Dissertations from 2025
Dissertations from 2024
A Quantitative Study of Perceived Factors That Influence Enrollment Within a Regional Conference Seventh-day Adventist School System, John Calvin Alberty Jr.
Employees' Perception of the Management of the COVID-19 Crisis at Najran University, Saudi Arabia, Noora Nasser Alsuhaibani
Pastoral Leadership of Seventh-day Adventist Pastors in Sub-Saharan Africa and Congregational Giving During 2020-2021: A Grounded Theory Study, Eric Jean-Bruno Aniel Barbe
Evil, Ontology, and Scripture: A Diachronic Analysis of Augustine of Hippo's Privatio Boni Concept, Jamie G. Boucher
Reporting and Addressing Sexual Harassment at Four Institutions of Higher Learning in Zambia: A Quantitative Study of Related Attitudes and Perceptions, Earlymay Chibende
CBCT Perceptions of Radiology Leaders in the Midwest Dental Schools: A Qualitative Study, Tenzin Dadul
Spiritual Experiences of Young People with Cognitive Impairments within Christian Communities of Faith, Lea Danihelova
Perceptions of High Stakes Testing and Burnout as Predictors of Quality of Life Among Primary School Teachers in Trinidad and Tobago, Victoria Patricia Elder
Maternal Involvement, Parenting Styles and Socioeconomic Status as Predictors of Academic Achievement of Standard 5 students in Trinidad and Tobago, Edison Greenaway
The Processes, Events and Characteristics Associated with the Leadership Emergence of New Believers in the Contemporary Movement of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the United States, Cleveland Hobdy III
Understanding Emerging Adult Mental Health and Attachment: The Roles of Parental Factors in Childhood, Trauma, and Gender, Christiana A. Howell
Exploring Manifestations of Pluriform Love in the Leadership of Christian Early Childhood Communities: A Phenomenological Study 2019-2024 in New Zealand, Sharon Kaye Judge
The Relationship Between Participation in a Student Success Course and the Retention Rate and Academic Success of First-Year Freshmen at a Historically Black University, Madeline Martinez
The Impact of Generational Intelligence and Its Relationship With Team Cohesion and Team Performance in a Jamaican Multi-Generational Workforce, Omar Z. D. Oliphant
Odd Fellows: The Intersection of Arminianism and Calvinism in the writings of Desmond Ford and F.F. Bruce, Samuel Pagán de Jesus
An Examination of the Predictors of Vocational Calling in First-Generation College Students, Rodney Palmer
Jointly Operating a Merged Junior Academy: A Case Study of Interracial Cooperation in Seventh-day Adventist Education in North America, Fabian S. Reid
["At That Time"] in the Hebrew Bible and Its Role in Daniel 12:1: A Diachronic and Synchronic Study on Semantics of Narrative and Prophetic Temporality, Roger David Ruiz Araica
Doing the Dishes: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Late Bronze Age Ceramics Excavated from Hut 12 at Mokarta, Sicily, Justin Lee Singleton
The Andrews University MBA Program in Vietnam; Assessing the Experience and the Career Advancement of its Students, Masazumi Mark Sugi
Dissertations from 2023
Predictors of Statistics Anxiety Among Graduate Students in Saudi Arabia, Rabab Abdulghani
The Relationships Between Flow, Mathematics Self-Efficacy, and Mathematics Anxiety Among International Undergraduate Students in the United States, Samah Abduljabbar
Self-Regulation and Academic Motivation as Predictors of Academic Achievement of Undergraduate Students in an Online Learning Environment, Sonia Almwalad
"A Raisin in a Box": The Experiences of Racialized Black Males in Leadership Roles in the Non-Profit Sector in Toronto, Canada, Morris Anthony Beckford
The Body of Christ and the Law: A Comparative Study of Romans 7:4 and Galatians 2:19, Dominic Bornand
Impact of the Regionalization of Universidad de Antioquia in the Development of Human Capital and Improvement of the Equity in the Region of Urabá, Monica Castaño Mejía
Understanding Secularized People of Metro Manila: A Case Study Approach for a Contextualized Urban Ministry Strategy, Ermela T. Dizon
Divine Attachment: A Canonical Model for Discipleship and Religious Education, Kristina Marie Freed
Which Reader? Interpretive Virtue, Ecclesial Context, and Social Location in Ephraim Radner and Richard Hays's Proposals for Theological Interpretation of Scripture, Iriann Marie Irizarry
Evaluation of Communication Sciences and Disorders Graduate Student Attitudes Related to Trauma-Informed Client Interactions, Jenica Joseph
An Exploration of Factors Contributing to Service Longevity at Asia-Pacific International University, Ritha Maidom
Religiosity, Family Sexual Communication & Gender as Predictors of Attitudes Toward Oral Sex Among College/University Students in the United States, Antoinette Napier
A Qualitative Study of the Time of Completion for African Graduate Students at Andrews University, George Opoku
Childhood Trauma and the Faith Maturity of Seventh-day Adventist Pastors and Seminarians, Pete A. Palmer
An Exploratory Study of Entrepreneurial Intention Among Hispanic Entrepreneurs in Toronto, Jorge Perez Moreno
A Portrait of the Leadership of Women in Early Christianity: an Archaeological Study in Light of the Historical and Socio-Cultural Contexts, Carina Prestes
Dominion Shifts in Biblical Apocalyptic Literature: a Narrative Reading of Daniel 7 and Revelation 12-14 Vis-À-Vis Genesis 1-3, Flavio Prestes III
Toward a Biblical and Missiological Framework for Transformational Advocacy in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Michelet William
Dissertations from 2022
"You Must Prophesy Again": The Mission of God's People in Revelation 10-14, Adenilton Tavares de Aguiar
Enduring Traditions: The Collared Pithos of Transjordan, Trisha Gallimore Broy
A Study of Teacher Burnout in Private Seventh-day Adventist and Public Schools in Trinidad/Tobago and Michigan, USA, Carla Copeland-Joseph
Isaac Newton as a Prophetic Interpreter, Kenneth Jørgensen
Indicators of Typology in the Narrative of Elijah: An Investigation into the Predictive Nature of Biblical Theology, Jônatas de Mattos Leal
An Analysis of the Use of the Writings of Ellen G. White in the Views of Herbert Douglass and Woodrow Whidden on the Human Nature of Christ, Cyril Marshall
Self-Efficacy and Job Satisfaction as Predictors of Burnout Among School Psychologists in the Midwest United States, Elizabeth McKnight-Romney
A Study of the Language Shifts in the Book of Daniel : A Comparative Narrative Analysis of Daniel 1 and 2, 7 and 8, Laura K. Morrow
Examining the Relationship Between Child Maltreatment, Executive Functioning, and trauma appraisal, Myshira Oliver
Racial Identity, Hair Esteem, Hair Texture, and Hairstyle Choice as Correlates of Psychological Well-Being among Afro-Latinas in the United States, Marielsy Esther Pimentel
Factors that Contribute to Life Satisfaction of Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Trinidad & Tobago, Paul Gerard Richards
"The Best Man That Ever Trod Shoe Leather" and His "Crown of Rejoicing" : The Personal Relationship of James and Ellen White, 1845-1881, Gerson Cardoso Rodrigues
Strengthening Mission through Strategy: An Analysis of the Mission-Driven Excellence Strategy, Osvaldo Souza Santos Jr.
Leadership Styles and Effective Leadership Among Higher Education Leaders in the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, Patrice A. Wright
Dissertations from 2021
Self-Efficacy and Self-Regulation as Predictors of Academic Motivation among Undergraduate Students in the United States, Fatimah Aljuaid
An Exploratory Study of Mathematics Anxiety in Caribbean Preservice Teachers, Franka Atwell-Chin Hong
Marketing Adventist Higher Education in North America : College Choice - Motivators and Barriers, George Charles Dart Jr.
The Influence of Mentoring, Self-Efficacy and Perceived Organizational Support on Commitment among Novice Adventist Teachers, Kathleen E. Forbis
An Analysis and Comparison of the Missional Doctrine Hermeneutics of Kevin J. Vanhoozer and Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, with Emphasis on their Notions of God, Eschatology, and Mission, Elmer Arrais Guzman
The Effect of the Vocabulary Spelling City App on Student Performance in Spelling, Vocabulary, and Reading Comprehension in Grades 5-8 at Glenview Adventist Academy, Fernando Oleynick Lista
Coping Skills, Emotional Intelligence, Attachment, and Resilience on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Private Sector Emergency Medical Technicians, Brenda-Joyce Gonzales Orozco Markert-Green
Measures of Student Engagement as Predictors of Grade Point Average (GPA) and Degree Completion at Andrews University, Michael D. Milmine
Pottery Horizons of the Jalul Ceramic Assemblage in the Iron Age IIA-C from Square G4 in its Historical and Geographical Context, Michael Christian Orellana Mendez
An Exploratory Analysis of Conflict in African Immigrant and African American Marriages, Cornelius Ayodeji Osuntade
Baccalaureate Nursing Students' Lived Experiences of a Leadership Role During Clinical Practicum, Gisela E. Schmidt
Healthcare Leadership in the Context of Cognitive Diseases of Aging: A Community-Based Participatory Research Model, Dean Sherzai
Vocabulary Learning Strategies Used by ESL Saudi Students in the United States, Alya Abdullah K. Suliman
Perceived Effectiveness of a Mentoring Program for Training Adventist Chinese Evangelists, Terry Man-Yuen Tsui
Dissertations from 2020
Understanding Multiculturalism in Saudi Education: A Case Study of Two Schools in Mecca, Mohammed Alharbi
The Use of Differentiated Instruction by Teachers of the Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists, Jennifer Jill Bianco
Philosophy and Practice of Wholistic and Physical Student Development at Select Seventh-day Adventist Higher Educational Institutions and Work Colleges, Brenda Gay Palmer Chase
A Study of Nones in Brazil and the USA in Light of Secularization Theory with Missiological Implications, Jolive R. Chavez
High Stakes Testing and School Characteristics: A Comparative Study, Kelsey M. Dailey
A Hermeneutic for the Aqedah Test: A Way beyond Jon Levenson's and Terence Fretheim's Models, Arlyn Sunshine Drew
Ethnic Identity Salience, Socioeconomic Status, and Attitudes Toward Seeking Mental Health Treatment as Predictors of Receptivity to Community-Based Psychoeducation among African American Men, Hadiya Suzanne DuBose-Smith
A Re-Examination of Pentateuchal Hamartiology and Atonement as a Hermeneutical Framework for Interpreting the Laying on of Hands, Slavisa Milodar Jankovic
Mother-Infant Attachment: Path Analysis of the Predictive Role of Trauma Therapy and Select Demographics on Mother's Cognitive Responses, Nicole D. Knapp
The Function of Military Language in the Feeding of the Five Thousand Narrative (Mark 6:30-44): A Narrative-Cognitive Study, Oleg Kostyuk
Exploring the Influence of Racial Diversity on Church Growth: A Case Study of Buffalo Suburban Seventh-day Adventist Church in Lancaster, New York, Luis A. Mancebo
The Inclusion of Special Education Services in Seventh-day Adventist Schools in New York City, Marlene Morris-Lambert
Coaching and Being Coached: A Qualitative Study of the Experiences of Education Leaders in the Florida Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Arne P. Nielsen
Function and Nature of the Heavenly Sanctuary/Temple and its Earthly Counterparts in the New Testament Gospels, Acts, and the Epistles: A Motif Study of Major Passages, Leonardo G. Nunes
Teachers' Implementation of and Stages of Concern Regarding English Language Arts (ELA) Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in New York State, Alozie Augustine Ogbonna