Dissertations from 2016
The Historical Superscriptions of Davidic Psalms: An Exegetical, Intertextual, and Methodological Analysis, Jerome L. Skinner
Teachers' Cultural Competence and Students' Perception of the Social Classroom Climate in Culturally Different Middle School Classrooms, Olivia L. R. Spence
The Effects of Learning about Black History on Racial Identity, Self-efficacy, Self-esteem, and Depression Among Low-Income African American Male Youth, Quentin L. Stubbins
Capacity Building for International Development Practitioners Through an Off-Campus Graduate Education Program, Ralph Charles Wood
Dissertations from 2015
Revelation 6:9-11: An Exegesis of the Fifth Seal in the Light of the Problem of the Eschatological Delay, Patrice Allet
The Use of Fantasy Theme Analysis to Describe the Group Communication and Creative Problem-Solving Skills of University-Level Students as They Prepare for Destination Imagination Global Finals Competition, Elizabeth Morgan Armstrong
Diversity and Student Engagement in a Small Multi-ethnic Liberal Arts University in California, Yamileth Bazan
Union with Christ in the Writings of Ellen G. White, Katrina B. Blue
Up from Sea and Earth: Revelation 13:1, 11 in Context, Hugo Antonio Cotro
Indiana's High-Stakes Reading Assessment: Impact on Professionalism and Instructional Practices of Elementary Teachers, Michelle A. Fish
Educator's Implementation of the Connecticut Guidelines for the Identification and Education of Children and Youth with Autism, Linda K. Grimm
The Induction Process of Newly Hired Teachers into the Existing School Culture of Niles Community Schools, Zechariah Matthew Hoyt
The Unity of the Church and Church Authority: a Comparative Study of the Views and Practice of Alexander Campbell and Ellen G. White, Wendy Ann Jackson
Testing the Technology Acceptance Model 3 (TAM 3) with the Inclusion of Change Fatigue and Overload, in the Context of Faculty from Seventh-day Adventist Universities: A Revised Model, David Andrew Jeffrey
Marital Expectation Fulfillment and its Relationship to Height of Marital Expectations, Optimism, and Relationship Self-Efficacy Among Married Individuals, Kristina D. Johnson
A Structural Equation Model of the Influence of Personal, Behavioral, and Environmental Factors on the Writing Performance of First-year Students at a Selected Michigan Community College, Thula I. Norton Lambert
Academic and Non-academic Variables as Predictors of NCLEX-RN Success Among Traditional Associate Degree Students at Southern Adventist University, Christine Moniyung
Cleansing the Common: A Narrative-Intertextual Study of Mark 7:1-23, Eike Arend Mueller
An Analysis and Response to the Fear of Evil Spiritual Forces Among Kamba Christians in the Light of Biblical and Ellen G. White Teachings, Joseph Mutune Ndisya
An Examination of Implicit Beliefs and Ability Judgments Among School Psychologists, Heather Owen Nudd
The Relationship Between Episodes of Dissociative Amnesia, Symptomology of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Childhood Sexual Abuse, Jennifer E. Perkins
Curriculum Design and Language Learning: An Analysis of English Textbooks in Brazil, Ellen Nogueira Rodrigues
A Biblical and Missiological Framework for Cross-Cultural Mission: A Case Study of the Lobi Funeral Rites in Burkina Faso, Boubakar Sanou
Attitude, Subjective Norm, and Perceived Behavioral Control as Indicators for Nurse Educators’ Intention to Use Critical Thinking Teaching Strategies: a Structural Equation Model Analysis, Angerlita Yolanda Smith
Under-represented Students' Engagement in Secondary Science Learning: a Non-equivalent Control Group Design, Joy J. Vann-Hamilton
The Function of 'Hope' as a Lexical and Theological Keyword in the Psalter: A Structural-Theological Study of Five Psalms (PSS 42-43, 52, 62, 69, 71) within their Final Shape Context (Pss 42-72), Christine Maria Vetne
Dissertations from 2014
An Evaluation of the Bachelor Degree in Accounting Program in a Ghanaian Private University, Samuel Adaboh
The Relationship of Family, Church, School, Peers, Media, and Adventist Culture to the Religiosity of Adventist Youth in Puerto Rico, Edwin P. Alicea Santiago
Dominant Characteristics and Predictive Factors that Motivate a Theology Career Choice in a Private Denominational University in São Paulo, Brazil, Gerson Pires Araujo
The Eschatological Role of the Jerusalem Temple: An Examination of Jewish Writings Dating from 586 BCE to 70 CE, Eric W. Baker
The Identity and Role of the Servant in Isaiah 42:1-9: An Exegetical and Theological Study, Stephane A. Beaulieu
A Quantitative Case Study of Transformational Leadership Characteristics of Valley View University in Ghana, Isaac Boateng
Preservice Teachers' Attitudes and Efficacy Beliefs Toward Inclusion of Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders in the Midwestern Region of the United States, Amy Cavanaugh Cramer
Correlates of Body Image of Undergraduate Females Attending Andrews University, Jennifer L. Dabros
Paramedic Professional and Leadership Development Using High-Fidelity Healthcare Simulation and Audiovisual Feedback : One Michigan Community College Case Study, Chester L. Dalski
Adventist Medical Mission in Botswana: Toward an Effective and Appropriate Model, Olaotse Obed Gabasiane
Toward Christian-Identity Response Theory : Exploring Identity, Spirituality, and Response to Adversity Among African American Males Placed at Risk, Charity Hannah Garcia
Attitudes and Beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists Concerning Psychology, Counseling, and Mental Health Issues, Kristy Koeppe
Perceptions of Seventh-day Adventist Church Elders in Ghana and the United States on Servant Leadership and Culture: a Correlational Study, Appiah Kubi Kwarteng
The Pastor as Vital Link : a Study in How Seminary-Educated Pastors Engender Engagement with Scripture in Select Congregations, Jewel Gingerich Longenecker
Late Completers : How and Why Non-Traditional Graduate Students Who Exceed Program Timelines of 10 Years Ultimately Complete the Doctoral Process, Lisa Ann Margerum
The Spirit of the Lord and Obedience to God's Law : an Exegetical, Intertextual, and Theological Study of Ezekiel 36:27, James Waita Mutua
Faith Commitments and Spiritual Influences as Correlates of Adolescents' Involvement in Service in the Valuegenesis Study, Andrea Cristina Nagy
Towards a Missiological Model for Worldview Transformation among Adherents to African Traditional Religion in Yorubaland, Kelvin Okey Onongha
The Effect of Prosody Instruction on Reading Fluency and Comprehension Among Third-Grade Students, Tammy B. Overstreet
The Sin Against the Holy Spirit in the Writings of G. C. Berkouwer and E. G. White: a Comparative Study and Ethical Implications, Michael Davey Pearson
An Exploratory, Correlational, Self-Rater Study on Authentic Leadership Values of Adventist Local Conference Chief Financial Officers in the United States, Juan R. Prestol-Puesán
John Bruce, Jr. : a Sixty-Nine Year Leadership Journey Throughout Change in the United States Army, Joseph Rakocy
Perceptions of Leadership Characteristics of Principals who Influence Positive School Culture in a Midwest Adventist Union : a Qualitative Study, Evelyn P. Savory
Factors Related to Declining Attendance at the Adult Sabbath School in the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventist Church, Laurentiu A. Serban
The Impact of Accreditation on the Teacher Education Curricula at Two Historically Black Colleges from 1920-1940, Denise J. Shaver
Use of Funds in a Nonprofit Organization as Predictor of Organizational Effectiveness and Efficiency, Throstur B. Thordarson
Major Gifts to The Seed Company : Who Gives Them and Why, Michael E. Toupin
Abrasive Teachers and Principal Response ; a Mixed-Methods Exploration of Administrative Decisions Regarding Teachers Who Bully Students, James Clayton Weller
Factors that Relate to Registered Nurses' Readiness for Interprofessional Learning in the Context of Continuing Professional Development, Collette Williams
Wheel of Innovation : How Leaders' Attitudes and Behaviors Drive Disruptive Technology in the U.S. Navy, Eddy Wayne Witzel
Dissertations from 2013
The Influence of University Personnel Upon Students' Spirituality at Selected Adventist Universities in West Africa, Isaiah Ola Abolarin
The Relationship of Servant Leadership Attributes to Sales Performance of Salespersons in the Healthcare Industry in 2011, William R. Auxier
Creating Political Leaders: Lawyer Stories About Transitioning into Political Office in Canada, Ralph A. Chatoor
Teachers' Perceptions of the Availability and Need of a Support Program for Students with Learning Difficulties Attending Elementary Schools in the Atlantic Union Conference, Lileth Althea Coke
The Role of Religious Orientation and Ethnic Identity on Religious Coping Among Bereaved Individuals, Luis G. Cruz-Ortega
The Relationship Between Parental and Adolescent Religiosity Factors and Adolescent Sexual Risk-Taking Among Older Adolescents in the Anglophone/Latin Caribbean, Karen Christoffel Flowers
Structure and Mission Effectiveness: a Study Focused on Seventh-day Adventist Mission to Unreached People Groups Between 1980 and 2010, Abraham Guerrero
Narratives of the Leadership Development of Adults Who Served as Summer Camp Staff in the Mennonite Setting : a Multiple Case Study, Jason Harrison
Relationship Between Trust and Perceived Value of Faculty Unionization Among Full-Time Faculty in Selected Michigan Community Colleges, Stacy L. Horner
The Traits, Characteristics, and Qualities of International Christian School Teachers Valued by Third Culture Kids, Dale B. Linton
The Influence of K-12 Christian Education on Leadership Development, Jeffrey S. McMaster
Teacher Participation in School Decision-Making and Job Satisfaction as Correlates of Organizational Commitment in Senior Schools in Botswana, Paul Alan Mosheti
Exploring the Relationship Between Adventist Hospital Board Chair Leadership Behaviors and Effectiveness, Anthony M. Stahl
Are Women Aware? : Factors Related to Women's Knowledge of Risk and Preventive Factors in Breast Cancer, Sandra M. Walther
Actions, Practices, and Workplace Conditions that Characterize High-Engagement Workgroups in a Hospital Environment, Barbette Weimer-Elder
Factors Associated with Pastoral Preaching on Financially-Related Topics Within the Missionary Church, Terry A. Zeitlow
Dissertations from 2012
A Survey of Leadership Standards for Professional Preparation of Public School Principals in Kuwait, Amal EEHE Alansari
The Markan "Divorce" Pericope: an Exegesis, Carlos C. Camarena
The Emotional Intelligence Profiles and Cognitive Measures of Nurse Anesthesia Students in the Southeastern United States, Shawn Bryant Collins
A Multiple-Case Study Describing Collaborative Relations Between Adventist Pastors and Teachers in the Eastern United States, Pamela Consuegra
A Delphi Study of the Biblical/Doctrinal Knowledge That Ministers of Christian Churches/Churches of Christ Consider Essential for Spiritual Development, Jeffrey D. Derico
The Persian Period Pottery of Tall Al-'Umayri, Philip R. Drey
A Study of Warfare Theodicy in the Writings of Ellen G. White and Gregory A. Boyd, Martha O. Duah
The Perceptions of General Education Teachers About the Over-Representation of Black Students in Special Education, David Roland Grice
The Origin of the Eschatological Feast as a Wedding Banquet in the Synoptic Gospels: an Intertextual Study, Phillip J. Long
The Effects of a Videoconferencing Implementation Project on Educators' Level of Concern in Southwest Michigan Schools, Dennis David Lundgren
A Comparison of the Incremental Rehearsal Method, the Pocket Word Method, and Repeated Reading Instructional-Level Text on the Word Retention, Words Read Per Minute, and Comprehension of First-Grade Students, Lara Lynne MacQuarrie
Environmental Literacy of Seventh-day Adventist Teachers in the Parochial Schools of the Florida Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Michael Murdoch