"The Creativity Behind Creation" by Justin R. Bowers

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The need for organizations to rely on individual members and their collective creativity to thrive in the 21st century has greatly increased. Today, the words of Bennis and Biederman (1997) ring true: the organizations of the future will increasingly depend on their members to survive. Great groups offer a new model in which the leader is an equal among titans. In a truly creative collaboration, work is pleasure, and the only rules and procedures are those that advance the common cause. (p. 8) The growing literature surrounding group creativity reveals a thriving area of interest among group theory scholars. Questions abound regarding the processes of effective group creativity, the differences between group and individual creativity, and factors affecting group creativity. While scholars focused on biblical research have engaged the idea of creativity (Liesch & Finley, 1984; Owolabi, 2012), the research is limited at best. Aside from generalized conversations about god as creator and the agency of humanity in creative acts, Exegetical research has basically ceased at this point. For this reason, i seek to broaden the base of biblical research considering creativity by exploring the creation act of the Trinity in Genesis 1 and the relationship of the Trinitarian creative process to theoretical foundations of group creativity. This study will draw further understanding of group creativity from a Biblical perspective, and also expand the vision of group creativity as a force for greater effectiveness in today’s ecclesial contexts. Finally, I ask how leaders may benefit from group creativity modeled in biblical ways.
