Content Posted in 2016
"He Spake and it was Done": Luther's Creation Theology in His 1535 Lectures on Genesis 1:1-2:4, Denis Kaiser
Higher Education and Self-Fulfillment: Discovery of Your Values and Life Philisophy, Jerry Chi and Grace Chi
Higher Education and Self-Fulfillment: Explore Your Life Value by Seeking God, Jerry Chi and Grace Chi
Higher Education and Self-Fulfillment: Explore Your Value Through Interview., Jerry Chi and Grace Chi
Higher Education and Self-Fulfillment: Five Year Plan, Jerry Chi and Grace Chi
Higher Education and Self-Fulfillment: Is Graduation Equal To Unemployment?, Jerry Chi and Grace Chi
Higher Education and Self-Fulfillment: Looking For Your Soul Mate, Jerry Chi and Grace Chi
High-resolution measurements of the vacuum ultraviolet energy levels of trivalent gadolinium by excited state excitation, P. Peijzel, P. Vermeulen, W. Schrama, A. Meijerink, M. Reid, and Gary Burdick
Hispanic Americans in the NAD, Ricardo Norton
Histoire ancienne d’Israël: des origines à l’installation en Canaan [review] / De Vaux, Roland., Siegfried H. Horn
Historical Background (Early 19th Century), P. Gerard Damsteegt
Historical-Critical and Evangelical Theology, Eta Linnemann
Historical Criticism of the Bible: Methodology or Ideology? [review] / Eta Linnemann; translated from the German edition, Wissenchaft oder Meinung? Anfragen und Alternativen, by Robert W. Yarbrough., Robert Morris Johnston
Historical Dictionary of the Seventh-Day Adventists [review] / Gary Land., Roger L. Dudley
Historical Issues in the Book of Daniel [review] / Thomas Gaston, Zdravko Stefanovic
Historical Protestantism: An Historical Introduction to Protestant Theology [review] / Scott, William A., Viggo Norskov Olsen
History and Eschatology in the Book of Daniel, William H. Shea
History and Hermeneutics [review] / Braaten, Carl E., Edward W. H. Vick
History and the Christian Historian [review] / edited by Ronald A. Wells., Gary Land
History and Theology in the Fourth Gospel [review] / Martyn, J. Louis., Herold Weiss
History of Biblical Interpretation: A Reader [review] / William Yarchin., John W. Reeve
History of Christian Ethics [review] / George Wolfgang Forell., George W. Reid
History of Inspiration in the Adventist Church (1844-1915), Alberto R. Timm
History of New Testament Research [review] / William Baird., Matthew M. Kent
History of Primitive Christianity [review] / Conzelmann, Hans, Sakae Kubo
History of Seventh-day Adventist Views on the Trinity, Merlin D. Burt
Holding on to What is Sacred: Who to Protect Organizational Values and Enhance Mission Vitality, Randy Haffner
Holiness Versus Mercy: How Theology Both Hinders and Facilitates the Church's Response to the HIV/AIDS Pandemic, Johnny Ramírez-Johnson and Edwin I. Hernandez
Holistic Approach to Preaching: A Training Program for Lay Speakers of Manhattan Seventh-day Adventist Church, Victor V. Dyman
Holy Book and Holy Tradition [review] / edited by F. F. Bruce and E. G. Rupp., D. Malcolm Maxwell
Holy Scripture [review] / Berkouwer, Gerrit C., Raoul Dederen
Holy Time: Moderate Puritanism and the Sabbath [review] / John H. Primus., P. Gerard Damsteegt
Holy Writ as Oral Lit: The Bible as Folklore [review] / Alan Dundes., Margarethe Sparing-Chavez
Homelessness Awareness Week, Alixandria Reiner and Student Movement Staff
Homelessness Awareness Week, Andrews University
Homer and the Origin of the Greek Alphabet [review] / Barry B. Powell., James E. Miller
Homosexuality and the Bible: What Is at Stake in the Current Debate, Richard Davidson
Homosexuality in the Old Testament, Richard Davidson
Homosexuality, Marriage, and the Church, Roy Gane, Nicholas Miller, and H. Swanson
Homosexuality, Marriage, and the Church: Biblical, Counseling, and Religious Liberty Issues [review] / Gane, Roy E., Nicholas P. Miller, and H. Peter Swanson, eds., Roy E. Gane, Nicholas Miller, and Peter Swanson
Honor and Shame in the Gospel of Matthew [review] / Jerome H. Neyrey., David A. DeSilva
Honors Scholar Wins First at National Council, Andrews University
Honors Scholar Wins First at National Council: Students present research at National Collegiate Honors Council, Danni Francis
Hook-up Culture among College Students: A Comparison of Attitudes toward Hooking Up Based on Ethnicity & Gender, Herbert W. Helm Jr., Duane C. McBride, and Stephanie D. Gondra
Hope, Skip Bell
Hophni in the Ìzbet Sartah Ostracon: A Rejoinder, William H. Shea
Horace Bushnell: Guided by his Wesleyan Heritage, Darius Jankiewicz and Edyta Jankiewicz
Horn Award Recipient Ann Gibson Gives Plenary Presentation, Annetta M. Gibson
Horn Award Recipient Ann Gibson Gives Plenary Presentation, Annetta M. Gibson
Horn Award Recipient Karl Bailey Gives Plenary Presentation, Karl Bailey
Horn Award Recipient Karl Bailey Gives Plenary Presentation
Horn Award Recipient Richard Choi Gives Plenary Presentation, P. Richard Choi
Horn Award Recipient Richard Choi Gives Plenary Presentation, P. Richard Choi
Horn Lectureship Series Features Undergraduate Students, Stefanie Elkins
Horn Lectureship Series Features Undergraduate Students: "Making a Future for Our Past..."
Horn Museum Display of Ceramic Figurines: On loan from Jordan until April 30, 2015, Marcus Larivaux
Horvat ‘Uza and Horvat Radum: Two Fortresses in the Biblical Negev [review] / Itzhaq Beit-Arieh, Jeffery P. Hudon
Hosea: A Commentary on the Book of the Prophet Hosea [review] / Wolff, Hans Walter., Gerhard F. Hasel
Hosea [review] / Mays, James Luther., Zev Garber
Hospitality Versus Patronage: An Investigation of Social Dynamics in the Third Epistle of John, Igor Lorencin
How Africa Shaped the Christian Mind: Rediscovering the African Seedbed of Western Christianity [review] / Thomas C. Oden, Trevor O'Reggio
Howard Center Presents...Dana Lyn & Kyle Sanna, Andrews University
Howard Center Presents... "His Creation", Andrews University
Howard Center Presents...Jars of Clay, Andrews University
Howard Center Presents...Moriah Peters, Chris McLean-Wheeler
Howard Center Presents...Moriah Peters
Howard Center Presents...Petar Jankovic Ensemble, Andrews University
Howard Center Presents...Telegraph Quartet, Andrews University
Howard Presents: "America Singing:" Grit. Glory: 9/11 Commemorative Concert Honors the Heroes and Those Fallen, Danni Francis
How Can Church Work with Poor by Utilizing Socialistic and Capitalistic Approaches?, Jerry Chi
How Can Environmental Care Be Grounded in Biblical Theology?, A. Rahel Schafer
How can I live without having all the answers?, Gary Burdick
How did the Jewish Sabbath Become the Christian Sunday?: A Review of the Reviews of Bacchiocchi’s From Sabbath to Sunday, Edward Allen
How do you use a TI-Nspire with struggling students?, Marian V. Prince
How Ellen White Did her Writing, Denis Kaiser
How Enduring Will Our Longevity Be? (The Associate Editor's Desk), E. Edward Zinke
How Faith Matures [review] / C. Ellis Nelson., Roy Naden
How Free Are You?: the Determinism Problem [review] / Ted Honderich., Gerald Wheeler
How Is It That We Do Not Worship Three Gods, John Reeve
How Not to Get Lost in Translation, Pat Gustin
How Not to Get Lost When Reading the Lost Gospels (The President's Page), Larry L. Lichtenwalter
How Our Pioneers Discovered the Sanctuary Doctrine, P. Gerard Damsteegt
How the Mighty Fall: And Why Some Companies Never Give In [review] / Collins, J., Erich Baumgartner
How to Create a Bilingual Environment, Grace Chi
How to Teach Children to Do the House Chores?, Grace Chi
How we strategically transform our Adventist colleges to become a market-oriented institution, Jerry Chi
How young adults perceive the mentally ill based on their education level, Karl Bailey and T. Adjmul
Huldrych Zwingli and His City of Zurich, Ulrich Gäbler
Huldrych Zwingli and the Reformed Tradition, Daniel A. Augsburger
Human Subject Review—the View from CAP, Oystein LaBianca
Humble Inquiry: The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling [review] / Schein, Edgar H., Stanley E. Patterson
"Hupotagysetai" in 1 Corinthians 15:28b, W. Larry Richards
Hydrogen Bonding, Solvent Exchange, and Coupled Proton and Electron Transfer in the Oxidation and Reduction of Redox-Active Tyrosine YZ in Mn-Depleted Core Complexes of Photosystem II, Bruce Diner, Dee Ann Force, David Randall, and R Britt
Hydrotherapy & Natural Remedies Workshop: Registration open for 6-day event
"Hymn of Praise" - AU Orchestra, Singers and Chorale, Department of Music
Hyperloop Dream Team, Andrews University
Hyperloop Dream Team: Students represent at SpaceX Challenge at Texas A&M, Becky St. Clair
Hypocrisy: An Exploration of a "Third Type", David A. Spieler
I AM...a project that challenges the media stereotypes of Pit Bulls, Diane Myers
I Am Because You Are, Andrews University
I Am Because You Are: UBUNTU Architecture Team Makes Plans With South Africans, Becky St. Clair and Chris McLean-Wheeler
"I Cannot Remain Idle", Andrews University
"I Cannot Remain Idle": The humanitarian response to the Syrian refugee crisis, Alaryss Bosco and Samuel Fry
I Corinthians : a shorter exegetical and pastoral commentary, P. Richard Choi
Identification of Scrivener's Collated Manuscripts, Sakae Kubo
Identity Styles and Religiosity: Examining the Role of Identity Commitment, Tevni Grajales Guerra and Brittany Sommers
Idol Meat and the OrdInatIon of Women: ReflectIons on Church UnIty, Carl P. Cosaert
“I Don’t Lend Money; it Causes Amnesia!” Money, Culture and Ethics, Annetta M. Gibson
"I Don't Understand What You're Saying!": Lessons from Three ESL Writing Tutorials, Eun-Young Julia Kim
I Don't Want to go to Church Anymore!, Margaret G. Dudley
Ifele: A Method to Teach Spanish as a Second Language within Communities of Practice, Francisco Burgos
If Somebody Knows About that Nose, It’s Not the Forgetful Maid: False Memory and the Environment of Recall in Tristram Shandy, Kylene N. Cave
If You Know Everything There Is to Know About Timbuktu: Faith and the Integrative Nature of Culture, Larry L. Lichtenwalter
Ignatius and the "Lord's Day", Richard B. Lewis
I have a dream in nursing: My professional trajectory, Grace Chi
I John 3:9: Absolute or Habitual?, Sakae Kubo
Images of Power and a Kingdom of Priests, Jean Sheldon
Imagining Jesus in the Modern Age, Andrews University
Imagining Jesus in the Modern Age: Constantine authors "Jesus of New York"
Implicit attitudes of vegetarians and omnivores toward meat and vegetables, A. Raethel and Karl Bailey
Implicit Bias & Blind Spot, Andrews University
Implicit Bias & Blind Spot: 2016 Leadership Conference features Brian Nosek, Chris McLean-Wheeler and Becky St. Clair
Inauguration of Dr. Andrea Luxton, Andrews University
Inauguration or Day of Atonement?: A Response to Norman Young's "Old Testament Background to Hebrews 6:19-20 Revisited", Richard M. Davidson
Incarnational Community-Based Ministry: A Leadership Model for Community Transformation, Gaspar Colon
Incarnational Humanism [review] / Zimmermann, Jens, Bruce Campbell Moyer
Incarnational Ministry: Planting Churches in Band, Tribal, Peasant, and Urban Societies [review] / Paul G. Hiebert and Eloise Hiebert Meneses., Jon L. Dybdahl
Inclusive Strategies that Foster Global Learning, Glynis M. Bradfield, Marcella Myers, Denise J. Shaver, Erich Baumgartner, Caryn Pierce, Daniel F.M. Gonzalez, and David Penno
Incorporating MasteringEngineering® to Tutor Engineering Students Individually as well as providing the instructor with rich teaching diagnostics, Boon-Chai Ng and Betsy Nixon
Increases in a Population of Nesting Glaucous-Winged Gulls Disturbed by Humans, Charles Amlaner, James Hayward, Ernest Schwab, and John Stout
In Defense of the Year-day Principle, Gerhard Pfandl
Inductive Teaching with LearningHub, Samuel Villamizar
"I Need to Finish My Work": Tribute to Dr. C. Mervyn Maxwell, Samuel Koranteng-Pipim
Influence of Students’ Industrial Training on the Academic Performance of Mass Communication Students in Babcock University Ogun State, Nigeria, Ifeoma Helen Ayeni
Influences and Traditions Underlying the Vision of Daniel 7:2-14: The Research History from the End of the 19th Century to the Present [review] / Jurg Eggler., Martin T. Probstle
Information Poverty: A case of Berrien County, Sarah Kimakwa
In Granite or Ingrained? What the Old and New Testaments Reveal About the Gospel, the Law, and the Sabbath [review] / Skip MacCarty, Hans K. LaRondelle
Inscribed and Radiated-Type Byzantine Lamps, Eugenia L. Nitowski
In Search of 'Ancient Israel' [review] / Philip R. Davies., Michael G. Hasel
In Search of Leadership Potential. Battle of Sex Culture and Christian Culture, Jerry Chi
In Search of the "City Which is in the Middle of the Valley", Friedbert Ninow
Inspiration and Science, Jo Ann Davidson
Inspiration and the Imprecatory Psalms, Angel Manuel Rodriguez
Inspiration: Hard Questions, Honest Answers [review] / Alden Thompson., Fernando L. Canale
Inspiration of the Scriptures in the Writings of Ellen G. White, P. Gerard Damsteegt
Inspiration, the Natural Sciences, and a Window of Opportunity, John T. Baldwin
Integrated Library Instruction-Earlham Style, Lawrence Onsager
Integrating faith and Christian living with radio programming: A study of listener's perception of selected programmes on Babcock Hope FM, Helen Odunola Adekoya Dr, Mofoluke Ibidunni Akoja Dr, and Omolayo Olusola Jegede Dr
Integrating four types of moral leadership, Duane Covrig, Mordekai Ongo, and Janet Ledesma
Integrating Four Types of Moral Leadership, Duane M. Covrig, Mordekai O. Ongo, and Janet Ledesma
Integrating Spirituality in Education Courses, Larry Burton
Integrating the Curriculum to Maximize Learning, Sharon Aka
Integrating the Curriculum to Maximize Learning (repeat), Sharon Aka
Integrating webinar and blogging technologies into chemistry seminar, Dan Hamstra, Jyllian Kemsley, Desmond Murray, and David Randall
Integration of video production (DVD) technology into class instruction and class projects, Jerry Chi
Intelligent Design: The Argument from Beauty, Bernard Brandstater
Intensification of the Food System in Central Transjordan During the Ammonite Period, Øystein Sakala LaBianca
Intensity parametrizations for electric-dipole transitions between Stark components in Er3+:Y3 Al5 O12, Gary Burdick, John Gruber, Kelly Nash, Sreerenjini Chandra, and Dhiraj Sardar
Interacting with Muslim Students: Strategies that Work, Oscar Osindo
Intercessory Prayer and Mission, Bruce L. Bauer
Interchurch and Interfaith Relations: Seventh-day Adventist Statements and Documents [review] / Höschele, Stefan, Kevin M. Burton
Interior Waldensian Church in Torre Pellice, Troy Homenchuk
Intermediate New Testament Greek: A Linguistic and Exegetical Approach [review] / Richard A. Young., Ronald L. Jolliffe
International Cultural Appreciation and An Adventurous Trip to Tokyo and Seoul, Jerry Chi
International Students Featured at Special Services, Darren K. Heslop
International Students Featured at Special Services: Annual International Student Sabbath was a blessing, Becky St. Clair
Internet Pornography Use in the Context of External and Internal Religiosity, Alina Baltazar, Herb Helm, Duane McBride, Gary Hopkins, and John Stevens
Interpretation and Obedience: From Faithful Reading to Faithful Living [review] / Walter Brueggemann., Nancy Jean Vyhmeister
Interpretation of bere’ ît in The Context of Genesis 1:1-3, Jiří Moskala
Interpretations of Spiritual House in 1 Peter 2:4–10 and Their Implications on the Indwelling of Divine Presence, Cory Wetterlin
Interpretations of the Kingdom of God in Daniel 2:44, Gerhard Pfandl
Interpreters of Luther: Essays in Honor of Wilhelm Pauck [review] / Pelikan, Jaroslav, ed., Kenneth A. Strand
Interpreting God and the Postmodern Self: On Meaning, Manipulation, and Promise [review] / Anthony C. Thiselton., Larry L. Lichtenwalter
Interpreting Gospel Narratives: Scenes, People, and Theology, Teresa Reeve
Interpreting Gospel Narratives: Scenes, People, and Theology [review] / Wiarda, Timothy, Teresa L. Reeve
Interpreting Scripture According to Scripture, Richard Davidson
Interpreting Scripture on the Ordination of Women
Interpreting the Bible & the Constitution [review] / Jaroslav Pelikan., Nicholas P. Miller
Interpreting the Book of Revelation [review] / J. Ramsey Michaels., Edwin E. Reynolds
Interpreting the Prophetic Books: An Exegetical Handbook [review] / Smith, Gary V., Ronald Rojas
Interpretive Theology in Pastoral Life: A Vision for Doctor of Ministry Education, Skip Bell
Interpretive Theology in the Parish, Skip Bell
Interprofessional Education in Health Professions: Opportunities for Global Engagement, Daniel F. M. Gonzalez , MSMLS, MLSC(ASCP) CM and Khonnah Weithers , RN, BSN, MSNc, CCRN
Intersubjectivity in theoretical and practical online courses, Janine Lim and Barbara M. Hall
Interview [with John Macharia], Bruce L. Bauer
Interview [with V. David], Bruce L. Bauer
In the Arena, Hyveth Williams
In the Beginning, D. Arthur Delafield
"In the Beginning...God" (Gen 1:1): Ten Key Theological Themes in Genesis Within the Larger Framework of Biblical Theology, Gerald A. Klingbeil
In the Service of the King: Officialdom in Ancient Israel and Judah [review] / Nili Sacher Fox., William H. Shea
In the Shadow of His Wings [review] / Jonathan Macy, Olive J. Hemmings
Introducing Andrews University Seminary Studies, Siegfried H. Horn
Introducing the New Testament: Its Literature and Theology [review] / Paul J. Achtemeier, Joel B. Green, Marianne Meye Thompson, Teresa L. Reeve
Introduction, Jiří Moskala
Introduction to Christian Worship [review] / James F. White., Norval F. Pease
Introduction to New Testament Exegesis [review] / Werner Stenger., Hermann V.A. Kuma
Introduction to special issue on eco-evolutionary dynamics, Shandelle M. Henson, James M. Cushing, and James L. Hayward
Introduction to the Ecclesiology of the Book of Revelation, Ekkehardt Mueller
Introduction to the Old Testament as Scripture [review] / Brevard S. Childs., Jerry A. Gladson
Introduction to the Old Testament with a Comprehensive Review of Old Testament Studies and a Special Supplement on the Apocrypha [review] / Harrison, Roland Kenneth., Siegfried H. Horn
Introduction to the Psalms [review] / Barth, Christoph F., Gerhard F. Hasel
Introduction to the Syntopic Gospels [review] / Pheme Perkins, Eike Mueller
Introductory Note: A Tribute to Huldrych Zwingli, Kenneth A. Strand
In Tune With God [review] / Lilianne Doukhan, Ken Parsons
In Tune With God [review] / Lillianne Doukhan, Pedrito U. Maynard-Reid
In Tune With God [review] / Lillianne Doukhan, Thomas Shepherd
Invandring fraa Suldal til Juneau County, Wisconsin, USA, Lawrence Onsager
Investigating the Presuppositional Realm of Biblical-Theological Methodology, Part I: Dooyeweerd on Reason, Oliver Glanz
Investigating the Presuppositional Realm of Biblical-Theological Methodology, Part II: Canale on Reason, Oliver Glanz
Investigating the Presuppositional Realm of Biblical-Theological Methodology, Part III: Application and Comparison, Oliver Glanz
Investigating the Presuppositional Realm of Biblical-Theological Methodology, Part IV: Critique and Transformation, Oliver Glanz
Investment Strategies in a Turbulent Period of Time, Jerry Chi
Invitation to the Septuagint [review] / Karen H. Jobes and Moisés Silva., Bernard A. Taylor
Iridescence in Ezekiel, Ross E. Winkle
Is Adventist Theology Compatible With Evolutionary Theory?, Fernando Canale
Isaiah 13-39: A Commentary. Translated by R. A. Wilson from the German [review] / Kaiser, Otto., Gerhard F. Hasel
Isaiah 1-39: A New Yranslation with Introduction and Commentary [review] / Joseph Blenkinsopp., Kenneth D. Mulzac
Isaiah 1-39 [review] / Christopher R. Seitz., James E. Miller
Isaiah 34-66 [review] / John D.W. Watts; reviewed by Niels-Erik Andreasen., Niels-Erik Andreasen
Isaiah 40–66: Translation and Commentary [review] / Paul, Shalom M., Wann Fanwar
Isaiah in the Gospel of Mark I-VIII [review] / by Richard Schneck., Thomas Shepherd
Is All Death a Consequence of Sin?: Theological Implications of Alternative Models, Marco T. Terreros
Is An Owner's Social Responsibility or Self-Interest Behind a Small Business' Involvement in Societal Causes?, Jacquelyn Warwick
I Saw a New Earth: An Introduction to the Visions of the Apocalypse [review] / Minear, Paul S., Kenneth A. Strand
Is Community College Worth It?, Lawrence Robinson Jr. and James Kingman
Is Creationism Still Valid in the New Millennium?, George T. Javor
Is Death In Paradise Possible?, Leonard Brand
Is God Present in the Song of Songs?, Richard M. Davidson
Is Grading Papers an Effective Teaching Practice?, Robert C. Moore, Martha Byrne, Sarah Hanusch, and Timothy Fukawa-Connelly
Is Heschel's Sabbath Biblical?, Timothy Watson
Is Hophni in the Ìzbet Sartah Ostracon?, Lawrence J. Mykytiuk
Is Jeremiah 39:15-18 Out of Order?, Kenneth D. Mulzac
Islamic Hermeneutics and the Christian Missionary: Does the Interpretive Structure of the Qur’an Apply to Non-Muslim Exegetes?, Madelyn Mandell
Islam in Context: Past, Present, and Future [review] / Peter G. Riddell and Peter Cotterell., Bruce L. Bauer
Islam: Its Prophet, Peoples, Politics, and Power [review] / George W. Braswell, Jr., Mark F. Carr
Israel and the Church, Gerhard Pfandl
Israel and the Church: Continuity and Discontinuity -- I, Richard M. Davidson
Israel and the Church: Continuity and Discontinuity -- II, Richard M. Davidson
Israel in Egypt: Reading Exodus 1-2 [review] / Gordon F. Davies., Michael G. Hasel
Israel in Revolution, 6-74 C.E.: A Political History Based on the Writings of Josephus [review] / David M. Rhoads., Robert Morris Johnston
Israelite and Judaean History [review] / edited by John H. Hayes and J. Maxwell Miller., William H. Shae
Israel's Apostasy and Restoration: Essays in Honor of Roland K. Harrison [review] / edited by Avraham Gileadi., Douglas R. Clark
Israel's Love Affair With God: Song of Songs [review] / Jacob Neusne., Paul Dean Duerksen
Is Retail Imagery A Marketing Universal? A Comparison of Singapore, Trinidad, and the United States, Jacquelyn Warwick and Phylis Mansfield
Is Retail Service Quality a Marketing Universal? A Comparison of Singapore, Trinidad and the United States, Jacquelyn Warwick and Phylis Mansfield
Is Sexuality Impure? An Alternative Interpretation of Leviticus 15:18, Rene Gehring
Issues in "Intermediate" Models of Origins, Jim Gibson
Issues in the Interpretation of Hebrews, William G. Johnsson
Is the Adventist Faith Legalistic?, Aecio E. Cairus
Is the Angel of Revelation 10 a Divine Being?, Jim Hiner Jr.
Is the Bible Relevant to Servant-Leadership?, Forrest Flanike
Is the Genesis Creation Account Literal?, Norman R. Gulley
Is There a Synoptic Problem?: Rethinking the Literary Dependence of the First Three Gospels [review] / Eta Linnemann., Edwin E. Reynolds
Is There Room for Systematics in Adventist Theology?, Fernando Canale
Is the Spelling of "Baalis" in Jeremiah 40:14 a Mutilation?, Larry G. Herr
I Suffer Not a Woman: Rethinking 1 Timothy 2:11-15 in Light of Ancient Evidence [review] / Richard Clark Kroeger and Catherine Clark Kroeger., Beatrice S. Neall
It is Time to Talk, Part 1: Does the Bible Call for Racial Integration?, David Penno
It is Time to Talk, Part 2: Why Racial Integration is so Hard, David Penno
It Is Time to Talk, Part 3: How Adventist Conferences Became Segregated, David Penno
It Is Time to Talk, Part 4: What Adventists Really Think About Segregated Conferences, David Penno
It is Written [review] / Preus, Jacob A. O., Sakae Kubo
It's a Two-Way Street [review] / C. Raymond Holmes., Norval F. Pease
It Takes a Miracle: An Analysis of John H. Walton's View of Cosmic Temple Inauguration, Martin Frederick Hanna
"It was Mary that First Preached a Risen Jesus": Early Seventh-day Adventist Answers to Objections to Women as Public Spiritual Leaders, Ginger Hanks Harwood and Beverly G. Beem
Jahwe-Visionen und Siegelkunst: Eine Neue Deutung der Majestätsschilderungen in Jes 6, Ez 1 und 10 und Sach 4 [review] / Keel, Othmar., Siegfried H. Horn
Jakobus 2, 14-26 in der Sicht Martin Luthers, Hans Heinz
James Kemuel Humphrey and the Emergence of the United Sabbath-Day Adventists, R. Clifford Jones
James K. Humphrey and the Sabbath-Day Adventists [review] / R. Clifford Jones, Douglas Morgan
James [review] / Ralph P. Martin., Pedrito U. Maynard-Reid
James White and SDA Organization: Historical Development, 1844-1881 [review] / by Andrew G. Mustard., Jerry Moon
James White: Innovator and Overcomer [review] / Gerald Wheeler., Michael W. Campbell
Japan's Encounter With Christianity: The Catholic Mission in Pre-Modern Japan [review] / Neil S. Fujita., Bruce L. Bauer
JATS Cumulative Index by Author: 1990-2004, JATS Editors
JATS Cumulative Index by Author: 1990-2005, JATS Editors
JATS Cumulative Index by Author: 1990-2008, JATS Editors
Jay Johnson, Jay Johnson
Jay Johnson, Jay Johnson
Jeremiah 48 as Christian Scripture [review] / Woods, Julie Irene, Ray W. McAllister
Jeremiah's Seventy Years for Babylon: A Reassessment. Part II: The Historical Data, Ross E. Winkle
Jeremiah's Seventy Years for Babylon: A Re-Assessment. Part I: The Scriptural Data, Ross E. Winkle
Jeremiás a Válság Prófétája (Jeremiah as the Prophet of Crisis) [review] / Imre Tokics, László Gallusz
Jerry Chi, Jerry L. Chi
Jerry Chi, Jerry Chi
Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus: An Investigation into Economic and Social Conditions During the New Testament Period [review] / Jeremias, Joachim., Siegfried H. Horn
Jesus and Christian Origins Outside the New Testament [review] / Bruce, F. F., Sakae Kubo
Jesus and His Jewish Parables: Rediscovering the Roots of Jesus' Teaching [review] / Brad H. Young., Robert Morris Johnston
Jesus and His Second Coming in the Apocalypse, Ekkehardt Mueller
Jesus and Marx: From Gospel to Ideology [review] / by Jacques Ellul., Atilio Rene Dupertuis
Jesus and the Constraints of History [review] / A.E. Harvey., Herold Weiss
Jesus and the Ethics of the Kingdom [review] / Bruce Chilton and J.I.H. McDonald., Herold Weiss
Jesus and the Gospels: An Introduction and Survey [review] / Craig L. Blomberg., Garfield D. Blake
Jesus and the Historian [review] / Trotter, F. Thomas, ed., Herold Weiss
Jesus and the Sabbath in Matthew's Gospel [review] / Yong-Eui Yang., Robert Kerry McIver
Jesus and the Synoptic Gospels: A Bibliographical Study Guide [review] / by David E. Aune., Warren C. Trenchard
Jesus and the Twelve [review] / Meye, Robert P., Sakae Kubo
Jesus and the Victory of God [review] / by N. T. Wright., Paul L. Maier
Jesus as God: The New Testament Use of Theos in Reference to Jesus [review] / Murray J. Harris., Panayotis Coutsoumpos
Jesus as “Son” of God: The perspective of Hebrews, Felix H. Cortez
Jesus Christ in the Midst of His People: A Study of Revelation 1:9-22, Ganoune Diop
Jesus for a No-God World [review] / Hamilton, Neill Q., Herold Weiss
Jesus: God's Agent of Creation, Calvin D. Redmond
Jesus: Inspiring and Disturbing Presence. Translated by John E. Steely [review]; De Jonge, Marinus., Sakae Kubo
Jesus of Fact and Faith [review] / Cartledge, Samuel A., Sakae Kubo
Jesus of Nazareth: Saviour and Lord [review] / Carl F. H. Henry, ed., Raoul Dederen
Jesus of the Parables: Introduction and Exposition [review] / Linnemann, Eta, James J. C. Cox
Jesus on Trial: A Study in the Fourth Gospel [review] / Harvey, A. E., Sakae Kubo
Jesus, Paul, and the Law: Studies in Mark and Galatians [review] / James D.G. Dunn., Sakae Kubo
Jesus, Paul, and the Law: Studies in Mark and Galatians [review] / James D.G. Dunn., Sakae Kubo
Jesus, Politics, and Society : A Study of Luke’s Gospel [review] / Richard J. Cassidy., George E. Rice
Jesus the Christ [review] / Kasper, Walter., Sakae Kubo
Jesus: The Fact Behind the Faith [review] / Mitton, C. Leslie, Sakae Kubo
Jesus the Messiah: Tracing the Promises, Expectations, and Coming of Israel’s King [review] / Herbert W. Bateman IV, Darrel L. Bock, and Gordon H. Johnston, Joaquim Azevedo Neto
Jesus the Miracle Worker: A Historical and Theological Study [review] / Graham H. Twelftree., Ranko Stefanovic
Jesus, the "Son of David", Terence Y. Mullins
Jesus Through Many Eyes: Introduction to the Theology of the New Testament [review] / Neill, Stephen., Sakae Kubo
Jesus' Two Parables of Grace, Kenneth Mulzac
Jewelry of Bible Times and the Catalog of Isaiah 3: 18-23: Part I, Elizabeth Ellen Platt
Jewelry of Bible Times and the Catalog of Isaiah 3: 18-23: Part II, Elizabeth Ellen Platt
Jewish Believers in Jesus: The Early Centuries [review] / Oskar Skarsaune and Reider Hvalik, eds., Jacques B. Doukhan
Jewish Temple Imagery in the Book of Revelation [review] / Robert A. Briggs., Jon Paulien
Jill's House of Cakes II, Jacquelyn Warwick
Jim Ford, Jim Ford
JJ Heller to Perform at the Howard Center, Andrews University
JJ Heller to Perform at the Howard Center
J. N. Anderson’s China Diary, Lawrence Onsager
J.N. Andrews, the Man and the Mission [review] / edited by Harry Leonard., George R. Knight
Job 1-20 [review] / David J. A. Clines., Gordon E. Christo
Job and the Devil [review] / Edwin and Margaret Thiele., Gordon E. Christo
Job as Paradigm for the Eschaton, Lael O. Caesar
Job [review] / general editor, Max Anders; author, Steven J. Lawson., Lael O. Caesar
Job [review] / Robert L. Alden., Lael O. Caesar
Jochebed Ade-Oshifogun, Jochebed Ade-Oshifogun
Jochebed Ade-Oshifogun, Jochebed Ade-Oshifogun
Joel and Amos: A Commentary on the Books of the Prophets Joel and Amos [review] / Hans Walter Wolff., William H. Shea
Joel Raveloharimisy, Joel Raveloharimisy
Johannine Discipleship as a Covenant Relationship [review] / Rekha M. Chennattu., Phillip Long
John 4: Another Look at the Samaritan Woman, Jo Ann Davidson
John 5:17: Negation or Clarification of the Sabbath?, Samuele Bacchiocchi
John 5:18: Jesus and Sabbath Law A Fresh Look at a Challenging Text, Kim Papaioannou
John 5:18: Jesus and Sabbath Law A Fresh Look at a Challenging Text, Kim Papaioannou
John and the Institution of the Lord's Supper, Daniel A. Augsburger
John Calvin and the Brethren of the Common Life, Kenneth A. Strand
John Calvin and the Brethren of the Common Life: The Role of Strassburg, Kenneth A. Strand
John Calvin, His Influence in the Western World [review] / edited by W. Stanford Reid., Daniel A. Augsburger
John Calvin's doctrine of the Christian life [review] / John H. Leith., Daniel A. Augsburger
John Foxe and the Elizabethan Church [review] / Olsen, V. Norskov., Kenneth A. Strand
John Foxe's Concept of Toleration, Viggo Norskov Olsen
John Harvey Kellogg, M.D.: Pioneering Health Reformer [review] / Richard W. Schwarz., Michael W. Campbell
John Huss, Trevor O'Reggio
John McVay, Andrews University
Johnnathan Ward, Andrews University
Johnnathan Ward, Johnnathan Robert Ward
John Reeve, John Reeve
John [review] / George R. Beasley-Murray., Jon Paulien
John R. Mott, 1865-1955: Mission Leader Extraordinaire, Gorden R. Doss
John Smyth's Congregation: English Separatism, Mennonite Influence, and the Elect Nation [review] / James Robert Coggins; foreword by Irvin B. Horst., Daniel A. Augsburger
John the Baptizer and Jesus Christ: When Symbol Meets Substance, Mervyn A. Warren
John Wesley's Arminian Magazine, Samuel J. Rogal
John Wesley's Conception and Use of Scripture [review] / Scott J. Jones., Woodrow W. Whidden II.
John Wesley's Journal: Prescriptions for the Social, Spiritual, and Intellectual Ills of Britain's Middle Class, Samuel J. Rogal
John Wesley's Teaching Concerning Perfection, Edward W.H. Vick
John Wesley’s Teachings (Vols 1-4) [review] / Thomas C. Oden, Russell L. Staples
John Witherspoon: Parson, Politician, Patriot [review] / Stohlman, Martha Lou Lemmon., Gary Land
Jonathan Edwards History and the Covenant, Patricia Wilson-Kastner
Jonathan McReynolds, Jonathan Slocumb, & More LIVE, Andrews University
Jonathan McReynolds, Jonathan Slocumb, & More LIVE: New Life Fellowship Celebrates 25 Years, Chris McLean-Wheeler
Jon Paulien, Andrews University
Jon Paulien, Andrews University
“Jordan in Global History: The View from Tall Hisban and the Madaba Plains.”, Oystein LaBianca
Jordan in Global History: The View from Tall Hisban and the Madaba Plains.” Seminar on Global History, Oystein LaBianca
Joseph Bates: The Real Founder of Seventh-day Adventism [review] / George R. Knight., Frederick G. Hoyt
Josephus, Antiquities, Book XI: Correction or Confirmation of Biblical Post-Exilic Records?, Carl G. Tuland
Josephus' Portrait of Jeroboam, Louis H. Feldman
Joshua's Reception of the Laying on of Hands, Part 2: Deuteronomy 34:7 and Conclusion, Keith Mattingly
Josiah Litch: Herald of "The Advent Near", Jerry Moon
Journey Ministries to Perform at Alamodome for GC, Andrews University
Journey Ministries to Perform at Alamodome for GC: Donations will be matched by a generous donor, Patricia M. Spangler
Journey Through Trauma, A. Kay Schaaf
Judaism from Cyrus to Hadrian [review] / Lester L. Grabbe., John W. Wright
Judaism Outside the Hebrew Canon: An Introduction to the Documents [review] / Leonhard Rost; translated by David E. Green., Robert Morris Johnston
Judaism: Practice and Belief, 63 BCE-66 CE [review] / E.P. Sanders., Bernard A. Taylor
Judd—Ofelt parametrizations for lanthanides: sensitivity analysis of multiple local minima, Gary Burdick, Y Yim, and E LaBianca
Judging the Sabbath: Discovering What Can’t Be Found in Colossians 2:16 [review] / Ron Du Preez, P. Gerard Damsteegt
Judging the Sabbath: Discovering What Can’t Be Found in Colossians 2:16 [review] / Ron Du Preez, Edwin E. Reynolds
Judgment as Covenant Review, Roy Gane
Judgment Motifs in the Messages to the Seven Churches, Kim Papaioannou and Edward Moyo
Julius Nam, Andrews University
Juneau County, Wisconsin Bygdebok: A Genealogy of the Norwegian Settlers, 1850-1950, Lawrence W. Onsager
June Board Report, Andrews University
June Board Report: Affirms reputation for academic excellence, Melodie Roschman
Junia the Apostle, Nancy J. Vyhmeister
Junior Piano Recital - Rachelle Gensolin, Department of Music
Junior Piano Recital - Rachelle Gensolin, Department of Music
Junior Violin Recital Carlos Lozano 2016, Department of Music
Just generosity: A New Vision for Overcoming Poverty in America [review] / Ronald J. Sider., Bruce Campbell Moyer
Justification by Faith: an Adventist Understanding, Peter M. van Bemmelen
Justification by Faith: an Adventist Understanding, Peter M. van Bemmelen
Justification in the Gospels, Clinton Wahlen
Justin Martyr's Sunday Worship Statement: A Forged Appendix, William H. Shea
Just Say the Word, Jay Gallimore
Kari Friestad, Kari Friestad
Karl Bailey, Karl Bailey
Karl Bailey, Karl Bailey
Karl Barth's Church Dogmatics on the Atonement: Some Translational Problems, Frank M. Hasel
Karl Barth's Treatment of the Old Testament as Expectation, Roger R. Keller
Karl Rahner's "The Shape of the Church to Come": A Review Article / Raoul Dederen., Raoul Dederen
Katapausis and Sabbatismos in Hebrews 4, Erhard H. Gallos
Katapetasma: Lexicographical and etymological considerations on the Biblical "veil" / Daniel M. Gurtner., Daniel M. Gurtner
Keene Kare living at home/block nurse program for elderly people, Grace Chi
Keeping Women Silent: A Study of Female Leadership in Faith-Based Institutions [Dissertation Notice], L. K. Johnson
Kenneth A. Strand: Editor, Author, Pastor, Teacher, Administrator, and Friend, George R. Knight
Kenneth Logan, Kenneth Logan
Kenneth Samples, Andrews University
Kerygma and Comedy in the New Testament: A Structuralist Approach to Hermeneutic [review] / Via, Dan O. Jr., Sakae Kubo
Key Factors of Faith Development: The Relationship Between Family and Church Factors and Faith Development of Adolescents and Young Adults in German-Speaking Europe [Dissertation Notice], Alexander C. Schulze
Keys to Second Corinthians: Revisiting the Major Issues [review] / Murphy-O'Connor, Jerome, Otis Coutsoumpos
Khirbat 'Ataruz 2011-2012: A Preliminary Report, Chang-Ho Ji and Robert D. Bates
Kill the Company: End the Status Quo, Start an Innovation Revolution [review] / Bodell, Lisa, Miroslav Danihel
King and Messiah as Son of God: Divine, Human and Angelic Messianic Figures in Biblical and Related Literature [review] / Adela Yarbro Collins and John J. Collins, Gilbert Okuro Ojwang
King Came Preaching: The Pulpit Power of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. [review] / Mervyn A. Warren., R. Clifford Jones
King Came Preaching: The Pulpit Power of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. [review] / Mervyn A. Warren., Bertram L. Melbourne
Knowing God [review] / by Edwin R. Thiele., Kenneth A. Strand
Knowledge and Christian Belief [review] / Plantinga, Alvin, Valentin Zywietz
La acreditación de los posgrados en instituciones privadas de educación superior mexicanas, Gus Gregorutti
La Naissance des Evangiles Synoptiques [review] / Jean Carmignac., Roberto Badenas
Land of Rameses, L. S. Baker
Language and Theology, Wagner Kuhn
Language, literacy, attentional behaviors, and instructional quality predictors of written composition for first graders, Young-Suk Kim, Stephanie Otaiba, Jessica Sidler, and Luana Greulich
La Perfection Chretienne [review] / by Jean Zurcher., Daniel A. Augsburger
L.A. Philharmonic Violinist to Perform at Howard, Andrews University
L.A. Philharmonic Violinist to Perform at Howard: Lyndon Johnston Taylor returns home to Berrien Springs for Vivaldi concert, Becky St. Clair
La producción de investigación en las universidades privadas: Estudio de un caso, Gus Gregorutti
La producción intelectual en las universidades privadas venezolanas, Gus Gregorutti
La Recepción de las Declaraciones Trinitarias de Elena G. de White por Parte de sus Contemporáneos, Denis Kaiser
Larry Christoffel, Andrews University
Larry Kirkpatrick, Andrews University
La sabiduría como un proceso psicológico: Su desarrollo en un contexto educativo, Gus Gregorutti
La Septante d'Isaïe 28-33 : Étude de Tradition Textuelle, Leona Glidden Running
Last 10 Steps in Your Life Journey- Retirement Management, Jerry Chi
Late-Medieval Sermons in England: An Analysis of Fourteenth- and Fifteenth-Century Preaching, Erwin R. Gane
La universidad confesional y los nuevos modelos de universidades: ¿Es posible mantener la identidad?, Gus Gregorutti
Leaders and Their Use of Power in Facilitating Organizational Change, Randy Wollf
Leaders Eat Last, JACL Editors
Leadership and Learning: Two Sides of the Same Coin, James A. Tucker
Leadership and the Use of Power: Shaping an Ethical Climate, Donna M. Randall
Leadership as Landscaping, Rick Stiffney
Leadership Challenges in Canadian Health Care: Exploring Exemplary Professionalism Under the Malaise of Modernity [Dissertation Notice], M. L. Harrigan
Leadership Development for Independent School Leaders: A Model [Dissertation Notice], Michele L. Cole
Leadership Development in Higher Education: What the Research Shows is Working and Why, Douglas A. Tilstra
Leadership Development in the Local Church [Dissertation Notice], S. Y. Beb
Leadership Development Process of Select House Church Networks in North America: A Multi-Case Study [Dissertation Notice], R. L. Turner
Leadership: Facing the Fairytale, D. S. Penner
Leadership Formation in Ministerial Education -- Part 1: Assessment and Analysis of Leadership Traits in Seventh-day Adventist Pastors in North America, Skip Bell and Roger L. Dudley
Leadership formation in ministerial education -- Part 2: The impact of graduate theological education on leadership development in the local pastorate / Skip Bell, Roger L. Dudley., Skip Bell and Roger L. Dudley
Leadership Formation in Ministerial Education -- Part 3: A Comparison of Transformational Effect in Three Selected Programs, Skip Bell, Roger L. Dudley, and Douglas Tilstra
Leadership in Religious Context Today: Building Individual and Organizational Capacity for Listening, Learning and Leading [Dissertation Notice], George Punnolil
Leadership in the Early Church During Its First Hundred Years, Robert M. Johnston
Leadership in Tough Times: How Executives Sustain Organizational Faithfulness, Rick Stiffney
Leadership Issues for the Church [Interview with George Barna], Shirley Freed
Leadership Partners in Brazil, Andrews University
Leadership Partners in Brazil: International cohort met last month, Jenna Neil
Leadership Style and Listening Practices of IMB Team Leaders: A Correlational Study [Dissertation Notice], S. K. McCord
Leadership Style and Teaching Orientation of Pastors of Solo-Pastor SBC Churches [Dissertation Notice], V. A. Higgins Jr.
Leaders Make the Future: Ten New Leadership Skills for an Uncertain World [review] / Johansen, Bob, Kenneth Manders
Leaders of the Reformation [review] / edited by Richard L. DeMolen., Kenneth A. Strand
Leading God's People: Wisdom from the Early Church for Today [review] / Beeley, Christopher A., Stanley E. Patterson
Leading in the Face of Conflicting Expectations: Caring for the Needs of Individuals and of the Organization, Michael Cafferky
Leading the Church into World Mission: The Life and Leadership of John Nevins Andrews, Erich Baumgartner
Leading with a Limp: Take Full Advantage of Your Most Powerful Weakness [review] / Allender, D., Michael J. Aufderhar
Leading with Cultural Intelligence: The New Secret to Success [review] / Livermore, David A., Ogochukwu Elems
Learning About Theology from the Third World [review] / William A. Dyrness., Jon L. Dybdahl
Learning to Be Calm in the Storm, M. Aufderhar and R. Flowers
Learning to Live as We Pray, JACL Editors
Learning While Leading: The Andrews University Leadership Program, Duane M. Covrig and Erich Baumgartner
Learn to Read New Testament Greek [review] / David Alan Black., Nancy Jean Vyhmeister
Leaving the Adventist Ministry: A Study of the Process of Exiting [review] / Peter H. Ballis., George R. Knight
Lecture Recital on the Bach-Busoni Chaconne in D Minor, Jonathan Doram
Lefèvre: Pioneer of Ecclesiastical Renewal in France [review] / Philip E. Hughes., Daniel A. Augsburger
Legal Friction: Law, Narrative, and Identity Politics in Biblical Israel [review] / Gershon Hepner, Carlos A. Bechara
Leisure, the Basis of Culture [review] / Josef Pieper; new translation by Gerald Malsbary., Johhny Ramirez
Leo the Great on the Supremacy of the Bishop of Rome, Denis Kaiser
Leo the Great on the Supremacy of the Bishop of Rome, Denis Kaiser
Les 1260 jours prophétiques dans les cercles Joachimites, Alfred-Félix Vaucher
Les Écoles et la Formation de la Bible Dans l’ancien Israël [review] / André Lemaire., Jacques B. Douhkan
Les lois du Dimanche : origine, établissement et motivation avec une accentuation sur les pays Francophones, Erich Baumgartner
Le Soupir de la Terre [review] / Jacques Doukhan., Zdravko Stefanovic
Lessons and Legacies in the Role of Scripture in Scottish Missions to Contemporary Missionary Praxis, Kevin Onongha
Lessons from Alexandria: The Trinity, the Soteriological Problem and the Rise of Modern Adventist Anti-Trinitarianism, Darius Jankiewicz
Lessons from Alexandria: the Trinity, the Soteriological Problem, and the Rise of Modern Adventist AntiTrinitarianism, Darius Jankiewicz
Lessons from the Demoniac of Mark 5, Conrad A. R. Vine
Lessons in Leadership Development from the Master Student, Duane M. Covrig
"Let No One Judge You": Col 2:16-17 in Exegetical Perspective, Edwin Reynolds
"Let No One Judge You": Col 2:16-17 in Exegetical Perspective, Edwin Reynolds
Letters, Jay Brand, D Davamony, N Kishino, and E Dennis
Let the Church Grow!, Skip Bell
Let The Little Children Come: Toward a Seventh-Day Adventist Theology of Childhood, Edyta Jankiewicz and Darius Jankiewicz
Leveraging Leadership in Public Health Middle Management [Dissertation Notice], D. A. Barr
Leviticus, Roy Gane
Leviticus 16: Its Literary Structure, Angel Manuel Rodriguez
Leviticus 17-22: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary [review] / Jacob Milgrom., Gerald A. Klingbeil
Leviticus, Book of, Roy Gane
Leviticus, Numbers, Roy Gane
Lewis C. Sheafe: Apostle to Black America [review] / Douglas Morgan, R. Clifford Jones
Liberation Preaching: The Pulpit and the Oppressed [review] / Justo L. Gonzalez and Catherine Gunsalus Gonzalez., Bruce Campbell Moyer
Liberation Theology: A Study in its Soteriology [review] / by Atilio René Dupertuis., Edwin I. Hernandez
Libraries and Campus Computing Centers, Lawrence Onsager
Libraries Provide Consumer Health Information in Northeast Missouri, M. Michael, Lawrence Onsager, and M. Prosser
Libraries Transform Lives Bookmark, Angel Hou
Library Expansion at the Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine., Lawrence Onsager
Life Incidents [review] / by James White; introduction by Jerry Moon., Michael W. Campbell
Life Sketch: Gerhard F. Hasel, 1935-1994, C. Mervyn Maxwell
Light bearers: A History of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church [review] / by R. W. Schwarz and Floyd Greenleaf., Theodore N. Levterov
Lighten Our Darkness: Toward an Indigenous Theology of the Cross [review] / Hall, Douglas John., Sakae Kubo
Lincoln Nogueira, Lincoln Nogueira
Lincoln Nogueira, Lincoln Nogueira
Linguistic and Thematic Parallels Between Genesis 1 and 3, Roberto Ouro
Linguistic Considerations Regarding the Translation of Isaiah's "Shear-Jashub": A Reassessment, Gerhard F. Hasel
Linguistic Links Between Verses 12 and 13 of Isaiah 58, Ron Du Preez
Linguistics and New Testament Interpretation: Essays on Discourse Analysis [review] / edited by David Alan Black, with Katharine Barnwell, and Stephen Levinsohn., Ekkehardt Mueller
Linking Leadership and Successful Pastoring: An Investigation (with Roger Dudley), Skip Bell
Lintel Inscription: Tall Hisban, Field M, Square 5, 2001, Keith Mattingly and Theodore W. Burgh
Liquid Church [review] / Pete Ward., Russell Burrill
Listening in: A Multicultural Reading of the Psalms [review] / Stephen Breck Reid., Lael O. Caesar
Listening to the Text: Oral Patterning in Paul's Letters [review] / John D. Harvey., Greg A. Couser
List of Publications of John Stedman Denslow, Lawrence Onsager
Literary and Theological Parallels Between Revelation 14-15 and Exodus 19-24, William H. Shea
Literary-critical Approaches to the Bible: an Annotated Bibliography [review] / Mark Minor., Miary Andriamiarisoa
Literary Sources for the History of Palestine and Syria. II: Hebrew, Moabite, Ammonite, and Edomite inscriptions, Dennis Pardee
Literary Sources for the History of Palestine and Syria: The Mari Archives, Dennis Pardee
Literary Structure and Theology in the Book of Ruth, Leif Hongisto
Live Wholly Journazine Spring 2016, Andrews University
Living in the Shadow of the Second Coming: American Premillennialism, 1875-1925 [review] / Timothy P. Weber., George R. Knight
Living on the Fringe: The Archaeology and History of the Negev, Sinai, and Neighboring Regions in the Bronze and Iron ages [review] / by Israel Finkelstein., Michael G. Hasel
Living Under the Word: The Pragmatic Task of Moral Vision, Formation, and Action, Larry L. Lichtenwalter
Living with Confidence Despite Some Open Questions: Upholding the Biblical Truth of Creation Amidst Theological Pluralism, Frank M. Hasel
Living With Moral Issues, Miroslav M. Kis
Locating the Bard: Adaptation and Authority in Michael Radford's The Merchant of Venice
Logos Bible Software, 2009 [review] / Logos Bible Software 4: Portfolio Edition (LE)., Enrique Baez
Logos Bible Software, Version 2.0 [review] / Logos Research Systems, Inc., Miary Andriamiariosa
Logos Bible Software Version 5: Platinum Collection [review] / Logos Bible Software, Eike Müller
Looking at the End from the Beginning: Studying Eschatological Concepts in the Pentateuch, Gerald Klingbeil
Looking Back: Profiling the Future, Angel Rodriguez
Looking Both Ways: Exploring the Interface Between Christianity and Sociology [review] / Richard Perkins., Sara Karkkainen Terian
Loughborough: The Last of the Adventist Pioneers [review] / Strayer, Brian E.J.N., Michael W. Campbell
Love is Not a Special Way of Feeling [review] / Charles G. Finney; reviewed by James E. Miller., James E. Miller
Love Lyrics From the Bible: A Translation and Literary Study of the Song of Songs [review] / Marcia Falk., Lawrence T. Geraty
Lover or Seducer?, John Markovic
Love them In: The Proclamation Theology of D. L. Moody [review] / by Stanley N. Gundry., Daniel A. Augsburger
Lower Strings Studio Recital, Department of Music
Luke 3:22-38 in Codex Bezae: The Messianic King., George E. Rice
Luke 4:31-44: Release for the Captives, George E. Rice
Luke 5:33-6:11: Release from Cultic Tradition, George E. Rice
Luke-Acts, New Perspectives from the Society of Biblical Literature Seminar [review] / edited by Charles H. Talbert., George E. Rice
Luke's Thematic Use of the Call to Discipleship, George E. Rice
Luminescence spectroscopy of high-energy 4f 11 levels of Er3+ in fluorides, R Wegh, E. V. D. van Loef, Gary Burdick, and A Meijerink
Lutherans in Crisis: The Question of Identity in the American Republic [review] / David A. Gustafson., George R. Knight
Luther in Context [review] / David C. Steinmetz., Kenneth A. Strand
Luther: Man Between God and the Devil [review] / Heiko A. Oberman; translated by Eileen Walliser-Schwarzbart., Kenneth A. Strand
Luther's Condemnation of the Rostock New Testament, Kenneth A. Strand
Luther's Doctrine of the Two Kingdoms, John R. Meyer
Luther's Doctrine of Work and Reward, Johann Heinz
Luther's Eschatological Appraisal of the Turkish Threat in Eine Heerpredigt Wider Den Turken, John T. Baldwin
Luther's First Edition of the Pentateuch, Kenneth A. Strand
Luther’s House of Learning : Indoctrination of the Young in the German Reformation [review] / Gerald Strauss., Cedric Ward
Luther's Last Battles: Politics and Polemics, 1531-46 [review] / Mark U. Edwards, Jr., Harry Leonard
Luther’s Pastors : The Reformation in the Ernestine Countryside [review] / Susan C. Karant-Nunn., Kenneth A. Strand
Luther's Utilization of Music in School and Town in the Early Reformation, Herbert R. Pankratz
Luther's View of Church and State, Erwin R. Gane
Luther the Preacher [review] / Fred W. Meuser., C. Raymond Holmes
Luther the Reformer: The Story of the Man and His Career [review] / James M. Kittelson., Kenneth A. Strand
M-139 Corridor Improvement Plan: Enabling a Strong, Place-based Vision for Berrien Springs & Oronoko Charter Township, MI, Andrew von Maur
Macrina: Virgin and Teacher, Patricia Wilson-Kastner
Madaba Plains Project Tall al-'Umayri, 1998, Larry G. Herr, Lawrence T. Geraty, Douglas R. Clark, and Øystein S. LaBianca
Madaba Plains Project: Tall al-'Umayri, 2000, Larry G. Herr, Douglas R. Clark, and Warren C. Trenchard
Madaba Plains Project - Tall al-Umayri, 2002 / Larry G. Herr, Douglas R. Clark., Larry G. Herr and Douglas R. Clark
Madaba Plains Project - Tall Al-Umayri, 2004, Larry G. Herr and Douglas R. Clark
Madaba Plains Project— TALL AL-‘UMAYRI, 2006, Larry G. Herr and Douglas R. Clark
Madaba Plains Project -- Tall Al-'Umayri, 2008, Larry G. Herr and Douglas R. Clark
Madaba Plains Project Tall Hisban, 1998, Øystein Sakala LaBianca, Paul J. Ray Jr., and Bethany Walker
Madaba Plains Project Tall Jalul, 1999, Randall W. Younker and David Merling
Madaba Plains Project: Tall Jalul 2009, Constance E. Gane, Randall W. Younker, and Paul Ray
Magnetooptical Spectroscopy of the Rare-Earth Compounds: Development and Application, Uygun Valiev, John Gruber, and Gary Burdick
Magnetooptics of magnetic-dipole transitions in the rare-earth paramagnetic garnets, U Valiev, J Gruber, Gary Burdick, V Pelenovich, and M Malysheva
Magnetooptics of non-Kramers Eu3+ ions in garnets: analysis complemented by crystal-field splitting modeling calculations, Uygun Valiev, John Gruber, Anvar Mukhammadiev, Vasiliy Pelenovich, Dejun Fu, and Gary Burdick
Magnetooptics of the Luminescent Transitions in Tb3+:Gd3Ga5O12, Uygun V. Valiev, John B. Gruber, Igor A. Ivanov, Gary W. Burdick, Hongbin Liang, Lei Zhou, Dejun Fu, Oleg V. Pelenovich, Vasiliy O. Pelenovich, and Zhou Lin
Magnificent Disappointment: What Really Happened in 1844 and it's Meaning for Today [review] / C. Mervyn Maxwell., P. Gerard Damsteegt
Majesty: Experiencing Authentic Worship, S. Joseph Kidder
Makers of Christian Theology in America [review] / edited by Mark G. Toulouse and James O. Duke., George R. Knight
Make the Old Testament Live: From Curriculum to Classroom [review] / edited by Richard S. Hess and Gordon J. Wenham., Lael O. Caesar
Making a Difference in Preaching: Haddon Robinson on Biblical Preaching [review] / Scott M. Gibson, editor., R. Clifford Jones
Making Friends, Making Disciples: Growing your Church Through Authentic Relationships [review] / Penno, D., David K. Penno
Making Hermeneutics Do Its Job: Impact of Interdisciplinary Factors on Interpreting the Bible, Petr Cincala
Making Spiritual Sense: Christian Leaders as Spiritual Interpreters [review] / Cormode,S., Skip Bell
Malachi: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary [review] / Andrew E. Hill., Lael O. Caesar
Management: A Faith-Based Perspective [review] / Cafferky, Michael E., Annetta M. Gibson and Charles H. Tidwell Jr.
Man and Knowledge: The Search for Truth in a Pluralistic Age, Winfried Vogel
Man, Animals, and Habitat at Hesban--an Integrated Overview, Øystein Sakala LaBianca
Man the Indivisible: Totality Versus Disruption in the History of Western Thought [review] / Jonsen, Carsten., Richard Rice
Manuscripts, Gorden Doss
Many-body perturbation theory calculations of two-photon absorption in lanthanide compounds, Gary Burdick and M. Reid
Many-body perturbation theory calculations of two-photon absorption in lanthanide compounds - Reply to Comments, Gary Burdick and M. Reid
Many-body perturbation theory for spin-forbidden two-photon spectroscopy of f-element compounds and its application to Eu2+ in CaF2, C. Duan, M. Reid, and Gary Burdick
Man Yearning for Grace: Luther's Early Spiritual Teaching [review] / Wicks, Jared, S. J., Kenneth A. Strand
Mapping Neo-Atheist and Other Recent Attacks on the Character of God: A Case of Theodicy, Jiří Moskala
March Board Briefing: President Andreasen reports, Becky St. Clair
Marguerite d'Angoulême and the French Lutherans: A Study in Pre-Calvin Reformation in France: Part I, Daniel Walther
Marguerite d'Angoulême and the French Lutherans: A Study in Pre-Calvin Reformation in France: Part II, Daniel Walther
Mark 1-8:26 [review] / Robert A. Guelich., Ronald L. Jolliffe
Mark: A Commentary On His Apology for the Cross [review] / Robert H. Gundry., Abraham Terian
Mark: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary [review] / by C.S. Mann., Robert Kerry McIver
Markan Sandwich Stories: Narration, Definition, and Function [review] / by Tom Shepherd., Herbert Kiesler
Mark as Story: Retrospect and Prospect [review] / Iverson, Kelly R. and Christopher W. Skinner, eds., Thomas Shepherd
Mark Finley at Andrews University
Mark Finley at Andrews University, Andrews University
Mark: Storyteller, Interpreter, Evangelist [review] / Francis J. Moloney., Wilson Paroschi
Mark, the Way for All Nations [review] / Willard M. Swartley., George E. Rice
Marlene Murray, Marlene Murray
Marlene Murray, Marlene Murray
Marriage and Covenant: Reflections on the Theology of Marriage, Loron Wade
Martin Luther and his Theology in German Catholic Interpretation Before and After Vatican II, Johann Heinz
Martin Luther as a Creative Bible Translator, Heinz Bluhm
Martin Luther, [Electronic Resource]: Exploring his Life and Times, 1483-1546 [review] / Helmar Junghans., Trevor O'Reggio
Martin Luther: His Road to Reformation, 1483-1521 [review] / Martin Brecht; translated by James L. Schaaf., Kenneth A. Strand
Martin Luther in his Later Years, Albert Hyma
Martin Luther: Marriage and the Family as a Remedy for Sin, Trevor O'Reggio
Martin Luther. Shaping and Defining the Reformation, 1521-1532 [review] / Martin Brecht; translated by James L. Schaaf., H. Wayne Pipkin
Martin Luther's Intervention in Behalf of the Brethren of the Common Life in Herford, William M. Landeen
Martin Luther's Religious Thought [review] / Landeen, William M., Kenneth A. Strand
Martin Luther's Views on the Antichrist, Dennis Pettibone
Martin Luther. The Preservation of the Church, 1532-1546 [review] / Martin Brecht; translated by James L. Schaaf., Kenneth A. Strand
Martyrdom and Resurrection in the Revelation to John, Baete Kowalski
Materials Request Form, Andrews University
Mate selection: Gender and generational differences, Jermaine Henry, Herbert Helm, and Natasha Cruz
Mathematics Professors’ Evaluation of Students’ Proofs: A Complex Teaching Practice, Robert C. Moore
Mating patterns and breeding success in gulls of the Larus glaucescens-occidentalis complex, Protection Island, Washington, USA, Andre Monocrieff, Libby Megna, James Hayward, and Shandelle Henson
Mating patterns and breeding success in gulls of the Larus glaucescens-occidentalis complex, Protection Island, Washington, USA., Andre Moncrieff, Libby Megna, James Hayward, and Shandelle Henson
Matthew 11:28-30: Jesus' Rest and the Sabbath, Samuele Bacchiocchi
Matthew's Christian-Jewish Community [review] / Anthony J. Saldarini., Matthew M. Kent
Matthew's Gospel and Formative Judaism: The Social World of the Matthean Community [review] / J. Andrew Overman., Robert Kerry McIver
Maximum Entropy for Gravitational Wave Data Analysis: Inferring the Physical Parameters of Core-Collapse Supernovae, Tiffany Summerscales, A Burrows, L Finn, and C Ott
MBA Pastor: Church Management Concept, Jerry Chi
McDonaldization Revisited: Critical Essays on Consumer Culture, Jacquelyn Warwick, M. Alfino, J. Capito, and R. Wynyard
Meaning Across Cultures: A Study on Bible Translating [review] / Eugene A. Nida, William D. Reyburn., Sakae Kubo
Measured by Time, Nayeli C. Moretta and Alicia Nicole Dent
Measuring Our Mission Progress, Clyde Morgan
Measuring the Cost of Quality in Higher Education: A Faculty Perspective, Leroy Ruhupatty and Ben A. Maguad
Medical Library Profile: The A. T. Still Memorial Library, Lawrence Onsager
Medical Missionary Work, P. Gerard Damsteegt
Medicine for the Cause of Peace, Rina Castelnuovo
Medicine for the Cause of Peace: Israeli doctors treating Syrians to present at Andrews
Mediterranean Peoples in Transition: Thirteenth to Early Tenth Centuries BCE [review] / editors Symour Gitin, Amihai Mazar and Ephraim Stern., Michael G. Hasel
Meek Leadership: The Mosaic Model, Lael O. Caesar
Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership: Casting Light or Shadow [review] / Johnson, Craig E., Duane M. Covrig
Meeting the Exigency of a Complex Rhetorical Situation: Paul's Strategy in 2 Corinthians 1 Through 7, David A. DeSilva
Meet Martin Luther: An Introductory Biographical Sketch, Kenneth A. Strand
Meet the Experts Roundtable: Grant Writing, Lawrence Onsager
Megachurches and what they teach us, Erich Baumgartner
Mejorando la relación entre la universidad y la comunidad: El caso de la universidad de Montemorelos, Gus Gregorutti and Zeno Charles-Marcel
Melanchthon in Europe: His Work and Influence Beyond Wittenberg [review] / edited by Karin Maag., Erwin R. Gane
Memoriam for Gottfried Oosterwal, Russell L. Staples
Men and Women in Church Order, Martin Hanna
Mental- and Physical-Health Indicators and Sexually Explicit Media-Use Behavior by Adults, James Weaver, Stephanie Weaver, Darren Mays, Gary Hopkins, Wendi Kannenberg, and Duane McBride
Mental Illness and Demonization, L. Ann Hamel
Mentor, Eddy Witzel
Mentoring in the Library with Emphasis in Cataloging, Felipe E. Tan
Mere Creation: Science, Faith and Intelligent Design [review] / edited by William A. Dembski., Timothy G. Standish
Mervyn Warren, Andrews University
Message, Nik Satelmajer
Message, John McVay
Messenger of the Lord: The Prophetic Ministry of Ellen G. White [review] / Herbert E. Douglass., Warren Ashworth
Messiah Sing-Along, Wikipedia Commons
Messiah Sing-along: Come and sing favorite Messiah choruses, Samuel Fry
Metaphysics and the Idea of God [review] / Wolfhart Pannenberg; translated by Philip Clayton., Fernando L. Canale
Methodism and the Origins of Biblical Archaeology: the William Foxwell Albright Story, Peter Feinman
Micah: A Commentary [review] / Mays, James L., Gerhard F. Hasel
Micah: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary [review] / Francis I. Andersen and David Noel Freedman., Kenneth D. Mulzac
Micah-Malachi [review] / Ralph L. Smith., Arthur J. Ferch
Michael Polite New Associate Chaplain, Andrews University
Microstructural Analysis of Revelation 20, Ekkehardt Mueller
Middle Egyptian: An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs [review] / James P. Allen., Robert D. Bates
Mighty to Save: a Study in Old Testament Soteriology [review] / T.V. Farris., James E. Miller
Mikra: Text, Translation, Reading, and Interpretation of the Hebrew Bible in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity [review] / editor, Martin Jan Mulder., James E. Miller
Millennial Dreams and Moral Dilemmas: Seventh-day Adventism and Contemporary Ethics [review] / Michael Pearson., George R. Knight
Millennial Fever and the End of the World: A Study of Millerite Adventism [review] / George R. Knight., Brian E. Strayer
Millennial Hopes and Fears: Great Britain, 1780-1960, Hugh Dunton
Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory: A Journey into the Evangelical Subculture in America [review] / Randall Balmer., Woodrow W. Whidden II.
Miniature symbolization and the year-day principle of prophetic interpretation / Alberto R. Timm., Alberto R. Trimm
Minimums of Basic Hebrew, Flavio Prestes III
Mining the Internet for Adventist Resources, Lawrence Onsager
Ministerial Ethics: Being a Good Minister in a Not-so-good World [review] / [Joe E. Trull & James E. Carter]., Steven P. Vitrano
Ministering with Millennials: A Complete Report on the 180 Symposium, Roger Dudley and Allen Walshe
Ministerio y Estilo De Vida, Fernando Canale
Ministry and the Miraculous: A Case Study at Fuller Theological Seminary [review] / edited by Lewis B. Smedes., Kenneth A. Strand
Ministry, Leadership in the Community of Jesus Christ [review] / Edward Schillebeeckx., Raoul Dederen
Ministry on the Fireline: A Practical Theology for an Empowered Church [review] / Ray S. Anderson., Doug Kilcher
Minor Prophets II [review] / John Goldingay and Pamela Scalise, Merling K. Alomia
Misa Eclectica!, Department of Music
Miskan and 'Ohel Mo'ed: Etymology, Lexical Definitions, and Extra-Biblical Usage, Ralph E. Hendrix
Missa Eclectica, Stephen Zork
Missiological Perspectives on the Communal Significance of Rites of Passages in African Traditional Religions, Boubakar Sanou
Missional Church: What it Can Do for Church Growth, Skip Bell
Missional Models of a Church for Postmoderns in Urban Contexts, Kleber de Oliveira Gonçalves
Mission: A Man with a Vision: A Festchrift Honoring Russell L. Staples, Rudi Maier
Mission and Interchurch Relations: Separate, Connected, Blended? Insights for Contemporary Adventist Theological Education, Stefan Höschele
Mission in the '70s; What Direction? [review] / Edited by John T. Boberg and James A. Scherer., Russell L. Staples
Mission in the Old Testament, Jiří Moskala
Mission Legacies: Biographical Studies of Leaders of the Modern Missionary Movement [review] / edited by Gerald H. Anderson ... [et al.]., Jon L. Dybdahl
Mission Priority: "Overcoming the Barriers to Mission to the Unreached", Lester P. Merklin Jr.
Mistranslation in Cant 1:5, Edwin C. Hostetter
Mn-55 Electron-Spin Echo ENDOR of Mn2+ Complexes, Bradley Sturgeon, James Ball, David Randall, and R. Britt
Mobbing in Christian Organizations: When Abuse is Spiritualized, M. A. Nuñez and S. Gonzalez
Mobile Application for Biosensor Colorimetric Analysis, Eui Bin You
Modeling light propagation in skin for visualization of subcutaneous veins, Hyun Kwon
Modeling optical spectra and Van Vleck paramagnetism in Er3+:YAlO3, John Gruber, Sreerenjini Chandra, Dhiraj Sardar, Uygun Valiev, Nafisa Juraeva, and Gary Burdick
Model of Functional Performance in Obese Elderly People With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Bea Ade-Oshifogun
Models of Religious Authority, Darius Jankiewicz
Models of the Church [review] / Dulles, Avery, Raoul Dederen
Modern Christian Revivals [review] / edited by Edith L. Blumhofer and Randall Balmer., Gary Land
Modern Feminism, Religious Pluralism, and Scripture, Jo Ann Davidson
Modern Messianic Movements as a Theological and Missionary Challenge [review] / Oosterwal, Gottfried., Jan Paulsen
Monitoring Sco X-1 for the detection of gravitational waves with networks of gravitational wave detectors, K Hayama, S Mohanty, M Rakhmanov, S Desai, and Tiffany Summerscales
Monument of the Covenant of Sibaud
Moodle Books and Lessons—Ways to Enrich and Enhance Learning, Edith Guifarro and Lea Danihelova
Moral Biography of Andrew Jackson, Brian Traxler and Duane M. Covrig
Moral leadership: Getting to the heart of school improvement, Duane Covrig
Moral Rules and Exceptions, Miroslav M. Kis
More H.E.L.P., Becky St. Clair
More Light on the Path: Daily Scripture Readings in Hebrew and Greek [review] / David W. Baker and Elaine R. Heath (with Morven R. Baker)., James E. Miller
More Money for More Students: Andrews increases Partnership Scholarship funding, Becky St. Clair
More Money for Students, Andrews University
More New Testament Studies [review] / Dodd, C. H., D. Malcolm Maxwell
More Than a Brain (The President's Page), Larry L. Lichtenwalter
More Than Words: A Study of Inspiration and Ellen White’s Use of Sources in The Desire of Ages [review] / E.Marcella Anderson King and Kevin L. Morgan, Michael W. Campbell
"Most Likely to Succeed" Conversation on Education, Darren K. Heslop
"Most Likely to Succeed" Conversation on Education: School of Architecture & Interior Design hosts film screening, Becky St. Clair
Mountains, Flatlands, and Tenuous Meaning: Organizational Sociology in Administrative Sensemaking, Duane Covrig
Movement of Destiny [review] / Froom, Le Roy Edwin., C. Mervyn Maxwell
Moving from a Predominantly Teaching Oriented Culture to a Research Productivity Mission: The Case of Mexico and the United States, Gus Gregorutti
Mr. AUSS, Nancy Jean Vyhmeister
Multicountry Prospective Clinical Evaluation of Two Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays and Two Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Diagnosing Dengue Fever, Subhamoy Pal, Allison Dauner, Andrea Valks, Brett M. Forshey, Kanya C. Long, Butsaya Thaisomboonsuk, Gloria Sierra, Victor Picos, Sara Talmage, Amy C. Morrison, Eric S. Halsey, Guillermo Comach, Chadwick Yasuda, Michael Loeffelholz, Richard G. Jarman, Stefan Fernandez, Ung Sam An, Tadeusz J. Kochel, Louis E. Jasper, and Shuenn-Jue L. Wu
Multi-Ethnicity/Multi-Culturalism and the Life and Writings of Ellen G. White, Kenley D. Hall
Multiple Co-morbidities of alcohol and drug use, L. Catlin, Duane McBride, Herbert Helm, R. Bailey, and Karl Bailey
Museum Tour in Torre Pellice, Troy Homenchuk
Musical Listening Interest, Socio-Demographic and Socio-Psychological Factors as Predictors of Test Anxiety Among Students of a Christian University in Jamaica, Wayne E. N. Ireland-Cleghorne
Music and Worship in Africa: Adventists' Dialogue from Biblical, Historical, and Cultural Perspectives, Sampson M. Nwaomah, Robert Osier-Bonsu, and Kelvin Okey Onongha
Music Department Vespers, Department of Music
Music Festival 2016, Department of Music
Music Festival Concert & More, Andrews University
Music Festival Concert & More: Music Department holds three concerts
Music for Contemporary Christians: What, Where, and When?, Ed Christian
Music Professor Performs Wagner in Hong Kong, Andrews University
Music Professor Performs Wagner in Hong Kong: Charles Reid plays role of Froh, Jenna Neil
Music Relaxation Video and Biophysical Measurements: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Grace Chi and D. Cheek
Music Relaxation Video and Pain Control: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Grace Chi
Music Without Frontiers, Claudio Gonzalez
Music Without Frontiers, Claudio Gonzalez
Mutilation of Foreign Names by Bible Writers: A Possible Example From Tell El-Umeiri, William H. Shea
“My Body is God’s Temple”: Self-Identified Reasons for Not Engaging in Risk Behaviors Among Adventist Young Adults, A. Baltazar, Curtis VanderWaal, Duane McBride, and Gary Hopkins
My Gripe with God: A Study in Divine Justice and the Problem of the Cross [review] / George R. Knight., Jon Paulien
"My Heart is Fainting in Me" (Jeremiah 8:18): Emotions and Prophetic Writings in the Bible, Gerald A. Klingbeil and Chantal J. Klingbeil
My job, my self: Work and the creation of the modern individual, Duane Covrig
"My Soul is on the Wing for Glory": Adventist Spirituality, 1850-1863, Beverly Beem and Ginger Hanks Harwood
Mysterious Apocalypse: Interpreting the Book of Revelation [review] / Arthur W. Wainwright., Kenneth A. Strand
Myth & Mystery: An Introduction to the Pagan Religions of the Biblical World [review] / Jack Finegan., Matthew M. Kent
Nabonidus, Belshazzar, and the Book of Daniel: An Update, William H. Shea
Nabonidus Chronicle: New Readings and the Identity of Darius the Mede, William H. Shea
Nag Hammadi, Gnosticism & Early Christianity [review] / edited by Charles W. Hedrick and Robert Hodgson, Jr., Abraham Terian
Naming the Whirlwind: The Renewal of God-Language [review] / Gilkey, Langdon B., Edward W. H. Vick
Narratives of Longevity: Why Adventist Principals Stay Beyond 10 Years in One School, Janet Ledesma
Narrative Structure of Daniel 8: A Text Linguistic Approach, Samuel Nuñez
Narrow-band search of continuous gravitational-wave signals from Crab and Vela pulsars in Virgo VSR4 data, Tiffany Summerscales and LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration
National Center for Osteopathic History, Lawrence Onsager and M Essig
Natural Dissent: The Ethics of Evolutionary Biology, Ronald Osborn
Nature, Reality, and the Sacred: The Nexus of Science and Religion [review] / Langdon Gilkey., Martin Frederick Hanna
Nature Reborn: The Ecological and Cosmic Promise of Christian Theology [review] / H. Paul Santmire., Jimmy J. Ha
Near Eastern archaeology and global history, Oystein S. LaBianca
Near Eastern Studies: In Honor of William Foxwell Albright [review] / Goedicke, Hans, ed., Zev Garber
Nebuchadnezzar's Deficits in Daniel 4:27 and His Response to Divine Promptings, Patrick Mazani
Neo-Atheist and Other Recent Attacks on the Character of God: A Case of Theodicy, Jiří Moskala
Neo-Sumerian Account Texts in the Horn Archaeological Museum [review] / by Marcel Sigrist; foreword by Lawrence T. Geraty., David I. Owen
New 20th-Century Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge [review] / edited by J.D. Douglas ; consulting editors, Robert G. Clouse ... [et al.]., George R. Knight
New Catholic Encyclopedia: Jubilee Volume, the Wojtyła Years [review] / Calvin W. Edwards., Denis Fortin
New Chair in Engineering & Computer Science, Kristin Badzik
New Chair in Engineering & Computer Science: Kwon is first female chair of department, Alixandria Reiner
New Directions in Mission and Evangelization [review] / edited by James A. Scherer, Stephen B. Bevans., Russell L. Staples
New Director of Campus Safety Appointed, Andrews University
New Director of Campus Safety Appointed: Ben Panigot leads with 8 years of experience at Andrews, Becky St. Clair
New Discoveries Among the Philistines: Archaeological and Textual Considerations, Michael G. Hasel
New Faculty Advising Workshop: Helping Students Explore, Kris Knutson
New historical atlas of religion in America [review] / Edwin Scott Gaustad and Philip L. Barlow., George R. Knight
New Life, Shirley Freed
New Light in the Last Days, P. Gerard Damsteegt
New Light on the Exodus and on Construction of the Tabernacle: Gerster's Protosinaitic Inscription No. 1, William H. Shea
Newman and Covrig 2013 Consistency Model for Research.pdf, Isadore Newman and Duane Covrig
New Member Retention Strategy for the Makoko Church, Yoseph Nyambega Otieno
New People: Incorporating New Disciples Into the Body of Christ, Skip Bell
New Principal at RMES, Andrews University
New Principal at RMES: Evelyn Savory tackles new school year, Becky St. Clair
New Testament Apocrypha [review] / edited by Wilhelm Schneemelcher; English translation edited by R. McL. Wilson., Abraham Terian
New Testament Criticism and Interpretation [review] / editors, David Alan Black and David S. Dockery., Jon Pauline
New Testament Essays [review] / Taylor, Vincent., Sakae Kubo
New Testament Exegesis: A Handbook for Students and Pastors [review] / by Gordon D. Fee., George E. Rice
New Testament Greek: A Beginning and Intermediate Grammar [review] / James Allan Hewett, Brant Berglin
New Testament Greek for Preachers and Teachers: Five Areas of Application [review] / Neal Windham., Nancy Jean Vyhmeister
New Testament Greek manuscript facimiles at Andrews University / W. Larry Richards., W. Larry Richards
New Testament Greek [review] / Gerald L. Stevens., Edwin E. Reynolds
New Testament Greek Workbook [review] / Gerald L. Stevens., Edwin E. Reynolds
New Testament Greek Workbook [review] / Gerald L. Stevens., Edwin E. Reynolds
New Testament Questions of Today [review] / Käsemann, Ernst., D. Malcolm Maxwell
New Testament Survey [review] / by Merrill C. Tenney; revised by Walter M. Dunnett., Robert Morris Johnston
New Testament Tensions and the Contemporary Church [review] / Carl S. Dudley and Earle Hilgert., Philip Follett
New Testament Theology [review] / Leon Morris., Jon Paulien
New Testament Use of the Old Testament, Richard M. Davidson
New Testament Words [review] / Barclay, William., Walter F. Specht
New Testament Worship: Some Puzzling Practices, Ralph P. Martin
New Variant Reading of John 1:34, Timo Flink
Nikolaus Satelmajer, Andrews University
NIMBA Donates Signage to Andrews Trails, Northern Indiana Mountain Bike Association
NIMBA Donates Signage to Andrews Trails: University bike & hike trails enhanced even more through gift, Danni Francis
NIMBA Hosts Bike Ride on Andrews Trails, Greg Furry
NIMBA Hosts Bike Ride on Andrews Trails: Advanced mountain biking group enjoys new challenges, Samuel Fry
Nineteenth-Century Evangelicalism and Early Adventist Statements of Beliefs, Denis Fortin
No Excuse for Meltdown (Work Station Two), Gary B. Swanson
No Free Lunch: Why Specified Complexity Cannot Be Purchased Without Intelligence [review] / William A. Dembski., Erno Gyeresi
No Longer Jews: The Search for Gnostic Origins [review] / Carl B. Smith II., JoAnn Davidson
No News is Bad News: Methamphetamine Precursor Laws and Youth Amphetamine-Related Outcomes, Curtis VanderWaal, Y. Terry-McElrath, Duane McBride, Jamie. Chriqui, L. Johnston, and P. O'Malley
No Other Foundation: The Church Through Twenty Centuries [review] / Jeremy C. Jackson; reviewed by Kenneth A. Strand., Kenneth A. Strand
No Other God [review] / Gabriel Vahanian, Harold Weiss
No Other Name: An Investigation into the Destiny of the Unevangelized [review] / John Sanders., Jon L. Dybdahl
No Passion Play in 2015, Darren Heslop
No Passion Play in 2015: Plans underway for future performances
Normal Phenomenon of Marketing Mechanism Between Academic and Private Sectors, Jerry Chi
Norm and Context in Christian Ethics [review] / Outka, Gene, and Ramsey, Paul, eds., James Walters
"Not a Hand Bound; Not a Voice Hushed": Ordination and Foundational Adventist Understandings of Women in Ministry, Ginger Hanks Harwood and Beverly Beem
Not All Comparisons are Created Equal: Moses and Aaron Compared to Jesus in the Letter to the Hebrews, Felix H. Cortez
"Not a Tame Lion": An Exposition of the Wrath of God as Exemplified in Deuteronomy 28:63, Eric Ellison
Notations on a Rare Reformation-Era Work, Kenneth A. Strand
Notations on First and Second Corinthians in Albert Schweitzer's 1929 New Testament, Larry Kreitzer
Not Counting Women and Children: Neglected Stories From the Bible [review] / Megan McKenna., Leona Glidden Running
Note on the Title of the Didascalia Apostolorum, James J. C. Cox
Notes on the Present Avifauna of Hesban, Merling K. Alomia
Nothing Beyond the Necessary: Roman Catholicism and the Ecumenical Future [review] / by Jon Nilson., Denis Fortin
Novel's "Exotic" Places and Luke's African Official (Acts 8:27), Craig Keener
Novum Testamentum Graece: Nestle-Aland, 28th ed. [review] / Institute for New Testament Textual Research, Carl P. Cosaert
Novum Testamentum Graecum, Editio Critica Maior, Parallel Pericopes [review] / Holger Strutwolf and Klaus Wachtel, Daniel M. Gurtner
Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness [review] / Thaler, R. H., & Sunstein, C. R, Jessica L. Ickes
Numbers, Roy Gane
Numbers 1-20: a New Translation With Introduction and Commentary [review] / Baruch A. Levine., Roy E. Gane
Numbers: Based on the Revised Standard Version [review] / Eryl W. Davies., Aecio E. Cairus
Nurturing Faith and Critical Thinking in the Classroom, Peter J. Lyons
Nurturing Members, Skip Bell
Nurturing Your Children with Financial Stewardship, Jerry Chi
Objections Sustained: Subversive Essays on Evolution, Law and Culture [review] / Phillip E. Johnson., Karen G. Jenson
Objective Research? Information Literacy Instruction Perspectives, Terry Dwain Robertson
Objective Research? In the Seminary?, Terry Dwain Robertson
Objectives and Limitations of Interpreting the Bible Principles from the Works of Ellen G. White, P. Gerard Damsteegt
Observation and Coaching As a Professional Learning Model To Support the Implementation of Co-Teaching, Mary Alice Henley
Office environments for future organizations, Jay Brand
Office environments to support future organizations, Jay Brand
Office ergonomics: A review of pertinent research and recent developments, Jay Brand
Of Howell Baum’s C ommunity social action for school reform, Duane Covrig and L. Purnell
of William Sullivan’s Work and integrity: The crisis and promise of professionalism in America, Duane Covrig
of William Sullivan’s Work and integrity: The crisis and promise of professionalism in America, Duane Covrig
Old and New in Interpretation [review] / Barr, James, Herold Weiss
Old Testament Principles Relating to Divorce and Remarriage, Roy Gane
Old Testament Principles Relevant to Consensual Homoerotic Activity - Part 2, Roy Gane
Old Testament Principles Relevant to Mutually Consensual Homoerotic Activity - Part 1, Roy Gane
Old Testament Theology: A Fresh Approach [review] / Ronald E. Clements., Gerhard F. Hasel
Old Testament Theology: Divine Call and Human Response [review] / Kessler, John, Stéphane Beaulieu
Old Testament Theology: Essays on Structure, Theme, and Text [review] / Walter Brueggemann; edited by Patrick D. Miller., Greg A. King
Old Testament Theology from 1978-1987, Gerhard F. Hasel
Old Testament Theology: Its History, Method, and Message [review] / Ralph L. Smith., Gerald Wheeler
Old Testament Theology [review] / Elmer A. Martens., Lael O. Caesar
On Being "Just" a Follower: Rejecting the Pejorative and Pursuing a Higher Calling, Wilton Bunch
On Being Remnant, Fernando Canale
One Baptism, One Eucharist, and a Mutually Recognized Ministry [review]., Raoul Dederen
One Hundred ASOR Global History Stories., Oystein LaBianca
One Hundred Years of Old Testament Interpretation [review] / Clements, Ronald E., Gerhard F. Hasel
One Illustration in Ralph Hawkins, How Israel became a People: The Early Israelite Settlement in Canaan, Rhonda Root
One Man's Judaism [review] / Rackman, Emanuel., Zev Garber
One Ministry Many Roles: Deacons and Deaconesses Through the Centuries [review] / Jeannine E. Olson., Roger L. Dudley
One Penny: My Friend Dr. Maxwell, Stephanie Tilly
One-photon rare earth optical transitions: recent theoretical developments, Gary Burdick and M Downer
Onesimus Our Brother: Reading Religion, Race, and Culture in Philemon [review] / Matthew V. Johnson, James A. Noel, and Demetrius K. Williams, eds., Richard P. Lehmann
On Esteeming One Day Better Than Another, Raoul Dederen
One Step At a Time, Scott Rose
One Step At a Time: Staff Member Completes First Full Ironman, Becky St. Clair
On Gendering Texts: Female and Male Voices in the Hebrew Bible [review] / by Athalya Brenner and Fokkelien van Dijk-Hemmes., Leona Glidden Running
On God and Dogs: A Christian Theology of Compassion for Animals [review] / Stephen H. Webb., Brian W. Harper
Online Educational Resources, Thomas Lowing, Janine Lim, and Sherri Isaak
Online Electronic Transaction Techniques and Christian Steward’s Guide to Investment Strategies, Jerry Chi
Online MBA Program Ranked in Top 50: Andrews ranks above Columbia & U of Phoenix, Jenna Neil
Online Nursing Program Ranked in Top 25, Lucero Castellanos-Guirre
Online Nursing Program Ranked in Top 25, Darren K. Heslop
Online Teaching: Creative Ways for Student/Teacher Engagement, Jacquelyn Warwick
On Partaking of the Divine Nature: Luther's Dependence on Augustine, Patrica Wilson-Kastner
On Pastors as Counselors, Garth D. Thompson
On Romans and Other New Testament Essays [review] / C.E.B. Cranfield., Bertram L. Melbourne
Onsager, LW and X Chi, “ Compute Now: Facilitating Community-Based Medical Training, Lawrence Onsager and X Chi
On Schedl's Attempt to Count the Days of Daniel, Sydney Allen
On the Farm Front The Women's Land Army in World War II, Stephanie A. Carpenter
On the Future of Adventism: Reason or Debate?, Fernando L. Canale
On the Meaning of "Sadaq", Jerome P. Justesen
On the Muslim Question [review] / Norton, Anne, Bruce Campbell Moyer
On the Way to Emmaus: Five Major Messianic Prophecies Explained, Jacques Doukhan
On the Way to the Future [review] / Schwarz, Hans., Sakae Kubo
O Pastor e sua Vocação, Skip Bell
Opening Remarks, Niels-Erik Andreasen
Operation Service: Rejuvenating and Life Changing, Brenda J. Boyd
Opposed to Political Interference to Economic Growth in Movie Industry, Jerry Chi
Optical and magnetooptical properties of Ho3+:YGG, Uygun Valiev, Sharof Rakhimov, Nafisa Juraeva, Romano Rupp, Lijuan Zhao, Zhenhua Wang, ZhaoYang Zhai, John Gruber, and Gary Burdick
Optical and Magnetooptical Properties of Terbium–Scandium–Aluminum and Terbium-Containing (Gallates and Aluminates) Garnets, Uygun V. Valiev, John B. Gruber, Gary W. Burdick, Igor A. Ivanov, Dejun Fu, Vasiliy O. Pelenovich, and Nafisa I. Juraeva
Optimizing office acoustics., S Orfield, T Smith, and Jay Brand
Optional Walking Tour of Andrews University, Andrews University
Ordynacja-lekcje z historii wczesnego chrześcijaństwa, Darius Jankiewicz
Organizational Leadership Development Process, Skip Bell
Organizing the Church to Outrun Change, Erich Baumgartner
Original Sin: Origins, Developments, Contemporary Meanings [review] / Tatha Wiley., Denis Fortin
Origins: Linking Science and Scripture [review] / Ariel A. Roth., Timothy G. Standish
Osteopathic Research Literature Database, Ann Brooks, Craig Elam, Lynn Johnson, Dohn Martin, Lawrence Onsager, and Robert Sanders
Ostracon II from Heshbon, William H. Shea
"Our Struggle": Ecclesia Militans in Ephesians 6:10-20, John K. McVay
Out of the Depths: The Psalms Speak for us Today [review] / Anderson, Bernhard W., Lawrence T. Geraty
Outrunning the Future, Christa McConnell
Outside the Bubble, Lamson Hall
Outside the Bubble: Lamson Residents Invite Community to Join Community Service Project, Becky St. Clair
"Overcomer": A Study in the Macrodynamic of Theme Development in the Book of Revelation, Kenneth A. Strand
Overcomers, Brian Tagalog
Overcomers: Black History Month at Andrews University, Danni Francis
Overriding the Automatic System, JACL Editors
Oviposition behavior in Glaucous-winged Gulls ( Larus glaucescens), Gordon Atkins, Amanda Sandler, Mindy J. McLarty, Shandelle M. Henson, and James Hayward
P-01 How the Ethical Climate Strengthens the Sense of Social Responsibility and Subsequent Organizational Commitment among Christian Healthcare Providers – Test of a Structural Equation Model, Grace Chi and Jerry L. Chi
P-02 Hand Dominance and Posture: A Study of Handedness Patterns in Posture Analysis, Elizabeth Oakley, Natalie Appelhans, Alyson Jamel, Meredith Griffin, and Lauryl Murphree-James
P-03 Inositol Depletion as a Screening Tool for Identifying Potential New Anti-bipolar Drugs, Marlene Murray
P-04 Retrospective Study of the Introduction and Establishment of West Nile Virus in San Bernardino County, California in 2004-2006: Lessons Learned, Sozina Dora Katuli Dr., Lawrence Beeson Dr., Ronald Mataya, and Joseph Wakoli Wekesa Dr.
P-05 A Multiple Case Study of Three Business Models for Local Healthy Food Delivery Systems in Under Privileged Urban Areas, Garth Woodruff
P-06 Hungry for Attention: The Right to Food in Madagascar, Alexandra Raney, Azra Totobesola, and Joel Raveloharimisy
P-07 Hisban in Global History: An Update, Oystein LaBianca
P-08 Discoveries of a Paleo-Christian Community in Sicily: Moving from Paganism to Christianity at San Miceli, Randall Younker
P-09 Model Shrines and Cults Stands of the Madaba Plains, Stefanie Elkins
P-10 Painting Horizons, Kari Friestad
P-11 Evolution of a Painting, Greg Constantine
P-12 Woke Shakespeare: Othello and Appropriation, Vanessa Corredera
P-13 Practice What You Preach: A Case Study of Priorities in Adventist Education, Randy J. Siebold and Gilbert Wari
P-14 Exploring Student Perceptions of Creativity & Innovation: Developing a Survey of Students, Randy J. Siebold and David C. Cady II
P-15 The Changing Role And Skills Needed For Chief School Business Officials (CSBOs) to Impact Student Achievement, Olawale O. Ade-Oshifogun Ed.D and Jochebed Ade-Oshifogun
P-16 A Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Growth of Medium-Size Businesses, Kimberly S. Pichot
P-17 An Evaluation of Ellen G. White's Library, Felipe E. Tan and Jim Ford
P-18 University Libraries Leading the Way through Choppy Waters: The Library's Role in Student Retention, Silas Bruscagin Marques Dr.
P-19 Musical Composition Fostering and Efficiency Project, Kenneth Logan
P-20 Johannine Comma - Seventh-day Adventist Usage and a Little History, RODRIGO G. BARBOSA and JOHN W. REEVE
P-21 Sermons and Speeches in Acts, Paul B. Petersen and Colby Meier
P-22 The Holy Spirit Speaks, Lincoln Nogueira
P-23 Epistemological Limitations for the Study of Origins, Mihai Bijacu
P-24 Implicit Bias and Neighborhood Segregation, Karl G. D. Bailey
P-25 Stabilization of Aqueous Ascorbic Acid Solutions Using PAMAM Dendrimers, Ryan T. Hayes
P-26 Detection of Counterfeit Antimalarial Drugs by SERS, Getahun Merga, P. Shepard, M. Trujillo, and J. Camden
P-27 A Possible Role for Carboxypeptidase O in the Regulation of Secretion through Cleavage of C-terminal ER Retention Signals, Peter Lyons, Christian Bardan, and Linnea C. Burke
P-28 The Effect of PTX in the Phonotactic Behavior of Female Cricket Gryllus Bimaculatus, Benjamin Navia and John Stout
P-29 A Multi-year Study of the Biology and Paleobiology of Ground Squirrels, Tom Goodwin
P-30 Screening of Hybrid Arylidene Heterocyclic Boronic Acids as Potential Anticancer Agents in AU565 HER2/neu Breast Cancer Cell Line, Jemma McLeish and Denise L. Smith
P-31 El Nino, The Blob, and Egg Cannibalism in Glaucous-Winged Gulls, James Hayward and Shandelle M. Henson
P-32 Rectifying Submanifolds in Pseudo-Euclidean Spaces, Yun Oh
P-33 Positive Solutions to a General Non-linear Second Order System with Homogeneous Boundary Conditions, Joon Hyuk Kang and Timothy Robertson
P-34 The New Era of Gravitational Wave Astronomy, Tiffany Summerscales
P-35 A Diffusion Activity for Students, Mickey Kutzner and Bryan Pearson
P-36 Economic Viability Study of the Installation of Fuel Cell for Combined Heat and Power (CHP) System for Stationary Applications, Daniel Marsh, Lauber de Souza Martins, Evandro Cardoso, and Sommer Watzko
P-37 Bioinstrumentation of Electrochemiluminescent Sensor Using Cell Phones, Hyun J. Kwon, Zach Verhelle, Daniel Marsh, and Ester Carrasco
P72 and the Codex Vaticanus [review] / Kubo, Sakae, Herold Weiss
Pacific Northest Forest Products Industry: Accountability for the Environment, Jacquelyn Warwick and Marry Reynolds
Painting of Reformers, Troy Homenchuk
Palestinian Scarabs at Andrews University, Siegfried H. Horn
Panda, Scott Moncrieff
Panel, Merlin Burt, Moderator, Merlin Burt, Julius Nam, Russell Standish, Arthur Patrick, Ciro Sepulveda, and Alberto R. Timm
Panel, Nicholas Miller, Moderator, Nicholas Miller, Roy Adams, Herbert Douglass, Fritz Guy, Larry Kirkpatrick, Jon Paulien, Richard Rice, and Woodrow W. Whidden
Panel, Robert Johnston, Moderator, Robert Johnston, Paul McGraw, Kenneth Richard Samples, Larry Christoffel, and Donald W. Dayton
Parables Told by Jesus: A Contemporary Approach to the Parables [review] / Harrington, Wilfrid J., Sakae Kubo
Parallel and intersecting approaches for mentoring students and faculty, Duane McBride, Curtis VanderWaal, H. Helm, L. Matthews, J. Wrenn, and D. Proctor
Parallel Effects of Temperature on the Male Cricket Calling Song, Phonotaxis of the Female and the Auditory Responses of the L3 Neurone, Benjamin Navia, Christina Burden, Tori Joy Steely, Helen Hasegawa, Esther Cha, Shandelle M. Henson, John Stout, and Gordon Atkins
Parallels to a Rare Double-Spouted Early Roman Oil Lamp from Tomb E.6, Tell Hesban, John M. Reeve
Parallel worlds: The processing of negation and error disfluencies in the visual world paradigm., Karl Bailey and K Christianson
Parameter estimation for compact binary coalescence signals with the first generation gravitational wave detector network, Tiffany Summerscales and J. Aasi
Parental & Religiosity Influences on Alcohol Use & Sexual Behaviors Among Christian College Students., Duane McBride and Alina Baltazar
Parsing and misinterpretation in coordination ambiguities, Karl Bailey, M. Xiang, and F. Ferreira
Part of My Journey, Agenda Staff
Part of My Journey: Chantal's story, Becky St. Clair
Passion Play Returns in 2016, Andrews University
Passion Play Returns in 2016: Popular Easter event scheduled for March, Becky St. Clair
Passport to mission, Erich Baumgartner
Pastoral Burnout and Leadership Styles: A Mixed-Methods Study of Southern Baptist Pastors in Central Florida [Dissertation Notice], W. R. Exantus
Pastoral Counseling: The Basics [review] / James E. Dittes., Alfonso Valenzuela
Pastoral Ethics: Professional Responsibilities of the Clergy [review] / Gaylord Noyce., Miroslav M. Kis
Pastoral Graces: Reflections on the Care of Souls [review] / Eclov, Lee, Stephen Carlile
"Pastoral" - Symphony Orchestra Concert, Department of Music
"Pastoral" - Symphony Orchestra Concert, Department of Music
Pastors as Gatekeepers: Congregational Encounters with Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues, Curtis VanderWaal, Andrea Opei, and Edwin I. Hernandez
Paths to Adventist Certification, Sue Tidwell
Patriarchs, Rabbis, and Sabbath, Robert Morris Johnston
Patterns in History: A Christian View [review] / D. W. Bebbington., James E. Miller
Patterns of Discipleship in the New Testament [review] / edited by Richard N. Longenecker., Bertram L. Melbourne
Paul and Remnant in Romans 9-11: "Inclusively Exclusive" or "Exclusively Inclusive"?, Ben Holdsworth
Paul and Revelation 14, P. Richard Choi
Paul and Revelation 14, P. Richard Choi
Paul and the Jewish Law: Halakha in the Letters of the Apostle to the Gentiles [review] / Peter J. Tomson., Herold Weiss
Paul and the Jews [review] / A. Andrew Das., P. Richard Choi
Paul and the Mosaic Law [review] / edited by James D.G. Dunn; the Third Durham-T{uml}ubingen Research Symposium on Earliest Christianity and Judaism, Durham, September, 1994., Keith Augustus Burton
Paul and the Popular Philosophers [review] / Abraham J. Malherbe., Herold Weiss
Paul and the Thessalonians: The Philosophic Tradition of Pastoral Care [review] / Abraham J. Malherbe., Jon Paulien
Paul beyond the Judaism/Hellenism divide [review] / edited by Troels Engberg-Pedersen., P. Richard Choi
Paul: Follower of Jesus or Founder of Christianity? [review] / David Wenham., Roberto Badenas
Pauline Parallels [review] /Francis, Fred O., and Sampley, J. Paul, eds., Sakae Kubo
Pauline's Testimony [Tribute to C. Mervyn Maxwell], Pauline Maxwell
Paul, in Other Words: A Cultural Reading of His Letters [review] / Jerome H. Neyrey., Herold Weiss
Paul McGraw, Andrews University
Paul of Tarsus: His Gospel and Life [review] / Herold Weiss., John C. Brunt
Paul [review] / Bornkamm, Günther., D. Malcolm Maxwell
Paul's Gospel in an Intercultural Context: Jew and Gentile in the Letter to the Romans [review] / William S. Campbell., Herold Weiss
Paul's Letter to the Philippians [review] / by Gordon D. Fee., Panayotis Coutsoumpos
Paul’s Observance of the Sabbath in Acts of the Apostles as a Marker of Continuity between Judaism and Early Christianity, Denis Fortin
Paul’s Observance of the Sabbath in Acts of the Apostles as a Marker of Continuity Between Judaism and Early Christianity, Denis Fortin
Paul's Prophetic Outline in 2 Thessalonians 2, Hans K. LaRondelle
Paul the Apostle: The Triumph of God in Life and Thought [review] / J. Christiaan Beker; reviewed by Herold Weiss., Herold Weiss
Paul, Women Teachers, and the Mother Goddess at Ephesus: A Study of 1 Timonthy 2:9-15 in Light of the Religious and Cultural Milieu of the First Century [review] / Sharon Hodgin Gritz., Leona Glidden Running
Peace to War: Shifting Allegiances in the Assemblies of God [review] / Paul Alexander, Douglas Morgan
Peer to Peer Leadership: Why the Network is the Leader [review] / Baker, Mila N., Stanley E. Patterson
People of the Sea: The Search for the Philistines [review] / Trude Dothan, Moshe Dothan., P. David Merling
Peoples profile project: guidelines and library resources pathfinder, Bruce Bauer and Rudolf Maier
Perceived benefits of presenting undergraduate research at a professional conference., Herbert Helm and Karl Bailey
Perceived Executive Leader's Integrity in Terms of Servant and Ethical Leadership on Job Burnout among Christian Healthcare Service Providers, Jerry Chi and Grace Chi
Perceptions of God and self after exposure to unfair situations, F. St. Hilaire, D. Santana, and Karl Bailey
Periodic Systems of Molecules: Physical and Chemical, Ray Hefferlin, Evgeny Babaev, and Gary Burdick
Persia and the Bible [review] / Edwin M. Yamauchi., Lloyd A. Willis
Personal Happiness, Self-Fulfillment, and Homosexuality in the Church, David Penno
Personality and visual attention, O. Titus and Karl Bailey
Perspectives Old and New on Paul: The "Lutheran" Paul and His Critics [review] / Stephen Westerholm., Leo Ranzolin Jr.
Perspectives on Evangelical Theology: Papers from the Thirtieth Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society [review] / Kenneth S. Kantzer, Stanley N. Gundry, editors., Daniel A. Augsburger
Perspectives on the Re-Publication of QOD and Introduction of Speaker, Ronald Knott
Perspectives on the Sabbath: Four Views [review] / Christopher John Donato, Larry L. Lichtenwalter
Persuasive Appeals For Decision: Preaching The Distinctive Seventh-day Adventist Beliefs In The Michigan Conference, Daniel Paul Towar
Persuasive Strategies in a Chauvinistic Religious Discourse: The Case of Women's Ordination, Eun-Young Julia Kim
Peter Abelard’s Theology of Atonement: A Multifaceted Approach and Reevaluation, Denis Kaiser
Peter Abelard’s Theology of Atonement: A Multifaceted Approach and Reevaluation, Denis Kaiser
Peter and Paul in Relationship to the Episcopal Succession in the Church at Rome, Kenneth A. Strand
Pews in the Museum, Troy Homenchuk
Philip Melanchthon, Reformer Without Honor [review] / Rogness, Michael., Viggo Norskov Olsen
Philippians [review] / by Gerald F. Hawthorne., George E. Rice
Philip Schaff: Christian Scholar and Ecumenical Prophet: Centennial Biography for the American Society of Church History [review] / by George H. Shriver., George R. Knight
Philosophical Foundations and the Biblical Sanctuary, Fernando L. Canale
Philosophical Interpretations of the Old Testament, Oliver Glanz
Phil Wickham to Perform at Howard Center, Andrews University
Phil Wickham to Perform at Howard Center: Popular Christian artist at Andrews on Sunday, Becky St. Clair
Phoebe: An Early Church Leader, Darius Jankiewicz
Phoenician-Punic Dictionary [review] / by Charles R. Krahmalkov., Tarsee Li
Physics Major Scores Highest Possible on GRE, Andrews University
Physics Major Scores Highest Possible on GRE: Robbie Polski credits internship, good prep, professors, Samuel Fry
Piano Ensemble Showcase Recital, Chi Yong Yun
Piano Studio Recital, Department of Music
Piano Studio Recital, Department of Music
Piano Studio Recital, Department of Music
Piano Studio Recital "An Afternoon of Music", Department of Music
Piano Studio Recital "An Afternoon of Music", Department of Music
Piano Studio Recital of Chi Yong Yun, Department of Music
Pierre Viret on the Sabbath Commandment, Daniel A. Augsburger
Pierre Viret's Concept of a Just War, Robert D. Linder
Pilgrims in a Strange Land: The First Norwegian-American SDA Church in the United States, Lawrence Onsager
Pillars of Paul's Gospel: Galatians and Romans [review] / by John F. O'Grady., Mario Veloso
Pistis Kristou: Reading Paul in a New Paradigm, Sigve K. Tonstad
Planning a Sermonic Year, S. Joseph Kidder
Plans Unveiled for Ella Johnson Crandall Memorial Library, Lawrence Onsager
Planting More SEEDS, Tom L. Evans
Playing Second Trombone, Kevin Wiley
“Please, Don’t Go There!” Missiological Considerations for Those Who Are Not Interested in Missions, Willie Edward Hucks II
Plutocrats and Paupers: Wealth and Poverty in the Old Testament [review] / H.L. Bosman, I.G.P Gous, I.J.J. Spangenberg (eds.)., Pedrito U. Maynard-Reid
Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms [review] / Stanley J. Grenz, David Guretzki & Cherith Fee Nordling., Karen K. Abrahamson
Poetic Relations of the Time Periods in Dan 9:25, William H. Shea
Poetry and Wisdom [review] / Peter Enns., Lael O. Caesar
Poetry: Gift from God, Scott Moncrieff
Polarizabilites of organic ions, Gary Burdick, G. Shields, and T. Moran
Polarization dependence of two-photon excitation spectra in the 8S7/2 → 6P7/2, 6P5/2 and 6P3/2 transition regions of Gd3+ in Na3[Gd(C4H4O5)3] · 2NaClO4 · 6H2O, Kevin Gunde, Gary Burdick, and F Richardson
Political Issues in Luke-Acts [review] / edited by Richard J. Cassidy and Philip J. Scharper., George E. Rice
Politics and Theology in the Thought of Richard Baxter [Part I], Walter B.T. Douglas
Politics and Theology in the Thought of Richard Baxter, Part II, Walter B.T. Douglas
Politics - To Engage or Not to Engage? Seeking a Biblical Perspective, John Wesley Taylor V
Polyglottensynopse Zum Buch Daniel [review] / [zusammengestellt von] Klaus Koch, Martin Rösel., Martin T. Probstle
Popes and Presidents: The Relationship of Domestic Politics and Religion in International Affairs, Jane Sabes
Positive Solutions to a General Elliptic System with Smooth Functions, Timothy Robertson and Joon Hyuk Kang
Positive Youth Development and Spirituality: From Theory to Research [review] / Lerner, R., Roeser, R., & Phelps, E., Elizabeth Tamez Méndez
Poster Session David Williams, Andrews University
Poster session -- Martin Hanna, Andrews University
Poster Session Martin Hanna, Andrews University
Poster Session Terry Robertson, Andrews University
Postmodern Mission in Amsterdam: A Fieldworker’s Report About Method, Content, and Limitations, Oliver Glanz
Postmodern Use of the Bible: The Emergence of Reader-Oriented Criticism [review] / Edgar V. McKnight., Jon Paulien
Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics. Vol.2 Holy Scripture, the Cognitive Foundation of Theology [review] / Richard A. Muller., Bruce Norman
Potential That Goes Beyond, Andrews University
Potential That Goes Beyond: Architecture Students Build Relationship Between People and Community, Danni Francis
Pottery from Shechem Excavated 1913 and 1914, Siegfried H. Horn and Lenen G. Moulds
Pottery, Poetry, and Prophecy: Studies in Early Hebrew Poetry [review] / David Noel Freedman., William H. Shea
Poverty and Wealth in James [review] / Pedrito U. Maynard-Reid., John C. Brunt
Poverty and Wealth: The Christian Debate Over Capitalism [review] / Ronald H. Nash., George R. Knight
Power Encounters: A Biblical and Missiological Foundation for Understanding Demonization and Exorcism from an Adventist Perspective, Abner Perez Dizon and Maila Dizon
Practical Spirituality in Isaiah 1:10-20, Paul A. Gregor
Practice of Magic and Occultism in the Old Testament: Presuppositions, Responses, and God’s Attitude, Jiri Moskala ThD, PhD
Practice Resurrection: A Conversation on Growing Up in Christ [review] / Eugene H. Peterson, Jane Thayer
Practicing Religion and Deep Commitment: We Need to Get Into It!, Jerry Chi and Grace Chi
Prayer and Fasting: A Response to Crisis in Mission, Conrad A. R. Vine
Prayer as a Strategic Weapon in Mission, Boubakar Sanou
Prayer: Breaking Down Walls of Hostility, John Holbrook
Preachers by Night: The Waldensian Barbes (15th to 16th Centuries) [review] / Gabriel Audisio, Kathleen M. Demsky
Preaching and the Challenge of Pluralism [review] / Joseph M. Webb., Larry L. Lichtenwalter
Preaching Christ from Daniel [review] / Sidney Greidanus, Zdravko Stefanovic
Preaching in Black & White: What We Can Learn from Each Other [review] / E.K. Bailey, Warren W. Wiersbe., R. Clifford Jones
Preaching Revelation to the Secular Mind, Bruce Norman
Preaching Sermons that Connect: Effective Communication Through Identification [review] / Craig A. Loscalzo., Steven P. Vitrano
Predation on Gulls by Bald Eagles in Washington, James Hayward, W. Gillett, Charles Amlaner, and John Stout
Predation on Nesting Gulls by a River Otter in Washington State, James Hayward, Charles Amlaner, W. Gillett, and John Stout
Predestination: The American Career of a Contentious Doctrine [review] / Peter J. Thuesen, Michael W. Campbell
Predicting Leadership Practices from Spirituality in Female Leaders of Corporations [Disstertation Notice], C. F. Johnson
Predicting successful completion using student delay indicators in undergraduate self-paced online courses, Janine Lim
Predictores Significativos de la Participacion de los Miembros de los Grupos Pequenos de la Mision del Oriente Peruna en el 2015, Orlando Chilon Guevara
Predictors of attentional variability on a college campus, E. Beltre, C. Ramos, and Karl Bailey
Prefacio, Denis Kaiser
Preliminary Analysis of the Animal Bones from Tell Hesban, Joachim Boessneck and Angela Von Den Driesch
Preliminary Report of the 1994 Season of the Madaba Plains Project: Regional Survey, Tall Al-Umayri, and Tall Jalul Excavations (June 15 to July 30, 1994), Randall W. Younker, Lawrence T. Geraty, Larry G. Herr, and Oystein LaBianca […et al.}
Preliminary Report of the 1996 Season of the Madaba Plains Project: Regional Survey, Tall Al-Umayri, and Tall Jalul Excavations (June 19 to July 31, 1996), Randall W. Younker, Lawrence T. Geraty, Larry G. Herr, and Oystein S. LaBianca […et at]
Preliminary Report of the 1997 Excavations and Restoration Work at Tall Hisban (June 18 to July 11, 1997), Øystein Sakala LaBianca and Paul J. Ray Jr.
Preliminary Report of the 2000, 2004, and 2005 Seasons at Tall Jalul, Jordan (Madaba Plains Project), Randall W. Younker, David Merling, Paul Ray, Mark Ziese, Paul Z. Gregor, Constance E. Gane, and Katherine Koudele
Preliminary Report of the 2000, 2004, and 2005 Seasons at Tall Jalul, Jordan (Madaba Plains Project), R Younker, D Merling, P Ray, M Ziese, P Gregor, Constance Gane, and K Koudele
Preliminary Report on the 2009 Season of the Madaba Plains Project: Tall Jalul Excavations 2009, R Younker, Constance Gane, P Gregor, J Groves, and P Ray
Preliminary Report on the 2011 Season of the Madaba Plains Project: Tall Jalul Excavations 2011., P Gregor, P Ray, R Younker, and Constance Gane
Preliminary Reports of ASOR-Sponsored Excavations, 1980-84 [review] / edited by Walter E. Rast., Paul J. Ray Jr.
Preliminary Research on Implications of Tiberias for Pentateuchal Studies, Joshua Berman
Preparing for Change Reaction: How to Introduce Change in Your Church [review] / Whitesel, B., Stanley E. Patterson
Preparing for the Second Advent, P. Gerard Damsteegt
Presentations, Darrel Falk and Todd Wood
Presenting Biblical Themes to Buddhists, Bruce L. Bauer
President to Retire, Andrews University
President to Retire: Andreasen announces retirement effective June 2016
Presuppositions: The Key to the Formulation of Biblical Doctrine, Bruce Norman
Prevailing Premium Levels for Voting Rights, Alan J. Kirkpatrick
Primal Leadership: Realizing the Power of Emotional Intelligence [review] / Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R., & McKee, A., Stanley E. Patterson
Princípios de Uma Igreja Sensível à Realidade Pós-Moderna, Kleber de Oliveira Goncalves
Principles of Church-State Relationships in the Writings of Ellen G. White, Marcio D. Costa
Principles of Jesus' Healing Ministry, Kenneth (Lance) Tyler
Principles of Ordination in the Early Seventh-day Adventist Church, 1844-1900, Theodore N. Levterov
Principles of Victory [review] / Charles G. Finney; compiled & edited by Louis Gifford Parkhurst, Jr.; reviewed by James E. Miller., James E. Miller
Principles of Worship and Liturgy, Fernando Canale
Principles of Worship and Liturgy, Fernando Canale
Principles of Worship and Liturgy, Fernando Canale
Priorities, Hyveth Williams
Priorities of Public Health in Mission of a Church: An Example of the Adventist Church, Duane McBride and K. Randall
Private Special Education: Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Myth Debunking, Alyssia L. Cutler
Private Universities in Latin America: Research and Innovation in the Knowledge Economy, Gus Gregorutti and Jorge Enrique Delgado
Private Univ in LTA .pdf, Gus Gregorutti
Privative Preposition מן in Purification Offering Pericopes and the Changing Face of "Dorian Gray", Roy Gane
Proclaiming the Rise of the Remnant Church in Prophecy, P. Gerard Damsteegt
Proclaiming the Word: The Concept of Preaching in the Thought of Ellen G. White [review] / by R. Edward Turner., C. Raymond Holmes
Procrastination, Motivation, & Flow, Reginald Desrosiers
Producción intelectual en pequeñas universidades privadas latinoamericanas: una situación paradójica, Gus Gregorutti
Production of the excited charm mesons D1D1 and View the MathML sourceD2⁎ at HERA, Margarita Mattingly and
Productive and Protected Ministry: Numbers 17:23 [English 17:8], Roy Gane
Professional Development for Christian Teachers: A Mixed-Methods Study, Vincent Montoro
Professional Development to Differentiate Kindergarten Tier 1 Instruction: Can Already Effective Teachers Improve Student Outcomes by Differentiating Tier 1 Instruction?, Stephanie Al Otaiba, Jessica S. Folsom, Jeanne Wanzek, Luana Greulich, Jessica Waesche, Christopher Schatschneider, and Carol M. Connor
Professional relations: Multiple communities for reform and renewal, Duane Covrig
Profiles of Anabaptist Women: Sixteenth-Century Reforming Pioneers. Vol.3 [review] / C. Arnold Snyder and Linda A. Huebert Hecht, editors., Teresa L. Reeve
Program Notes, Marianne Kordas
Programs in the School of Education that Can Help You Advance Your Career, Duane Covrig, Lee Davidson, and Carole Woolford-Hunt
Progressions in the Book of Daniel, Ferdinand O. Regalado
Progressions in the Book of Daniel, Ferdinand O. Regalado
Progressive Dispensationalism: A Review of a Recent Publication, Norman R. Gulley
Project Compassion, Peter Edward Burch
Project Get Connected: An African American Church-Community Collaboration to Improve Mental Health Education, Support and Referrals, Ann-Marie Jones and Curtis VanderWaal
Project Giving May Be Fun, But, Skip Bell
Prolegomena to a Study of the Dominical Logoi as Cited in the Didascalia Apostolorum. Part II (cont.), James J.C. Cox
Prolegomena to a Study of the Dominical Logoi as Cited in the Didascalia Apostolorum. Part II: Methodological Questions, James J. C. Cox
Prolegomena to a Study of the Dominical Logoi as Cited in the Didascalia Apostolorum. Part II, Methodological Questions (cont.), James J.C. Cox
Prolegomena to a Study of the Dominical Logoi as Cited in the Didascalia Apostolorum. Part II: Methodological Questions (cont.), James J.C. Cox
Prolegomena to a Study of the Dominical Logoi as cited in the Didascalia Apostolorum. Part I: Introductory Matters, James J. C. Cox
Promise Deferred [review] / Siegfried H. Horn., Lawrence T. Geraty
Prophecy and Canon: A Contribution to the Study of Jewish Origins [review] / Joseph Blenkinsopp., A. Josef Greig
Prophecy and Gnosis: Apocalypticism in the Wake of the Lutheran Reformation [review] / Robin Bruce Barnes., Daniel A. Augsburger
Prophecy and Hermeneutic in Early Christianity: New Testament Essays [review] / by E. Earle Ellis., John C. Brunt
Prophecy and Prediction [review] / Dewey M. Beegle., Kenneth A. Strand
Prophecy and Society in Ancient Israel [review] / Robert R. Wilson., A. Josef Greig
Prophecy As Literature: A Text-Linguistic and Rhetorical Approach to Isaiah 2-4 [review] / Bertil Wiklander., Niels-Erik Andreasen
Prophetic Interpretation, P. Gerard Damsteegt
Prophets Under God's Authority: Headcoverings in 1 Corinthians 11:1-16, Ed Christian
Proposals for a Canonical Biblical Theology, Gerhard F. Hasel
Proposed method for searches of gravitational waves from PKS 2155-304 and other blazar flares, S Desai, K Hayama, S Mohanty, M Rakhmanov, Tiffany Summerscales, and S Yoshida
Prosecutor Reported Marijuana Case Dispositions and Community Youth Marijuana-Related Attitudes and Behaviors., Yvonne Terry-McElrath, Duane McBride, Jamie Chriqui, Patrick O’Malley, and Curtis VanderWaal
Proselytism and Orthodoxy in Russia: The New War for Souls [review] / John Witte, Jr., Michael Bourdeaux, editors., Oleg Zhigankov
Protecting youth from health risk behaviors, Alina Baltazar, K. Conopio, J. Moreno, and G. Hopkins
Protestant Ecumenism, Religious Freedom, and the Theology-and-Science Dialogue in Conservative American Thought: A Literature Review, Karen K. Abrahamson
Proverbs 1-9: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary [review] / by Michael V. Fox., Lael O. Caesar
Proverbs 8 and the Place of Christ in the Trinity, Richard M. Davidson
Proverbs: A New Approach [review] / McKane, William., Gerhard F. Hasel
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs [review] / Roland E. Murphy, Elizabeth Huwiler., James E. Miller
Proverbs Study Helps for Lessons 10–13, Jo Ann Davidson
Providence and God’s Unfulfilled Desires, John Peckham
Providing a Sounding Board for Second Language Writers, Eun-Young Julia Kim
Proximity of the Manganese Cluster of Photosystem-II to the Redox-Active Tyrosine Y-Z, M Gilchrist, David Randall, James Ball, and R Britt
Psalm 109: David's Poem of Vengeance, Martin J. Ward
Psalm 74: A Literary-Structural Analysis, Graeme E. Sharrock
Psalms 1-50 [review] / Peter C. Craigie., William H. Shea
"Ptolemy's Canon" Debunked?, Julia Neuffer
Public Health Agency Involvement in Youth-Focused Illicit Drug Policy, Planning, and Prevention at the Local Level, 1999-2003, Duane McBride, Yvonne Terry-McElrath, Curtis VanderWaal, Jamie VanderWaal, and Jana Myllyluoma
Puentes: Journey Notes from a Bridge Person, Albert Reyes
Puritan Christianity in America: Religion and Life in Seventeenth-Century Massachusetts [review] / Allen Carden., Walter B.T. Douglas
Pursuing Truth and Constructing Knowledge in the Christian Academy: Diverse Perspectives, Tom Goodwin and Vanessa Corredera
Q&A About Student Fundraising Request: Andrews responds to questions about decision, Niels-Erik Andreasen
QCM-D Monitoring of Binding-Induced Conformational Change of Calmodulin, Hyun J. Kwon and Brian Dodge
Quality Management in Higher Education, Andrea Luxton
Quality Research Papers for Students of Religion and Theology [review] / Nancy Jean Vyhmeister., Carl P. Cosaert
Question & Answer Session, George R. Knight
Question & Answer Session, Herbert Edgar Douglass
Questions on Doctrine and M. L. Andreason: The Behind-the-Scenes Interactions, Julius Nam
Questions on Doctrine: Symbol of Adventist Theological Tension, George R. Knight
¿Quién era Cristo?, Fernando Canale
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking [review] / Cain, Susan, M. Curtis Powell
Qumran Cave 1, II: The Isaiah Scrolls. Part 1: Plates and Transcriptions; Part 2: Introductions, Commentary, and Textual Variants [review] / Ulrich, Eugene and Peter W. Flint, with a contribution by Martin G. Abegg Jr., Christopher R. Chadwick
Race Relations, Trevor O'Reggio
Race Representatives: Why Black Members of Congress Matter, Shenika McDonald
Racial Segregation Practice in a Religious Context, Cleran Hollancid
Radical Christianity: The Reason We Exist as Seventh-day Adventists, Skip Bell
Radioscopy of a Resurrection: The Meaning of Niqqp̀u Zot in Job 19:26, Jacques B. Doukhan
Rahab: The Woman Who Fulfilled the Word of YHWH, P. David Merling
Raised Immortal: Resurrection and Immortality in the New Testament [review] / Murray J. Harris., Robert Kerry McIver
Ralph D. Winter, 1924-2009: Innovative and Inspiring Missions Leader, R. L. Staples
Ratiocinations of a New Editor, Jerry Moon
Ratiocinations of a New Editor, Jerry Moon
Reaching the World’s 500 Largest Cities: A Demographic and Statistical Analysis, Rick McEdward and D. J.B. Trim
Reaching to Educate All Children for Heaven (REACH), Inclusive Education in Adventist Schools, Enoh Nkana
Reaction time and psychophysiological concomitants of chronic pain patients in a lexical decision task with pain-related and neutral words (Abstract), A Clegg, P Haerich, and Jay Brand
Readers Theater: "The Great Divorce": C. S. Lewis's classic story takes the stage
Reading Between Texts: Intertextuality and the Hebrew Bible [review] / Danna Nolan Fewell, editor., Susan E. Jacobsen
Reading Daniel as a Text in Theological Hermeneutics [review] / Hebbard, Aaron B., Zdravko Stefanovic
Reasonable Enthusiast: John Wesley and the Rise of Methodism [review] / Henry D. Rack., Russell L. Staples
Reason and the Contours of Faith [review] / Richard Rice., Brad J. Kallenberg
Reason and the Contours of Faith [review] / Richard Rice., Brad J. Kallenberg
Rebuilding the Plane While Flying It, Janine Lim
Recapitulation in Revelation 4-11, Ekkehardt Mueller
Recasting the Moment of Decision: 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1 in its Literary Context, David A. DeSilva
Recent Archaeological Discoveries and Biblical Research [review] / William G. Dever., P. David Merling
Recent Developments In Luther Research: Implications for the Adventist Understanding of Christ Our Righteousness, C. Raymond Holmes
Recent Developments in the Study of the Book of Revelation, Jon Paulien
Recent Models of Biblical Theology: Three Major Perspectives, Gerhard F. Hasel
Recent Suggestions on the Bilingual Ostracon from Khirbet el-Kom, Lawrence T. Geraty
Recipients, agents, or partners? The contradictions of teacher participation in Mexican secondary education reform, Bradley Levinson, Janet Blackwood, and Valerie Cross
Reclaiming the Biblical Role of Elders: Equipping the Saints to Lead the Local Congregation [Dissertation Notice], Bruce A. Jones
Reclaiming the Church [review] / John B. Cobb, Jr., Richard Rice
Reclaiming the Prophetic Mantle: Preaching the Old Testament Faithfully [review] / edited by George L. Klein., Michael G. Hasel
Reclaiming Your Family: Seven Ways to Take Control of What Goes On in Your Home [review] / Robert & Debra Bruce., Margaret G. Dudley
Recognition Assembly, Jiri Moskala
Recognition Assembly Awards, Andrews University
Recognition Assembly Bauer & Kuhn, Andrews University
Recognition Assembly Jiri Moskala, Andrews University
Recognition Assembly John Reeve, Andrews University
Recognition Assembly Kidder 1, Andrews University
Recognition Assembly Kidder 2, Andrews University
Recognition Assembly Peckham, Andrews University
Reconceptualizing Leadership Education, JACL Editors
Reconcile: Conflict Transformation for Ordinary Christians [review] / Lederach, John Paul, Stanley E. Patterson
Reconcile: Conflict Transformation for Ordinary Christians [review] / Lederach, J.P., Stanley E. Patterson
Reconstructing Evangelical Theology: Is the Open View of God a Good Idea?, Clark H. Pinnock
Redating Matthew, Mark and Luke: A Fresh Assault on the Synoptic Problem [review] / John Wenham., Robert Kerry McIver
Redeeming the Time: A Christian Approach to Work and Leisure [review] / Leland Ryken., D. Robert Kennedy
Redeem the Time: The Puritan Sabbath in Early America [review] / Winton U. Solberg, Benjamin McArthur
Redefining Leadership: Character-Driven Habits of Effective Leaders [review] / Stowell, Joseph M., Brandon Westgate
Redemption and Transformation: Through Relief and Development, Wagner Kuhn
Rediscovering Expository Preaching [review] / John MacArthur, Jr., C. Raymond Holmes
Rediscovering the Teaching of the Evangelists [review] / Rohde, Joachim., Herold Weiss
Reflection and Doubt in the Thought of Paul Tillich [review] / Scharlemann, Robert P., M. Keith Ruybalid
Reflection on April 1, 2011—Nahid, Tom Decker
Reflections on Drug Policy, Duane McBride, Yvonne Terry-McElrath, Henrick Harwood, James Inciardi, and Carl Leukefeld
Reflections on Francis Schaeffer [review] / Ronald W. Ruegsegger, editor., Gary Land
Reflections on Last Week's Tragic Events, Andrews University
Reflections on Last Week's Tragic Events: President & Provost speak out, Andrea Luxton and Christon Arthur
Reflections on Organizational Patterns Among Pauline Congregations, Miguel Luna
Reflections on Spiritual Leadership [interview with Richard Blackaby], Stanley E. Patterson
Reflections on the 180 Symposium, Roger Dudley
Reflections on the Doctrine of the Trinity, Raoul Dederen
Reflections on the Wrath of God, Marvin Moore
Reflections on the Wrath of God, Marvin Moore
Reformation-Era Resources at La Sierra University / Tony Zbaraschuk., Tony Zbaraschuk
Reformation und Konfessionelles Zeitalter (1517-1648) (Reformation and Confessional Era [1517-1648]) [review] / Martin H. Jung, Denis Kaiser
Reformed Confessions: Theology from Zurich to Barmen [review] / Jan Rohls; translated by John Hoffmeyer., Frank M. Hasel
Reforming Drug Treatment Services to Offenders: Cross-System Collaboration, Integrated Policies, and A Seamless Continuum of Care Model, Curtis VanderWaal, Faye Taxman, and Melissa Gurka
Reforming Fundamentalism: Fuller Seminary and the New Evangelicalism [review] / by George Marsden., Gary Land
Registration, Andrews University
Reimarus and the Return of Christ Revisited: Reflections on Luke 21:24b and Its Phrase "Times of the Gentiles" in Historicist Perspective, John T. Baldwin
Reinventing Paul [review] / John G. Gager., P. Richard Choi
Relating Meaningfully to the Hindu Worldview, Herbert Hoefer
Relating to the Bible - Part 1, Roy Gane
Relating to the Bible - Part 2, Roy Gane
Relationship Between Facility Ownership, Service to Medicaid Patients and Types of Treatments Services Offered, Duane McBride, J. Chriqui, and M. Mulatu
Relationship of the Ellen G. White Writings to the Bible on the Sanctuary Issue, P. Gerard Damsteegt
Relationships among the non-Byzantine manuscripts of 2 Peter / Terry Robertson., Terry Dwain Robertson
Relativism's Seven Fatal Flaws, Francis J. Beckwith and Gregory Koukl
Religion and Alienation: A Theological Reading of Sociology [review] / Baum, Gregory., Raoul Dederen
Religion and Social Policy [review] / edited by Paula D. Nesbitt., Gary Land
Religion and the Enlightenment: From Descartes to Kant [review] / James M. Byrne., Denis Fortin
Religion and the Scientific Future [review] / Gilkey, Langdon B., Edward W. H. Vick
Religion in An Age of Science [review] / Ian G. Barbour., John T. Baldwin
Religion in Ancient History [review] / Brandon, S. G. F., Zev Garber
Religion in Overalls [review] / Johnsson, William G., D. Malcolm Maxwell
Religion in the Garb of Science? (The Associate Editor's Desk), Edwin Reynolds
Religion in the Megacity: Catholic and Protestant Portraits from Latin America [review] / Phillip Berryman., Bruce Campbell Moyer
Religion in the Public Square: The Place of Religious Convictions in Political Debate [review] / Robert Audi and Nicholas Wolterstorff., Matthew F. McMearty
Religion, Science, and Philosophical Discourse, Donald R. Burrill
Religiosity and happiness among conservative Christian students, A. Raethel and Karl Bailey
Religious Deep Structures—Understanding and Reaching Secular People, Bojan Godina
Religious information processing bias: A flicker design, J. Habenicht and Karl Bailey
Religious Orders of the Catholic Reformation: In Honor of John C. Olin on his Seventy-Fifth Birthday [review] / edited by Richard L. DeMolen., Kenneth A. Strand
Religious Orientation and Ethnic Identity as Predictors of Religious Coping Among Bereaved Individuals, Luis G. Cruz-Ortega, Daniel Gutierrez, and Dennis Waite
Religious Outsiders and the Making of Americans [review] / R. Laurence Moore., George R. Knight
Religious Schism as a Prelude to the American Civil War: Methodists, Baptists, and Slavery, Allen Carden
Renaissance Kids 2015, Christa McConnell
Renaissance Kids 2015: Registration open for popular summer architecture event
Renaissance Kids 2016 Builds Stage Sets, Austin Ho
Renaissance Kids 2016 Builds Stage Sets: Unique spin on summer day camp gives kids intro to architecture, Becky St. Clair
Renewing the Center: Evangelical Theology in a Post-Theological Era [review] / Stanley J. Grenz., Russell L. Staples
Renumeration of Church Employees: Undeserved Grace or Deserved Earning?, Jerry Chi and Grace Chi
Renumeration of Church Employees: Undeserved Grace or Deserved Earning?, Jerry Chi
Re-opening the Katapetasma ("Veil") in Hebrews 6:19, Roy E. Gane
Reported Miracles: A Critique of Hume [review] / J. Houston., Martin Frederick Hanna
Repositioning Adventist Publishing Work in Southwest Nigerian City for Youth Appeal, Samuel Okere Ph.D and Chibuzor Onyema
Representing the Government of God: Christ as the Hilasterion in Romans 3:25, Valentin Zywietz
Requiem: a Lament in Three Movements [review] / Thomas C. Oden., Russell L. Staples
Required Biochem Class Live-Streamed this Summer, Heidi Ramirez
Required Biochem Class Live-Streamed this Summer: Collaboration with Union College makes required credits easier to obtain, Chris McLean-Wheeler
Research and Creative Scholarship, Andrews University
Research and Other Collaborative Projects Online, Janine Lim and Felix H. Cortez
Research and Other Collaborative Projects Online (repeat), Janine Lim and Felix H. Cortez
Research as a New Challenge for the Latin America Private University, Gustavo Gregorutti and Claudio Rama
Resisting the Influence of the Imeyomwana Heresy in the Nyangweta District, Lenard B. Aencha
Resolving Everyday Conflict [review] / Sande, Ken and Kevin Johnson, Natal Gardino
Resolving Everyday Conflict [review] / Sande, Ken and Kevin Johnson, Fenades Obinchu and Stanley E. Patterson
Resources for Recovery, Hyveth Williams
Responding Biblically and Missiologically to the Threat of Religious Syncretism, Boubakar Sanou
Responding to Relativism, Humanism, and Religious Pluralism in the Secular University, Ed Christian
Responding to Social Needs Using an Investment Approach [interview with Herta von Stiegel], Shirley Freed
Responses, Darrel Falk and Todd Wood
Response to Review Articles of FLAME OF YAHWEH, Richard M. Davidson
Response to Ron du Preez’ paper “Hebrew Literary Structures in Ellen White’s Writings", Richard M. Davidson
Responsible Faith: Christian Theology in the Light of 20th-Century Questions [review] / Hans Schwarz., Hans K. LaRondelle
Restoring the Faith: the Assemblies of God, Pentecostalism, and American Culture [review] / Edith L. Blumhofer., George R. Knight
Resurrection and the Message of Easter [review] / Léon-Dufour, Xavier., Raoul Dederen
Resurrection, Rebirth, and the Human Being in 1 and 2 Peter, Thomas Shepherd
Re: The Millennium Issue, Nancy Jean Vyhmeister
Rethinking Genesis: The Sources and Authorship of the First Book of the Pentateuch [review] / Duane A. Garrett., Miary Andriamiarisoa
Rethinking The Augustinian Foundation of The Theology-And-Science Dialogue, Karen K. Abrahamson
Revelation 13 and the Papacy, Jon Paulien
Revelation 1-5 [review] / David Aune., Jon Paulien
Revelation 17-22 [review] / David Aune., Jon Paulien
Revelation 4 and 5: Judgment or Inauguration?, Norman R. Gulley
Revelation 5 and 19 as Literary Reciprocals, William H. Shea
Revelation 6-16 [review] / David Aune., Jon Paulien
Revelation 6:9-11 an Exegesis of the Fifth Seal in the Light of the Problem of the Eschatological Delay, Patrice Allet
Revelation 9:15 and the Limits of Greek Syntax, Tarsee Li
Revelation and History, Jack W. Provonsha
Revelation and Inspiration: Method for a New Approach, Fernando L. Canale
Revelation and inspiration : The classical model, Fernando Canale
Revelation and Inspiration: The Classical Model, Fernando L. Canale
Revelation and Inspiration: The Ground for a New Approach, Fernando L. Canale
Revelation and Inspiration: The Historical-Cognitive Model, Fernando L. Canale
Revelation and Inspiration: The Liberal Model, Fernando L. Canale
Revelation/Inspiration, Church, and Culture, Jack J. Blanco
Revelation-Inspiration Model of a Relational God, Norman R. Gulley
Revelation of Jesus Christ: Commentary on the Book of Revelation [review] / Ranko Stefanovic, Edwin E. Reynolds
Revelation [review] / Grant R. Osborne., Ranko Stefanovic
Revelation's Throne Scenes, Norman R. Gulley
Revelation: Vision of a Just World [review] / Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza., Jon Paulien
Review Article, II: RICHARD M. DAVIDSON’S FLAME OF YAHWEH: A Theology of Sexuality in the Old Testament, Andre Claris Lombart
Review Article, I: RICHARD M. DAVIDSON’S FLAME OF YAHWEH: A Theology of Sexuality in the Old Testament, David Instone-Brewer
Review Article of Adela Collins's Mark, Hermenian Commentary, Thomas Shepherd
Review Article of Mark as Story: Retrospect and Prospect, by Kelly R. Iverson and Christopher W. Skinner, Thomas Shepherd
Review article: Pensar la iglesia hoy [review] / Gerald A. Klingbeil, Martin G. Klingbeil, Miguel Ángel Núñez, editors., Felix H. Cortez
Review of A Passion for Truth: The Intellectual Coherence of Evangelicalism by Alister McGrath., Denis Fortin
Review of Benjamin A. Foreman, Animal Metaphors and the People of Israel., A. Rahel Schafer
Review of BibleWorks 9, Thomas Shepherd
Review of Children's Rights 0-8: Promoting Participation in Education and Care by M. Kanyal, Lori Imasiku
Review of Daniel M. MasterThe Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Archaeology, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Review of Ellen Harmon White: American Prophet, by Terrie Dopp Aamodt, Gary Land, and Ronald L. Numbers, eds., Denis Fortin
Review of God Has Spoken: A History of Christian Theology by Gerald Bray, Denis Fortin
Review of Gregory A. Boyd, Benefit of the Doubt: Breaking the Idol of Certainty, Martin Hanna
Review of Heinz-Josef Fabry and Ulrich Dahmen (eds.), Theologisches Wörterbuch zu den Qumrantexten. Band II, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Review of John H. Walton's Genesis 1 as Ancient Cosmology, Jacques B. Doukhan
Review of Karl Jaroš, Zeugen auf Stein und Ton: Inschriften des Heiligen Landes und seiner Nachbarregionen aus vier Jahrtausenden. Ruhpolding and Mainz: Rutzen, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Review of Magnificent Disappointment: What Really Happened in 1844 and its Meaning for Today, by C. Mervyn Maxwell., P. Gerard Damsteegt
Review of Max Kunze, Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem: Führer durch die Sammlungen, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Review of Steven L. McKenzie (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Biblical Interpretation, 2 vols, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Review of The Characterization of Jesus in the Book of Hebrews. Review of Biblical Literature by Brian C. Small, Felix H. Cortez
Review of Thomas Richter and Sarah Lange, Das Archiv des Idadda: Die Keilschrifttexte aus den deutsch-syrischen Ausgrabungen 2001–2003 im Königspalast von Qaṭna, Qaṭna Studies 3, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Re-visioning Adventist mission in Europe, Erich Baumgartner
Revisioning Mission in Postchristendom: Story, Hospitality and New Humanity, David Boshart
Revisiting Genesis 5 and 11: A Closer Look at the Chronogenealogies, Bernard White
Revisiting the Sabbath in the Book of Revelation, Jon Paulien
Revitalization of the Christian Leader: A Model for Building Learning Environments Conducive to Personal Change [Dissertation Notice], Randyl David Brown
Reviving the Ancient Faith: The Story of Churches of Christ in America [review] / Richard T. Hughes., Gary Land
Revolt Against Heaven [review] / Hamilton, Kenneth, Walter Siemsen
Rewarding knowledge worker productivity: Beyond the corner office, Jay Brand
Rewriting Scripture in Second Temple Times [review] / Sidnie White Crawford, Teresa L. Reeve
Rhetoric, Law, and the Mystery of Salvation in Romans 7:1-6 [review] / Keith Augustus Burton., Stephen Westerholm
Richard Baxter and the Healing of the Nation, Walter B.T. Douglas
Richard Rice, Andrews University
Righteousness and Wickedness in Ecclesiastes 7:15-18, Wayne A. Brindle
Right in our own backyard: The role of volunteering on church attendance and retention among Seventh-day Adventist faculty and staff, J. Gavin, W. Ellis, and Curtis VanderWaal
Riots as a Measure of Religious Conflict in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century England, Donald McAdams
Riots as a Measure of Religious Conflict in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century England Part 2, Donald McAdams
Risk and Protective Factors in Students Use of Alcohol and Engaging in Sexual Activity., Alina Baltazar, Gary Hopkins, Curt VanderWaal, and Duane McBride
Rita Nakashima Brock, Rebecca Ann Parker, and Governmental Atonement Theology, Andrew John Blosser
Rite From the Very Beginnning: Rites of Passage in Luke 1–4 and Their Function in The Narrative of Luke-Acts, Teresa L. Reeve
Ritual Dynamic Structure, Roy Gane
Robot Installed at Engineering & Computer Science, Brian Tagalog
Robot Installed at Engineering & Computer Science: Vickers Engineering donates functioning robot for labs, Chris McLean-Wheeler
Role of clergy, churches and communities in collaborative recovery and relapse prevention, Curtis VanderWaal
Roman Catholics and Evangelicals: Agreements and Differences [review] / Norman L. Geisler and Ralph E. MacKenzie., Denis Fortin
Romans 14:5-6 in its Social Setting, Norman H. Young
Romans: A New Translation With Introduction and Commentary [review] / Joseph A. Fitzmyer., Roberto Badenas
Romans [review] / edited by Gerald Bray., Chris A. Miller
Romans [review] / James D.G. Dunn., William E. Richardson
Romans [review] / James Montgomery Boice., Bertram L. Melbourne
Romans [review] / James R. Edwards; New Testament editor, W. Ward Gasque., Sakae Kubo
Romans [review] / Robert H. Mounce., Roberto Badenas
Romans [review] / Thomas R. Schreiner., P. Richard Choi
Rome and Canterbury through Four Centuries [review] / Pawley, Bernard C., Raoul Dederen
Rome and Christianity Until A.D. 62, Samuele Bacchiocchi
Roy Adams, Andrews University
Royal Cities of the Old Testament [review] / Kenyon, Kathleen., Siegfried H. Horn
Russell Standish, Andrews University
Rwandan Commemoration of 1994 Genocide, Darren K. Heslop
Rwandan Commemoration of 1994 Genocide: Annual Michiana area event held at Andrews this year, Marcus Larivaux
Sabbatarian Anabaptists of the Sixteenth Century: Part 2, Gerhard F. Hasel
Sabbatarian Anabaptists of the Sixteenth Century: Part I, Gerhard F. Hasel
Sabbatarianism in the Sixteenth Century: A Page in History of the Radical Reformation [review] / Daniel Liechty., Kenneth A. Strand
Sabbath and Covenant in the Epistle of Barnabas, Aecio E. Cairus
Sabbath and Sanctification, Roy E. Gane
Sabbath and Sunday in Early Christianity [review] / Odom, Robert L., Kenneth A. Strand
Sabbath and the New Covenant, Roy Gane
"Sabbath Is a Happy Day!" What Does Isaiah 58:13-14 Mean?, Ed Christian
Sabbath Observance from Coptic Sources, Wilson B. Bishai
Sabbaton in Col 2:16, Paul Giem
“¿Sabías que …?”, Felix Cortez
Sacramental Theology and Ecclesiastical Authority, Darius Jankiewicz
Sacred Games: A History of Christian Worship [review] / Bernhard Lang., Lilianne Douhkan
Sacrifice and Atonement, Roy Gane
Sacrifice/Offerings, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Saints and Sinners: A History of the Popes [review] / Eamon Duffy., Darius Jankiewicz
Salt and Light in the Workplace, Jerry Chi
Salvation in Buddhism, Rudi Maier
Salvation in History [review] / Cullmann, Oscar., Edward W. H. Vick
Salvation in the Dirt, David Morgan
Samson: A Secret Betrayed, A Vow Ignored [review] / James L. Crenshaw., A. Josef Greig
Sanctifying God Before the People, Don Livesay
Sanctuary: Cosmos, Covenant, and Creation, Elias Brasil de Souza
Sanctuary Principles for the Successful Church Community, Roy E. Gane
Sanctuary Theology in the Book of Exodus, Angel Manuel Rodriguez
Sarah Stelfox, Sarah Stelfox
Sarah Stelfox, Andrews University
Sargon's Azekah Inscription: The Earliest Extrabiblical Reference to the Sabbath?, William H. Shea
Saved by Grace and Living by Race: The Religion Called Racism, Samuel Koranteng-Pipim
“¿Saves vous …?”, Felix Cortez
Saving God’s Reputation: The Theological Function of Pistis Iesou in the Cosmic Narratives of Revelation [review] / Sigve K. Tonstad, Edwin E. Reynolds
Saving Lives Through Education, Chet Dalski
SBA Forms New Partnerships in Taiwan and China, Andrews University
SBA Forms New Partnerships in Taiwan and China: Students to complete masters degrees on Berrien Springs campus, Becky St. Clair and Danni Francis
Schedules for Deities: Macrostructure of Israelite, Babylonian, and Hittite Sancta Purification Days, Roy E. Gane
Schematized or Non-Schematized: The Genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11, Bernard White
Schismatics, Sectarians, Dissidents, Deviants: The First One Hundred Years of Jewish-Christian Relations [review] / Jack T. Sanders., James E. Miller
Scholar's Library Silver Edition (QB) CD/DVD-Rom [review] / Logos Bible Software Series X., Philana Crouch
School of Education Receives Distinctions: Three honors awarded, Jenna Neil
School Profile: Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine, Lawrence Onsager
Science and design: A physicist’s perspective, Gary Burdick
Science and Theology: Focusing the Complementary Lights of Jesus, Scripture and Nature, Martin F. Hanna
Science Has Been Hijacked (Work Station Two), Gary B. Swanson
Science, Life, and Christian Belief: A Survey of Contemporary Issues [review] / Malcolm A. Jeeves and R.J. Berry., Clyde L. Webster Jr.
Scripture Faces Current Issues, P. Gerard Damsteegt
Scripture Index to the New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology, and Index to Selected Extrabiblical Literature [review] / David Townsley and Russell Bjork., Robert Morris Johnston
Scripture in Memory: Jesus as a Model for Spiritual Formation, Robert H. Banks
Scripture, Tradition, and Infallibility [review] / Beegle, Dewey M., Larry A. Mitchel
SDA Organizational Structure: Past, Present and Future [review] / by Barry David Oliver., Jerry Moon
Searches for Continuous Gravitational Waves from Nine Young Supernova Remnants, Tiffany Summerscales and LIGO Collaboration
Searches for gravitational waves associated with pulsar glitches using a coherent network algorithm, K Hayama, S Desai, S Mohanty, M Rakhmanov, Tiffany Summerscales, and S Yoshida
Search for gravitational-wave bursts associated with Gamma-ray Bursts using data from LIGO Science Run 5 and Virgo Science Run 1, Tiffany Summerscales, , and
Search for gravitational waves from binary black hole inspiral, merger and ringdown in LIGO-Virgo Data from 2009-2010, Tiffany Summerscales and J. Aasi
Search for long-lived gravitational-wave transients coincident with long gamma-ray bursts, Tiffany Summerscales and J. Aasi
Searching for Heaven in the Real World: A Sociological Discussion of Conversion in the Arab World [review] / Kraft, Kathryn Ann, Bruce Campbell Moyer
Searching for Stochastic Ravitational Waves Using Data from the Two Colocated LIGO Hanford Detectors, Tiffany Summerscales and LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration
Second Millennium BC Cuneiform from the Southern Levant and the Literature of the Pentateuch, Richard Hess
Second Sunday Concert - Carla Trynchuk and Chi Yong Yun, Department of Music
Second Sunday Concert - Carla Trynchuk and Chi Yong Yun, Department of Music
Secrets of Daniel: Wisdom and Dreams of a Jewish Prince in Exile [review] / Jacques B. Doukhan., Zdravko Stefanovic
Secrets of Revelation: The Apocalypse Through Hebrew Eyes [review] / Jacques B. Doukhan., Ranko Stefanovic
Secular Adventism?: Exploring the link between Lifestyle and Salvation, Fernando Canale
Sedentarization and Nomadization: Food System Cycles at Hesban and Vicinity in Transjordan [review] / by Øystein Sakala LaBianca; assistant editors, Lorita E. Hubbard, Leona G. Running., Gerald L. Mattingly
Seeing God With or Without the Body: Job 19:25-27, Eriks Galenieks
Seeing the World Through Postmodern Eyes, Larry L. Lichtenwalter
Seeker After Light: A.F. Ballenger, Adventism, and American Christianity [review] / Calvin W. Edwards & Gary Land., Theodore N. Levterov
Seeking a Sanctuary: Seventh-day Adventism and the American Dream [review] / Malcolm Bull and Keith Lockhart., Brian E. Strayer
Seeking the Shalom: Wholistic Adventist Urban Mission and Centers of Influence, Gary Krause
Seek Knowledge & Affirm Faith: Conflicting World Views?, Jay Brand
"See that you do not refuse the one who is speaking": Hearing God Preach and Obedience in the Letter to the Hebrews, Felix H. Cortez
Selected issues in prophetic guidance : an anthology of recently published articles and other materials, P. Gerard Damsteegt
Selected lexical and grammatical studies in Genesis 1 / David M. Fouts., David M. Fouts
Selected Studies on Prophetic Interpretation [review] / by William H. Shea., Richard M. Davidson
SelectedWorks Bookmark-Andrews University, Sarah Kimakwa
Selection of music for inducing relaxation and alleviating pain: Literature review, Grace Chi
Self-Autonomy, Hong Kong, the East Pearl, Lost Her Brightness, Jerry Chi
Self-efficacy, Locus of Control, Perceived Stress and Student Satisfaction as Correlates of Dissertation Completion, Gabriela A. Dumitrescu
Selfish? Greedy? Aggressive? Ethics in Price Bargaining, Jerry Chi
Semantic Values of Derivatives of the Hebrew Root S'R, Gerhard F. Hasel
Seminars for Professional Improvement: A Pilot Project in Continuing Education for Ministers, Ernest Johnson Stevenson
Seminary Education and Ecclesiology, Werner Vyhmeister
Seminary on Homosexuality & Pastoral Care, Darren K. Heslop
Seminary on Homosexuality & Pastoral Care: Position paper released on homosexuality, Becky St. Clair
Semitic Influence in Revelation: Some Further Evidence, Kenneth G.C. Newport
S'en aller et etre avec Christ: Philippiens 1:23, Enrique Treiyer
Senior Faculty Advising Workshop: Helping Students Explore Careers, Dana Hebreard and Julie E. Yonker
Senior Piano Recital - Jonathan Doram, Department of Music
Senior Recital David Ortiz 2016, David Ortiz
Senior Recital David Ortiz 2016, Department of Music
Senior Recital Krystal Uzuegbu 2016, Krystal Uzuegbu
Senior Recital Krystal Uzuegbu 2016, Krystal Uzuegbu
Senior Recital Sarrah Dominique 2016, Sarrah Dominique
Senior Recital Sarrah Dominique 2016, Sarrah Dominique
Senior Violin Recital Daniela Perez 2016, Department of Music
Senior Violin Recital Wan Hay Leung 2016, Department of Music
Senior Voice Recital Jonathan Dominique 2016, Department of Music
Sennacherib's Description of Lachish and of its Conquest, William H. Shea
Servant Leadership and Transformational Leadership in Church Organizations [Dissertation Notice], N. F. Scuderi
Servant Leadership and Transformational Leadership in Church Organizations [Dissertation Notice], Noelle F. Scuderi
Servant Theology: A Commentary on the Book of Isaiah 40-55 [review] / George A. F. Knight., Niels-Erik Andreasen
Serving God and Obeying Parents, Jerry Chi
Serving His Servants, Skip Bell
Serving the Word: Literalism in America from the Pulpit to the Bench [review] / Vincent Crapanzano., James E. Miller
Setting Apart for the Ministry: Theory and Practice in Seventh-day Adventism (1850-1920), Denis Kaiser
Setting Apart for the Ministry: Theory and Practice in Seventh-Day Adventism (1850-1920), Denis Kaiser
Seventh-Day Adventism in Crisis: Gender and Sectarian Change in an Emerging Religion [review] / Laura L. Vance., Brian E. Strayer
Seventh-day Adventism in the US: Committed to Higher Education, John Matthews
Seventh-day Adventist Attitudes Toward Roman Catholicism, 1844-1965 [review] / Reinder Bruinsma., Brian E. Strayer
Seventh-day Adventist hymnody, Linda Mack
Seventh-day Adventist Perspective on Eschatology and Mission, Denis Fortin
Seventh-day Adventist Planning Research: A Survey of Church Members, Including a Special Supplemental Survey of Columbia Union Members, Eliot Daley and Mitchell Seltzer
Seventh-day Adventist Portion: Faith Communitites Today (FACT) Survey, 2000, Roger Dudley
Seventh-Day Adventists and the Civil Rights Movement [review] / Samuel G. London Jr., Trevor O'Reggio
Seventh-day Adventists Believe...: A Biblical Exposition of 27 Fundamental Doctrines, P. Gerard Damsteegt
Seventh-day Adventist, Semi-Pelagiansim, and Overlooked Topics in Adventist Soteriology: Moving Beyond Missing Links and Toward a More Explicit Understanding, George R. Knight
Seventh-day Adventists in Latin America: Their Beginnings; Their Growth: Their Challenges, Juan Carlos Viera
Seventh-Sixth Century B.C. Pottery from Area B at Heshbon, Edward N. Lugenbeal and James A. Sauer
Sex, Drugs and Alcohol: What Adventist College Students Say about the Role of Parents and Religion, Alina M. Baltazar, Duane C. McBride, Curtis J. VanderWaal, and Kathryn Conopio
Sex, substance use, and religious behaviors on a conservative Christian campus, M. VanderWaal, Duane McBride, H. Helm, and Curtis VanderWaal
Sexual Education in the Classroom, Alayna M. Rishaug
Shakespeare and the Cultural Olympiad: Contesting Gender and the British Nation in the BBC’s "Hollow Crown", L Monique Pittman
Shall the Church Ordain Women as Pastors ? 1 Thoughts t oward an Integrated NT Perspective, Teresa Reeve
Shame and Honor: Presenting Biblical Themes in Shame and Honor Contexts, Bruce Bauer
Shapers of Religious Traditions in Germany, Switzerland, and Poland, 1560-1600 [review] / edited with an introd. by Jill Raitt., Daniel A. Augsburger
Shapes of Ministry in the New Testament, P. Gerard Damsteegt
Sharing Jesus with Buddhists, Scott Griswold
Sharing Resources: CIRCLE Links Adventist Educators Anytime, Anywhere, Glynis Bradfield and Randy J. Siebold
Sharyl Cubero, Andrews University
Shepherd Leadership of Church of God Pastors and How This Relates to Ministerial Effectiveness [Dissertation Notice], Anthony Wayne Adams
Sheryl Cubero, Sheryl Cubero
Shifting the Focus of Educational Practice in Early Childhood Education, Cindy Kotanko
Shifting the Stress Curve: Using "Stress Inoculation" and Exercise to Promote Resilience, Mikyung Kim
Should a Christian Leader Always Wait on God to Act?, Throstur Thordarson
Should Adventists Care About Protecting Traditional Marriage, Nicholas Miller
Should Dialoguing with Demons Be Used as an Approach to Setting People Free from Evil Spirits?, Bruce Bauer
Should Dialoguing with Demons Be Used as an Approach to Setting People Free from Evil Spirits?, Bruce L. Bauer
Should Taiwanese Government Prohibit Licensure of Prostitution, Jerry Chi
Should Women Be Ordained?, P. Gerard Damsteegt
Should Women Be Ordained as Pastors? New Testament Considerations, Teresa Reeve
Should Women Be Ordained as Pastors? Old Testament Considerations, Richard M. Davidson
Should Women be Ordained as Pastors? Old Testament Considerations, Richard M. Davidson
Showcase Recital, Department of Music
Showing the Spirit: A Theological Exposition of 1 Corinthians 12-14 [review] / D.A. Carson., William E. Richardson
Sichem: Eine Archäologische und Religionsgeschichtliche Studie mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung von Jos 24 [review] / Jaroš, Karl., Siegfried H. Horn
Siegfried H. Horn: 1908-1993: A Tribute, Nancy Jean Vyhmeister
Similarites and Differences Between The Old Testament and The Ancient Near Eastern Texts, Roberto Ouro
Simon Peter in Scripture and Memory: The New Testament Apostle in the Early Church [review] / Bockmuehl, Markus, Denis Fortin
Simulation of two-photon absorption spectra of Eu2+:CaF2 by direct calculation, Gary Burdick, A. Burdick, V. Deev, Chang-Kui Duan, and M. Reid
Sing a New Song!: Worship Renewal for Adventists Today [review]/ C. Raymond Holmes; foreword by Noval F. Pease., C. Warren Becker
Singing the Song of Moses and the Lamb: John's Dialogical Use of Scripture, Steve Moyise
Siparia Mai: An Illustration of the Tangibility Factor in Faith by Hindus in Trinidad, Chanchal Gayen
Sixty-Six or Eighty-One? Did Ellen White Recommend the Apocrypha?, Denis Fortin
Slavery, Trevor O'Reggio
Slavery, Prophecy, and the American Nation as Seen by the Adventist Pioneers, 1854-1865, Trevor O'Reggio
Slaves, Women & Homosexuals: Exploring the Hermeneutics of Cultural Analysis [review] / William J. Webb., James E. Miller
Sleep Deprivation and Team Performance, JACL Editors
Slow to understand: the disciples in synoptic perspective [review] / Bertram L. Melbourne., Ernest J. Bursey
Small Business Expo & Mirasol Quartet at Howard, Andrews University
Small Business Expo & Mirasol Quartet at Howard: Local businesses and award-winning musicians, Patricia M. Spangler
Small Business Showcase & Lake Effect Jazz Big Band, Andrews University
Small Groups as a Model for Urban Churches, Don James
Small Schools: How Effective Are the Academics?, Jerome Thayer, Martha Havens, and Elissa Kido
Smooth Positive Solutions to an Elliptic Model with C2 Functions, Joon Hyuk Kang
Smurfing in Small Toxic Meth Labs: Impact of State Methamphetamine Precursor Policies, C. VanderWaal, R. Young, Duane McBride, J. Chriqui, and Y. Terry-McElrath
Smurfing in Small Toxic Meth Labs: Impact of State Methamphetamine Precursor Policies, Curtis VanderWaal
Social anxiety in 9-11 year olds, J. Montagano, R. Bailey, and Karl Bailey
Social Dynamics and Occultic Practices, Boubakar Sanou
Social Justice and the Christian Church [review] / Ronald H. Nash., Daniel A. Augsburger
Social Location and Its Impact on Hermeneutics, Bruce L. Bauer
Social services in Seventh-day Adventist congregations: Integrating the Unruh and Sider framework, D. Royo, T. Elliott, K. Nelson, and Curtis VanderWaal
Social Work Practice in Community Mental Health Centers, Sherry M. Cummings, Kimberly M. Cassie, and Shannon Trecartin
Social Work Ranks 11 out of 150 Programs in U.S., Brian Tagalog
Social Work Ranks 11 out of 150 Programs in U.S.: Program receives top marks from Social Work Degree Guide, Danni Francis
Society and Politics in the Acts of the Apostles [review] / Richard J. Cassidy., Angel Hernandez
Society and Religion in Elizabethan England [review] / Richard L. Greaves., Cedric Ward
Sodom and Gomorrah from an Eschatological Perspective, Eriks Galenieks
Sola Scriptura and Hermeneutics: Toward a Critical Assessment of the Methodological Ground of the Protestant Reformation, Fernando Canale
Sola Scriptura, Inerrantist Fundamentalism, and the Wesleyan Quadrilateral: Is "No Creed but the Bible" a Workable Solution?, Woodrow W. Whidden II.
Sola Scriptura: Reductio ad absurdum?, John Peckham
Sola Scripture and Hermeneutics: Toward a Critical Assessment of the Methodological Ground of the Protestant Reformation, Fernando L. Canale
Sōma in Biblical Theology: With Emphasis on Pauline Anthropology [review] / Robert H. Gundry., Atillo Rene Dupertuis
So Many Versions?: Twentieth Century English Versions of the Bible [review] / Kubo, Sakae and Specht, Walter., D. Malcolm Maxwell
So Many Versions?: Twentieth-Century English Versions of the Bible [review] / Sakae Kubo & Walter F. Specht., Kenneth A. Strand
Some Attempted Alternatives to Timeless Biblical Condemnation of Homosexual Acts, Roy Gane
Some Basic Hermeneutic Principles Established By Christ for the Exegetes of All Centuries, Merling Alomia
Some Formative Aspects in the Development of Gerhard Von Rad's Idea of History, A. Josef Greig
Some Further Examples of Anti-Judaic Bias in the Western Text of the Gospel of Luke, George E. Rice
Some Greek Words with Hebrew Meanings in the Book of Revelation, Kenneth G.C. Newport
Some Highlights of the Luther Jubilee in Europe, Daniel A. Augsburger
Some Missing Coregencies in Thiele's Chronology, Leslie McFall
Some Modalities of Symbolic Usage in Revelation 18, Kenneth A. Strand
Some Notes on Sabbath Observance in Early Christianity, Robert A. Kraft
Some Notes on the Sabbath Fast in Early Christianity, Kenneth A. Strand
Some Notes on Translating ["He Made the Stars Also"] in Genesis 1:16, Colin L. House
Some Observations on the Assyro-Babylonian and Sumerian Flood Stories, Daniel Hämmerly-Dupuy
Some Reflections on Cullmann's New Edition of "Christ and Time", Earle Hilgert
Some Significant Americana: The Saur German Bibles, Kenneth A. Strand
Song of Songs: Increasing Appreciation of and Restraint in Matters of Love, Michael A. Eschelbach
Songs of Heaven [review] / Robert E. Coleman., Gerhard F. Hasel
Songs of Solitude and Renewal, Andrews University
Son of God to Super Star: Twentieth-Century Interpretations of Jesus [review] / Hayes, John H., Sakae Kubo
"Son of Man" Comes to the Judgment in Daniel 7:13, Loron Wade
Sons of the Fathers: The Civil Religion of the American Revolution [review] / Albanese, Catherine L., Gary Land
Sorcery and Animism in a South Pacific Melanesian Context, Graeme J. Humble
"So," Ruler of Egypt, William H. Shea
Soteriological Specifics in Paul, James, John, and Peter, Dominik Buchner
“Souls Under the Altar”: The ‘Soul’ and Related Anthropological Imagery in John’s Apocalypse, Larry L. Lichtenwalter
Sound Solutions .02, T Smith, Jay Brand, and S Orfield
Source Triacking for Sco X-1, K Hayama, S Desai, S Mohanty, M Rakhmanov, Tiffany Summerscales, and S Yoshida
Sozina Katuli, Sozina Dora Katuli Dr.
Speaking in Tongues: Biblical Speaking in Tongues and Contemporary Glossolalia [review] / Gerhard F. Hasel., Herbert Kiesler
Specialized Disaster Behavioral Health Training: Its Connection with Response, Practice, Trauma Health, and Resilience, Christiana D. Atkins and Harvey J. Burnett Jr
Special Needs Children and Mental Health, Nancy J. Carbonell
Special Screening of "A Place to Grow", Andrews University
Special Screening of "A Place to Grow": Berrien Springs documentary to show again in June, Becky St. Clair
Species of origins: America's search for a creation story [review] / Karl W. Giberson and Donald A. Yerxa., Timothy G. Standish
Specific features of Eu3+ and Tb3+ magnetooptics in gadolinium-gallium garnet (Gd3Ga5O12), Uygun Valiev, John Gruber, Dejun Fu, Vasiliy Pelenovich, Gary Burdick, and Mariya Malysheva
Spectra, energy levels, and symmetry assignments for Stark components of Eu3+(4f6) in gadolinium gallium garnet (Gd3Ga5O12), John Gruber, Uygun Valiev, Gary Burdick, Sharof Rakhimov, Madhab Pokhrel, and Dhiraj Sardar
Spectroscopic analysis of Eu3+ in single-crystal hexagonal phase AlN, John Gruber, Ulrich Vetter, Takashi Taniguchi, Gary Burdick, Hans Hofsass, Sreerenjini Chandra, and Dhiraj Sardar
Spectroscopic and Electronic Structural Studies of Blue Copper Model Complexes. 1. Perturbation of the Thiolate−Cu Bond, David Randall, Serena DeBeer George, Britt Hedman, Keith Hodgson, Kiyoshi Fujisawa, and Edward Solomon
Spectroscopic and Electronic Structural Studies of Blue Copper Model Complexes. 2. Comparison of Three- and Four-Coordinate Cu(II)−Thiolate Complexes and Fungal Laccase, David Randall, Serena DeBeer George, Patrick Holland, Britt Hedman, Keith Hodgson, William Tolman, and Edward Solomon
Spectroscopic and magnetic susceptibility analyses of the 7 FJ and 5 D4 energy levels of Tb3+(4f8 ) in TbAlO3, John Gruber, Kelly Nash, Raylon Yow, Dhiraj Sardar, Uygun Valiev, Abdulla Uzokov, and Gary Burdick
Spectroscopic Characterization of Inhibitor Interactions With the Mn(III)/Mn(IV) Core in Lactobacillus plantarum Manganese Catalase, Timothy Stemmler, Bradley Sturgeon, David Randall, R Britt, and James Penner-Hahn
Spectroscopic Investigation of Stellacyanin Mutants: Axial Ligand Interactions at the Blue Copper Site, Serena DeBeer George, Lipika Basumallick, Robert Szilagyi, David Randall, Michael Hill, Aram Nersissian, Joan Valentine, Britt Hedman, Keith Hodgson, and Edward Solomon
Spiritual Gifts: Using or Misusing?, Skip Bell
Spiritual Landscape: Images of the Spiritual Life in the Gospel of Luke [review] / James L. Resseguie., Teresa L. Reeve
Spiritual Leadership in Schools [interview with L. Roo McKenzie], Janet Ledesma
Spiritual Leadership: Moving People on to God's Agenda (Rev. & Expanded Ed.) [review] / Blackaby, Henry T and Richard Blackaby, Stanley E. Patterson
Spiritual Life in Anabaptism [review] / translated and edited by Cornelius J. Dyck., James E. Miller
Spiritual or Religious Leadership: What Do You Practice? What Should You Practice?, Duane M. Covrig, Janet Ledesma, and Gary Gifford
Sport, fairplay, and children’s concepts of fairness, Duane Covrig
Spring 2015 Deans List Released, Bradley Austin
Spring 2015 Deans List Released: Students with a 3.5+ GPA, Becky St. Clair
Spring 2015 Graduation Weekend Events, Andrews University
Spring 2015 Graduation Weekend Events: A full weekend of celebrations and special speakers
Spring Cello Recital, Department of Music
Spring Concert Wind Symphony, Department of Music
Spring Graduation 2016, Christa McConnell
Spring Graduation 2016: Schedule, speaker bios, honorary doctorates and more, Becky St. Clair
Stability and change in the religious organizational identity of Loma Linda University, Duane Covrig
Stable multiply charged molecular ions, Gary Burdick, J. Appling, and T. Moran
Staff Member Tells Sam Campbell's Story, Becky St. Clair
Staff Member Tells Sam Campbell's Story, Terry Dodge
Stage Presence, Kari Friestad
Statue in the Piazza of Henry Arnaud
Staying Within the Boundaries: Contextualization of Adventism for India, Gordon Christo
Steel Band Concert March 22, Andrews University
Steel Band Concert March 22: Walla Walla University performs with Liam Teague
Stefanie Elkins, Stefanie Elkins
Stephanie's Story, Stephanie Carpenter
Stephanie's Story, Andrews University
Steve Jobs [review] / Isaacson, Walter, Shawn Collins
Steward Leadership: Characteristics of the Steward Leader in Christian Nonprofit Organizations [Dissertation Notice], Kent R. Wilson
Straight-Legged People: Elijah's Message to Revelation's Remnant, Ed Christian
Strategic blueprint: Balancing cost effectiveness with support for corporate change and flexibility, Jay Brand
Strategic facilities planning: Balancing cost-effectiveness with corporate change, Jay Brand
Strategic facilities planning: Balancing cost-effectiveness with support for corporate change, Jay Brand
Strategic Planning in Higher Education, Andrea Luxton
Strategic space planning: The vital FM role in supporting corporate change & growth., Jay Brand
Strategy for Increasing the Participation of Students From a Seventh-day Adventist Background in Spiritual Activities in Kisii University, Richard O. Ayako
Streaming to the Lord, Roy Gane
Street Scene in Torre Pellice, Troy Homenchuk
Street Scene in Torre Pellice (2), Troy Homenchuk
Street View of a Home on a backstreet in Torre Pellice, Troy Homenchuk
Strenuous Commands: The Ethic of Jesus [review] / A.E. Harvey., Herold Weiss
Strings Master Class, Department of Music
Strings Master Class, Department of Music
String Studio Recital, Department of Music
Structural Models for World Mission in the Twenty-First Century: An Adventist Perspective, Gorden R. Doss
Structure and Mission Effectiveness: A Study Focused on Seventh-Day Adventist Mission to Unreached People Groups Between 1980 and 2010, Abraham Guerrero
Structures, energetics and fragmentation pathways of CnH2 2+ carbodications, Gary Burdick, G. Shields, J. Appling, and T. Moran
Student and Parent Evaluative Criteria: Does Gender Make a Difference When Choosking a College?, Jacquelyn Warwick and Phylis Mansfield
Student Club Hosts Health Fair, Andrews University
Student Club Hosts Health Fair: Local elementary school enjoys wellness-focused event, Khayla McDonald
Student Composition Recital, Department of Music
Student Engagement in Real Life Projects, Maximino Alfredo Mejia and Anneris Coria-Navia 7601652
Student Gardens Represent at Conference, Arthur Mulyono
Student Gardens Will Deliver Fresh Produce to Bridge Card Holders' Home, Andrews University
Student Gardens Will Deliver Fresh Produce to Bridge Card Holders' Home: New pilot CSA program seeks to reach food deserts, Melodie Roschman
Student Musician to Open for Take 6, Andrews University
Student Musician to Open for Take 6: Freshman flautist opens for GRAMMY-winning group, Samuel Fry
Student' perception of the usefulness of a professional conference., Karl Bailey and Herb Helm
Student Photographer in Torre Pellice, Troy Homenchuk
Students Clean Up Local Community, Andrews University
Students Clean Up Local Community: Service projects a special focus this year, Danni Francis
Students' "Envision Magazine" Wins 8 Awards, Andrews University
Students' "Envision Magazine" Wins 8 Awards: ACP Pacemaker Award & SAC Best in Class, Chris McLean-Wheeler
Students’ Evaluative Criteria: Does Gender Make a Difference When Selecting a College?, Jacquelyn Warwick and Phylis Mansfield
Student Sketching in the Waldensian Church Garden, Troy Homenchuk
Student Sketching in the Waldensian Church Garden (2), Troy Homenchuk
Student Sketching in the Waldensian Church Yard, Troy Homenchuk
Student Sketching in the Waldensian Synod, Troy Homenchuk
Student Sketching on a Pew in the Waldensian Synod, Troy Homenchuk
Student Sketching on the steps of the Waldensian Church, Troy Homenchuk
Student Sketching Street Scene in Torre Pellice, Troy Homenchuk
Students Score 100th & 99th Percentiles on MCAT, Andrews University
Students Score 100th & 99th Percentiles on MCAT: Honors students well-prepared for testing, Danni Francis
Students Sketching on the steps of the Waldensian Church in Torre Pellice, Troy Homenchuk
Student to teacher transition: First Days of School Experience, Michelle Bacchiocchi
Student Viewing Sketches, Troy Homenchuk
Studien zur Sichem-Area [review] / Karl Jaroš, Brigitte Deckert., Siegfried H. Horn
Studies in Paul's Technique and Theology [review] / Hanson, Anthony T., D. Malcolm Maxwell
Studies in the Period of David and Solomon and Other Essays [review] / edited by Tomoo Ishida., William H. Shea
Studies in the Theory and Method of New Testament Textual Criticism [review] / by Eldon Jay Epp and Gordon D. Fee., Paul Dean Duerksen
Study of Factors Which Influence the Involvement of Baby Boomers in the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Metro-Atlanta, Edward E. Wright
Study of the Line Intensity in the Optical and Magnetooptical Spectra in Polmium-containing Paramagnetic Garnets, Uygun V. Valiev, John B. Gruber, Gary W. Burdick, Vasiliy O. Pelenovich, Dejun Fu, and Davron R. Dzhuraev
Study Tours 2016, Agenda Staff
Study Tours 2016: What We Were Up to This Summer, Becky St. Clair
Suffering and Cessation from Sin According to 1 Peter 4:1, Ivan T. Blazen
Suffering and the Search for Meaning: Contemporary Responses to the Problem of Pain [review] / Rice, Richard, Iriann Irizarry
Suffering Many Things, Samuel Koranteng-Pipim
Suffering, Salvation, and the Sovereignty of God: Towards a Theology of Suffering, Kelvin Okey Onongha
Summer Graduation 2015, Andrews University
Sunday Easter and Quartodecimanism in the Early Christian Church, Kenneth A. Strand
Sunday in the Pre-Reformation Disputations in French Switzerland, Daniel A. Augsburger
Sunday Music Series...SMSO Virtuoso Concert, Andrews University
Sunday Music Series...SMSO Virtuoso Concert: Southwest Michigan Symphony Orchestra at the Howard Center, Danni Francis
Sunday School: The Formation of an American Institution, 1790-1880 [review] / Anne M. Boylan., George R. Knight
Supercharged cations of benzene, J Appling, Gary Burdick, M Hayward, L Abbey, and Thomas Moran
Supplementary Evidence in Support of 457 B.C. as the Starting Date for the 2300 Day-Years of Daniel 8:14, William H. Shea
Supporting Education, Research, and Training in the 21st Century, Glynis M. Bradfield, Adam Fenner, and Petr Činčala
Surprised by Joy: What Seniors Teach us about the Meaning of Leadership, Rhonda Louise Whitney
Survey of Osteopathic Medical School Libraries, Craig Elam, Lawrence Onsager, and S. Eckart
Survival andTime, David A. Spieler
Survivor [review] / by Joyce Rochat., Lawrence T. Geraty
Susannah - A Two Act Opera, Department of Music
Susannah: A Two Act Opera by Carlisle Floyd, Charles Reid
Sustainable Environmental Business Strategy, Jacquelyn Warwick
Swimming, Andrews University
Symphony Orchestra Concert, Andrews University
Symphony Orchestra Concert: Andrews Ensemble Directed by Meriel Lora
Symphony Orchestra Fall Concert, Claudio Gonzalez
Symphony Orchestra Presents Fall Concert Saturday, Andrews University
Symphony Orchestra Presents Fall Concert Saturday: Bloch, Copland, Chavez and more, Becky St. Clair
Symphony Orchestra Spring Concert: Performing Mendelssohn's "Lobgesang" with Singers and Chorale
Syncretism, Erich Baumgartner
Syncretism in the Cult to Ishtar, Michael Orellana
Syntax of New Testament Greek [review] / James A. Brooks and Carlton L. Winbery., Sakae Kubo
Synthesis, Isolation, and Characterization of Potentially Carcinogenic Arginine-Based Heterocyclic Amines, Zachary Reichert
Syriac Variants of Isaiah 26, Leona Glidden Running
Systematic Theology: A Historicist Perspective [review] / Kaufman, Gordon D., Edward W. H. Vick
Systematic Theology: Prolegomena [review] / Norman R. Gulley., James A. Borland
Systematic Theology: Prolegomena [review] / Norman R. Gulley., Russell L. Staples
Systematic Theology. Vol1 [review] / Wolfhart Pannenberg; translated by Geoffrey W. Bromile., Fernando L. Canale
Systematic Theology. Vol.3: Witness [review] / by James Wm. McClendon, Jr. with Nancey Murphy., Charles Scriven
System of evaluating work characteristics and providing worskpace design suggestions, Gabor Nagy, Jay L. Brand, David A. Fik, Sally J. Augustin, Haijie Ding, David S. Meyer, and Rick A. Perkins
"Ta Hagia" in the Epistle to the Hebrews, A. P. Salom
Take and Read: Spiritual Reading: An Annotated List [review] / Eugene H. Peterson., Delcy Kuhlman
Tall al-'Umayri and the Bible, Larry G. Herr
Tall Hisban 2011-2012: The Final Seasons of Phase II, Robert D. Bates, Jeffrey P. Hudon, and Oystein LaBianca
Tall Jalul Excavations/Madaba Plains Project (MPP)., R Younker, Constance Gane, and R al Shqour
Taming 10 Things I Hate About You: Shakespeare and the Teenage Film Audience, L Monique Pittman
Targum Neofiti 1, Genesis [review] / translated, with apparatus and notes by Martin McNamara., James E. Miller
Targum Pseudo-Jonathan, Genesis [review] / translated, with introduction and notes by Michael Maher., James E. Miller
Taste and See, Philip G. Samaan
Tausug, Bruce Bauer
Taxation and Investment, Jerry Chi
Teachers' Cultural Competence and Students' Perception of the Social Classroom Climate in Culturally Different Middle School Classrooms, Olivia L. R. Spence
Teaching and Learning about "the other" in immigration, Marcella Myers
Teaching and Learning about the Other in Immigration (Chapter 2). In The Other People: Interdisciplinary Perspective on Migration, Oystein LaBianca and Marcella Myers
Teaching Critical Thinking to Combat Political Spin and Sloppy Research, Curtis VanderWaal and D. Royo
Teaching Cross-Culturally: An Incarnation Model for Learning and Teaching [review] / Judith E. Lingenfelter and Sherwood G. Lingenfelter., Nancy Jean Vyhmeister
Teaching for Moral Growth: a Guide for the Christian Community Teachers, Parents, and Pastors [review] / Bonnidell Clouse., Winston Ferris
Teaching Preaching as a Christian Practice: A New Approach to Homiletical Pedagogy [review] / Thomas G. Long and Lenora Tubbs, R. Clifford Jones
Teaching standardized test administration using virtual examinees: Rationale, validity, and future directions, Ronald Coffen
Teaching the Faith: An Essential Guide for Building Faith-shaped Kids, Donna Habenicht and Larry Burton
Teenagers Speak to the Church, Janet Leigh Kangas and Roger Dudley
Tell Hesban- In The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Archaeology, Oystein LaBianca and Jeffrey Hudon
Telling the Truth About Truth, Greg A. King
Temperament and sexual orientation, B. Boivin and Karl Bailey
Temple and Sacrifice, Roy Gane
Temporal and environmental effects on the behavior of Flightless Cormorants, James Hayward, Libby Megna, Brianna Payne, Susana Velastegui Chávez, and Shandelle Henson
Temporal and environmental effects on the behavior of Flightless Cormorants, James Hayward, Libby Megna, Brianna Payne, Susan Valastegui Chavez, and Shandelle Henson
Temporal Dynamics of Galapagos Marine Iguna (Amblyhynchus Cristatus) Haulout, Brianna Gale Payne
Ten Commandments for Intelligent Voting, S. Joseph Kidder
Ten Keys for Interpreting the Book of Revelation, Edwin Reynolds
Ten Keys for Interpreting the Book of Revelation, Edwin Reynolds
Ten Students Help Children Who Have Lost Limbs: By running marathon on April 12
Tentmaking in the Twenty-First Century: Theological and Missiological Implications for Contemporary Adventist Missions, Kevin Onongha
Teologia e Missão: A Linguagem Transcultural do Evangelho Integral, Wagner Kuhn
Terminological Patterns and Genesis 38, Wilfred Warning
Terminological Patterns and the Personal Name Yq̀b "Jacob" in the Books of Amos and Micah, Wilfred Warning
Terminological Patterns and the Term Atsom "Strong, Powerful" in the Pentateuch, Wilfried Warning
Term paper on Church growth and church structure: 1901 reorganization in the light of the expanding missionary enterprise of the SDA church, Erich Baumgartner
Term paper on Historical reflections on Seventh-day Adventist foreign missions, Erich Baumgartner
Tertullian and the Sabbath, Kenneth A. Strand
Testing A New Method Of Teaching Homiletics At The Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary: CHMN 505, Micheal Lawrence Goetz
Text, Context and the Johannine Community. A Sociolinguistic Analysis of the Johannine Writings [review] / Lamb, David A., Igor Lorencin
Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible [review] / Emanuel Tov., Bernard A. Taylor
Textual Criticism on the Greek Text of the Catholic Epistles: A Bibliography, W. Larry Richards
Textual Criticism: Recovering the Text of the Hebrew Bible [review] / by P. Kyle McCarter, Jr., Paul J. Ray Jr.
"That Curious Book ‘The Breath of Life’ by George Catlin", Lawrence Onsager
The 5 Levels of Leadership: Proven Steps to Maximize Your Potential [review] / Maxwell, John C., Christiane E. Theiss
The abuse of prescription and over-the-counter drugs., Gary Hopkins, Alina Baltazar, and Duane C. McBride
The Academic Library Partnership with Faculty: The Case of James White Library at Andrews University, Silas Olivera
The Accession of Artaxerxes I, Julia Neuffer
The Acts of the Apostles: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary [review] / Ben Witherington III., Pedrito U. Maynard-Reid
The Acts of the Apostles [review] / Luke Timothy Johnson; Daniel J. Harrington, editor., Nancy Jean Vyhmeister
The Advent Hope in Scripture and History [review] / V. Norskov Olsen, editor., P. Gerard Damsteegt
The Adventist Heritage Center, and a Tribute to its First Curator, Kenneth A. Strand
The Adventist Theologian, the Three Angels’ Messages, and the Unity of the Church, P. Gerard Damsteegt
The Adventist Trinity Debate - Part 1: Historical Overview, Jerry Moon
The Adventist Trinity Debate. Part 1: Historical Overview, Jerry Moon
The Adventist Trinity Debate - Part 2: The Role of Ellen G. White, Jerry Moon
The Adventist Trinity Debate. Part 2: The Role of Ellen G. White, Jerry Moon
The Age of Reform (1250-1550): An Intellectual and Religious History of Late Medieval and Reformation Europe [review] / Steven Ozment., Daniel A. Augsburger
The Ages in Tension [review] / Halvorson, John V., Larry Vandeman
The Aims of Adventist Education: A Historical Perspective, George R. Knight
The Alleged "No" of Amos and Amos' Eschatology, Gerhard F. Hasel
The Altar of Incense in Hebrews 9:3-4, Harold S. Camacho
The American Socio-Political Spider Web and the Rise of Global Christianity, Michael F. Younker
The Ammonite Onomasticon: Semantic Problems, M. O'Connor
The Anchor Bible Dictionary [review] / David Noel Freedman, editor-in-chief; associate editors, Gary A. Herion, David F. Graf, John David Pleins; managing editor, Astrid B. Beck., Paul Dean Duerksen
The Andrews Mirror: A Workshop on Diversity, Carole Woolford-Hunt
The Andrews Mirror: A Workshop on Diversity, Carole Woolford-Hunt
The Andrews Mirror: A Workshop on Diversity, Carole Woolford-Hunt
The Andrews University Madaba Plains Project: A Preliminary Report on the First Season at Tell el-Umeiri (June 18 to August 8, 1984), Lawrence T. Geraty
The Angel and the Beehive: The Mormon Struggle with Assimilation [review] / Armand L. Mauss., George R. Knight
The Angel at the Altar (Revelation 8:3-5): A Case Study on Intercalations in Revelation, Ranko Stefanovic
The Anointing of Aaron: A Study of Leviticus 8:12 in its OT and ANE Context, Gerald A. Klingbeil
The Anthropology of Jean Zurcher: A Catholic Appreciation, Cosmas Rubencamp
The Anti-abortion Movement and the Rise of the Religious Right: From Polite to Fiery Protest [review] / Dallas A. Blanchard., A. Josef Greig
The Anti-Judaic Bias of the Western Text in the Gospel of Luke, George E. Rice
The Apocalypse in Seventh-Day Adventist Interpretation: Three Emphases, Gluder Quispe
The Apocalyptic Tradition in Reformation Britain, 1530-1645 [review] / by Katharine R. Firth., Richard Kenneth Emmerson
The Apostolic Scriptures [review] / Scaer, David P., Sakae Kubo
The Apotelesmatic Principle: Origin and Application, Roberto Ouro
“The Application of Botanic Garden Interpretive Methodology to Archaeological Site Interpretation.”, Stan Beikmann
The Aqedah at the "Crossroad": Its Significance in the Jewish-Christian-Muslim Dialogue, Jacques B. Douhkan
The Aramaic New Testament: Estrangelo Script: Based on the Peshitta and Harklean Versions [review]., Johann E. Erbes
The Aramaic Ostracon from Lachish: A New Reading and Interpretation, Gerald A. Klingbeil
The Archaeology of Ancient Israel [review] / edited by Amnon Ben-Tor; translated by R. Greenberg., Michael G. Hasel
The Archaeology of Early Christianity: A History [review] / William H.C. Frend., Paul L. Maier
The Archaeology of Jordan and Beyond: Essays in Honor of James A. Sauer [review] / ed. by Lawrence E. Stager, Joseph A. Greene, and Michael D. Coogan., Randall W. Younker
The Archaeology of Jordan and Other Studies: Presented to Siegfried H. Horn [review] / edited by Lawrence T. Geraty and Larry G. Herr., J. Bjorner Storfjell
The Archaeology of the Jerusalem Area [review] / W. Harold Mare., Gerald Wheeler
The Archaeology of the Mind: Modern Man in Search of His Roots [review] / E. Randall Binns., Leona Glidden Running
The Architecture of Beneficence: An Account of Nontotalitarian Beauty, Ante Jerončić
The architecture of change: New workplace trends drive office space changes., Jay Brand
The Armenian Gospel of the Infancy with Three Early Versions of the Protoevangelium of James [review] / Terian Abraham, Gregory E. Sterling
The Armenian Version of Daniel [review] / by S. Peter Cowe., James E. Miller
The Art and Implications of Forgiveness in Relationship Management, Jerry Chi
The Art and Implications of Forgiveness in Relationship Management., Jerry Chi and Grace Chi
The Art of Preaching Old Testament Narrative [review] / Steven D. Mathewson., Laurence Turner
The A. T. Still Memorial Library, Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine, Lawrence Onsager and G. Walter
The Audience of Matthew: An Appraisal of the Local Audience Thesis, Cedric E. W. Vine
The Authority of the Bible from the Perspective of Isaiah 55, Ganoune Diop
The Authority of the Bible [review] / Miller, Donald G., Sakae Kubo
The Authority of the Old Testament [review] / Bright, John., Herold Weiss
The Babylonian Chronicle and the Ancient Calendar of the Kingdom of Judah, Siegfried H. Horn
The Background and Meaning of the Image of the Beast in Rev. 13:14, 15, Rebekah Yi Liu
The Battle Against the Sabbath and Its Endtime Importance, Norman R. Gulley
The Battle Between God and Satan in the Book of Job, Gordon Christo
The Battle for Hell [review] / David George Moore., Kenneth Jorgensen
The Battle of Beginnings: Why Neither Side is Winning the Creation-Evolution Debate [review] / Del Ratzsch., Karen G. Jensen
The Battle of Moral Government (Conservatism) and Diversity Society (Liberalism)., Jerry Chi
The Beginning and the End of 'Religion' [review] / Nicholas Lash., Gary Chartier
The Beginnings of a Peace Church: Eschatology, Ethics, and Expedience in Seventh-day Adventist Responses to the Civil War, Douglas Morgan
The Belshazzar of Daniel and the Belshazzar of History, Lester L. Grabbe
The Bible and Literature: A Reader [review] / edited by David Jasper and Stephen Prickett, assisted by Andrew Hass., Ed Christian
The Bible and Pedagogy, Andrea Luxton
The Bible and the Ancient Near East [review] / De Vaux, Roland., Siegfried H. Horn
The Bible and the French Protestant Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, Robert D. Linder
The Bible at Qumran: Text, Shape, and Interpretation [review] / edited by Peter W. Flint with the assistance of Tae Hun Kim., Robert Morris Johnston
The Bible in English Translation: An Essential Guide [review] / Steven M. Sheeley, Robert N. Nash, Jr., Sakae Kubo