2015), Andrews University
University Vespers | Michael Polite (November 6, 2015), Andrews University
University Vespers | Michael Polite (September 25, 2015), Andrews University
University Vespers | Monique Brown (November 14, 2014), Andrews University
University Vespers | Steve Yeagley (April 10, 2015), Andrews University
University Vespers | Student Testimonies (February 20, 2015), Andrews University
Un Programa De Instrucción y Capacitación Para Misioneros Voluntarios de la Unión Mexicana del Norte, Jose M. Espinosa
Un Programa de Retención de Miembros en la Iglesia Adventista de Pueblo Nuevo, Solistahuacán, Chiapas, Moises Espinoza
Un Programa Para Incrementar la Participación de Líderes en La Testificación Entre los Hispanos de la Upper Columbia Conference, Walter Hernan Pintos Schmidt
Untangling the Solar Wind Drivers of Radiation Belt: An Information Theoretical Approach, Simon Wing, Jay R. Johnson, Enrico Camporeale, and Geoffrey D. Reeves
Uplifting Leadership: How Organizations, Teams and Communities Raise Performance, by Andy Hargreaves, Alan Boyle, & Alma Harris, Stephen B. Moll
Upper Limits on Gravitational Waves from Scorpius X-1 from a Model-based Cross-correlation Search in Advanced LIGO Data, Tiffany Summerscales and LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration
Upper Limits on the Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background from Advanced LIGO's First Observing Run, Tiffany Summerscales, LIGO Scientific Collaboration, and Virgo Collaboration
Urban Mission & Ministry Congress
Urban Mission & Ministry Congress
Urban Mission & Ministry Congress Conference Focuses on Adventist Mission in an Urban World, Shiekainah Decano
Urban Mission & Ministry Congress Conference Focuses on Adventist Mission in an Urban World, Jeff Boyd
Used by Him, Raquel Gomez
Use of Stories in Courses and Student Engagement at Southwestern Michigan College, Heather Day
US Immigration 101: General Guidelines and Information, Robert Benjamin, Silmara Ferreira, and Jacqueline Yates
Utility and Bias in a Korean Standardized Test of English: The Case of i-TEPS (Test of English Proficiency Developed by Seoul National University), Eun-Young Julia Kim
Validating Organizational Effectiveness: Exploring Criteria for Exemplary and Outstanding Local Conferences in the North American Division, Theodore Brown
Van Buren, Van Gogh, Rachel Aka, Emmanuel Lapoterie, Thato Lehoko, and Cameron Van Buren
Vanessa Corredera, Vanessa Corredera
Verbal Ambiguous Forms Database Published on BibleOL, Oliver Glanz and Claus Tondering
Versatile Cobalt: Anti Cancer and Hydrogen Production by Alvin A Holder, Andrews University
Via Satellite, Greg Constantine
Vincent and Barbara Harrison, Vincent and Barbara Harrison
Violinist, Clarissa Carbungco
Violinist Odin Rathnam in Concert, Andrews University
Violinist Odin Rathnam in Concert, Odin Rathnam
Wagner Kuhn - "Partnership as Mission" (October 30, 2015), Andrews University
Waldensian Tour Book, Kathleen Demsky and Carey Carscallen
Walk the Talk, Winston J. Craig
Wandering, Rodney Allen
War-Gaming Application for Future Space Systems Acquisition: MATLAB Implementation of War-Gaming Acquisition Models and Simulation Results, Karel Marshall; Paul Vienhage; Heather Barcomb; William A. Black; Amanda Coons; Hien T. Tran; Tien M. Nguyen; Andy T, Guillen; James Yoh; James Yoh; Justin Kizer; and Blake A. Rogers
Warming Up a Community, Ashleigh Jardine
Warmth Drive benefits Benton Harbor Neighbors, Emily Ferguson
Water: Essential for Good Health, Winston J. Craig
Water—More Than Just a Refreshing Beverage, Winston J. Craig
Waves of Hope, Ashley Meyer
Wayne Buckhanan, Wayne Buckhanan
Ways to Encourage and Build Your Child’s Confifidence, Susan E. Murray
Week of Prayer | David Franklin (September 18, 2017), Andrews University
Week of Prayer | David Franklin (September 19, 2017), Andrews University
Week of Prayer | David Franklin (September 20, 2017), Andrews University
Week of Prayer | David Franklin (September 21, 2017), Andrews University
Week of Prayer | David Franklin (September 22, 2017; Evening), Andrews University
Week of Prayer | David Franklin (September 22, 2017; Morning), Andrews University
Week of Prayer | Karl Hafner (September 10, 2014 Evening), Andrews University
Week of Prayer | Karl Hafner (September 10, 2014, Morning), Andrews University
Week of Prayer | Karl Hafner (September 11, 2014 Evening), Andrews University
Week of Prayer | Karl Hafner (September 11, 2014, Morning), Andrews University
Week of Prayer | Karl Hafner (September 12, 2014 Evening), Andrews University
Week of Prayer | Karl Hafner (September 12, 2014, Morning), Andrews University
Week of Prayer | Karl Hafner (September 8, 2014 Evening), Andrews University
Week of Prayer | Karl Hafner (September 8, 2014, Morning), Andrews University
Week of Prayer | Karl Hafner (September 9, 2014 Evening), Andrews University
Week of Prayer | Karl Hafner (September 9, 2014, Morning), Andrews University
Week of Prayer Vespers | Vincent Dehm (September 21, 2018), Andrews University
Week of Prayer | Vincent Dehm (September 17, 2018), Andrews University
Week of Prayer | Vincent Dehm (September 18, 2018), Andrews University
Week of Prayer | Vincent Dehm (September 19, 2018), Andrews University
Week of Prayer | Vincent Dehm (September 20, 2018), Andrews University
Week of Prayer | Vincent Dehm (September 21, 2018), Andrews University
We Have this Moment, Susan E. Murray
Weight Loss that Works, Winston J. Craig
Weithers Named Associate Dean, Keri Suarez
Welcome, Constance E. Gane
"Welcome Christmas" Concert at Andrews Friday, Dec. 7, in the Howard Performing Arts Center, Clarissa Carbungco
"Welcome Christmas" Concert at Andrews Friday, Dec. 7, in the Howard Performing Arts Center, Stephen Zork
Welcome to Griggs University and International Academy, Keri Suarez
Welcome to the Seminary, Andrews University
Were Waldensians Sabbath-keepers?, P. Gerard Damsteegt
"We Thank God for You" How Thanksgiving Transforms Our Walk: A Study in the Theology of Colossians, Thomas Shepherd
"We Will Be Okay", Andrews University
What Age is Appropriate for School?, Heidi Davis
What Are the Meanings of Words From the Root asm in Pentateuchal Ritual Law?, Fengsheng Israel Liu
What Christian Education Did for Me, Bobbi Gauger
What Did Jesus Accomplish on the Cross?, Felix H. Cortez
What Difference Does a River Make?, John T. Baldwin
What is a "Community" Church Plant?, Hyveth Williams
What is Really Real?, Shirley Freed
What Is That Again?, Susan E. Murray
What is the Best Model of Christian Church Leadership?, Stan Patterson
What is the State of the Last Generation?, Ranko Stefanovic
What Makes an Andrews Education Adventist (and What May Get in the Way)?, Niels-Erik Andreasen, Michelle Odinma, Maurice Valentine, June Price, Paul Kim, Vincent Harrison, and Barbara Harrison
What Shall We Say About Sin? A Study of "Hamartia" in Paul's Letter to the Romans, Martin Hanna
What’s Wrong with My School?, Asia Kirkland
What We Can Do for Our Girls, Susan E. Murray
What You Might Not Know About Dyslexia, Susan E. Murray
When Action Collides with Meaning: Ritual, Biblical Theology, and the New Testament’s Lord’s Supper, Gerald A. Klingbeil
When a Parent Has a Mental Illness, Susan E. Murray
When a Parent Has a Mental Illness, Susan E. Murray
When Did the 2300 Days of Daniel 8:14 Begin and End? Fresh Evidence from Scripture, Chronology, and Karaite History, Richard M. Davidson
When God Calls, Andrews University
When God Speaks, C. Raymond Holmes
When Grace Is in Place, Susan E. Murray
When It’s Not Good News, Does Our Data Make a Difference?: SDA Intimate Partner Violence Research, René Drumm
When Life Throws a Curve: Mid - Course Financial Corrections, Annetta M. Gibson
When My Daddy Died, Sherine Brown-Fraser
When Parents Don’t Share Values, Susan E. Murray
When Silence Isn’t Golden, Susan E. Murray
When the Going Gets Tough, Play Ball, Susan E. Murray
When We Needed the Church the Most, Michael Paradise
Whitcomb Towers Recital Series, Department of Music
Whitcomb Towers Recital Series, Department of Music
Who Are the TCKs in Your Life?, Susan E. Murray
Who Can I Turn To?, Susan E. Murray
Whole Patient Care: Awareness And Attitude Of Babcock University Teaching Hospital Health Caregivers, Aja T. Victoria
Who Me? Cheat?, Susan E. Murray
Who’s Hurting Whom?, Susan E. Murray
Why Don’t You Understand?, Susan E. Murray
Why Ellen White?, Michael W. Campbell
Why I Haven’t Left the Church, Richard E. Parke
Why Lying Can Make Sense Part I, Susan E. Murray
Why Lying Can Make Sense Part II, Susan E. Murray
Why Not Me?, Danielle Barnard
Willaglys Senior - Oboe Junior Recital, Department of Music
Willaglys Senior - Oboe Junior Recital, Department of Music
William Richard Lesher, Harry S. Ahn
Wind and Lower Strings Recital, Department of Music
Window Shopping and Turf Control, Milton Adams
Wind Studio Recital, Department of Music
Wind Symphony: "Christmas Around the World", Clarissa Carbungco
Wind Symphony: "Christmas Around the World", Brandon Shin
Wind Symphony Presents "European Classics", Andrews University
Winner on a Losing Team, Solomon McCullum
Winning the Cold War, Winston J. Craig
Winterizing Homes and Warming Hearts, Robert Monrieff
Witnessing for Jesus, Melissa Ann Ruhupatty
Witnessing to Christ in a Secular, Post-Christian, Postmodern Context, Kleber D. Goncalves
Women Bear God's Image: Considerations from a Neglected Perspective, JoAnn Davidson
Women Bear God's Image: Considerations from a Neglected Perspective, JoAnn Davidson
Words Fitly Spoken, Susan E. Murray
"World View Issues & Discipling", Bruce Bauer
Worry Not, Nina Vallado
Worship!, Michaela v. Lawrence
Worship Music As Spiritual Identity: An Examination Of Music In The Liturgy Among Black And White Adventists In The United States From 1840 To 1944, David A. Williams
Worship Service – Christ Suffered for You, Thomas Shepherd
Wrestling with the Violence of God: Soundings in the Old Testament, Oliver Glanz
W. R. French with Theological Class, W. R. French
Writing Laws in Antiquity/L'écriture du droit dans l'Antiquité [review] / Jaillard, Dominique, and Christophe Nihan, eds., Dominic Bornand
Writing the Gospels: Composition and Memory [review] / Eve, Eric., Igor Lorencin
Xocolatl, Winston J. Craig
Young Artist Concert, Department of Music
Young Artist Concert, Department of Music
Young Artists Concert, Hannah Gallant
Young Artists Concert, Heidi Ramirez
Young Volunteer Finds Old Seal at Jordan Field School, Samantha Snively
Youth Ministry Doctoral Program Announced, Skip Bell
Youth Ministry in Lebanon, Ashleigh Jardine
Yun Piano Studio Recital, Department of Music
Zariya Suggs wins 8th Continent Art Contest, Wendy Keough