Dissertations from 1996
The Empirical Development of a Curriculum on Faith Development, Samir Selmanović
The Presence of the Covenant Motif in Amos 1:2-2:16, Reinaldo W. Siqueira
Resurrection in Daniel 12 and its Contribution to the Theology of the Book of Daniel, Artur A. Stele
The Relationship Between Dissociation and Object-Relations Impairment in Adult Female Incest Survivor Clients with and without Personality Splitting, Linda Jean Stuppy
Factors Related to Clergy Sexual Misconduct, Donald L. Totten
A Case Study Comparison of Brief Group Treatment and Brief Individual Treatment in the Modification of Denial Among Child Sexual Abusers, John F. Ulrich
Discontinuance from the Ministry by Seventh-day Adventist Ministers : a Qualitative Study, Smuts Van Rooyen
Moral Orientation, Ego Maturity, and Religious Commitment : an Exploratory Study from a Developmental Perspective, Penelope Anne Webster
Dissertations from 1995
Vision and the Ideal Teacher: Implications for Educational Practice, Rosalind Victoria Aaron
The Experience of Growing Up in a Minister's Home and the Religious Commitment of the Adult Child of a Minister, Carole Brousson Anderson
Teacher Efficacy and the Use of Specific Instructional Practices by Seventh- and Eighth-Grade Science Teachers in the United States, Larry Dale Burton
A Descriptive Multiple Case Study of Three Elementary Schools in Project Homecoming, the Inclusion Program Within the Dallas Independent School District, Sharron A. Caraker
The Relationship of Leadership Style and Organizational Climate to Job Burnout Levels Among Taiwan Public Secondary-School Teachers, Jerry Liang-Yueh Chi
A Model for Marketing Agricultural Programs [in] Private Colleges and Universities, Thomas N. Chittick
Interactional Effects Between Levels of Biofeedback Confidence and Measures of Assertiveness on Biofeedback Treatment Outcome, Dora D. Clarke-Pine
The Name Israel and Related Expressions in the Books of Amos and Hosea, Ganoune Diop
A Study of Gender-Role Attitudes Among Contemporary White and African American Couples, Margaret Cecile Dust
Implementing Innovative Pedagogy in the First Course in Accounting and its Relationship to Student Attitudes Toward the Profession, Henry L. Foster
Arthur Whitefield Spalding : A Study of His Life and Contributions to Family-Life Education in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Allan William Freed
An Analysis of the Relationship Between Nurturing Spousal Friendship and Marital Quality, Cherryl Anne Galley
Instructional Approaches to Conventional Spelling in Holistic Classrooms : A Descriptive Study, Laurie Sue Hale
A Descriptive Case Study of Teacher Study Groups and Teachers' Perceptions of the Impact of Study Groups on Professional Growth, Rita Henriquez-Roark
Student Evaluations of Teachers, Student Ratings of Teacher Behaviors, and Their Relationship to Student Achievement : A Cross Ethnic Comparison, Trudy Ann Holmes
A Cross-Cultural Study of Moral Developmental Theory: the Influence of Collectivism on Moral Reasoning of Asian Students and Caucasian American Students, Chang-ho Clyde Ji
Investigation of the Prevalence of Learning Disabilities Within the Home-School Population of Southwest Michigan, Paul Steven Kitchen
An Analysis of the Expressed Needs for Vocational Education in Secondary Schools in Barbados, Jonathan H. Lewis
Mediating Contexts in Trans-Generational Faith Transmission : a Qualitative Study, David John McClintock
An Analysis of the Personalities of a Sample of Students at Grand Valley State University Who Consume Alcohol, Jeanette McDowell
The Book of Joshua: its Theme and Use in Discussions of the Israelite Conquest and Settlement and the Relationship of Archaeology and the Bible, David Merling Sr.
Kinetic Family and Human Figure Drawings of Child and Adolescent Sexual Offenders, Lyle Curtis Miller
The Remnant Motif in the Context of Judgment and Salvation in the Book of Jeremiah, Kenneth D. Mulzac
The Perceived Adequacy of Vocational and Technical Education in Nigeria and the Administrative Problems in Staffing the Programs, James Dele Owolabi
Change in Seventh-day Adventist Theology: a Study of the Problem of Doctrinal Development, Rolf J. Pöhler
The Relationship Among Selected Personality, Identity Status, and Academic Achievement Factors Among Black Adolescents, Juliet P. Sayles
Toward an Objective Measure of Moral Development for Children, Ruth S. Smith
The Background and Meaning of the Sealed Book of Revelation 5, Ranko Stefanović
The Sanctuary and the Three Angels' Messages 1844-1863: Integrating Factors in the Development of Seventh-day Adventist Doctrines, Alberto R. Timm
The Nature of Mentoring and its Relationship with Role Socialization for the Academic Nurse Administrator, Anna Rambharose Vance
A Descriptive Analysis of Creation Concepts and Themes in the Book of Psalms, Gnanamuthu S. Wilson
Dissertations from 1994
Detecting Malingered Psychotic Symptoms With the Rorschach Projective Technique, Kristin M. Batchelder
Exposure to Electronic Entertainment Media and Student Outcomes in Two Demographically Diverse Elementary Schools, Ronald W. Busby
Relationships Among Selected Internal/External Variables Affecting Decision Making in the Roles/Functions of Research University Provosts, Haldane F. Davies
The Effect of Pull-Out Programs on the Academic Achievement of Sixth Grade Students In South Bend, Indiana, Pherbia Mathis Engdahl
The Role of the Academy Principal in the Austral Union of the Seventh-day Adventist Educational System as Perceived by Principals and Teachers, Eduardo Gonzalez
Stages of Deliberate Teacher Integration of Faith and Learning : the Development and Empirical Validation of a Model for Christian Education, Raquel Bouvet Korniejczuk
Development of the Concept of Salvation in the Argentinean and Paraguayan Seventh-day Adventist Children and Adolescents From Ages 6 to 17 Years, Victor Andrés Korniejczuk
Intact Families with a Multiple Sclerotic Parent: Social and Emotional Adjustment of Parents and School-Age Children, Jean A. McCutchan
Microstructural Analysis of Revelation 4-11, Ekkehardt Müller
Reactions to Childhood Sibling Death: A Qualitative Investigation, Mary A. Paulson
The Composition of Tripolar Announcement Stories in the Gospel of Mark, Hans-Otto Reling
The Sodom/Egypt/Babylon Motif in the Book of Revelation, Edwin Earl Reynolds
A Case Study of Selected Preservice Teachers Regarding the Origins of Their Perspectives on the Commonplaces of Education and the Impact of Foundations Studies on Those Perspectives, Charles D. Scarbrough
Death Before the Sin of Adam: a Fundamental Concept in Theistic Evolution and its Implications for Evangelical Theology, Marco T. Terreros
Factors Influencing Consumer Choices in Graduate Nursing Education at Andrews University, Catherine Keith Turner
Efficacy of Addiction Treatment in a Correctional Setting for Female Offenders as Measured by the Addiction Severity Index, Paul Robert Wiese
Validation of Goals for Pre-Departure Missionary Orientation, Donna M. Worley
Dissertations from 1993
The Development of an Instrument to Screen Children at Risk for Attention Deficit Disorder, Carlisle Applewhaite
A Revisitation of the WISC-R Factor Structure with Adequate Sample Size, Systematic Control of Both IQ and Age Ranges, and the Use of Procedures to Limit Overfactorization, Rudolph D. Bailey
Descriptive Case Studies of Training, Research and Development in Computers and Related Instructional Technologies for Teachers at Three NCATE Universities, Anne L. Chandler
The Correlation of Personality Factors with Spiritual Gifts Clusters, Soo Dong Choi
Perceived Leadership Style, Style Flexibility, and Style Effectiveness of Government Hospital Administrators in Thailand, Pongsin Chuwattanakul
Effective Administration and Implementation of External Programs Addressing Social Issues Operating Within Schools, Roselyn R. Cole
Identification of the At-Risk Mathematics Student Within the Community College Environment, Gerry Lee Cox
Staff Satisfaction and Leadership Behavior of Theory X- and Theory Y-Oriented Principals in the Greater Chicago Public School System, Lynn Schiffer Gillman
The Organizational Communication Climate and Utilization of Lines of Communication Within Purdue University Calumet, Judith Lynn Hack
The Empirical Development of a Curriculum in Sports Acrobatics and Spiritual Witnessing, Robert U. Kalua
William Clarence (W. C.) White: His Relationship to Ellen G. White and Her Work, Jerry Moon
An Investigation of the Chronology of Daniel 9:24-27, Brempong Owusu-Antwi
Apostolic Succession in the Writings of Yves Congar and Oscar Cullmann, Carlos Alfredo Steger
Dissertations from 1992
Guidelines for Campus Beautification With Special Reference to Seventh-day Adventist Academies and Colleges in North America, Larry W. Boughman
Effects of Adventist Engaged Encounter on Role Expectations and Growth in Premarital Relations, Jeffrey O. Brown
Self Concept and Family Relations of American-Lebanese Children: a Descriptive and Comparative Study, Tagrid T. Chartouni
The Eschatological Judgment in Job 19:21-29 : an Exegetical Study, Gordon E. Christo
A Study of Religious Attitudes and Problems as Perceived by Current and Former Seventh-day Adventist Students at Seventh-day Adventist Mission Secondary Schools in Hong Kong, Daniel Gim-Teng Chuah
Kinetic Family Drawings of Chinese-American Children, Verna Nga-Fun Chuah
Hispanic Student Teachers' Practice Teaching in Cooperative Learning: Two Qualitative Case Studies, Myrna Colon
The Johannine Paroimia, Hyunsok Doh
The Development and Administration of a Modified Community College-Type Program for Caribbean Union College, T. Leslie Ferdinand
Developing a Model for the Organization, Administration, and Programs for Community Colleges in Malaysia, Boni Thadius Gaban
A Validation and Comparative Study of Kinetic Family Drawings of Native American Children, Sheryl A. Gregory
An Investigation of Dispensational Premillennialism: an Analysis and Evaluation of the Eschatology of John F. Walvoord, David P. Gullón
The Relationship Between Attitudes Toward Women, Rape Myth Acceptance, and Sexual Coercive Experiences of Male and Female Students at Religious and Public Colleges, Lennard Allan Jorgensen
An Organizational Model for a Coordinated Program of Music Ministry for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North American and Europe, Raimo J. Lehtinen
A Model for Ministry of Church Elders in the Inca Union of Seventh-Day Adventists, Luis Miguel Luna
A Proposed Paradigm of Personality as Explored Through the Relationship Between Moral Reasoning and Cognitive Flexibility, Karen I. Madgwick
An Investigation of the Effectiveness of Training in the Utilization of Spiritual Gifts in the Personal Ministries of Ontario Seventh-day Adventists, Fitzroy S. Maitland
The Empirical Development of a College Curriculum of the Epistle to the Galatians, Dragutin Matak
The Seventh-day Adventist Adult Sabbath School: its Purpose as Described and Perceived, Sherman McCormick