Dissertations from 2012
The Concept of Divine Love in the Context of the God-World Relationship, John C. Peckham
Descriptions of Childhood Trauma, Effects of the Trauma, and How Adults Moved Through the Trauma to Normalized Behavior, Alice Katherine Schaaf
Key Factors of Faith Development : the Relationship Between Family and Church Factors and Faith Development of Adolescents and Young Adults in German-Speaking Europe, Alexander C. Schulze
God and Integrity: a Case Study of Walter C. Kaiser Jr. and Norman L. Geisler, Augustin Tchamba
Leadership Programs Designed to Develop Creative Leaders : a Multi-Case Study, Karen Tilstra
The Meaning and Function of System in Theology, Timothy Watson
"Clothes Make the (One Like a Son of) Man": Dress Imagery in Revelation 1 as an Indicator of High Priestly Status, Ross E. Winkle
Dissertations from 2011
Factores Predictores de la Satisfaccion Laboral en los Docentes de las Instituciones Educativas de la APC-SUR, Luis Barba Briceño
A Comparative Analysis of the Origin and Divine Causation of Death in Ancient Near Eastern Literature and in the Old Testament, Lazarus Castang
A Missiological Study of the Phenomenon of Dual Allegiance in the Seventh-day Adventist Church Among the Yoruba People of Nigeria, Paul Adekunle Dosunmu
A Grounded-Theory Study of the Teaching Methods of Jesus : An Emergent Instructional Mode, Liv Fønnebø
The Sabbath in the Pentateuch: an Exegetical and Theological Study, Mathilde Frey
Katapausis and Sabbatismos in Hebrews 4, Erhard Gallos
The Therapeutic Effects Upon Dog Owners Who Interact With Their Dogs in a Mindful Way, Amy Jackson-Grossblat
Anchoring Change in Higher Education : Narratives from Senior Executives at Malcolm Baldrige Award-Winning Institutions, Cheryl H. Kisunzu
Narratives of Longevity From the Perspective of Seventh-day Adventist School Administrators in North America: a Multiple Case Study, Janet Ledesma
The Development of the Seventh-day Adventist Understanding of Ellen G. White's Prophetic Gift, 1844-1889, Theodore N. Levterov
The Relationship Between Community Service Involvement and Student Outcomes in Mexican Higher Learning Institutions, Raul Lozano
Communicating Vision : a Linguistic Analysis of Leadership Speeches, Debrah J. Martin
The Impact of Family, Community, and Resilience on African-American Young Adults Who Had Parents Incarcerated During Childhood, Marilyn Diana Ming
Instructors' Perceptions of the Bologna Model of Higher Education Reform in Cameroon, Zachary Y. Mngo
Beyond the American Dream : Tales of Hispanic Mutimillionaires Who Rose Above Poverty after Immigrating to the United States, Ricardo Norton
A Comparative Study of the Concept of Atonement in the Writings of John R. W. Stott and Ellen G. White, Lawrence O. Oladini
Exploring Teacher Attitudes, Experiences, and Beliefs of the Development and Implementation of Faculty Data Teams (TM) in a Midwestern School District, Bradley William Sheppard
Biblical Sources in the Development of the Concept of the Soul in the Writings of the Fathers of the Early Christian church, 100-325 C.E., Thomas W. Toews
Bab edh-Dhra', Numeira, and the Biblical Patriarchs: a Chronological Study, Kris J. Udd
The Influence and Use of Daniel in the Synoptic Gospels, Reimar Vetne
Ezekiel 5:5-17 and Theodicy: a Theological Investigation of the Character of God, Paul Onyango Wahonya
Religious Tolerance and its Relationship to Spiritual Maturity and Religious Orientation Among Seventh-day Adventists in Jamaica, Meric Dale Walker
Dissertations from 2010
A Comparison of Computer-Based Training and Traditional Classroom Training for the SAD Corporation Job Placement Team, Janice Brown Adams
Clergy Family Systems Training and How It Changes Clergy Leadership Attitudes and Practices, Michael J. Aufderhar
Principles of Church-State Relationships in the Writings of Ellen G. White, Marcio D. Costa
Correlation Between the Leadership Practices of Lead Ministers and the Workplace Spirituality of Their Churches as Reported by Church Members, Richard A. DeVost
Cosmic Conflict as a Hermeneutical Framework for Mission Theology in the Old Testament, Cristian Dumitrescu
A Historical-Contextual Analysis of the Final-Generation Theology of M. L. Andreasen, Paul M. Evans
Grades in Prerequisite Courses as Predictors of Success in a Nursing Program, Elaine Zeilke Foster
A Formal Mentoring Program and its Relationship to Academic Success and Retention Rates of First-Time Freshman College Students at Walla Walla University, Sallieann Brown Hoffer
Evaluation of the Formal and Informal Curricula of the North American Division Evangelism Institute, Calvin Novaraj Joshua
Haima in Hebrews, Hermann V. Kuma
Students' Perceptions of Integration of Faith and Learning and Intentional Teaching Strategies at a Christian University, Terry Anne Lawrence
A Comparative Analysis of the Kingdom of God in the Writings of George Eldon Ladd and Ellen G. White, Changyoung Lee
Relación Entre el Liderazgo Transformacional, Liderazgo Transaccional y Liderazgo Laissez Faire con la Satisfacción, Efectividad y Esfuerzo Extra de los Docentes de la UPeU Periodo 2009, Jorge Platon Maquera Sosa
An Analysis of Teacher Satisfaction in the Seventh-day Adventist Church Schools in Zimbabwe, Silas Masuku
Theology of Blindness in the Hebrew Scriptures, Ray McAllister
An Evaluation of Health Behavior Change During a General Education Health Course, Lynn M. Merklin
Identifying Factors that Enhance or Hinder the Utilization of Strengths by Healthcare Managers, Gene C. Milton
The Nursing Clinical Instructor's Rationale, Preparation, and Meaning for the Post-Clinical Conference, Joseph Michael Mucha
Media Literacy Education : a Case Study of the New Mexico Media Literacy Project, Sam Nkana
Achievement Barriers Perceived and Overcome by Successful High-School Students Participating in Upward Bound Programs in Indiana, Alyssia Janet Parris-Coates
Relación de las Variables del Clima Organizacional y la Satisfacción Laboral en la Clínica Good Hope, Lima, Perú, en al Año 2009, Freddy Robles Lirio
The Origin, Development, and History of the Norwegian Seventh-day Adventist Church from the 1840s to 1889, Bjorgvin Martin Hjelvik Snorrason
Cosmological Beliefs About Origins Related to Science Achievement Among Junior High-School Students in South Bend, Indiana, J. David Van Dyke
An Investigation of the Relationship Between Community Connectedness and Congregational Spiritual Vitality, Rhonda Louise Whitney
Dissertations from 2009
The Validity of the Growing Disciples in Community Model Among Adolescents in Seventh-day Adventist Schools in North America, Kathleen Beagles
The Stressors and Coping Strategies of Women in Leadership Positions, Patricia Ann Bernard
Planting Missional Mennonite Churches in Complex Social Contexts as the Denomination Undergoes a Paradigm Shift in Ecclesiology: a Multiple Case Study, David W. Boshart
The Demographics, Psychographics, Reasons for Giving, and Reasons for Not Giving of Alumni Donors and Nondonors to Two Seventh-day Adventist Universities, Carol A. Bradfield
Counselor Religiosity and its Relationship to the Willingness to Encourage Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Clients, AnnMarie Cutting
A Study of Perceived Actual Versus Expected Roles of Presidents of Seventh-day Adventist Senior Colleges and Universities in Eleven World Administrative Divisions, Sunith Kumar Das
The Perceptions of the Impact of Interscholastic Sports On Selected Elements of a Public-School Experience, Denise M. Drabick
Image-of-God Motif in the Writings of Ellen G. White : A Search for a Distinct Voice in Educational Philosophy, Kevin D. Grams
Cultic Allusions In The Suffering Servant Poem (Isaiah 52:13-53:12), KyeSang Ha
Beliefs and Practices of Expert Respiratory Care Faculty on Critical-Thinking Learning: a Case Study, James Leland Hulse
A Critical Evaluation of John Hick's Religious Pluralism in Light of His Eschatological Model, Haejong Je
The Relationship Between Parental Influence and Christian Spiritual Practices Among Adventist youth in Puerto Rico, Obed Jiménez
Patterns and Challenges of Parenting School-Age Children Among Selected Sub-Saharan African Immigrant Parents in Southwest Michigan: a Multiple-Case Study, Israel M. Kafeero
Perceptions of Female Hiring in Educational Administration in Rural Pennsylvania Public-School Districts as Perceived by School-Board Members, Barbara J. Kelly
The Development of an Instrument for K12 Coordinators Implementing Curriculum Videoconferencing and a Model to Predict Utilization of Videoconferencing, Janine Monica Lim
The School Climate in a K-12 Single-Campus School as Perceived by Students, Graduates, Parents, and Teachers, Albert P. Lindner
Factors That Contribute to the Educational Success of Haitian-American Women, Magdana Louis
Perceptions of Teachers on Systemic Factors Related to Student Performance in Seventh-day Adventist Secondary Schools in Zimbabwe, Sophie Masuku
An Exploration of Influences Affecting the Selection of Leveled Readers for Early Literacy Instruction, William K. Morelan
The Pluriformity of the Alexandrian Text-Type in the Catholic Epistles, Coster Shimbaba Munyengwe
Readiness for Inter-Institutional Collaboration Among Adventist Institutions of Higher Education in North America : Stages of Change, Robert Arthur Paulson
An Investigation of the Knowledge and Beliefs Held by Teachers and Parents in a Parochial School System Regarding Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and the Variables that Predict their Knowledge, Kendra-Lee Yvonne Pearman
Intercultural Relationships in Organizational Transformation: A Single Case-Study of Baptist University of the Américas, Albert Leonard Reyes
A Narrative Case Study Describing the Support Culture for the Change Process in a Small Parochial, Boarding Secondary School, Stanley M. Rouse
A Study of Student Diligence and Academic Performance Among Part-Time and Full-Time Higher Education Students in Brazil, Eliel Unglaub
A Narrative Analysis Using Multiple Case Studies of Nursing Graduates Who Overcame Academic Adversity, Judy C. Whedbee
A Case Study Describing the Experiences of the Sexually Abused Children and Non-Offending Parents who Attended the Multi-Disciplinary Investigation Team After Care Clinic, Danielle DiMauro Williams
Empirical Development of an Instructional Product and its Impact on Mastery of Geometry Concepts, Donaldson Williams
The Role and Status of the Catholic Church in the Church-State Relationship Within the Roman Empire from A.D. 306 to 814, Jean Carlos Zukowski
Dissertations from 2008
The School Experiences and Achievement of Black Males: The Voice of the Students, Sarah Joan Barzee
The 1919 Bible Conference and its Significance for Seventh-day Adventist History and Theology, Michael W. Campbell
"The Anchor of the Soul that Enters Within the Veil": the Ascension of the "Son" in the Letter to the Hebrews, Felix H. Cortez
An Initial Exploration of the Undergraduate English Major Curricula Issued by the 2000-2001 Member Schools of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities, Maralee Sue Crandon
The Trauma of Stalinism Narrated in Varlam T. Shalamov's Kolymskie Rasskazy : Missiological Implications for Contemporary Russia, Yuri N. Drumi
Perceptions of Technology Use in Rural and Urban Pennsylvania High Schools, Brenda M. Freeman
A Mixed-Method Study of the Environmental and Personal Factors That Influence Faculty Research Productivity at Small-Medium, Private, Doctorate-Granting Universities, Gustavo Gregorutti