Digital Commons @ Andrews University - Exploring the Composition of the Pentateuch Conference: The Coherence and Internal Rationale of the Priestly Legislation in the Pentateuch

The Coherence and Internal Rationale of the Priestly Legislation in the Pentateuch

Presenter Status

Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Languages, Department of Old Testament and Semitic Languages; Director of the PhD program in Theological Studies


Seminary Chapel

Start Date

25-3-2018 5:30 PM

End Date

25-3-2018 6:00 PM


The Readability of the Pentateuch

Biographical Sketch

Richard began his present ministry as a full-time professor in the Old Testament and Semitic Languages Department at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (TEDS), Deerfield, Illinois in 1994. In 2010 he also took on the Directorship of the PhD program in Theology Studies at TEDS.

Richard has published numerous articles in the fields of ancient Near Eastern Studies, especially Sumer and Sumerian literature, the relationship between ancient Near Eastern Studies and the Old Testament, the Old Testament Law, especially the ritual law and priestly theology of the Old Testament (Leviticus, the tabernacle, the sacrificial system, etc.), the latter in Walter Elwell's Dictionary of Biblical Theology (Baker, 1996); Willem VanGemeren's New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis (Zondervan, 1997); and David W. Baker’s and T. Desmond’s Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch (InterVarsity Press, 2003). He was Chair of the Biblical Law Section of the Society of Biblical Literature from 2004 to 2010, and serves on several other professional society committees. Richard also co-edited and contributed to Crossing Boundaries and Linking Horizons: Studies in Honor of Michael C. Astour on His 80th Birthday (Bethesda, Maryland: CDL Press, 1997), he was the main editor and a contributor to Life and Culture in the Ancient Near East (Bethesda, Maryland: CDL Press, 2003), has published on the Gudea Cylinders and Sumerian Creation Texts in The Context of Scripture volumes 2 and 4 (the latter forthcoming), and has published numerous other articles in these fields.

In recent years, Richard has become engaged in the renewed scholarly discussion about the early chapters of Genesis. He was one of the five main speakers at the Bryan Institute symposium on reading Genesis 1-2, September 29-October 1, 2011, Chattanooga, Tennessee, along with Todd Beale, C. John Collins, Tremper Longman III, and John Walton. Richard’s chapter is entitled: “A Literary Day, Inter-Textual, and Contextual Reading of Genesis 1 and 2,” in Five Views on Genesis 1 and 2, ed. Daryl Charles (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, forthcoming 2013). He is also the author of “The Three ‘Daughters’ of Baal and Transformations of Chaoskampf in the Early Chapters of Genesis,” in Chaoskampf in the Bible and the Ancient Near East, ed. JoAnn Scurlock (Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns, forthcoming 2013). Most recently he has been appointed a co-director of the "Evangelical Theology and the Doctrine of Creation Project” funded by the Templeton Religion Trust through the Henry Center for Theological Understanding at TEDS.

Richard is married to Melinda. They have two sons, Nathan and Micah, and two. grandsons, Jaycob and Levi.


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Mar 25th, 5:30 PM Mar 25th, 6:00 PM

The Coherence and Internal Rationale of the Priestly Legislation in the Pentateuch

Seminary Chapel