Dissertations | Graduate Research | Andrews University


Dissertations from 2003


The Relationship of Academic Workload Typologies and Other Selected Demographic Variables to Burnout Levels Among Full-Time Faculty in Seventh-day Adventist Colleges and Universities in North America, Sylvia Gonzalez


Paul's Use of Canonical and Noncanonical Wisdom Literature in Romans and the Corinthian Letters, Tadashi Ino


A Study of the Relationship Between Followership Modalities and Leadership Styles Among Educators at Selected High Schools in Jackson, Mississippi, Joyce Elaine Johnson


Differential Perceptions of Teachers and Students About the Teaching and Learning of History in Secondary Schools of Trinidad and Tobago, Stephen Joseph


A Comprehensive Guidance Counseling Program for Jamaican Schools: a Needs Assessment, Grace Altia Kelly


The Contribution of Education, Experience, and Personal Characteristics on the Reflective Judgment of Students Preparing for School Administration, Margaret Rae MacDonald


An Examination of Employees' Understanding and Implementation of the Information Security Program at XYZ Engineering Center, Dale J. Mancini


The Effects of Cooperative Learning Versus Traditional Classroom Instruction on Cognitive Achievement, Critical Thinking, and Attitudes Toward Learning in Teams in a Physician Assistant Program, Scott L. Massey


The Role of School Psychologists as Perceived by Administrators, Teachers, and School Psychologists in Berrien, Cass, and Van Buren Counties, Rosemary E. McDaniel


Intention to Pursue Post-Secondary Education, and Related Factors, Among Jamaican Senior High School Students, Teran T. Milford


An Examination of Perceived Stress and Coping Patterns of pastoral wives in the Nigerian Union Mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Olufunmilayo Janet Ola


Fixing the Hole in the Pipe : Moving Beyond Prereferral Toward Changing the System, Jean T. Papandrea


Incarnation and Covenant in the Prologue to the Fourth Gospel (John 1:1-18), Wilson Paroschi


Perceptions of Problem-Based Learning and Attitudes Towards its Adoption Among K-12 Teachers in Seventh-day Adventist Schools in Florida, Eileen A. Pilliner


Teachers' and Students' Perceptions of Seventh- and Eighth-Grade Science Education in a Selected Seventh-day Adventist Union Conference, Marcel Andre Sargeant


Job Satisfaction and its Relationship to Organizational Commitment and Religious Commitment for Andrews University Employees, Ralph Schroder


The Impact of Early-Intervention/Prevention Services on the Northville Public Schools, Robert O. Sornson


The Phenomenon of Woman-on-Woman Abuse and its Relationship to Gender Profile and Personal Experiences of Women, Deborah Johnson Spence


A Comparative Study of Giving and Volunteering Patterns Among Adults with Seventh-day Adventist and Other Christian Religious Identities, Karen E. Stockton-Chilson


A Comparison of the Emotional Indicators on the House-Tree-Person Drawings and the Kinetic-House-Tree-Person Drawing, Denise Ann Stoddard


Leadership in Reaching Global Consensus on Technologicl Standardization, Carol Oak Tierney


A Study of the Influence of Birth Order and Other Variables on Student Perceptions of School Effectiveness in a Southwestern Michigan County, Hamil Tobias

Dissertations from 2002


The Effectiveness of the Writing Workshop Model to Teach an English-as-a-Second-Language College Writing Course in Puerto Rico: a Look at Students' Outcomes, Marie Jacqueline Agésilas


Means and Ends of the Andrews University Leadership Program: a Study of its Critical Components and Outcomes as They Relate to the Mission Statement, José A. Alaby


Exemplary Bilingual Teachers in Puerto Rico: a Multiple-Case Study, Aurea Laracuente Araújo


Student Perception of the Attributes of Peer Mediators: Implications for Program Improvement, Michelle Maree Bell


A Legal History of the Job Corps, Joseph E. Blackett


The Roles and Attributes of Human Resource Leaders During Organizational Restructuring, Alison Anne Brown


A Descriptive Multiple Case Study of Caucasian Female Suicide Attempters: Risk and Protective Factors, Janice Johnson Browne


The Development of the Concept of Salvation in Lutheran and Seventh-Day Adventist Parochial, Secondary-School Students, Megan G. Brown


The Historical Background, Interconnected Development and Integration of the Doctrines of the Sanctuary, the Sabbath, and Ellen G. White's Role in Sabbatarian Adventism from 1844 to 1849, Merlin D. Burt


The Psychosocial Determinants of Middle- and High-School Violence: an Investigation of the Perceptions of Parents of Children Suspended for Committing Violent Acts at School, Beverly Cameron


An Examination of the Perceived Need and Recommended Competencies for a Secondary School Principal Internship Program in the Seventh-day Adventist Educational System, Robert L. Caskey


A Theoretical Proposal for Reaching Irreligious Czech People Through a Mission Revitalization Movement, Petr Činčala


The Relationships Between Attitude, Motivation, Anxiety, and Proficiency in English as a Second Language of First-Year University Students in Puerto Rico, Carmen Mercedes Cortés


Study of the Efficacy of a Christian-based Inpatient Hospital for Treating Eating Disorders, Depression, and Spiritual Distress, Robert Alan Darden


An Autobiographical Study of My Beliefs, Attributes, and Practices as an Instructional Support Consultant, Jennifer Wilcox Dove


A Descriptive Case Study : The Implementation of a Field-Based Master's Program, Jeanne Renita Grant


The Empirical Development of a Curriculum on Identification of the "Tongues" of 1 Corinthians 14 Utilizing a Socio-Exegetical Approach to Interpretation, Angel Hernandez


A Study of Perceptions Held Toward Teacher Evaluation Policies and Practices by Teachers and Their Supervisors in Adventist Schools in Canada, Dave Densil Higgins


An Inquiry of Governance Training, Perceptions of Board Members' Qualifications, and Board Assessments of Day Academies in the Southern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Nathaniel George Higgs


Academic Persistence and Attrition Among Freshman Traditional and Non-Traditional Students at a Public Midwestern Commuter University, Arnold W. Illanz


A Study of the Reported Long-Term Attitudinal and Behavioral Effects of an Eighth-Grade Environmental Education Project and the Development of an Innovation Configuration to Promote Environmental Education, Jean Lomino


A Case Analysis of Three Middle-School Boys Who Have Down Syndrome and Have Been in Regular Education Classes Since Preschool, Eileen Frances Luddy


Predominant Nursing Students' Learning Profile and Nursing Faculty Teaching Styles as Related to Final Course Grade in a Baccalaureate Nursing Program in Puerto Rico, Lourdes Méndez Cruz


A Study of Select Decisions That Fostered the Growth and Development of Solusi University in Zimbabwe, Israel Sampson Mfune


A Rhetorical Analysis of Theodore Hesburgh's Fund-Raising Speeches for the University of Notre Dame, Peggie Mathaba Ncube


The Seed in Genesis 3:15 : an Exegetical and Intertextual Study, Afolarin Olutunde Ojewole


The Relationship Between Perspectives ofSpiritual Care and Organizational Climate in Seventh-day Adventist Baccalaureate Nursing Programs in North America, Edelweiss Ramal


Variables Related to the Successful Completion of the First Course in Business Calculus at Three Jamaican Universities, Martin Nkhrama Richards


The Relationship Between Spiritual Belief, Life Attitude, and Mental Health Among Physical Fitness Participants in Northern Indiana, Sharon K. Sacks


Exploratory Study of the Relationships Between Community Building and the Social, Academic, and Spiritual Engagement at Antillean Adventist University, Zilma Enid Santiago


The Relationship Between Demographic and Attitudinal Characteristics of Primary-School Teachers and Implementation of the Continuous Assessment Program in Swaziland, Hibajene Monga Shandomo


Paul's Apparent Reversal of Concern for the Weak Brother in l Corinthians 10:29B-30: an Examination of the Text in Light of Greco-Roman Rhetoric, Moses Oladele Taiwo


Predicting Work Stress Burnout in Rural and Urban Emergency Medical Technicians Through the Use of Early Recollections, Susan M. Vettor


The Design, Implementation, and Assessment of Initial Change and Growth in a Local Voluntary Organization and its Members, Tracy Ann Weber


Learning and Study Strategies as they Relate to Success in an Open-Entry/Open-Exit College Developmental Reading Course, Ginna A. Wenger


Differences Between Undergraduate and Graduate Students in Self-concept and Depression, Ann L. Woolley


The Early Bronze Age Ceramic Assemblage from Tell Ta'annek, Palestine, Mark S. Ziese

Dissertations from 2001


A Comparison of the Health Beliefs of Florence Nightingale and Ellen G. White and the Incorporation of Them into Their Respective Schools of Nursing, Ruth Duncan Abbott


Intergenerational Transmission of Values Through Adages in an Ecuadorian Family, Norma Albán-Lowry


The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Teams Using the BcubeTM Process, C. Vincent Anderson


Personality Profiles and Problems Related to Clergy Misconduct, Kenneth S. Brodie


A Study of the Relationship Between Police Stress and Moral Reasoning, Coping Mechanisms, and Selected Demographic Variables, Harvey J. Burnett


Tradition as a Viable Option for Protestant Theology : the Vincentian Method of Thomas C. Oden, Kwabena Donkor


Creation in Isaiah, Wann M. Fanwar


The Effect of a Jail-Based Substance-Abuse Program on Anxiety, Depression, and Locus of Control, Peggy Leigh Frick


Impact of a Short-Term Shelter Program on Selected Outcome Indicators Among Youths and Their Parents, Gale Sandra Hackworth


The Banquet Type-Scene in the Parables of Jesus, Fazadudin Hosein


Venezuelan Adventist University Institute: the Development of a Seventh-day Adventist Educational Institution, 1962-1999, Pablo E. Huérfano


The Magisterium and Theologians in the Writings of Avery Robert Dulles, Darius W. Jankiewicz


A Longitudinal Study of Seventh-day Adventist Adolescents Through Young Adulthood Concerning Retention in or Disaffiliation From the Church, Gyung Gu Kim


The Impact on Team Effectiveness of Personality Preferences of Team Members Involved in the Connecticut Early Intervention Project, Nancy Krafcik-Rousseau


Teaching Strategies and Adaptations of Teachers in Multiculturally Diverse Classrooms in Seventh-day Adventist K-8 Schools in North America, Annabelle I. Lopez


A Study on Selected Factors Influencing School Choice Among the Seventh-day Adventist Population in Southwest Michigan, Philip Omenge Mainda


The Effectiveness of the High-School Academic Program in Preparing Graduates for Post-Secondary Education as Perceived by Alumni From Four Seventh-day Adventist Senior High Schools in Canada, Janice P. Maitland


The Historical Development of the Religion Curriculum at Battle Creek College, 1874-1901, Medardo Esau Marroquin


College Graduates' Perception of Placement-Service Impact at Three Selected Institutions of Higher Education in the Michiana Area, Javan Lukema Ntaganda


Levels of Acculturation of Children of Mexican Descent as Perceived in their Kinetic Family Drawings, Kevin Adolfo Rosado


Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Characteristics as Predictors of College Success Among African-American and Caucasian Students in a Comprehensive Community College, Denise Marie Scameheorn


The Learning Disabled College Student : Experiencing the Hundred-Acre Wood, Frances Lowry Schander


An Analysis of Role Perceptions and Job Satisfaction of Secondary-School Counselors in Trinidad and Tobago, Hillman St. Brice


The Impact of Intentional Learning Experiences for Personal Spiritual Formation on Seminary Students, Carol M. Tasker


The Fatherhood of God: an Exegetical Study From the Hebrew Scriptures, David Russell Tasker


The Evolving Face of God as Creator: Early Ninteenth-Century Traditionalist and Accommodationist Theological Responses in British Religious Thought to Paleonatural Evil in the Fossil Record, Thane Hutcherson Ury


Job Satisfaction Among Psychologists in a Managed-Care Environment, Walter R. Vyhmeister


The Impact of the College Experience on the Lives of Female Single-Parent Students, Elizabeth Darby Watson


Intergovernmental Mediation : a Technique for Successful Local Government Partnerships, W. Thomas Wiseman


The Classification of the Greek Manuscripts of 1 Peter with Special Emphasis on Methodology, Kenneth Keumsang Yoo

Dissertations from 2000


Survey of Nigerian University Student Affairs Services: a Comparison of Students' Perceived Service Importance and the Students' Level of Satisfaction, Michael Adewale Adeniyi


The Relationships Between Student Diligence, Student Support Systems, Other Related Variables and Student Academic Outcomes in High Schools in Grenada, Christon Arthur


Religious Commitment as a Correlate of Mental Health and Life Satisfaction Among Black American Families, Judith Bernard-Fisher


The Current Structure of Intellect Remediation Lab as an Intervention for Deficient Readers in Grades 3, 4, and 5, Donna Turner Campbell


Educational Brain Research as Compared with E.G. White's Counsels to Educators, Linda Bryant Caviness


Leadership Requirements in the 21st Century : the Perceptions of Canadian Public Sector Leaders, M. Ruth Dantzer


The Church as a Social Support for Women: Perspectives of Female Members of Selected Seventh-day Adventist Churches, Norma Greenidge


Institutional Activities in International Higher Education : An Assessment of Advancement Strategies Used at Selected Small Church-Related Colleges and Universities, Janeric Arne Gustavsson


An Assessment of the Perceived Administrative Effectiveness of Boarding School Principals in the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Malcolm E. Hutchinson Jr.


The Effects of Prereferral Intervention Through the Connecticut Early Intervention Project on Special Education Prevalence Rates in Connecticut Schools, Marianne Eike Kirner


A Study of the Out-Of-Class Experiences of Saint Mary's College Students Studying in Maynooth, Ireland, Carolyn S. Langley