Dissertations from 1992
Historical/Analytical Study Of The Contributions Of Alma E. McKibbin To The Seventh-Day Adventist Church School System, Marie Louise Myers
The Use of nśʼ in the Pentateuch and its Contribution to the Concept of Forgiveness, Gudmundur Olafsson
An Exploratory Study of the Aims and Methods of Family Worship in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, L. Edgel Phillips
The Student, the Teacher, and the Text : an Ethnography of the Literary Acculturation Process in Three Undergraduate Literature Classrooms, Matthew Justice Quartey
A Correlational-Developmental Study of Sexual Symbols, Actions, and Themes in Children's Kinetic Family and Human Figure Drawings, Peggy Joan Rodgers
A Comparative Study Of The Effects Of Learning Style Prescriptions And/Or Modality-Based Instruction On The Spelling Achievement Of Fifth-Grade Students, Nancy D'Isa Turner
Stressors that Affect Psychotherapists' Therapeutic Functioning, Donald E. Wallace
Dissertations from 1991
Humanist Reconceptualization Of The Dogmatic Marxist Concept Of Religion By Esad Ćimić, Radisa Antic
Classroom Implementation of Cooperative Learning: Qualitative Case Studies of Three Early Elementary Teachers, W. Philip Bassett
Teacher Change and a Direct Instruction Reading Approach : A Multiple-Case Study, Shirley Ann Freed
Integrated Thematic Instruction : A Descriptive Case Study of its Adaptation and Implementation, Premalatha Gaikwad
A Descriptive Study of Teacher, School, and Training Characteristics in the Implementation of the Cooperative and Inductive Teaching Models, Samuel M. Gaikwad
Church, Sect, and Government Control, a History of Seventh-Day Adventists in Austria, 1890-1975, Daniel Heinz
The Empirical Development of an Instructional Product for the Training of Seventh-day Adventist Literature Evangelists, Randy C. Horning
An Evaluation of Edward Heppenstall's Doctrine of Redemption, Armando Juárez
A Study Of Issues And Problems Women Face In Attempting To Pursue Careers In Educational Administration In Kenya, Bertha Kirigo Mutai
Religion, Culture, and Modernity : Some Missiological Implications of the Process of Secularization in East Asia, Gan-Theow Ng
Ecclesiology in Dialogue : a Critique of the Understanding of the Nature of the Church in the Thought of G. C. Berkouwer, Bruce Norman
The Definition and Function of Markan Intercalation as Illustrated in a Narrative Analysis of Six Passages, Tom Shepherd
Dissertations from 1990
The Background, Formation, Development, and Presentation of Ellen White's Concept of Forgiveness From Her Childhood to 1864, Ronald Deane Bissell
Christ-Centered Discipleship: a Biblical Concept of Religious Education, Myung Soo Cho
Perceived Leader Authenticity as an Effective Indicator of Perceived Instructional Leadership Behavior in Middle Level Principals, Thomas M. Meyer
The Latter Days and the Time of the End in the Book of Daniel, Gerhard Pfandl
Clark H. Pinnock's Shift in His Doctrine of Biblical Authority and Reliability, an Analysis and Critique, Ray C. Roennfeldt
A Study of the Leadership Training Needs as Perceived by the Secondary School Principals of Fiji, Nemani W. Tausere
Dissertations from 1989
The Sinaitic Covenant and Law in the Theology of Dispensationalism, Keumyoung Ahn
A Study of Student and Faculty Perceptions of the Religious Environment of Andrews University in Relation to Religiosity, Walter M. Booth
Relationship Between Child Temperament, Parental Knowledge of Child Development, and Parental Stress, Nancy J. Carbonell
Freshmen Retention at Two Seventh-day Adventist Higher Education Institutions, R. William Cash
The Role of Volition in Exercise Behavior, Mary L. DiGangi
Attitudes of Male Administrators Toward Hiring and Promoting Female Administrators in the Seventh-day Adventist Educational System in the North American Division, Hessen C. Ghazal
An Assessment of Effective Fund-Raising Policies Used at Private, Church-Related Undergraduate Colleges, Albin H. Grohar
A Study Of The Discriminative Function Of Six Variables In 9-12-Year-Old Males With Learning Disabilities, Kenneth M. Hanig
Khirbet Nisya 1979-1986: a Report on Six Seasons of Excavation, David Palmer Livingston
The Historical Development of Seventh-day Adventist Eschatology 1884-1895, Roy Israel McGarrell
The "Throne of God" Motif in the Hebrew Bible, Daegeuk Nam
Principles for Reorganization of the Seventh-day Adventist Administrative Structure, 1888-1903 Implications for an International Church, Barry David Oliver
The Resurrection Motif in Hosea 5:8-6:6: an Exegetical Study, Bertrand C. Pryce
Variables Which Discriminate Successful Versus Unsuccessful Placement of Adolescents in an Open Residential Treatment Program, Teresa Gayle Turner
The Relationship Between Moral Judgment, Selected Personality Factors, and Marital Satisfaction, Thomas C. Wallace
Dissertations from 1988
The Relationship of Hemispheric Performance and Reading Achievement for Black and Caucasian Fourth- and Fifth- Grade Students, Helen Dorothy Byoune
Protection and Reward: the Significance of Ancient Midrashic Expositions on Genesis 15:1-6, Aecio E. Cairus
Preparation and Practice of Ministry : a Study of Seventh-day Adventist Ministerial Education in the Philippines, Crisolito Vasquez Dela Cruz
The Peruvian Education Reform of 1968-1980 and Seventh-day Adventist Education at Inca Union College : a Study in Models, Luis Alberto Del Pozo
Selected Dimensions and Orientations of Religiosity Related to Marital Satifaction As Perceived by Married Seventh-day Adventists in the Midwest, Margaret D. Dudley
Orthodoxy And Heresy In Hans Küng: An Analysis And Critique Of His Criteria And Norms Of Christian Truth And Error, C. Enrique Espinosa
Identification of the Presence of the Restoration Concept in Seventh-day Adventist Nursing Programs in the United States, L. Phil Hunt
The Function of Christ's Suffering in I Peter 2:21, Madelynn Jones-Haldeman
A Study of the Religious Attitudes and Behaviors of Seventh-day Adventist Adolescents in North America Related to their Family, Educational, and Church Backgrounds, Janet Leigh Kangas
Relationship of Caning to Internal-External Locus of Control Among Selected African Secondary and College Students, James R. Kilmer
A Study of Group Attitudes Toward the Professional Status of Teachers in Selected Adventist Elementary and Secondary Schools, Edward Joseph Kunitz
Alexander Hegius (ca. 1433-98) : His life, Philosophy, and Pedagogy, John V. Matthews
The Problem of Synoptic Relationships in the Development and Testing of a Methodology for the Reconstruction of the Matthean Community, Robert K. McIver
The Relationship Between Academic Achievement and Perceived Organizational Effectiveness and the Michigan Elementary Exemplary Public School Recognition Program, David L. Ratajik
Occupational Choice and Academic Planning in the Colombia-Venezuela Union of Seventh-day Adventists : a Needs Assessment, Leonardo Suescun Franco
Warren Eugene Howell, Seventh-day Adventist Educational Administrator, John Francis Waters
Dissertations from 1987
Lesser Gods of the Ancient Near East and Some Comparisons with Heavenly Beings of the Old Testament, K. Merling Alomia
The Empirical Development of a Curriculum to Train SDA Professional Youth Leaders, Steve Case
A Study of the Attitudes of the Adventist Church Members in Taiwan Toward the Support of Seventh-day Adventist Christian Education, Paul Fu-sheng Cho
A Sequential Study of Revelation 1-14 Emphasizing the Judgment Motif : With Implications for Seventh-day Adventist Apocalyptic Pedagogy, Richard Fredericks
Validation of the Portuguese Version of the Temperament Inventory, Flavia Jorge
The Development of a Self-Esteem Protocol for Adults, Steven D. Mauro
James White and the Development of Seventh-day Adventist Organization, 1844-1881, Andrew Gordon Mustard
The Vision of Daniel 8 : Interpretations from 1700 to 1900, Samuel Núñez
Allusions, Exegetical Method, and the Interpretation of Revelation 8:7-12, Jon Paulien
Applying Marketing Concepts to Seventh-day Adventist Secondary Education, David Stephen Penner
Comparison of International and American Doctoral Graduates' Expectations, Satisfaction, and Appropriateness of their Programs in Education at Andrews University, Libin Kutup Rampasan
Feminine Values, Interpersonal Orientation, and the Evolution of the Female Identity in College Students, Barbara Jones Robinson
The Meaning of Marriage to the Voluntarily Childless Couple, June Ann Smith
Correlations Between Old Aramaic Inscriptions and the Aramaic Section of Daniel, Zdravko Stefanovic
Effects of Administrator Implemented Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Grouping on Reading Achievement of Selected Sixth-Grade Students, Jerry L. Thacker
Issues in Biblical Inspiration: Sanday and Warfield, Peter M. van Bemmelen
Dissertations from 1986
Edward Alexander Sutherland and the Seventh-day Adventist Educational Reform: the Denominational Years, Warren Sidney Ashworth
The Heavenly Court Scene of Revelation 4-5, R. Dean Davis
The Jephthah Traditions : a Rhetorical and Literary Study in the Deuteronomistic History, Dale Sumner DeWitt
Concurrent Validity of the Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory for Seventh-day Adventist Seminarians and Ministers, M. Lloyd Erickson
A Curriculum Data Base for Continuing Education for Ministers in the Colombia-Venezuela Union Mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Edgar J. Escobar
The Counseling Center as a Healing Community : the Development of a Model, Talitha Day Fair
The Female Adolescent Incest Victim : Personality, Self-Esteem, and Family Orientation, Don-Nee E. German
A Study of Hemispheric Preference As It Relates to Reading and Recalling Nonsense Words from a Card Reader, Charlotte V. Groff
Motivation of Secondary-School Teachers in the Lake Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Based on Herzberg's Dual-Factor Theory of Job Satisfaction and Motivation, Khillah Latif Khillah
A Comparative Study of the Learning Styles of Southeast Asian and American Caucasian College Students on Two Seventh-day Adventist Campuses, Sally Lam-Phoon
Selected Variables Related to Alienation from Religion Among Church-Related High School Students, Carl Robert Laurent
Slow to Understand: the Disciples in Synoptic Perspective, Bertram L. Melbourne
The Concept of Vengeance in the Book of Revelation in its Old Testament and Near Eastern Context, Joel Nobel Musvosvi
A Correlational Study of Jungian Psychological Types and Nineteen Spiritual Gifts, Chek Yat Phoon
The Concept of Contextualization and its Implications for the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Education in India, Melchizedek M. Ponniah
The Concept of the Poor in the Context of the Ecclesiology of Liberation Theology, Amin Americo Rodor
A Correlational Study of the Relationship Between Adolescent Religiosity and Adolescent Perception of Parental Behavior in Antigua and Barbuda, Eustace Sheppard
Premarital Preparation Within the Home, School, and Church as Perceived by Adolescents in the Lake Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Ernest James Stevens
Self-Concept in Home-Schooling Children, John Wesley Taylor V