Dissertations from 1995
A Descriptive Multiple Case Study of Three Elementary Schools in Project Homecoming, the Inclusion Program Within the Dallas Independent School District, Sharron A. Caraker
The Relationship of Leadership Style and Organizational Climate to Job Burnout Levels Among Taiwan Public Secondary-School Teachers, Jerry Liang-Yueh Chi
A Model for Marketing Agricultural Programs [in] Private Colleges and Universities, Thomas N. Chittick
A Study of Gender-Role Attitudes Among Contemporary White and African American Couples, Margaret Cecile Dust
Instructional Approaches to Conventional Spelling in Holistic Classrooms : A Descriptive Study, Laurie Sue Hale
A Descriptive Case Study of Teacher Study Groups and Teachers' Perceptions of the Impact of Study Groups on Professional Growth, Rita Henriquez-Roark
A Cross-Cultural Study of Moral Developmental Theory: the Influence of Collectivism on Moral Reasoning of Asian Students and Caucasian American Students, Chang-ho Clyde Ji
Investigation of the Prevalence of Learning Disabilities Within the Home-School Population of Southwest Michigan, Paul Steven Kitchen
An Analysis of the Expressed Needs for Vocational Education in Secondary Schools in Barbados, Jonathan H. Lewis
Kinetic Family and Human Figure Drawings of Child and Adolescent Sexual Offenders, Lyle Curtis Miller
The Perceived Adequacy of Vocational and Technical Education in Nigeria and the Administrative Problems in Staffing the Programs, James Dele Owolabi
The Nature of Mentoring and its Relationship with Role Socialization for the Academic Nurse Administrator, Anna Rambharose Vance
Dissertations from 1994
Relationships Among Selected Internal/External Variables Affecting Decision Making in the Roles/Functions of Research University Provosts, Haldane F. Davies
The Effect of Pull-Out Programs on the Academic Achievement of Sixth Grade Students In South Bend, Indiana, Pherbia Mathis Engdahl
The Role of the Academy Principal in the Austral Union of the Seventh-day Adventist Educational System as Perceived by Principals and Teachers, Eduardo Gonzalez
A Case Study of Selected Preservice Teachers Regarding the Origins of Their Perspectives on the Commonplaces of Education and the Impact of Foundations Studies on Those Perspectives, Charles D. Scarbrough
Factors Influencing Consumer Choices in Graduate Nursing Education at Andrews University, Catherine Keith Turner
Efficacy of Addiction Treatment in a Correctional Setting for Female Offenders as Measured by the Addiction Severity Index, Paul Robert Wiese
Dissertations from 1993
Descriptive Case Studies of Training, Research and Development in Computers and Related Instructional Technologies for Teachers at Three NCATE Universities, Anne L. Chandler
Perceived Leadership Style, Style Flexibility, and Style Effectiveness of Government Hospital Administrators in Thailand, Pongsin Chuwattanakul
Effective Administration and Implementation of External Programs Addressing Social Issues Operating Within Schools, Roselyn R. Cole
Staff Satisfaction and Leadership Behavior of Theory X- and Theory Y-Oriented Principals in the Greater Chicago Public School System, Lynn Schiffer Gillman
The Organizational Communication Climate and Utilization of Lines of Communication Within Purdue University Calumet, Judith Lynn Hack
Dissertations from 1992
Guidelines for Campus Beautification With Special Reference to Seventh-day Adventist Academies and Colleges in North America, Larry W. Boughman
Hispanic Student Teachers' Practice Teaching in Cooperative Learning: Two Qualitative Case Studies, Myrna Colon
The Development and Administration of a Modified Community College-Type Program for Caribbean Union College, T. Leslie Ferdinand
Developing a Model for the Organization, Administration, and Programs for Community Colleges in Malaysia, Boni Thadius Gaban
An Organizational Model for a Coordinated Program of Music Ministry for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North American and Europe, Raimo J. Lehtinen
The Student, the Teacher, and the Text : an Ethnography of the Literary Acculturation Process in Three Undergraduate Literature Classrooms, Matthew Justice Quartey
Dissertations from 1991
Classroom Implementation of Cooperative Learning: Qualitative Case Studies of Three Early Elementary Teachers, W. Philip Bassett
Teacher Change and a Direct Instruction Reading Approach : A Multiple-Case Study, Shirley Ann Freed
Integrated Thematic Instruction : A Descriptive Case Study of its Adaptation and Implementation, Premalatha Gaikwad
A Descriptive Study of Teacher, School, and Training Characteristics in the Implementation of the Cooperative and Inductive Teaching Models, Samuel M. Gaikwad
A Study Of Issues And Problems Women Face In Attempting To Pursue Careers In Educational Administration In Kenya, Bertha Kirigo Mutai
Dissertations from 1990
Perceived Leader Authenticity as an Effective Indicator of Perceived Instructional Leadership Behavior in Middle Level Principals, Thomas M. Meyer
A Study of the Leadership Training Needs as Perceived by the Secondary School Principals of Fiji, Nemani W. Tausere
Dissertations from 1989
Freshmen Retention at Two Seventh-day Adventist Higher Education Institutions, R. William Cash
Attitudes of Male Administrators Toward Hiring and Promoting Female Administrators in the Seventh-day Adventist Educational System in the North American Division, Hessen C. Ghazal
An Assessment of Effective Fund-Raising Policies Used at Private, Church-Related Undergraduate Colleges, Albin H. Grohar
Dissertations from 1988
A Study of Group Attitudes Toward the Professional Status of Teachers in Selected Adventist Elementary and Secondary Schools, Edward Joseph Kunitz
The Relationship Between Academic Achievement and Perceived Organizational Effectiveness and the Michigan Elementary Exemplary Public School Recognition Program, David L. Ratajik
Occupational Choice and Academic Planning in the Colombia-Venezuela Union of Seventh-day Adventists : a Needs Assessment, Leonardo Suescun Franco
Dissertations from 1987
A Study of the Attitudes of the Adventist Church Members in Taiwan Toward the Support of Seventh-day Adventist Christian Education, Paul Fu-sheng Cho
The Development of a Self-Esteem Protocol for Adults, Steven D. Mauro
Applying Marketing Concepts to Seventh-day Adventist Secondary Education, David Stephen Penner
Comparison of International and American Doctoral Graduates' Expectations, Satisfaction, and Appropriateness of their Programs in Education at Andrews University, Libin Kutup Rampasan
Effects of Administrator Implemented Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Grouping on Reading Achievement of Selected Sixth-Grade Students, Jerry L. Thacker
Dissertations from 1986
Motivation of Secondary-School Teachers in the Lake Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Based on Herzberg's Dual-Factor Theory of Job Satisfaction and Motivation, Khillah Latif Khillah
A Correlational Study of the Relationship Between Adolescent Religiosity and Adolescent Perception of Parental Behavior in Antigua and Barbuda, Eustace Sheppard
Factors Contributing to the Successful Completion of the Haitian Baccalaureat (Part I) and Their Administrative Implications, Serge E. Vernet
Dissertations from 1985
Toward a Rationale for Foreign-Language Proficiency Requirements for Doctoral Degrees in Selected Professional Disciplines, Aurelia Rae Holman
A Descriptive Analysis of Evangelical Seminaries in Canada Based on and Comparing the Views of their Presidents and Deans and of the Canadian Leaders of Evangelical Denominations, Edward Lawrence Oke
The Development of a Continuing Educational System for the College of the Bahamas with Implications for Third World Countries, Arthur Leon Roach
Dissertations from 1984
The Historical Development of Higher Education in Bermuda, Inez E. Browne-Dixon
An Investigation of Predictors of Success in Elementary Student Teaching in Selected Seventh-day Adventist Colleges, J. Roger Couty
An Empirical Study of the Relationship Between Religious Orthodoxy (Defined as Religious Rigidity and Religious Closed-Mindedness) and Marital Sexual Functioning, Stephen Lennard Purcell
Dissertations from 1983
A Manpower Planning Process for the Institutions of Higher Education in the Inter-American Division, Carlos Alberto Archbold
A Study of Selected Administrative Issues in the History and Development of Newbold College, Derek Crowther Beardsell
A Study of the Perceived Influence of Collective Bargaining on the Functional Role of the Michigan High School Principal, David R. Clark
Analysis of Fund-Raising Activities In Regard to Alumni Giving at Bethel College, Homer W. Drew
The Self Perceptions of School Principals Compared to Their Actual Performance on Certain Affective Traits, Michael L. Holtgren
Classroom Teachers' Perceptions Of Seventh-Day Adventist Academy Principal's Effectiveness In The Lake Union Conference, Ritch Enos Kacelenga
Occupational Stereotypes Among Haitian High School Seniors : Their Relative Importance to Career Aspirations in Relation to Selected Variables and the Implications for Educational Leadership, Michel Lamartine Porcena
A Study of Teacher Motivation in Five Selected Seventh-day Adventist Colleges in the United States, Allen F. Stembridge
An Assessment of the Perceived Inservice Needs of K-12 Teachers of the Lake Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Hazel R. Wright
Dissertations from 1982
The Role and Responsibilities of Andrews University Trustees as Perceived by Themselves, David H. Bauer
Resource Allocation in Seventh-day Adventist Elementary Schools: an Educational Production Function Study, Gerald Alan Brown
A Model for the Development and Administration of a Modern Television Complex for Private Colleges and Universities, Paul Henry Denton
The Necessary Job Competencies of Secondary School Principals as Perceived by School Administrators in Sabah, Malaysia, Charles Saimin Gaban
Role Expectations Of Presidents As Perceived By Presidents, Board Of Trustees, And Faculty: A Study Of Private Institutions Of Higher Education In West Java, Indonesia, Richards A. Hutagaol
Nonclassroom Teacher-Student Association in Seventh-day Adventist Academies in the Northern and Central California Conferences, John G. Kerbs
The Impact of Student Evaluative Feedback on the Perception of the Teaching Faculty at Andrews University, Edmund Siagian
The Relationship of Guidance Centers and Student use : a Study of the Location of Guidance Offices Within the School Plant, A. Thomas Smith
River Plate College : an Historical Study of a Missionary Institution, 1898-1951, Egil H. Wensell
Dissertations from 1981
The Market Position of a University Relative to an "Ideal": A Study of Constituent and Faculty Perceptions, R. Kenneth Blanton
The Nature of Man and Educational Administration: a Ternary Function, Ralph Moberly Coupland
The Effects of Accreditation by the North Central Association on the Organization, Administration and Programs of Selected Accredited Michigan Public Community Colleges, Margaret A. Crishal
Selected Personality Constructs as Correlates of Personnel Appointment, Appraisal, and Mobility in Seventh-day Adventist Schools, Merle A. Greenway
The Relationship Among Selected Variables Influencing Decision Making in the Roles of Public Community College Academic Deans, Sylvan Alphonso Lashley
Dissertations from 1980
Financing Universal Compulsory Free Elementary Education in India, Simon Gurushantappa David
The Effect of Reality Therapy As An Administrative Model Upon the Organizational Climate and Educational Outcomes of Selected Elementary Schools, Clarence U. Dunbebin
Selected Variables Related to the Knowledge of, Attitude Towards, and Utilization of Bilingual Education Services by Spanish American Parents in Two Michigan Cities, Ricardo Garcia Rodriguez
A Comparison of the Role Expectations of the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of Selected Universities in Michigan as Perceived by Five Status Groups, John Evans Hill
A Study of the Educational Administrator's Responsibility for Facility Planning as Seen by the Public-School Superintendents and Private-School Principals in Southwestern Michigan, Gado Appollo Ongwela
The Michigan School Board Member, Delegate or Trustee? : His/Her Personal Characteristics and Attitudes Toward Current Educational Concerns, Frederick J. Schmidt
Dissertations from 1979
Educational Facility Space Guidelines for Seventh-Day Adventist Schools, K-12 in the United States, George P. Babcock
The Effects of Selected Tax Reform and School Finance Proposals on the Equalizing Tendencies of State Aid to Michigan Public School Districts, Dorothy R. Hildebrand
Values and Leadership Characteristics of Seventh-day Adventist Academy Teachers in Michigan, David Siew-Fee Wong