Dissertations from 2000
Differential Perceptions of English Teachers About the Teaching of Literature in Seventh-day Adventist Secondary Schools in Selected Regions of the Caribbean, Shirley Ann McGarrell
The Professional Development School : a Descriptive Case Study of its History and Development, Denise G. Michaelis
The Role of the Academic Physical Therapy Department Chair as Perceived by Physical Therapy Teaching Faculty and Chairs, Wayne Louis Perry
Tell Hesban and Vicinity in the Iron Age, Paul J. Ray
The Delimitation of Pericopes: a Case Study in Matthew, Mark B. Regazzi
Leadership Requirements in the 21st Century : the Perceptions of Canadian Private Sector Leaders, Samy H. Watson
The Issue of Antitrinitarianism in the Fifteenth-Century Novgorod-Moscow Movement: Analysis and Evaluation, Oleg Zhigankov
Dissertations from 1999
Object Relations and Identity Disturbances in Bulimic Women, Kathy Appledorn
The Textual Relation of the Peshitta of Ezekiel 1-12 to MT and to the Ancient Versions (Tg-J and LXX), Joaquim Azevedo
Test-Retest Reliability of Individual Student Acquisition and Retention Rates as Measured by Instructional Assessment, Matthew K. Burns
An Understanding of Selected Familial Dynamics as they Relate to the Prevention of Substance Use Among Youth from St. Martin, Vincent A. David
Web-Based Courses In Higher Education: Creating Active Learning Environments, Marilyn Ruth Eggers
A Study of K-12 Teachers in Small School Districts : Their Levels of Stress, the Source of Stress, and the Effect of Initiating Coping Strategies, Roberta J. Farwell
The Relationship Between Religious Beliefs, Moral Development, Self-Control, Peer Pressure, Self-Esteem, and Premarital Sex, Jacynth A. Fennell
The Relationship Between Afrocentric Worldview and Marital Satisfaction in African-American Couples, Ganz E. Ferrance
Gustavo Gutierrez's Understanding of the Kingdom of God in the Light of the Second Vatican Council, Victor Figueroa-Villarreal
A Descriptive Case Study of Teaching Teams at Lakeside Middle School, Dion Harrigan
Marital Satisfaction Factors for Korean-Americans, Soonja Choi Lee
The Church as an Agent of Reconciliation in the Thought of Desmond Tutu, Trust J. Ndlovu
Indicators of Typology Within the Old Testament : the Exodus Motif, Friedbert Ninow
Integration of Faith and Learning in Christian Higher Education : Professional Development of Teachers and Classroom Implementation, Constance Chibuzo Nwosu
Effective Middle School Teachers : Becoming "Real", Rhoda C. Sommers
Pastoral Effectiveness : a Study of Differences Among Comparison Groups of Seventh-day Adventist Clergy, Peter Swanson
Characteristics of Hispanic Seventh-day Adventist Adolescents Who Attempted Suicide, Juanita E. Trivino
Critical Thinking in Associate Degree Nursing Education, Nancy Tucker
The Reflective Process in Nursing Clinicals Using Journaling and Dialogue, Rita Van Horn
The Cultic Motif in Space and Time in the Book of Daniel, Winfried Vogel
Screening for Eating Disorders Utilizing the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Roseann M. Woodka
Technology Partnership Curriculum Initiative: A Descriptive Case Study of its History, Development, and Implementation, Ingrid Wright-Jones
Self-Esteem, Personal Control, Optimism, Extraversion, and the Subjective Well-Being of Midwestern University Faculty, Shawn Lee Zimmerman
Dissertations from 1998
Power in Religious Organizations: a Study of Principals' Perspectives as Seen in Three Religious High Schools in Michigan, Patrick L. Allen
Eating-Disorder Patterns in the Minnesota Multiphasic Personaity Inventory, Karen Baer-Barkley
Theoretical Orientations to Reading and Reading Instructional Practices of Selected Home-Education Parents in Southwest Michigan, Pollyanna Prosper Barnes
Relationships Among Expectations of Reentry Problems of International Students Living in On-Campus Apartments and Off-Campus Housing at Andrews University and Selected Student Characteristics, José R. Bourget-Tactuk
A Study of the Internal Family Systems Model Applied to Remarried Couples of Stepfamilies in Different Stages of Adjustment, Susan Marie Carter
Ammon in the Hebrew Bible: a Textual Analysis and Archaeological Context of Selected References to the Ammonites of Transjordan, James Roger Fisher
The Relationship Between Treatment Programs and Recidivism With African American Delinquents Under the Age of 14, Sonya D. Gray
A Longitudinal Study on the Essence of Success Development As Seen by Caribbean Canadian Women in the Storied Landscape of Their Lived Experience, Glenda-mae Greene
The Effects of Perspective-Taking Training on Empathy Development in Adult Male Sex Offenders, Randall E. Haugen
Variables That Discriminate Between Persisting and Nonpersisting, First-Year Undergraduate Students in an Open-Admissions, Multicampus, Commuter College System, Jeffrey David Hines
Key Administrative Decisions in the History of the Seventh-day Adventist Education in Bermuda, Leslie C. Holder
The Influence of Social Integration, Religious Integration, and Religious-Social Regulation on Suicidal Behaviors Among Seventh-day Adventist Youth, Elizabeth A. Hossler
The Development of a Master Plan of Curriculum and Instruction for a Charter School in the State of Michigan, Thomas Gerald Kea
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Biblical Interpretation: a Study in the Writings of James I. Packer, Samuel Koranteng-Pipim
Educational Administrators and Computer Usage: Leadership Styles and Computer Attitudes in Small Secondary Schools in North America, Daniel Hong Lim
Experiences Assisting or Hindering the Academic and Social Integration of African American Students at Southwestern Michigan College, Naomi L. Ludman
Analysis of University Personnel's Perception of Institutional Factors Impacting Student Persistence/Retention, Jose Melendez
The Laws of Clean and Unclean Animals of Leviticus 11: their Nature, Theology, and Rationale (an Intertextual Study), Jiří Moskala
Integrated Thematic Instruction : a Descriptive Case Study of Students' Attitudes Toward School and Learning, Ginger Heinrich O'Neal
The Theology and the Function of the Prayers in the Book of Daniel, Paul Birch Petersen
Volunteers as Tutors and Trainers of Tutors : a Qualitative Study, Mark B. Thogmartin
Intentional Classroom Humor in Nursing : a Multiple Case Study, Joan Kay Ulloth
Employability Skills in the Undergraduate Business Curriculum and Job Market Preparedness : Perceptions of Faculty and Final-Year Students in Five Tertiary Institutions, Patrick Antonio Williams
Analysis and Evaluation of Vladimir Lossky's Doctrine of Theosis, Eugene Zaitsev
Dissertations from 1997
The Michael Figure in the Book of Daniel, Lewis O. Anderson
The Empirical Development of an Instructional Product Designed to Enhance the Cognitive Awareness of and the Modification of Affect Toward the Disability Condition, Rikard Ashmore Bailey
Selected Roles/Functions of Technical/Vocational Education Administrators in Barbados and the Need for Further Preparation and Continuing Professional Development, Cecil I. Cummins
The Effects of a Pre-Therapy Information Audiotape on Client Satisfaction, Anxiety Level, Expectations, and Symptom Reduction, Mark A. Davison
Predictors of Divorce Adjustment Among Members of Three Conservative Protestant Denominations, Andreas Erben
A Comparative Study of Stressors Among Undergraduate Students at Grand Valley State University, Lennox Forrest
An Assessment of Marital Satisfaction in Stepfamilies Toward an Integration of Three Conceptual Models of Relationship Satisfaction, Lorie Ann Hamel
The Use and Abuse of Authority: an Investigation of the ἐξουσία Passages in Revelation, Laszlo I. Hangyas
A Critical Study of Carl F. H. Henry's Portrayal of the Human Role in Revelation and Inspiration, Boxter Kharbteng
Teenage Pregnancy in St. Kitts-Nevis: Psychosocial and Familial Factors, Ermine T. Leader
Eschatological Paradigm and Moral Theory in Contemporary Christian Ethics: Stephen Charles Mott and Thomas W. Ogletree, Larry Lee Lichtenwalter
The Time of the Reign of Christ in 1 Corinthians 15:20-28 in Light of Early Christian Session Theology, Roger P. Lucas
Selected Factors Influencing Academic Success of First-Year Students in Seventh-day Adventist Secondary Schools in Rwanda, Salomon Maniraguha
The Laying on of Hands on Joshua: an Exegetical Study of Numbers 27:12-23 and Deuteronomy 34:9, Keith Edward Mattingly
Metaphors and Similes for Yahweh in Hosea 14:2-9 (1-8) : a Study of Hoseanic Pictorial Language, Bernhard Oestreich
Dropping out of High School Among African Americans in Benton Harbor, Michigan : a Study of its Economic Implications, Dahlia E. Pottinger
Negative Consequences of Undergraduate Alcohol Usage : a Multivariate Gender Comparison, Leonald Dean Robinson
A Comparative Study of the Sabbath Theologies of A.H. Lewis and J.N. Andrews, Siegfried H. Roeske
The Relationship of Teacher Retention to Personality Style at VisionQuest National Limited, Beth Ann Rosica
The Contribution of Terminological Patterns to the Literary Structure of Leviticus, Wilfried Warning
Dissertations from 1996
Instructional Practices and Attitudes of Teachers in One- and Two-Room Schools in the Seventh-day Adventist School System in North America, Judith Leist Anderson
The Relationship Between Co-Dependence and Borderline Personality Disorder, Helen P. Bird
Development of the Concept of Salvation in Seventh-day Adventist Children and Adolescents 7 to 18 Years of Age Who Attend Public Schools, Bradley S. Booth
The Sacred Times Prescribed in the Pentateuch : Old Testament Indicators of the Extent of Their Applicability, H. Ross Cole
Spiritual Nurture in the Local Seventh-day Adventist Congregation Through the Spiritual Gifts of Prophecy and Shepherding, Francy Duran
A Descriptive Case Study of Staff Development In Two Seventh-day Adventist Districts as They Relate to Potential Change, Michael G. England
The Empirical Development of a Curriculum on Psalms Utilizing a Modified Form-Critical Approach, Ted Ewing
The Empirical Development of an Instructional Product on the Religion of Islam from a Missiological Perspective, Raja D. Farah
Sociopolitical Structure of Transjordanian Societies During the Late Bronze and Iron I Ages (ca. 1500-1000 B.C.), Paul Z. Gregor
The Empirical Development of a Curriculum on the Issues Concerning the History of Ancient Israel, Ruzica Gregor
The Relative Effectiveness of Face-to-Face and Telephone Contact by Community Mental Health Workers During Psychiatric Inpatient Treatment of Children and Adolescents, Bruce Patrick Hackworth
The Colton Celebration Congregation: a Case Study in American Adventist Worship Renewal 1986-1991, Viviane Haenni
Guidelines for Developing a Campus Master Plan Document for Small Colleges and Universities, Bradley Allen Jamison
Teacher Thinking and the Change Process: a Qualitative Study of Experienced Teachers Learning and Implementing New Models of Teaching, Susan J. Karrer
A Study of the Relationship Between Psychological Androgyny and College Adjustment Among Korean American College Students, Daniel Donghyun Kim
The Relationship of Student Retention to Teacher/Student Personality Types at Summit Christian College, C. Joseph Martin
Marketing Seventh-day Adventist Higher Education in Southeast Asia, Geoffrey A. Pauner
Job Satisfaction Among Teachers in Seventh-day Adventist Schools and its Relationship to Commitment and Selected Work Conditions, Athanase K. Rutebuka