Dissertations from 2004
Administrator Perceptions of Internet-Based Distance Education in Adventist Colleges and Universities : a Mixed-Method Study, Pamela K. Cress
Self-Reported Personal Problems of Adventist Academy Students, Ellen Marsh Crosby
Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Among Teachers in Norway : A Comparative Study of Selected Schools From Public and Private Educational Systems, Styrkår A. Dramstad
First-Year Teacher Perceptions of Classroom Experiences and Teacher Induction in a Midwestern School District, Cheryl Torok Fleming
The Improv Church : A Qualitative, Theoretical, and Interdisciplinary Explanation of its Appeal to Collegians, Karl Haffner
How Instructional Leadership is Addressed in Educational Administration/Leadership Programs, Lolethia Jones Kibble
An Examination of Cross-Cultural Understanding in a Global Automotive Company, A. Dale Phillips
Teacher Perceptions of Internet-Based Distance Education in Adventist Colleges and Universities : a Mixed-Methods Study, Susan B. Smith
Perceptions of Board Effectiveness in Selected Institutions of Higher Education in Zimbabwe, Bonginkosi Zvandasara
Dissertations from 2003
Perceptions of Nursing Academic Administrators and Faculty Related to the Pursuit of Upper-Level Administrative Careers, Lavonne M. Adams
Developing Life Skills : Perceptions of Graduates of the Adult, Non-Traditional Business and Management Programs at Indiana Wesleyan University, Joseph Robert Flowers
A Study of the Relationship Between Followership Modalities and Leadership Styles Among Educators at Selected High Schools in Jackson, Mississippi, Joyce Elaine Johnson
The Contribution of Education, Experience, and Personal Characteristics on the Reflective Judgment of Students Preparing for School Administration, Margaret Rae MacDonald
An Examination of Employees' Understanding and Implementation of the Information Security Program at XYZ Engineering Center, Dale J. Mancini
The Role of School Psychologists as Perceived by Administrators, Teachers, and School Psychologists in Berrien, Cass, and Van Buren Counties, Rosemary E. McDaniel
An Examination of Perceived Stress and Coping Patterns of pastoral wives in the Nigerian Union Mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Olufunmilayo Janet Ola
Fixing the Hole in the Pipe : Moving Beyond Prereferral Toward Changing the System, Jean T. Papandrea
The Impact of Early-Intervention/Prevention Services on the Northville Public Schools, Robert O. Sornson
The Phenomenon of Woman-on-Woman Abuse and its Relationship to Gender Profile and Personal Experiences of Women, Deborah Johnson Spence
A Comparative Study of Giving and Volunteering Patterns Among Adults with Seventh-day Adventist and Other Christian Religious Identities, Karen E. Stockton-Chilson
Leadership in Reaching Global Consensus on Technologicl Standardization, Carol Oak Tierney
Dissertations from 2002
Student Perception of the Attributes of Peer Mediators: Implications for Program Improvement, Michelle Maree Bell
A Legal History of the Job Corps, Joseph E. Blackett
The Roles and Attributes of Human Resource Leaders During Organizational Restructuring, Alison Anne Brown
A Descriptive Multiple Case Study of Caucasian Female Suicide Attempters: Risk and Protective Factors, Janice Johnson Browne
An Autobiographical Study of My Beliefs, Attributes, and Practices as an Instructional Support Consultant, Jennifer Wilcox Dove
A Study of Perceptions Held Toward Teacher Evaluation Policies and Practices by Teachers and Their Supervisors in Adventist Schools in Canada, Dave Densil Higgins
An Inquiry of Governance Training, Perceptions of Board Members' Qualifications, and Board Assessments of Day Academies in the Southern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Nathaniel George Higgs
Academic Persistence and Attrition Among Freshman Traditional and Non-Traditional Students at a Public Midwestern Commuter University, Arnold W. Illanz
A Case Analysis of Three Middle-School Boys Who Have Down Syndrome and Have Been in Regular Education Classes Since Preschool, Eileen Frances Luddy
A Study of Select Decisions That Fostered the Growth and Development of Solusi University in Zimbabwe, Israel Sampson Mfune
A Rhetorical Analysis of Theodore Hesburgh's Fund-Raising Speeches for the University of Notre Dame, Peggie Mathaba Ncube
The Design, Implementation, and Assessment of Initial Change and Growth in a Local Voluntary Organization and its Members, Tracy Ann Weber
Learning and Study Strategies as they Relate to Success in an Open-Entry/Open-Exit College Developmental Reading Course, Ginna A. Wenger
Dissertations from 2001
The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Teams Using the BcubeTM Process, C. Vincent Anderson
Venezuelan Adventist University Institute: the Development of a Seventh-day Adventist Educational Institution, 1962-1999, Pablo E. Huérfano
The Impact on Team Effectiveness of Personality Preferences of Team Members Involved in the Connecticut Early Intervention Project, Nancy Krafcik-Rousseau
Teaching Strategies and Adaptations of Teachers in Multiculturally Diverse Classrooms in Seventh-day Adventist K-8 Schools in North America, Annabelle I. Lopez
A Study on Selected Factors Influencing School Choice Among the Seventh-day Adventist Population in Southwest Michigan, Philip Omenge Mainda
College Graduates' Perception of Placement-Service Impact at Three Selected Institutions of Higher Education in the Michiana Area, Javan Lukema Ntaganda
The Learning Disabled College Student : Experiencing the Hundred-Acre Wood, Frances Lowry Schander
The Impact of the College Experience on the Lives of Female Single-Parent Students, Elizabeth Darby Watson
Intergovernmental Mediation : a Technique for Successful Local Government Partnerships, W. Thomas Wiseman
Dissertations from 2000
Survey of Nigerian University Student Affairs Services: a Comparison of Students' Perceived Service Importance and the Students' Level of Satisfaction, Michael Adewale Adeniyi
The Relationships Between Student Diligence, Student Support Systems, Other Related Variables and Student Academic Outcomes in High Schools in Grenada, Christon Arthur
Educational Brain Research as Compared with E.G. White's Counsels to Educators, Linda Bryant Caviness
Leadership Requirements in the 21st Century : the Perceptions of Canadian Public Sector Leaders, M. Ruth Dantzer
The Church as a Social Support for Women: Perspectives of Female Members of Selected Seventh-day Adventist Churches, Norma Greenidge
Institutional Activities in International Higher Education : An Assessment of Advancement Strategies Used at Selected Small Church-Related Colleges and Universities, Janeric Arne Gustavsson
An Assessment of the Perceived Administrative Effectiveness of Boarding School Principals in the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Malcolm E. Hutchinson Jr.
The Effects of Prereferral Intervention Through the Connecticut Early Intervention Project on Special Education Prevalence Rates in Connecticut Schools, Marianne Eike Kirner
The Professional Development School : a Descriptive Case Study of its History and Development, Denise G. Michaelis
The Role of the Academic Physical Therapy Department Chair as Perceived by Physical Therapy Teaching Faculty and Chairs, Wayne Louis Perry
Leadership Requirements in the 21st Century : the Perceptions of Canadian Private Sector Leaders, Samy H. Watson
Dissertations from 1999
Test-Retest Reliability of Individual Student Acquisition and Retention Rates as Measured by Instructional Assessment, Matthew K. Burns
An Understanding of Selected Familial Dynamics as they Relate to the Prevention of Substance Use Among Youth from St. Martin, Vincent A. David
Web-Based Courses In Higher Education: Creating Active Learning Environments, Marilyn Ruth Eggers
The Relationship Between Afrocentric Worldview and Marital Satisfaction in African-American Couples, Ganz E. Ferrance
A Descriptive Case Study of Teaching Teams at Lakeside Middle School, Dion Harrigan
Integration of Faith and Learning in Christian Higher Education : Professional Development of Teachers and Classroom Implementation, Constance Chibuzo Nwosu
Effective Middle School Teachers : Becoming "Real", Rhoda C. Sommers
Critical Thinking in Associate Degree Nursing Education, Nancy Tucker
The Reflective Process in Nursing Clinicals Using Journaling and Dialogue, Rita Van Horn
Technology Partnership Curriculum Initiative: A Descriptive Case Study of its History, Development, and Implementation, Ingrid Wright-Jones
Self-Esteem, Personal Control, Optimism, Extraversion, and the Subjective Well-Being of Midwestern University Faculty, Shawn Lee Zimmerman
Dissertations from 1998
Power in Religious Organizations: a Study of Principals' Perspectives as Seen in Three Religious High Schools in Michigan, Patrick L. Allen
The Relationship Between Treatment Programs and Recidivism With African American Delinquents Under the Age of 14, Sonya D. Gray
A Longitudinal Study on the Essence of Success Development As Seen by Caribbean Canadian Women in the Storied Landscape of Their Lived Experience, Glenda-mae Greene
Key Administrative Decisions in the History of the Seventh-day Adventist Education in Bermuda, Leslie C. Holder
Educational Administrators and Computer Usage: Leadership Styles and Computer Attitudes in Small Secondary Schools in North America, Daniel Hong Lim
Experiences Assisting or Hindering the Academic and Social Integration of African American Students at Southwestern Michigan College, Naomi L. Ludman
Analysis of University Personnel's Perception of Institutional Factors Impacting Student Persistence/Retention, Jose Melendez
Integrated Thematic Instruction : a Descriptive Case Study of Students' Attitudes Toward School and Learning, Ginger Heinrich O'Neal
Volunteers as Tutors and Trainers of Tutors : a Qualitative Study, Mark B. Thogmartin
Intentional Classroom Humor in Nursing : a Multiple Case Study, Joan Kay Ulloth
Dissertations from 1997
Selected Roles/Functions of Technical/Vocational Education Administrators in Barbados and the Need for Further Preparation and Continuing Professional Development, Cecil I. Cummins
A Comparative Study of Stressors Among Undergraduate Students at Grand Valley State University, Lennox Forrest
Dropping out of High School Among African Americans in Benton Harbor, Michigan : a Study of its Economic Implications, Dahlia E. Pottinger
The Relationship of Teacher Retention to Personality Style at VisionQuest National Limited, Beth Ann Rosica
Dissertations from 1996
The Relationship Between Co-Dependence and Borderline Personality Disorder, Helen P. Bird
A Descriptive Case Study of Staff Development In Two Seventh-day Adventist Districts as They Relate to Potential Change, Michael G. England
Guidelines for Developing a Campus Master Plan Document for Small Colleges and Universities, Bradley Allen Jamison
Teacher Thinking and the Change Process: a Qualitative Study of Experienced Teachers Learning and Implementing New Models of Teaching, Susan J. Karrer
The Relationship of Student Retention to Teacher/Student Personality Types at Summit Christian College, C. Joseph Martin
Marketing Seventh-day Adventist Higher Education in Southeast Asia, Geoffrey A. Pauner
Job Satisfaction Among Teachers in Seventh-day Adventist Schools and its Relationship to Commitment and Selected Work Conditions, Athanase K. Rutebuka
Discontinuance from the Ministry by Seventh-day Adventist Ministers : a Qualitative Study, Smuts Van Rooyen
Dissertations from 1995
Vision and the Ideal Teacher: Implications for Educational Practice, Rosalind Victoria Aaron