Dissertations | Graduate Research | Andrews University


Dissertations from 1980


Selected Variables Related to the Knowledge of, Attitude Towards, and Utilization of Bilingual Education Services by Spanish American Parents in Two Michigan Cities, Ricardo Garcia Rodriguez


Selected Characteristics of Home Schools and Parents Who Operate Them, Gunnar A. Gustavsen


A Comparison of the Role Expectations of the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of Selected Universities in Michigan as Perceived by Five Status Groups, John Evans Hill


Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on the Visually Evoked Response in the Visual Cortex, Arni Holm


An Investigation of the Relationship Between Religiosity, Amount of Exposure to Seventh-day Adventist Parochial Education and Other Selected Variables Among Seventh-day Adventist Secondary Students in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Eliseu Nevil Menegusso


The Hellenistic and Roman Periods at Tell Hesban, Jordan, Larry A. Mitchel


Teaching the Bible to Black Africans : (Toward a Methodological Approach to Bible Teaching Applied to the Beti Tribes of South-Cameroon), Joseph Nkou


A Factorial Description of Tasks of the Family, Hideyo Ogawa


A Study of the Educational Administrator's Responsibility for Facility Planning as Seen by the Public-School Superintendents and Private-School Principals in Southwestern Michigan, Gado Appollo Ongwela


Selected Personality and Motivation Variables Related to Behavioral Commitment to Certain Health Teachings of Seventh-day Adventists, Ronald Edwin Ruskjer


The Michigan School Board Member, Delegate or Trustee? : His/Her Personal Characteristics and Attitudes Toward Current Educational Concerns, Frederick J. Schmidt


Horn-Motifs in the Hebrew Bible and Related Ancient Near Eastern Literature and Iconography, Margit Linnéa Süring


A Conceptual Model for the Professional Practice of Seventh-day Adventist Educational Administration Based on the Proclamations of the Three Angels of Revelation 14, Rilla Taylor


Development of a Rationale and Methodology for the College-level Religion Course "Life and Teachings of Jesus", Loron T. Wade

Dissertations from 1979


The Classification of the Greek Manuscripts of the Epistle of James, Joel D. Awoniyi


Educational Facility Space Guidelines for Seventh-Day Adventist Schools, K-12 in the United States, George P. Babcock


Galatians as Dialogical Response to Opponents, Bernard Hungerford Brinsmead

Students' Comprehension of the Almeida Version and a Modern Version of the Bible in Portuguese (A Biblia Na Linguagem de Hoje) In Selected Public Schools of Brazil : A Comparative Study, Jose Carlos Ebling


The Apocalyptic "Son of Man" in Daniel 7, Arthur J. Ferch


The Effects of Selected Tax Reform and School Finance Proposals on the Equalizing Tendencies of State Aid to Michigan Public School Districts, Dorothy R. Hildebrand


A Study of the Career Aspirations of Selected Jamaican College Students : Implications for Educational Program and National Manpower Development, Newton W. Hoilette


A Study of the Duties of the Elders of Local Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Chile: a Needs Assessment, Rolando A. Itin


Major Contextual Dimensions and Dynamic Factors in the Transmission of the Judeo-Christian Religious Heritage According to Selected Writings of Ellen G. White, Juan Navarro


Assessing the Social-Psychological Interior of the Family : an Empirical Basis for the Study of Family Functions, John Edward Rodgers


Substitution in the Hebrew Cultus and in Cultic-Related Texts, Angel Manuel Rodriguez


The Relationship Between Internal-External Locus of Control and Evangelistic Success as Evidenced by a Selected Group of Ministers in the Caribbean Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Kembleton S. Wiggins


A Comparative Study of Critical Thinking Skills, Dogmatism and American College Testing Program Scores of Seventh-day Adventist College Freshmen Graduated from Church Related and Public Secondary Schools, Elizabeth May Wilkins


Values and Leadership Characteristics of Seventh-day Adventist Academy Teachers in Michigan, David Siew-Fee Wong

Dissertations from 1978


An Analysis of the Planning Process in Secondary Education in Trinidad and Tobago: 1962-1976, Vernon E. Andrews


Development of An Institutional Research Model : Lake Michigan College, Jonas M. Dalton


An Assessment of the Organizational Climate for Creativity in the Canadian Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists : Recommendations for Change Based on the Perceptions of Leading Church Members, Donald Douglas Devnich


The Literary Structure of the Genesis Creation Story, Jacques Doukhan


The Development and Validation of a Vocational Interest Survey Instrument With Audio-Visual Format, Paul Gene Elliott


Competitiveness, Cooperativeness, and Assigning Grades in the High School Classroom, Nelson Edward Evans


Selected Variables Related to and Content Dimensions of the Family Concept of Seventh-day Adventist Parents in Costa Rica, Emilio Garcia-Marenko


A Study of the Implications of the Piagetian Theory of Moral Development for Seventh-day Adventist Schools : Based on a Comparison of Selected Schools in Hong Kong, Michigan and Indiana, Edward Han Ho


The Avondale School and Adventist Educational Goals, 1894-1900, Milton Raymond Hook


Factors Affecting Mobility Rates of Principals and Teachers in Canadian Seventh-day Adventist Schools : 1970-78, Leroy Raymond Kuhn


An Assessment of the Vocational Technical Education Needs of the Lake Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Larry Dean Mahlum


Developing a Model for Organizing and Administering Instructional Media Centers for Teacher Education in Iran, Mohammed Hossein Morovati


Psycho-Social Factors Influencing the Learning of a Second or a Foreign Language, Dora Mae Rodgers


Analysis of the Attitude of the Constituents of Indonesia Union College Toward the Absence of Government Academic Recognition of the College, Amos Simorangkir


Expressed Parental Attitudes Toward Child Rearing in Relation to Study Habits, Study Attitudes and Study Skills Achievement in Early Adolescence, Minerva Elizabeth Straman


Implications of Selected Curricular Determinants for Seventh-day Adventist Graduate Theological Education in the South American Division, Nancy J. Vyhmeister


A Model for the Development of Educational Specifications for Small Schools, Raymond K. Wilkinson

Dissertations from 1977


An Exploratory Study of Nursing Personnnel Needs in Seventh-day Adventist Hospitals in the Continental United States with a View to Educational Assessment and Planning, Robert Thompson Andrews


The Relationship of Leadership Characteristics of Academic Deans in Seventh-day Adventist Colleges and Universities to their Performance Levels as Perceived by Educational Administrators and Faculties, H. LeVerne Bissell


Strategies for Seventh-day Adventist Theological Education in the South Pacific Islands, Alexander Shand Currie


Selected Variables Related to Alienation from Religion as Perceived by Students Attending Seventh-day Adventist Academies In the United States, Roger L. Dudley


Moral and Religious Problems and Attitudes as Expressed by Students in Seventh-day Adventist Academies in the United States and Canada, Ingram Frank Du Preez


The Concept of Character Development in the Writings of Ellen G. White, John M. Fowler


A Descriptive Study of the Personality, Attitudes, and Overseas Experience of Seventh-day Adventist College Students Who Served as Short-Term Volunteer Missionaries, Donna Habenicht


Self-Concept Patterns of Inadequate and Adequate Adult Readers, Anna Homenchuk Klimes


Local School-System Use of State-Level Educational Goals in Selected States, Philip B. Lambert


Factors Important to the Vocational Development of Women Police Officers, Carol Ann Martin


Selected Characteristics of Children Referred for Psychiatric Evaluation, Rebecca Louise Pigott


Albert Bandura and Ellen G. White: a Comparative Study of Their Concepts of Behavior Modification through Modeling, Miriam S. Tumangday


A Study of Curricular and Spatial Characteristics of Selected Public and Private Secondary School Facilities Constructed from 1967 Through 1976 in Puerto Rico, Manuel Velazquez Jr.

Dissertations from 1976


A Comparison of Values of Board Chairmen and Educational Administrators in Seventh-day Adventist Residential Academies, Colleges, and Universities in the United States of America and Canada, David Birkenstock


The Importance of and Relationship Between Admissions Criteria for Undergraduate Students and the Management of the Office of Admissions in Seventh-day Adventist Institutions of Higher Education, Gerald Francis Clifford


A Structural-Functional Approach to Attitudes : Development and Application of a Theoretical Framework, Alberto Mario Dos Santos


The Role Expectations for the Division Director of Education of Seventh-day Adventists : As Perceived by Seven Status Groups Within the Church, Timothy Vaughan Gorle


The Leadership Behavior of Jamaican High School Principals : Perceptions and Expectations of Teachers and Principals, Nehemiah Mead


Effects of the Wisconsin Reading Design Comprehension Program on Reading Achievement and Self-Concept of Sixth Grade Students, Sandra Negley


A Psychological Profile Analysis of Selected Employees of the Indiana Department of Correction, Stanley Kent Showalter


Dimensions of the Ideal Family as Perceived by Adolescents, Lily Hok-Neo Wong


The Correlation of Value Profiles and Vocational Choice, Yew Chong Wong