Document Type
Unpublished Paper
Publication Date
The first indication that Ghana might be on my travel itinerary came during the ASDAL Conference 2000 held at Andrews University. Vida Mensah, who is library director at Valley View University in Ghana, was among several librarians who came to that conference from places worldwide. As the conference workshops drew to a close, Vida stopped by my office to talk about Valley View’s need for a new library, and to ask for my help in preparing specifications for a building. Nothing was promised, but there was an underlying assumption that I would come to Valley View University sometime soon to give some help.
Reality met expectation in February 2004, when Ngaire and I flew to Accra to spend three weeks at Valley View, responding to a formal request to prepare a library building program and to help in developing some strategic goals for the library’s development. We expected to be kept busy, and we surely were. But we also experienced the exotic cultures, the ethnic foods, the torrid climate, the off-again on-again power and water supply, the wonderful people of Ghana, and a multitude of blessings.
First Department
Library Sciences
Recommended Citation
Clouten, Keith, "To Ghana: February-March 2004" (2004). Faculty Publications. 692.
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