Dissertations from 1986
Factors Contributing to the Successful Completion of the Haitian Baccalaureat (Part I) and Their Administrative Implications, Serge E. Vernet
Impeccability in 1 John: an Evaluation, Leon Eloy Wade
Dissertations from 1985
Desecration and Defilement in the Old Testament, Nilton Dutra Amorim
The Son of the Morning and the Guardian Cherub in the Context of the Controversy Between Good and Evil, Jose M. Bertoluci
Perceptions of the Role of the Bible Class in Four Christian Liberal Arts Colleges: Considered in the Context of Conflicting Rationales, Jaime Castrejon
Premarital Preparation : An Educational Content Design for Seventh-day Adventists in the United States, Roger H. Ferris
Toward a Rationale for Foreign-Language Proficiency Requirements for Doctoral Degrees in Selected Professional Disciplines, Aurelia Rae Holman
The Employed Versus the Nonemployed Mother: the Effects on the Seventh-day Adventist Family in Southwestern Michigan, A. Melville Lawson
Faith and Works in Ellen G. White's Doctrine of the Last Judgment, Jairyong Lee
Occupational Identity Assessment Among Middle and Late Adolescents, Julian Melgosa
The Philosophy of Christian Service and its Practice in the Seventh-day Adventist Senior Academies of the United States during the 1979-1980 School Year, Edward M. Norton
A Descriptive Analysis of Evangelical Seminaries in Canada Based on and Comparing the Views of their Presidents and Deans and of the Canadian Leaders of Evangelical Denominations, Edward Lawrence Oke
The Development of a Continuing Educational System for the College of the Bahamas with Implications for Third World Countries, Arthur Leon Roach
Study of the Attitudes Concerning Church Standards Expressed by Seventh-day Adventists in Relation to Selected Personality Traits, Hampton Eugene Walker
Dissertations from 1984
Liturgy and Ritual as Religious Education: Implications for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, James Bingham
The Historical Development of Higher Education in Bermuda, Inez E. Browne-Dixon
An Investigation of Predictors of Success in Elementary Student Teaching in Selected Seventh-day Adventist Colleges, J. Roger Couty
Cognitive Styles and Measured Occupational Preferences of College Freshmen and Sophomores, Leonard M. Fisher
Development Of West Indies College, 1907-1960: A Historical Study, Anthon C. Francis
A Cross-Cultural Study of the Relation Between Degree of American Acculturation and Androgyny, Chui-Liu Serena Gui
Relationship Between Four Temperament Types and Nineteen Spiritual Gifts, Roland L. Joachim
Aspects of the Remnant Concept in the Gospel of Matthew, Edgar A. Johnson
Selected Educational Indicators for Monitoring the Primary-School System, Jamaica, Edith G. Marshalleck
Indonesia Union College : a Historical Study of a Seventh-day Adventist Institution, Rajoaman Nainggolan
Examiner Bias and Intelligence Test Scoring : a Study of the Effect of Speech-Handicapped Responses on the Scoring of the WISC-R Comprehension Subtest, Julia B. Peyser
An Empirical Study of the Relationship Between Religious Orthodoxy (Defined as Religious Rigidity and Religious Closed-Mindedness) and Marital Sexual Functioning, Stephen Lennard Purcell
Frederick Griggs, Seventh-day Adventist Educator and Administrator, Arnold Colin Reye
Religious Value Transmission Among Seventh-day Adventist White American Families : A Cognitive Approach to Parental Values and Relationship as Perceived by Youth, Claude M. Villeneuve
An Empirically Derived Base for the Validation of Standards for Industrial Arts Programs in Seventh-day Adventist Schools in the United States of America, P. John Williams
The Bender Gestalt and Symbol Digit Modalities Tests as Cerebral Dysfunction Screening Instruments :a Comparative Evaluation, Bruce R. Wright
Seventh-day Adventists and Original Sin: a Study of the Early Development of the Seventh-day Adventist Understanding of the Effect of Adam's Sin on His Posterity, Edwin Harry Zackrison
Dissertations from 1983
A Manpower Planning Process for the Institutions of Higher Education in the Inter-American Division, Carlos Alberto Archbold
The Meaning of Telos in Romans 10:4, Robert Badenas
A Study of Selected Administrative Issues in the History and Development of Newbold College, Derek Crowther Beardsell
Toward a Criticism of Theological Reason : Time and Timelessness as Primordial Presuppositions, Fernando Luis Canale
A Study of the Perceived Influence of Collective Bargaining on the Functional Role of the Michigan High School Principal, David R. Clark
A Statistical Model for Seventh-day Adventist White English-Speaking Church Growth in the United States, Des Cummings
Analysis of Fund-Raising Activities In Regard to Alumni Giving at Bethel College, Homer W. Drew
The Implications of the Piagetian Stages to Readiness for Baptism, Daniel Gutekunst
The Self Perceptions of School Principals Compared to Their Actual Performance on Certain Affective Traits, Michael L. Holtgren
The Relationship Between Need Trait and Temperament Type, Gertrude Elizabeth Jordan
Classroom Teachers' Perceptions Of Seventh-Day Adventist Academy Principal's Effectiveness In The Lake Union Conference, Ritch Enos Kacelenga
Androgynous Coping Behaviors: a Test of Bem's Sex-Role Theory, Roy Lucas Lukman
Planning a Needs-Assessment-Based Approach to Continuing Education Programs for Seventh-day Adventist Clergy in the Eastern Africa Division, Baraka G. Muganda
The Development and Evaluation of a Seminar for Teachers on the Awareness and Management of Allergic Conditions of their Students in the Classroom, Elwin C. Munson
The Biblical Concept of Man and its Implications for Christian Religious Instruction, Helmut Ott
Occupational Stereotypes Among Haitian High School Seniors : Their Relative Importance to Career Aspirations in Relation to Selected Variables and the Implications for Educational Leadership, Michel Lamartine Porcena
Liturgical Order and Glossolalia: 1 Corinthians 14:26c-33a and its Implications, William E. Richardson
A Study of Teacher Motivation in Five Selected Seventh-day Adventist Colleges in the United States, Allen F. Stembridge
The Stratigraphy of Tell Hesban, Jordan in the Byzantine Period, J. Bjørnar Storfjell
An Assessment of the Perceived Inservice Needs of K-12 Teachers of the Lake Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Hazel R. Wright
Dissertations from 1982
The Role and Responsibilities of Andrews University Trustees as Perceived by Themselves, David H. Bauer
A Seventh-day Adventist Concept of the Kingdom of God and its Implication for Religious Education, Alvinus Desmond Bhola
Resource Allocation in Seventh-day Adventist Elementary Schools: an Educational Production Function Study, Gerald Alan Brown
A Second Chance for Christian Education: Strategies for a New Approach to Christian Education in Nigeria in View of the Current Search for Educational Relevance, Silvanus Ndukuba Chioma
Christian-Buddhist Dialogue in the Writings of Lynn A. De Silva, Tissa Brian De Alwis
A Model for the Development and Administration of a Modern Television Complex for Private Colleges and Universities, Paul Henry Denton
Liberation Theology's Use of the Exodus as a Soteriological Model, Atilio Rene Dupertuis
The Necessary Job Competencies of Secondary School Principals as Perceived by School Administrators in Sabah, Malaysia, Charles Saimin Gaban
The Empirical Development of a Preparation for Marriage Curriculum for Twelfth-Grade Students, Kevin John Howse
Role Expectations Of Presidents As Perceived By Presidents, Board Of Trustees, And Faculty: A Study Of Private Institutions Of Higher Education In West Java, Indonesia, Richards A. Hutagaol
Nonclassroom Teacher-Student Association in Seventh-day Adventist Academies in the Northern and Central California Conferences, John G. Kerbs
An Evaluation of the Effect of the Parent Readiness Education Project on Readiness and Subsequent Performance of Preschool Children, Linda Mei-Lin Koh
A Study of Parental Attitudes Regarding Secondary Boarding Schools of the Mid-America Union of Seventh-day Adventists, Lawrence Gilbert Kromann
Goodloe Harper Bell, Pioneer Seventh-day Adventist Christian Educator, Allan G. Lindsay
A History of Seventh-day Adventist Higher Education in the China Mission, 1888-1980, Handel Luke
The Nearness and the Delay of the Parousia in the Writings of Ellen G. White, Ralph E. Neall
The Impact of Student Evaluative Feedback on the Perception of the Teaching Faculty at Andrews University, Edmund Siagian
The Relationship of Guidance Centers and Student use : a Study of the Location of Guidance Offices Within the School Plant, A. Thomas Smith
William Warren Prescott, Seventh-day Adventist Educator, Gilbert M. Valentine
The Black Seventh-day Adventist Family in South Africa : a Needs Assessment and Implications for Family Life Education, Velile S. Wakaba
River Plate College : an Historical Study of a Missionary Institution, 1898-1951, Egil H. Wensell
Usage of Archaeological Data in North American Seventh-day Adventist Literature, 1937-1980, Lloyd A. Willis
Dissertations from 1981
The Market Position of a University Relative to an "Ideal": A Study of Constituent and Faculty Perceptions, R. Kenneth Blanton
A Study of the Self-Esteem of Delinquent Male Adolescents and the Perceived Degree of their Parents' Child-Rearing Practices, Dayton Chin Chong
The Nature of Man and Educational Administration: a Ternary Function, Ralph Moberly Coupland
The Effects of Accreditation by the North Central Association on the Organization, Administration and Programs of Selected Accredited Michigan Public Community Colleges, Margaret A. Crishal
Typological Structures in the Old and New Testaments, Richard M. Davidson
Use of the Audio Visual Tactile Treatment on Disabled Readers in Grades Three and Four : Its Effect on Word Recognition, Silent Reading Comprehension, and Attitude Towards Reading, Shirani Christine de Alwis
Selected Personality Constructs as Correlates of Personnel Appointment, Appraisal, and Mobility in Seventh-day Adventist Schools, Merle A. Greenway
The Relationship Among Selected Variables Influencing Decision Making in the Roles of Public Community College Academic Deans, Sylvan Alphonso Lashley
Poor and Rich in the Epistle of James: a Socio-Historical and Exegetical Study, Pedrito U. Maynard-Reid
Effects of Rational-Emotive Group Therapy Upon Anxiety and Self-Esteem of Learning Disabled Children, Donna J. Meyer
The Concept of Character in the Apocalypse with Implications for Character Education, Beatrice S. Neall
A Study of Self-Concept of Hearing-Impaired Students as Compared to the Self-Concept of Normal-Hearing Students, Wayne K. Wright
Dissertations from 1980
The Doctrine of the Sanctuary in the Seventh-day Adventist Church: Three Approaches, Roy Adams
The Development and Validation of a Sentence-Completion Method: a Semi-Structured Projective Technique Designed for Personality Study, Esdon N. Bacchus
Financing Universal Compulsory Free Elementary Education in India, Simon Gurushantappa David
The Effect of Reality Therapy As An Administrative Model Upon the Organizational Climate and Educational Outcomes of Selected Elementary Schools, Clarence U. Dunbebin