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"In the past there has been much appropriate emphasis on the laity’s posture of respect toward church leadership. But what matters now is an equal and proactive posture of respect toward the laity. As new methods and new plans spring forth from the laity, cooperation and mutual respect must also spring forth. The result will look and function like a peer relationship. In today’s developing culture, the onus will lie on church leadership to rid themselves pf any turf control and instead develop skills of cheering, funding, and quickly embracing God-honoring lay ministries. So, a call to smooth the way, abridge the long approval-giving, find start-up funding that will prove the Adventist Church still believes in taking godly risks. Speak well of newness in God’s church, for it is he who still proclaims, “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” (Isa 43:19, RSV) (Knott 2014)."





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