Dissertations from 2008
A Critical Analysis of the Relationship Between Salvation and Social Justice in the Minjung Theology, Ilmok Kim
The Trajectory of the "Warrior Messiah" Motif in Scripture and Intertestamental Writings, Sook-Young Kim
The Book of Daniel in Light of the Ancient Near Eastern Literary and Material Finds: an Archaeological Perspective, Patrick Mazani
Teacher Perceptions of Their Effectiveness in Supporting Reading Strategies as a Result of Collaboration with a Literacy Coach, Sharon S. Miller
The Historical Development, Philosophical Foundation, and Mission of the Religious Education Program at Andrews University, Jorge E. Rico
Marketing Seventh-day Adventist Higher Education : College-Choice Motivators and Barriers, Vinita Sauder
Career Concerns, Pathing, and Professional Development of High-School technology educators, Linda A. Tolan
The Relationship Between Collective-Efficacy and Student Achievement in Vocational/Technical High Schools, Rosemary Tralli
Dissertations from 2007
The Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment of Dispositions in Preservice Teacher Education, Andrea Marie Baldwin
The So-Called Mixed Text: an Examination of the Non-Alexandrian and Non-Byzantine Text-Type in the Catholic Epistles, Clinton S. Baldwin
An Evaluation of Reserve Component Leaders' Attitudes and Motivation as They Relate to Situational Leadership Theory in a Peacekeeping Operational Environment, Clark C. Barrett
The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Reading Comprehension in High School Students with Learning Disabilities, Helen C. Bryant
Acknowledged and Perceived Reasons for Non-Attendance at Christian Churches in the Pacifica Community, a Suburb of San Francisco, California, Peter Edward Burch
A Comparison of the Adult Bible Study Guide of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and a Prototype Guide Designed to Promote Spiritual Growth, Lyndelle Brower Chiomenti
The Effectiveness of Rating Scales and Semi-Structured Interview in Diagnosing Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Carolyn Mae Cofrancesco
An Exploration of the Interest in and Challenges of Fostering Undergraduate Leadership-Development at Andrews University, Frances Mae Faehner
Organizational Orientations of K-12 School Leaders in the Columbia Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Rose Tooley Gamblin
The Iron Age I Structure on Mount Ebal: Excavation and Interpretation, Ralph K. Hawkins
Empathy and Cognitive Flexibility as Correlates of Forgiveness, Rebecca Bennett Katovsich
Reasons Seventh-day Adventist Parents Gave for Not Sending Their Children to Seventh-day Adventist Elementary and Secondary Schools, Irma C. LaBorde
The Health of Patient Privacy: The Patient's Perspective on the HIPAA Protected Health Information, Deborah Lange-Kuitse
An Evaluation of Performance as it Relates to Leadership Training in the United States Coast Guard, Chad Arron Long
Hospitality Versus Patronage: an Investigation of Social Dynamics in the Third Epistle of John, Igor Lorencin
Teacher Success, Assessment, and Evaluation Practices in Service-Learning Composition Courses, Faith-Ann Abiola McGarrell
Codependency in Master's-Level Counseling Students, Terri Lynne Pardee
Organizational Expectations and Role Clarification of Pastors and Educators Serving K-10 Schools Operated by the Georgia-Cumberland Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Stanley E. Patterson
The Function of loipos in Contexts of Judgment and Salvation in the Book of Revelation, Leslie N. Pollard
Demonstrating Experiential Learning at the Graduate Level Using Portfolio Development and Reflection, David Winslow Rausch
The Use of Play Therapy with Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse, Mary J. Roehrig
Stakeholders' Perceptions of the JBTE Teaching-Practice Benchmarks : a Descriptive Exploration of Two Teachers' Colleges in Jamaica, Hyacinth Paulina Rose
Institutional Effectiveness : the Integration of Program Review, Strategic Planning, and Budgeting Processes in Two California Community Colleges, Eileen Knight White
Dissertations from 2006
Socioeconomic Characteristics as Factors of Academic Success on the Exame Nacional de Cursos Among Undergraduate Students of Selected Study Programs in Brazil, Josmar Sionti Arrais de Matos
The Relationship Between Experiences of Master of Divinity Students at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary and Their Spirituality, Choung Sook Cho
Sources of Stress, Levels of Stress, and Coping Strategies of Faculty and Staff at Northern Caribbean University, Gloria Davis-Roberts
Motivational Factors That Influence African American Women to Serve as Michigan State Legislators, Rogenia Goza
Identification of Seventh-day Adventist Health Core Convictions : Alignment with Current Healthcare Practice, Randall L. Haffner
Data Warehousing and Decision Making in Higher Education in the United States, David Lester Heise
Change Processes in Selected Private Institutions of Higher Education, Ronald Dean Herr
The Relationship Between Leadership Traits and Church Growth Among Pastors of Free Churches in Germany, Edgar Machel
A Comparative Investigation of the Concept of Nature in the Writings of Henry M. Morris and Bernard L. Ramm, Andrew M. Mutero
Factors Related to Adult Degree Program Completion at Atlantic Union College, Corina Polanco Parris
Academic Performance and Engagement of Educational Opportunity Program Students in a College Algebra Extended Class at the State University of New York, New Platz, Courtney Anthony Pindling
Truth and Terror: a Text-Oriented Analysis of Daniel 8:9-14, Martin T. Pröbstle
Developing an Empirical Basis for Selecting a Strategic-Planning Team from Among Likely Candidates Based on Desired Emotional Intelligence Competencies, Robert Allen Reindel
Profiles of Pre-Service Teacher Education : an Investigation into the Nature of Selected Exemplary Programs in Jamaica and Michigan, Heather Smith-Sherwood
Amish Childbearing Beliefs and Practices and the Implications for Nurse-Midwives as Servant-Leader Care Providers, Victoria L. Wickwire
Dissertations from 2005
Spiritual Well-Being and Quality of Life as Correlates of Job Stress Among Academic Chairpersons in Selected Seventh-day Adventist Tertiary Institutions, Russell Mark Aldridge
Factors Influencing Enrollment Trends in Seventh-day Adventist Boarding Schools on North America, Jeanette Wright Bryson
Staying in Ministry: a Qualitative Study of Seventh-day Adventist Women Pastors, Leslie Helfer Bumgardner
The Heavenly Sanctuary/Temple Motif in the Hebrew Bible : Function and Relationship to the Earthly Counterparts, Elias Brasil de Souza
The Student Missionary Experience and its Impact on Young Adults, Troy Fitzgerald
The Nature, Function, and Purpose of the Term Sheol in the Torah, Prophets, and Writings, Eriks Galenieks
Youth Ministry and Beliefs and Values Among 10- to 19-year-old Students in the Seventh-day Adventist School System in North America, A. Barry Gane
A Critique of the Urban Mission of the Church in the Light of an Emerging Postmodern Condition, Kleber de Oliveira Goncalves
The Transition From High School to College : a Single-Case Study, Margaret R. Hay
Developmental Processes Critical to the Formation of Servant Leaders in China, Thomas William Horn
Narratives of Adolescent Students: the Integration of Health and Learning Through Application of Nursing Theory, Marjean Huber
Revelation and Creation in the Thought of Bernard L. Ramm and Carl F.H. Henry: the Creation "Days" as a Case Study, Warren H. Johns
Wendell Berry's Sociological Imagination: Agrarian Values and Good Leadership in a Postmodern Culture, Paul Alan Kaak
Proclamation in Cross-Cultural Context: Missiological Implications of the Book of Daniel, Sung Ik Kim
Perceptions and Attitudes of Selected Adventist and non-Adventist Parents of School-Age Children Toward Adventist Schools in Canada, Mike Mile Lekic
Reactions to the Seventh-day Adventist Evangelical Conferences and Questions on Doctrine 1955-1971, Juhyeok Nam
Theology of Judgment in Genesis 6-9, Chun Sik Park
Perceptions of Physical Therapy Faculty on the Inclusion of Spirituality in Physical Therapy Education, Janice C. Pitts
Suicide Attempt and Characteristics of Religiously Affiliated Puerto Rican Adolescents and Young Adults, Saúl Rivera
Aims of Education in the Writings of Ellen White, Erling Bernhard Snorrason
Intuitive Decision Making and Leadership Style Among Healthcare Executives in the United States, Cherie Whiting
Dissertations from 2004
A Comparison of Kinetic Family Drawings of Firstborn and Second-Born Siblings, Lynn Anderson
Instructional Implications of the Michigan Educational Assessment Program as an Accountability Instrument, Daniel J. Applegate
A Dictionary of Middle Egyptian for Students of Biblical Archaeology and Old Testament Studies, Robert D. Bates
Nursing Students' Experiences in Personal Spiritual Formation and in Provision of Spiritual Care to Patients, Beverly Jane Cobb
Administrator Perceptions of Internet-Based Distance Education in Adventist Colleges and Universities : a Mixed-Method Study, Pamela K. Cress
Self-Reported Personal Problems of Adventist Academy Students, Ellen Marsh Crosby
Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Among Teachers in Norway : A Comparative Study of Selected Schools From Public and Private Educational Systems, Styrkår A. Dramstad
The Stairway to Heaven: a Critique of the Evangelical Gospel Presentation in North America, Paul Brent Dybdahl
First-Year Teacher Perceptions of Classroom Experiences and Teacher Induction in a Midwestern School District, Cheryl Torok Fleming
The Improv Church : A Qualitative, Theoretical, and Interdisciplinary Explanation of its Appeal to Collegians, Karl Haffner
The Use of Science in Theology: Case Studies of Thomas F. Torrance and Langdon B. Gilkey, Martin Frederick Hanna
Faculty Perceptions of Institutional Commitment to the Scholarship of Engagement, Mackenzi Anne Huyser
How Instructional Leadership is Addressed in Educational Administration/Leadership Programs, Lolethia Jones Kibble
Psychological Sense of Community in On-Line Learning Environments, Thomas Chris Laughner
An Examination of Cross-Cultural Understanding in a Global Automotive Company, A. Dale Phillips
The Concept of Salvation in 19-34-Year-old Seventh-day Adventists Who Live in the State of Indiana, Neva Charlotte Regal
Attitudes of Junior High Teachers Towards Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities in Inclusive Classes in Public Schools in New Providence, Bahamas, Virginia Alicia Romer
Validating the Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory for Identifying Substance Abuse Among Adolescents in a Residential Treatment Center, Ann Carol Singler
Teacher Perceptions of Internet-Based Distance Education in Adventist Colleges and Universities : a Mixed-Methods Study, Susan B. Smith
Perceptions of Board Effectiveness in Selected Institutions of Higher Education in Zimbabwe, Bonginkosi Zvandasara
Dissertations from 2003
Perceptions of Nursing Academic Administrators and Faculty Related to the Pursuit of Upper-Level Administrative Careers, Lavonne M. Adams
Sabbath-Keeping Practices and Factors Related to These Practices Among Seventh-day Adventists in 51 Countries, May-Ellen Netten Colon
A Study of the Relationship Between Loneliness and Internet Use Among University Students, Katherine L. Dittmann
A Study On Various Factors and Their Relationship to Burnout Among Seventh-day Adventist Clergy, W. Don Edwards
Developing Life Skills : Perceptions of Graduates of the Adult, Non-Traditional Business and Management Programs at Indiana Wesleyan University, Joseph Robert Flowers