"Teacher Perceptions Of The Implementation Of The Common Core State Sta" by Rose J. Thomas

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


College of Education and International Services


Curriculum and Instruction PhD

First Advisor

Larry D. Burton

Second Advisor

Sandra F. Doran

Third Advisor

Anneris Coria-Navia



This qualitative case study focused on educators who teach in the Florida Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and their perceptions regarding the adequacy of the Professional Development to support the implementation of the CCSS; how they are implementing the CCSS in the classroom in terms of planning, teaching, and assessing; and their perceptions regarding the impact of the CCSS on student learning.


The study included six participants who taught in six different schools from the various regions where the Florida Conference schools are located. The participants varied in age, ethnicity, number of years in the classroom, and the size of their schools as indicated by the number of teachers at the school. In-depth interviews were conducted and two in-school visitations and classroom observations allowed for collections of field data.


Data analysis of the interviews and classroom observations resulted in multiple codes or categories of perceptions. The study revealed that participants took part in a variety of professional learning but they did not receive adequate or formal training to support the implementation of the CCSS nor did they receive adequate planning to teach the Mathematics in the context of the shifts of the CCSS. However, once participants received introductory training from the conference, they continued with their own study and research about the CCSS which contributed to their having a positive impact on their teaching and student learning.


An investigation of the heart of the various categories yielded three themes: An array of learning- experiences in a variety of learning opportunities; a call for specificity in learning–the need for coherence between training and the CCSS adoption; and a drive for effectiveness in learning and teaching- to ensure teachers and learners success.

Subject Area

Common Core State Standards (Education); Education--Standards--United States--States; Seventh-day Adventists--Education--Florida; Seventh-day Adventist teachers--Florida; Florida Conference of Seventh-day Adventists



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