Content Posted in 2016
The Bible's Role in Christian Ethics, John C. Brunt and Gerald Winslow
The Biblical Account of Origins, Richard M. Davidson
The Biblical Meaning of History [review] / Schwantes, Siegfried J., Kenneth A. Strand
The Biblical Qumran Scrolls: Transcriptions and Textual Variants, vols. 1-3 [review] / Ulrich, Eugene, Kenneth Bergland
The Biblical Witness of the Character of God in Relation to the Qur'an, Larry L. Lichtenwalter
The Big Four: Secrets to a Thriving Church Family, S. Joseph Kidder
The Bir-Hadad Stele and the Biblical Kings of Aram, Gotthard G.G. Reinhold
The Birth of Christianity: Discovering what Happened in the Years Immediately after the Execution of Jesus [review] / John Dominic Crossan., Robert Kerry McIver
The Birth of John the Baptist and the Gospel to the Gentiles, James E. Miller
The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Modern Christian Thought [review] / edited by Alister McGrath., Frank M. Hasel
The Body in Question: Metaphor and Meaning in the Interpretation of Ephesians 5:21-33 [review] / by Gregory W. Dawes., Keith Augustus Burton
The Book of Acts in its Graeco-Roman Setting [review] / edited by David W.J. Gill and Conrad Gempf., Panayotis Coutsoumpos
The Book of Amos [review] / Hammershaimb, Erling., Zev Garber
The Book of Church Growth: History, Theology, and Principles [review] / Thom S. Rainer., Roland J. Hill
The Book of Daniel and Matters of Language: Evidences Relating to Names, Words, and the Aramaic Language, Gerhard F. Hasel
The Book of Daniel and the "Maccabean Thesis", Arthur J. Ferch
The Book of Daniel: Composition and Reception [review] / edited by John J. Collins and Peter W. Flint; with the assistance of Cameron VanEpps., Martin T. Probstle
The Book of Daniel: Evidences Relating to Persons and Chronology, Gerhard F. Hasel
The Book of Daniel in Light of the Ancient Near Eastern Literary and Materieal Finds: An Archaeological Perspective, Patrick Mazani
The Book of Deuteronomy [review] / Craigie, Peter C., Gerhard F. Hasel
The Book of Genesis.: Chapters 18-50 [review] / Victor P. Hamilton., James E. Miller
The Book of Job [review] / by John E. Hartley., Gordon E. Christo
The Book of Joshua, Part II: Expectations of Archaeology, P. David Merling
The book of Joshua, Part I. Its evaluation by nonevidence / David Merling., P. David Merling
The Book of Revelation: A Commentary on the Greek Text [review] / by G.K. Beale., Jon Paulien
The Book of Revelation: Apocalypse and Empire [review] / Leonard L. Thompson., Kenneth A. Strand
The Book of Revelation: A Review Article on Some Recent Literature, Kenneth A. Strand
The Book of Revelation [review] / Robert H. Mounce., Ekkehardt Mueller
The Books of Haggai and Malachi [review] / by Pieter A. Verhoef., William H. Hessel
The Books of Kings: Sources, Composition, Historiography and Reception [review] / Baruch Halpem and André Lemaire, eds., Matthew J. Adams, assoc. ed., Jeffery P. Hudon
The Books of Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah [review] / by O. Palmer Robertson., Gerhard F. Hasel
The Brethren of the Common Life: a Review Article of R. R. Post's "The Modern Devotion", Kenneth A. Strand
The Bronze Artifacts of Tall Jalul, Jordan, Christine T. Chitwood
The Buddha and the Christ: Looking at Jesus through Buddhist Eyes, Vivian A. Laughlin
The Building Program of Herod the Great [review] / Duane W. Roller., P. David Merling
The Business Case for Leadership Diversity in Health Care [Dissertation Notice], E. D. Dotson
The Calendars of Ebla. Part III. Conclusion, William H. Shea
The Calendars of Ebla. Part II. The New Calendar, William H. Shea
The Calendars of Ebla. Part I. The Old Calendar, William H. Shea
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the World's Ancient Languages [review] / edited by Roger D. Woodard., Martin T. Probstle
The Cambridge History of the Bible. Vol. II: The West From the Fathers to the Reformation [review] / Lampe, G. W. H., ed., Kenneth A. Strand
The Canon and Biblical Authority: A Critical Comparison of Two Models of Canonicity, John Peckham
The Canon Debate [review] / Lee Martin McDonald, James A. Sanders, editors., W. Larry Richards
The Case Against Q: Studies in Markan Priority and the Synoptic Problem [review] / Mark Goodacre., Ross E. Winkle
The Case For the Investigative Judgment: Its Biblical Foundation [review] / Marvin Moore, Richard M. Davidson
The Catholic Epistles in the Greek Lectionary: A Preliminary Investigation, Sakae Kubo
The Celt And The Christ: Another Look at the Letter to the Galatians by Dorothy Minchin-Comm and Hyveth B. Williams, Hyveth Williams
The Center of the Aqedah: A Study of the Literary Structure of Genesis 22:1-19, Jacques B. Doukhan
The Challenge of Leadership Formation, Ron E. M. Clouzet
The Challenge of Leadership Formation, Ron E.M. Clouzet
The Challenge of Postmodernism: An Evangelical Engagement [review] / David S. Dockery, editor., Gary Chartier
The Challenge of Spiritual Individualism (and How to Meet it), Richard Rice
The Challenge of the Bhagavad-Gita: Krishna and the Bhakti-Marga, R. E. Loasby
The Challenges of Emancipatory Theological Education for Churches in the Third World, Nestor C. Rilloma
The Chiastic Structure of Psalm 151, J. Bjornar Storfjell
The Chiastic Structure of Revelation 12:1-15:4: The Great Controversy Vision, William H. Shea and Ed Christian
The Chiastic Structure of the Central Section of the Epistle to the Hebrews, George E. Rice
The Chief and the Church: Reflections from a Business Educator, Annetta M. Gibson
The Chosen People [review] / Allegro, John M., Zev Garber
The Christbook: A Historical/Theological Commentary: Matthew 1-12 [review] / Frederick Dale Bruner., Robert Kerry McIver
The Christian and Time-Keeping in Colossians 2:16 and Galatians 4:10, H. Ross Cole
The Christian Coalition and the End Game, Norman R. Gulley
The Christian Doctrine of God, One Being Three Persons [review] / Thomas F. Torrance., Brad J. Kallenberg
The Christian Educator's Handbook on Adult Education [review] / edited by Kenneth O. Gangel & James C. Wilhoit., Nancy Jean Vyhmeister
The Christian Fathers [review] / Wiles, Maurice, Kenneth A. Strand
The Christian & Rock Music: A Review Essay, Ed Christian
The Christian Theology Reader [review] / edited by Alister E. McGrath., Denis Fortin
The Christian Use of Time [review] / Andreasen, Niels-Erik A., Arthur J. Ferch
The Christian View of Man: Part I, Jean R. Zurcher
The Christian View of Man: Part II, Jean R. Zurcher
The Christian View of Man: Part III, Jean R. Zurcher
The Christological Function of the Hymns in the Apocalypse of John, Josephine Massyngberde Ford
The Chronology of King Hezekiah's Reign, Siegfried H. Horn
The Chronology of the Events in Zechariah 12-14, Won Jin Jeon
The Church and Politics, Jerry Chi
The Church and Scripture, Richard Davidson
The Church and Sexual-Identity, and Gender-Variance Issues, Peter Swanson
The Church as the Body of Christ in the Pauline Corpus: A Re-Examination [review] / Gosnell L.O.R. Yorke., Mario Veloso
The Churches the Apostles Left Behind [review] / Raymond E. Brown., Herold Weiss
The Church in the African City [review] / Aylward Shorter., Reinder Bruinsma
The Church in the Light of Scripture, Jack J. Blanco
The Church [review] / Williams, Colin W., Edward W. H. Vick
The Church, Scripture, and Adaptation: Resoluteness in Essentials, Adaptation in Peripherals - Part 1 of 2, Nicholas Patrick Miller
The Church, Scripture, and Adaptations: Resolute in Essentials, Considerate in Peripherals - Part 2 of 2, Nicholas Patrick Miller
The City of Ugarit at Tell Ras Shamra [review] / Marguerite Yon, Robert D. Bates
The Clash Between Christianity and Cultures [review] / McGavran, Donald., Russell L. Staples
The Climax of Prophecy: Studies on the Book of Revelation [review] / Richard Bauckham., Ekkehardt Mueller
The Climax of the Covenant: Christ and the Law in Pauline Theology [review] / by N.T. Wright., Roberto Badenas
The cognition of creativity, Jay Brand
The cognitive principle of Christian theology : a hermeneutical study of the Revelation and inspiration of the Bible, Fernando Canale
The Cognitive Principle of Christian Theology: An Hermeneutical Study of the Revelation and Inspiration of the Bible, Fernando Canale
The Collateral Effects of the Delay of Jesus’ Parousia on the Message, Mission, and Worship of the Church, Elmer Arrais Guzman
The Colossian Syncretism: The Interface Between Christianity and Folk Belief at Colossae [review] / by Clinton E. Arnold., Gosnell L.O.R. Yorke
The Coming of God: Christian Eschatology [review] / Jürgen Moltmann; translated by Margaret Kohl., Glen Greenwalt
The Command, According to Philo, Pseudo-Philo, and Josephus, to Annihilate the Seven Nations of Canaan, Louis H. Feldman
The Commandment to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself and the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), Norman H. Young
The Common Catechism: A Book of Christian Faith [review] / Feiner, Johannes, and Vischer, Lukas, eds., Raoul Dederen
The Common Task: A Theology of Christian Mission [review] / M. Thomas Thangaraj., Bruce Campbell Moyer
The Communicator's Commentary. 1, 2 Thessalonians, 1, 2 Timothy, Titus [review] / Gary W. Demarest., Jon Paulien
The Communicator's Commentary. Hebrews [review] / Louis H. Evans, Jr., Robert Kerry McIver
The Communicator’s Commentary. Luke [review] / Bruce Larson., George E. Rice
The Community of the Beloved Disciple [review] / Raymond E. Brown., Herold Weiss
The Compassion Fatigue and Resilience Connection: A Survey of Resilience, Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction among Trauma Responders, Harvey J. Burnett Jr and Kathleen Wahl
The Concept of Biblical Theology: An Old Testament Perspective [review] / James Barr., Martin T. Probstle
The Concept of Character in the Apocalypse with Implications for Character Education [review] / Beatrice S. Neall., Kenneth A. Strand
The Concept of Divine Love in the Context of the God-World Relationship, John C. Peckham
The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers: The Conflict of the Ages Over the Nature and Destiny of Man [review] / Froom, LeRoy Edwin, Alfred-Felix Vaucher
The Construction of the Other: The Antichrist, Josephine Massingbaerde Ford
The Continuing Conversion of the Church [review] / Darrell L. Guder., Bruce L. Bauer
The Contributions of Theophilus Brabourne to Our Understanding of the Sabbath, Nikolaus Satelmajer
The contributions of vocabulary and letter writing automaticity to word reading and spelling for kindergartners, Young-Suk Kim, Stephanie Otaiba, Cynthia Puranik, Jessica Folsom, and Luana Greulich
The Controversy Over Fasting on Saturday Between Constantinople and Rome, Radiša Antic
The Controversy Over the Commandments In the Central Chiasm of Revelation, William H. Shea
The Cosmic Conflict: Revelation’s Undercurrent, Steven Grabiner
The Cosmic Controversy: World View for Theology and Life, Norman R. Gulley
The Cost and Benefits of Sponosoring Spouse’ Academic Advancement, Jerry Chi
The Cotton Patch Version of Matthew and John [review] / Jordan, Clarence., Sakae Kubo
The Covenantal Form of the Letters to the Seven Churches, William H. Shea
The Covenant: A Theology of Human Destiny [review] / Jocz, Jakób., Zev Garber
The Craft of Theology: From Symbol to System [review] / Avery Dulles., Fernando L. Canale
The Creation Account in Genesis 1: Our World Only or the Universe?, Ferdinand O. Regalado
The Creation of The Soul, The Creation of The Body: Dual Creations in Christian Tradition, Karen K. Abrahamson
The Creation of Wealth: Recovering a Christian Understanding of Money, Work, and Ethics [review] / Fred Catherwood., Leonard Gashugi
The Creation Order—Hierarchical or Egalitarian?, Jan Åge Sigvartsen
The Creation Theme in Psalm 104, Richard M. Davidson
The Creation Theme in Psalm 104, Richard M. Davidson
The Crisis of 700 billion Bail-Out Plan, Jerry Chi
The Cross of Christ: Theological Differences Between Joseph H. Waggoner and Ellen G. White, Denis Fortin
The Crown of the King of the Ammonites, Siegfried H. Horn
The Crux of Election: Paul's Critique of the Jewish Confidence in the Election of Israel [review] / Sigurd Grindheim, P. Richard Choi
The Cultic Calendar for the Introductory Sanctuary Scenes of Revelation, William H. Shea
The Cultic Calendars of the Ancient Near East [review] / Mark E. Cohen., Roy E. Gane
The Cultic Motif in the Book of Daniel [review] / Vogel, Winfried, Gerald A. Klingbeil
The Current Theological Debate Regarding Eternal Punishment in Hell and the Immortality of the Soul, Jiří Moskala
The Date of Nehemiah: A Reexamination, Alberto R.W. Green
The Da Vinci Code, the Nature of Christ, and Historical Accuracy, Dennis Pettibone
The Dawn of Apocalyptic: The Historical and Sociological Roots of Jewish Apocalyptic Eschatology [review] / Hanson, Paul D., Alden Thompson
The "Day-Dawn" of Canandaigua, New York: Reprint of a Significant Millerite Adventist Journal, Merlin D. Burt
The Day of Dedication or the Day of Atonement? The Old Testament Background to Hebrews 6:19-20 Revisited, Norman H. Young
The Dead Sea Isaiah Scroll: A Literary Analysis [review] / Rosenbloom, Joseph R., Zev Garber
The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible [review] / James C. VanderKam, Stephane Beaulieu
The Dead Sea Scrolls Today [review] / James C. VanderKam, Stephanie Beaulieu
The Death of the Messiah: From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives in the Four Gospels [review] / by Raymond E. Brown., Thomas Shepherd
The Decalogue as Essential Torah in Second Temple Judaism, Keith A. Burton
The Decalogue Predates Mount Sinai: Indicators from the Book of Genesis, Jo Ann Davidson
The Deity of Christ [review] / Christopher W. Morgan and Robert A. Peterson, Eric Webster
The Democratization of American Christianity [review] / Nathan O. Hatch., George R. Knight
The Destruction of Trees in the Moabite Campaign of 2 Kings 3:4-27: A Study in the Laws of Warfare, Michael G. Hasel
The Development and Implementation of a Community-Based Evangelism Model in the Word of Life Seventh-day Adventist Church in Memphis, TN, Fred Batten Jr.
The Development of an International Osteopathic Literature Index, Lawrence Onsager, Craig Elam, Ann Brooks, B Carter, Robert Sanders, Lynn Johnson, and Dohn Martin
The Development of an International Osteopathic Literature Index, Lynn Johnson, Anne Brooks, Craig Elam, Dohn Martin, and Lawrence Onsager
The Development of Ellen G. White's Concept of Babylon in The Great Controversy, Don Leo M. Garilva
The Development of Seventh-day Adventist Theology within an Asian Context, Michael W. Campbell
The Development of Shepherd Leadership Theory and the Validation of the Shepherd Leadership Inventory (SLI) [Dissertation Notice], James E. Swalm Jr.
The Development of the Seventh-day Adventist Understanding of Ellen G. White's Prophetic Gift, 1844-1889, Theodore N. Levterov
The DeVos Urban Leadership Initiative: Evaluation of a Youth Ministry Training Program, Curtis VanderWaal, E. Hernandez, S. Trecartin, M. Diaconu, and N. Carlson
The DeVos Urban Leadership Initiative: Executive Summary, Curtis VanderWaal and R Eardley
The "Devotio Moderna" in Trier, William M. Landeen
The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew [review] / David J.A. Clines, editor., Roy E. Gane
The Difference in Being a Christian Today [review] / Robinson, John A. T., Sakae Kubo
The Digital Commons @ Andrews University, Andrews University
The Digital Commons @ Andrews University: Showcasing student and faculty research all over the world, Danni Francis
The Disappointed: Millerism and Millenarianism in the Nineteenth Century [review] / edited by Ronald L. Numbers and Jonathan M. Butler., Geroge R. Knight
The Discourse of Leadership and the Practice of Administration, Frank Thomas Edward
The disfluent hairy dog: Can syntactic parsing be affected by non-word disfluencies?, Karl Bailey and F. Ferreira
The Divine Authority of Preaching and Applying the Word: Ellen G. White's Perspective in Relation to Evangelical Viewpoints, Nestor C. Rilloma
The Divine Courtroom in Comparative Perspective [review] / Mermelstein, Ari, and Shalom E. Holtz, eds., Valentin Zywietz
The Doctrine of Sin in I John, Steven P. Vitrano
The Doctrine of the Trinity Among Seventh-day Adventists, Gerhard Pfandl
The Documentary Hypothesis, Greg A. King
The Dos and Don’ts of Research, P. Richard Choi
The Drama of Scripture: Finding our Place in the Biblical Story [review] / Craig G. Bartholomew and Michael W. Goheen., Cristian Dumitrescu
The Duration of the Israelite Sojourn in Egypt, Paul J. Ray Jr.
The Duties and Responsibilities of the Seventh-day Adventist Theologian, Larry L. Lichtenwalter
The Duties and Responsibilities of the Seventh-day Adventist Theologian, Larry L. Lichtenwalter
The Dying of the Light: The Disengagement of Colleges and Universities from their Christian Churches [review] / James Tunstead Burtchaell., George R. Knight
The Early Christian Church [review] / Davies, J.G., Kenneth A. Strand
The Early History of God: Yahweh and the Other Deities in Ancient Israel [review] / Mark S. Smith., A. Josef Greig
The Earth of Genesis 1:2: Abiotic or Chaotic? Part I, Roberto Ouro
The Earth of Genesis 1:2: Abiotic or Chaotic? Part II, Roberto Ouro
The Earth of Genesis 1:2: Abiotic or Chaotic? Part III, Roberto Ouro
The Eclipse of Scripture and the Protestantization of the Adventist Mind: Part 2: From the Evangelical Gospel to Culture, Fernando Canale
The Economic Value of Christian Eduaction, Jerry Chi
The Economic Value of Religion’s Holy Day, Jerry Chi
The Economic Value of Teamwork Sprits, Jerry Chi
The Economic Value of Unity, Jerry Chi
The Ecumenical Mirage [review] / Lowell, C. Stanley., Marvin G. Lowman
The Eden Narrative: A Literary and Religio-Historical Study of Genesis 2–3 [review] / Tryggve N.D. Mettinger, Jan Åge Sigvartsen
The Edges of Seventh-day Adventism [review] / Lowell Tarling., James E. Miller
The Editor's Page, Randall W. Younker
The Editor's Page, Edwin Reynolds
The Editor's Page, Edwin Reynolds
The Editor's Page, Edwin Reynolds
The Editor's Page, Ed Christian
The Editor's Page, Ed Christian
The Editor's Page, Ed Christian
The Effect of Americanization on Latin American Culture: A Comparative Study Using Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions and Pop Music, Jason Robert Shockey
The Effect of Degrading the Transcription Factor NF-KB Subunit Proteins on NF-KB' s Oncological Activity, Seongmin Lee
The Effect of Gender on Perception of Case Studies and Performance, Marlene Murray
The Effect of Pastoral and Staff Leadership Training on the Growth of the Southern African-American Church [Dissertation Notice], Dwayne K. Pickett
The Effect of Strength and Plyometric Training on Functional Dance Performance in Elite Ballet and Modern Dancers, Joe Girard, Kristina Koenig, and David Village
The effect of the physical environment on knowledge worker performance, S Augustin and Jay Brand
The effects of acculturation of Korean Americans on visual attention, Y. Kim and Karl Bailey
The Effects of Adam's Sin on the Human Race, Norman R. Gulley
The effects of loneliness on visual attention, C. Swaniker, A. Weston, and Karl Bailey
The effects of multiple daily applications of ice to the hamstrings on biochemical measures, signs, and symptoms associated with exercise-induced muscle damage, Elizabeth Oakley, R. Pardeiro, J. Powell, and A. Millar
The Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Intracellular Inositol Levels in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Jee Yeon (Joanne) Lee
The Effects of Pornography on Marriage and Strategies for Prevention, Abraham L. Swamidass and David Sedlacek
The Effects of Redistributive Conflicts on Immigrations” in Immigration”, Marcella Myers
The Eight Basic Visions in the Book of Revelation, Kenneth A. Strand
The Eight Empire: New Hypotheses for the Symbols of Revelation 17, Vanderlei Dorneles
The Elders: Seniority Within Earliest Christianity [review] / R. Alastair Campbell., Rolando A. Itin
The Eliade Guide to World Religions [review] / Mircea Eliade, Ioan P. Couliano, with Hillary S. Wiesner., Abraham Terian
The Ellen G. White Encyclopedia [review] / Fortin, Denis and Jerry Moon, Valentin Zywietz
The Ellen G. White Letters & Manuscripts with Annotations, 1845-1859. [Volume 1] [review] / Poirier, Timothy L., ed. Roland Karlman, annotator, Michael W. Campbell
The Emerging Church, Fernando Canale
The Emerging Church Part 1: Historical Background, Fernando Canale
The Emerging Church - Part 2: Epistemology, Theology, and Ministry, Fernando Canale
The Emerging Church - Part 3: Evangelical Evaluations, Fernando Canale
The Emerging Church - Part 4: Levels of Change, Fernando Canale
The Enchantments of Judaism: Rites of Transformation from Birth Through Death [review] / Jacob Neusner., Roger Brooks
The Encounter Between Christianity and Science [review] / Bube, Richard H., ed., Kenneth A. Strand
The Encyclopedia of Christianity. Vol. 1, A-D [review] / editors, Erwin Fahlbusch ... [et al.]., George R. Knight
The Encyclopedia of Christianity: Vol 2. E-I [review] / editors, Erwin Fahlbusch ... [et al.]., George R. Knight
The Encyclopedia of Prayer and Praise [review] / edited by Mark Water., Lilianne Douhkan
The End of Historicism: Millerite Hermeneutic of Time Prophecies in the Old Testament [review] / by Kai Arasola., P. Gerard Damsteegt
The End of Historicism? Reflections on the Adventist Approach to Biblical Apocalyptic - Part One, Jon Paulien
The End of Historicism? Reflections on the Adventist Approach to Biblical Apocalyptic - Part Two, Jon Paulien
The End of Satan, Steven Thompson
The End of the Israelite Monarchy, Roy Gane
The End Time Remnant in Revelation, Ekkehardt Mueller
The English Bible: 1534-1859 [Compiled by] Peter Levi [review]., Sakae Kubo
The English Connection: The Puritan Roots of Seventh-day Adventist Belief, 2nd ed. [review] / Ball, Bryan, Trevor O'Reggio
The English Connection: The Puritan Roots of Seventh-Day Adventist Belief [review] / B.W. Ball., Richard Kenneth Emmerson
The English Sabbath: A Study of Doctrine and Discipline From the Reformation to the Civil War [review] / Kenneth L. Parker., Walter B.T. Douglas
The Environmental Analysis Group (TEAG) Collection, Andrews University
The Epistle of James [review] / Adamson, James B., Sakae Kubo
The Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon: A Commentary on the Greek Text [review] / by James D.G. Dunn., William E. Richardson
The Epistle to the Galatians [review] / by Ronald Y.K. Fung., Sakae Kubo
The Eschatological Role of the Jerusalem Temple: An Examination of Jewish Writings Dating From 586 BCE to 70 CE, Eric W. Baker
The Eschatological Sabbath in John's Apocalypse: A Reconsideration, Robert Morris Johnston
The Eschatological Theology of Martin Luther. Part II: Luther's Exposition of Daniel and Revelation, Winfried Vogel
The Eschatological Theology of Martin Luther. Part I: Luther's Basic Concepts, Winfried Vogel
The Essene Heritage or the Teacher of the Scrolls and the Gospel Christ [review] / Larson, Martin A., Siegfried H. Horn
The Essentials of Marketing Research, Lawrence Silver, Robert Stevens, W. Bruce Wrenn, and David Loudon
The Essentials of Marketing Research, 4th ed., Lawrence Silver, Robert Stevens, Courtney Kernek, Bruce Wrenn, and David Loudon
The Ethical Dillema: Bribery, Jerry Chi
The Ethical Dillema: Conflicts of Interests at Workplace, Jerry Chi
The Ethics of Revolution [review] / Scharlemann, Martin H., Sakae Kubo
The Etymology of HAR-MAGEDON (Revelation 16:16), Hans K. LaRondelle
The Evangelical Mind and Heart: Perspectives on Theological and Practical Issues [review] / Millard J. Erickson., Woodrow W. Whidden II.
The Everlasting Covenant, Peter M. van Bemmelen
The Evolving Self: A Model of Transformative Leadership Training Utilizing the Concept of Mentoring for the Ministry Context [Dissertation Notice], Tamara D. England
The Excavation of the North Church at Hesban, Jordan: A Preliminary Report, John I. Lawlor
The Executed God: The Way of the Cross in Lockdown America [review] / Mark Lewis Taylor., Tokunbo Adelekan
The Exegetical Methods of Some Sixteenth-Century Anglican Preachers: Latimer, Jewel, Hooker, and Andrewes. Part I, Erwin R. Gane
The Exegetical Methods of Some Sixteenth Century Anglican Preachers: Latimer, Jewel, Hooker, and Andrewes. Part II, Erwin R. Gane
The Exegetical Methods of Some Sixteenth-Century Puritan Preachers: Hooper, Cartwright and Perkins. Part I., Erwin R. Gane
The Exegetical Methods of Some Sixteenth-Century Puritan Preachers: Hooper, Cartwright, and Perkins. Part II, Erwin R. Gane
The Exegetical Methods of Some Sixteenth-Century Roman Catholic Preachers in England: Fisher, Peryn, Bonner, and Watson. Part I, Erwin R. Gane
The Exegetical Methods of Some Sixteenth-Century Roman Catholic Preachers in England: Fisher, Peryn, Bonner, and Watson. Part II., Erwin R. Gane
The Exodus Motif in Revelation 15–16: its Background and Nature, László Gallusz
The Expansion of Judah Under Uzziah into Philistia: The Historical Credibility of 2 Chronicles 26:6-7a in Light of Archaeological Evidence, Jeffrey P. Hudon
The Extended Atonement View in the "Day-Dawn" and the Emergence of Sabbatarian Adventism, Merlin D. Burt
The Eye of Charity: JÜRGEN MOLTMANN’S Practical Theodicy, Ante Jerončić
The Face of Martin Luther, William H. Brunie
The Faith Factor: New Testament Cosmology in its Historical Context, Keith A. Burton
The Faith of Israel: Its Expression in the Books of the Old Testament [review] / William J. Dumbrell., William H. Shea
The Fall of Athens and the Challenge of Postmodernity, Norman R. Gulley
The "Fall of Babylon" Motif in the Books of Jeremiah and Revelation, Kenneth D. Mulzac
The Fate of Jehoiakim, Alberto R.W. Green
The Father of Black Adventism: Charles M. Kinny, Trevor O'Reggio
The Fathers of the Latin Church [review] / Campenhausen, Hans von., Sakae Kubo
The Fat Lady and the Kingdom: Adventist Mission Confronts the Challenges of Institutionalism and Secularization [review] / George R. Knight., Reinder Bruinsma
The Feast of Tabernacles and the Book of Revelation, Edwin E. Reynolds
The First 7000 Years [review] / Ozanne, G. C., William H. Shea
The First and second Letters to Timothy: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary [review] / Luke Timothy Johnson., Carl P. Cosaert
The First and Second Letters to Timothy: A New Translation with Notes and Commentary [review] / Jerome D. Quinn, William C. Wacker., Carl P. Cosaert
The First and Third Years of Belshazzar (Daniel 71; 8:1), Gerhard F. Hasel
The First Encounter Between Saul and David: According to Josephus, Christopher Begg
The First Letter to the Corinthians [review] / Ciampa, Roy E. and Brian S. Rosner, Roland Meyer
The First Seven Ecumenical Councils (325-787): Their History and Theology [review] / by Leo Donald Davis., Bruce Norman
The First Three Gospels [review] / Barclay, William., Sakae Kubo
The Forgotten Christians of Hangzhou [review] / D.E. Mungello., Nancy Jean Vyhmeister
The Formation of the Resurrection Narratives [review] / Fuller, Reginald H., Sakae Kubo
The Foster Triplets, Andrews University
The Foster Triplets: God's Amazing Grace Tour, Chris McLean-Wheeler
The Foundation of All Freedom, Darren K. Heslop
The Foundation of All Freedom: Nick Miller Speaks at Harvard Event on Religious Liberty, Chris McLean-Wheeler
The Founding of Methodist Missions in South Africa, Bernard E. Seton
"The four Seasons", Department of Music
The Fullness of Christ: An Adventist Proposal for Integrating Ethical Trajectory and Christological Typology Hermeneutics, David J. Hamstra
The Fullness of the Heart: Internalization of Religion and Well-Being, Karl G. D. Bailey
The Function of 'Hope' as a Lexical and Theological Keyword in the Psalter: A Structural-Theological Study of Five Psalms (PSS 42-43, 52, 62, 69, 71) within their Final Shape Context (Pss 42-72), Christine Maria Vetne
The Function of the Double Love Command in Matthew 22:34-40, Oscar S. Brooks
The Function of the Nazirite's Concluding Purification Offering, Roy Gane
The Function of ΛΟΙΠΟΣ in the Letter to Thyatira, Leslie N. Pollard
The Fundamentalist Phenomenon: A View from Within; A Response from Without [review] / edited by Norman J. Cohen., Woodrow W. Whidden II.
The Future of Empirical Theology [review] / ed. Bernard E. Meland., Edward W. H. Vick
The Future of Management [review] / Hamel, G., & Breen, B., Erich Baumgartner
The Future of the Great Planet Earth: What Does Biblical Prophecy Mean to You? [review] / Hanson, Richard S., Hans K. LaRondelle
The Gagging of God: Christianity Confronts Pluralism [review] / D.A. Carson., Ray C.W. Roennfeldt
The Garden of Eden Account: The Chiastic Structure of Genesis 2-3, Roberto Ouro
The Gender-Neutral Bible Controversy: Muting the Masculinity of God's Words [review] / Vern Poythress & Wayne Grudem., Leona Glidden Running
The Genealogies of Gen 5 and 11 and their Allaged Babylonian Background, Gerhard F. Hasel
The Genesis Account of Origins, Richard M. Davidson
The Genesis Account of Origins, Richard M. Davidson
The Genesis flood narrative: Crucial issues in the current debate / Richard M. Davidson., Richard M. Davidson
The Genre of the Book of Revelation From a Source-Critical Perspective [review] / Frederick David Mazzaferri., Jon Paulien
The Gift of Prophecy in the Early Church and Middle Ages, John Reeve and Rodrigo Galiza
The Gift of Prophecy in the New Testament and Today [review] / Wayne A. Grudem., William E. Richardson
The Global God: Multicultural Evangelical Views of God [review] / Aída Besançon Spencer and William David Spencer, editors., Jon L. Dybdahl
The Global Luther: A Theologian for Modern Times [review] / Christine Helmer, ed., Trevor O'Reggio
The Glory of Man [review] / Jenkins, David E., Edward W. H. Vick
The Goddess Revival [review] / Aída Besançon Spencer ... [et al.]., Frank M. Hasel
The God-Given Marital Mandate: Monogamous, Heterosexual, Intrafaith, Ron duPreez
The God of Job and Our Adversary, Jiri Moskala
The God of Relationships: How the Gospel Helps Us Reach Across Barriers Such as Race, Culture, and Gender [review] / Sakae Kubo., Leona Glidden Running
The Gods of Africa or the Gods of the Bible?: The Snares of African Traditional Religion in Biblical Perspective [review] / Lenard Nyirongo., Ernst R. Wendland
The Gods of the Nations: Studies in Ancient Near Eastern National Theology [review] / Daniel I. Block., Elias Brasil de Souza
The God We Worship: An Exploration of Liturgical Theology [review] / Wolterstorff, Nicholas, Luise Schneeweiss
The Good News About Last Day Events, Norman R. Gulley
The Gospel According to God's Judgment: Judgment as Salvation, Jiri Moskala
The Gospel According to Jesus: What Does Jesus Mean When He Says "Follow Me"? [review] / John F. MacArthur, Jr., Jon Paulien
The Gospel According to John [review] / Leon Morris., Panayotis Coutsoumpos
The Gospel According to Matthew [review] / Leon Morris., Ernest J. Bursey
The Gospel According to Mose and Elijah, Roy E. Gane
The Gospel as Holistic Mission: Perspectives from the New Testament, Wagner Kuhn
The Gospel of Luke [review] / Joel B. Green., Carl P. Cosaert
The Gospel of Luke [review] / Joel B. Green., Carl P. Cosaert
The Gospel of Mark: a commentary on the Greek text [review] / by R.T. France., Thomas Shephard
The Gospel of Matthew [review] / George Wesley Buchanan., Robert Kerry McIver
The Gospels and Jesus [review] / Graham N. Stanton., Herold Weiss
The Grace of God, the Will of Man: A Case for Arminianism [review] / Clark H. Pinnock, general editor., Steven P. Vitrano
The Great Controversy and Human Suffering, Ed Christian
The Great Controversy Experience: First Century Christianity, P. Gerard Damsteegt
The Great Emergence: How Christianity Is Changing and Why [review] / Phyllis Tickle, Leo Ranzolin Jr.
The Great Light: Luther and the Reformation [review] / Atkinson, James., Kenneth A. Strand
The Great Rapture Hoax [review] / Dave MacPherson., Kenneth A. Strand
The Great Reversal: Thematic Links Between Genesis 2 and 3, Zdravko Stefanovic
The Greek New Testament [review] / Kurt Aland, Matthew Black, Bruce Metzger, and Allen Wikgren, eds., Sakae Kubo
The Greek of the Septuagint: A Supplemental Lexicon [review] / Chamberlain, Gary Alan, Daniel M. Gurtner
The Hammer of the Lord [review] / Morris, Colin, Sakae Kubo
The "Hard Sayings" of Jesus and Divorce: Not Commandments but Goals, Ed Christian
The Hasel-Kaiser and Evangelical Discussions on the Search for a Center or Mitte to Biblical Theology, Walter C. Kaiser Jr.
The Heavenly Books of Life and of Human Deeds, Angel Manuel Rodriguez
The Hebrew Concept of "Soul" in Pre-Exilic Writings, E. W. Marter
The Hebrew Masculine Plural for "Weeks" in the Expression "Seventy Weeks" in Daniel 9:24, Gerhard F. Hasel
The Hebrew Singular for "Week" in the Expression "One Week" in Daniel 9:27, Frank W. Hardy
The Historian and the Believer [review] / Harvey, Van Austin., Edward W. H. Vick
The Historians and the Millerites: An Historiographical Essay, Gary Land
The Historical Setting of Jeremiah 21:1-10, Michael Avioz
The Historical Superscriptions of Davidic Psalms: An Exegetical, Intertextual, and Methodological Analysis, Jerome L. Skinner
The History of Ancient Palestine [review] / Gösta W. Ahlström., J. Bjornar Storfjell
The History of Black Catholics in the United States [review] / Cyprian Davis., Raoul Dederen
The History of Conditionalism, Alfred-Félix Vaucher
The History of Heshbon from Literary Sources, Werner Vymeister
The Holy City: Jews on Jerusalem [review] / Holtz, Avraham., Zev Garber
The Holy Land, from the Persian to the Arab Conquests (536 B.C. to A.D. 640): a Historical Geography [review] / Avi-Yonah, Michael., Siegfried H. Horn
The Holy Spirit and the Church, Denis Fortin
The Holy Spirit in the Hebrew Scriptures, Jiri Moskala
The Honeymoon Is Over: Jonah’s Argument with God [review] / T. Anthony Perry, Zdravko Stefanovic
The Hope of the Early Church: A Handbook of Patristic Eschatology [review] / Brian E. Daley., Arthur Marmorstein
The Horizontal Line Synopsis of the Gospels [review] / Swanson, Reuben J., Walter F. Specht
The Horn-Motifs of the Bible and the Ancient Near East, Margit L. Süring
The House of Commons and the Marian Reaction 1553-1558, Cedric Ward
The Humanitarian Leader in Each of Us: 7 Choices that Shape a Socially Responsible Life [review] / LaFasto, Frank and Carl Larson, Shirley Freed
The Humanness of John Calvin [review] / Stauffer, Richard., Kenneth A. Strand
The Human Skeletal Remains from Hesban's Cemeteries, James H. Stirling
The Identity and Role of the Servant in Isaiah 42:1-9; An Exegetical and Theological Study, Stéphane A. Beaulieu
The Impact of Aging Population on Organizational Management, Jerry Chi and Grace Chi
The Impact of Aging Population on Organizational Management., Jerry Chi and Grace Chi
The Impact of Eschatology on Protology, Norman R. Gulley
The Impact of Ethical Inflluence., Jerry Chi
The Impact of Failure on Personal and Social Transformation, J. Boyd
The impact of gender on preferences for transactional versus transformational professional leadership styles: An empirical study., R. Poulson, J. Smith, D. Hood, Christon Arthur, and K. Baznmore
The Impact of Leadership on the Role and Mission of a Christian College, Rebecca Frawley
The Impact of Media on the Morality of Young Adventist Church People in the Nairobi Central Church, Alex Ambuchi
The Impact of Politics on Churches in the Rift Valley, Lucas Otwera
The Impact of Post-Complaint Satisfaction with the Salesperson, Retailer, and Manufacturer on Relationship Commitment, Jacquelyn Warwick and Phylis Mansfield
The Impact of Servant Leadership on Job Burnout among Adventist Healthcare Nurses, Grace Chi and Jerry Chi
The Impact of Servant Leadership on Job Burnout among Employees of a Christian Hospital: Structural Equation Model, Jerry Chi and Grace Chi
The Impact of Servant Leadership on Job Burnout Among Nurses: Structural Equation Modeling, Jerry Chi
The Impact of Values Clarification and Expression of Beliefs on Dysfunctional Leadership among Church Lay Leaders, John F. Cosgrove
The Impacts of Economics Crisis, Jerry Chi
The Implications of Arminius' Understanding of the Intellect on Knowledge Exchange strategies in the Mission of the SDA Church, Terry Dwain Robertson
The Implications of Culture on Who We Are and How We Understand the Bible and Share the Gospel, L. Ann Hamel
The Implications of Current Ezekiel Research for Theories of the Composition of the Pentateuch, John Bergsma
The Importance of Leadership Develpment, Ron Aguilera
The Incarnation of Christ: Mystery and Model of Mission, Wagner Kuhn and Adenilton Tavares de Aguiar
The Induction Process of Newly Hired Teachers into the Existing School Culture of Niles Community Schools, Zechariah Matthew Hoyt
The Influence and Use of Daniel in the Synoptic Gospels, Reimar Vetne
The Influence of a Conservative Religion on Premarital Sexual Behavior of University Students, Herb Helm, Duane McBride, David Knox, and Marty Zusman
The Influence of Christian Education on Leadership Development, Jeffery S. McMaster
The Influence of Elaborative Encoding on Ad Recall: What Role Does Ad Congruity Play?, Jacquelyn Warwick and Sheila Jones
The Influence of Shamanism in the Korean Adventist Church, Gyeongchun Choi
The Influence of the Ottoman Threat on the Protestant Reformation (Reformers), Daniel Nițulescu
The Influence of the Vulgate on the English Translation of Certain Psalms, Sakae Kubo
The influence of training on substitute teacher performance: A statistical Analysis, T. Smith and Christon Arthur
The Insanity and Sanity of Religious Products–Faithfulness and Blind Faith?, Jerry Chi
The Inscribed Tablets from Tell Deir Alla. Part I., William H. Shea
The Inscribed Tablets From Tell Deir Alla. Part II., William H. Shea
The Inspiration and Interpretation of Scripture: What the Early Church Can Teach Us [review] / Graves, Michael, Rodrigo de Galiza Barbosa
The Inspiration of Scripture in the Writings of Ellen G. White, P. Gerard Damsteegt
The Inspiration of Scripture: Problems and Proposals [review] / Paul J. Achtemeier., George E. Rice
The Integration of Faith and Science, Leonard Brand
The Intellect and Beyond [review] / Oliver R. Barclay., Miroslav M. Kis
The Intellect-Will Problem in the Thought of Some Northern Renaissance Humanists: Colet, Erasmus, and Montaigne, Erwin R. Gane
The Intellect-Will Problem in the Thought of Some Northern Renaissance Humanists: Nicholas of Cusa, Erwin R. Gane
The internalization of religion is related to improved well-being and parental relationships, O. Titus and Karl Bailey
The Interplay between Forms of Revelation: Implications for Theological Method, Andrew Tompkins
The Interplay between Forms of Revelation: Implications for Theological Methodology, Andrew Tompkins
The Interpretation of Prophecy and the Advent Movement, P. Gerard Damsteegt
The Intra-Jewish Dialogue in 4 Ezra 3:1-9:25, P. Richard Choi
The Inward Disciplines of Spiritual Formation Among Seventh-Day Adventist Ministerial Leadership [Dissertation Notice], Isaac Olatunji Jr.
The Israel of God in Prophecy: Principles of Prophetic Interpretation [review] / by Hans K. LaRondelle., Jon Paulien
The Issue of Suffering: Nine Christian Responses, Lael O. Caesar
The IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament [review] / John H. Walton, Victor H. Matthews, & Mark W. Chavalas., William H. Shea
The Izbet Sartah Ostracon, William H. Shea
The Jeremiah Model for Jesus in the Temple, Ross E. Winkle
The Jesus-Centered Life: Searching For the Dream Church, S. Joseph Kidder
The Jesus of Mark's Gospel [review] / Slusser, Dorothy M., Slusser, Gerald H., Lawrence Eldridge
The Jewish-Christian Debate in the High Middle Ages : A Critical Edition of the Niẓẓaḥon Vetus [review] / by David Berger., Richard Kenneth Emmerson
The Jewish Jesus [review] / Aron, Robert., Zev Garber
The Jews and Samaritans: The Origin and History of Their Early Relations [review] / Knoppers, Gary N., Rodrigo Barbosa Galiza
The Johannine Circle [review] / Cullmann, Oscar., Herold Weiss
The Johannine Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis: Heracleon's Commentary on John [review] / Pagels, Elaine H., Gordon D. Fee
The Joint Madaba Plains Project: A Preliminary Report of the 1989 Season, Including the Regional Survey and Excavations at El-Dreijat, Tell Jawa, and Tell El-Umeiri (June 19 to August 8, 1989), Randall W. Younker, Lawrence T. Geraty, Larry G. Herr, and Oystein S. LaBianca
The Joint Madaba Plains Project: A Preliminary Report of the 1992 Season, Including the Regional Survey and Excavations at Tell Jalul and Tell el Umeiri (June 16 to July 31, 1992), Randall W. Younker, Lawrence T. Geraty, Larry G. Herr, and Oystein S. LaBianca
The Joint Madaba Plains Project: A Preliminary Report on the Second Season at Tell el-Umeiri and Vicinity (June 18 to August 6, 1987), Lawrence T. Geraty, Larry G. Herr, and Oystein S. LaBianca
The Joys of Mentoring, Duane C. McBride, Curtis J. VanderWaal Dr., Yvonne Terry-McElrath, Karl G. D. Bailey, and Joel Raveloharimisy
The Jubilees Calendar and the Origin of Sunday Observance, Earle Hilgert
The Keepers: an introduction to the history and culture of the Samaritans [review] / Robert T. Anderson, Terry Giles., Robert Morris Johnston
The "Kinds" of Genesis 1: What is the Meaning of Min?, A. Rahel Schafer
The Kingdom of God in Africa: A Short History of African Christianity [review] / Mark R. Shaw., Keith Augustus Burton
The Knowledge of Things Hoped For: The Sense of Theological Discourse [review] / Jenson, Robert W., Edward W. H. Vick
The Lamb Among the Beasts [review] / by Roy C. Naden., Dragutin Matak
The Land of the Bible: A Historical Geography [review] / Aharoni, Yohanan., Siegfried H. Horn
The Language of Rebellion in Psalm 2 and in the Plaster Texts from Deir Alla, Victor Sasson
The Laser Level as an Optics Laboratory Tool, Mickey Kutzner
The Last Conscience in the Workplace, Jerry Chi
The Last Days are Here Again: A History of the End Times [review] / Richard Kyle., Ed Dickerson
The Last Generation: How the Advent Hope Defines Us, Skip Bell
The Last Things: An Eschatology for Laymen [review] / by George Eldon Ladd., Kenneth A. Strand
The Late Great Pre-Trib Rapture [review] / MacPherson, Dave., Kenneth A. Strand
The Law and the Covenant at Sinai, Edward Heppenstall
The Law of Clean and Unclean Animals in Leviticus 11 [review] / Jiri Moskala., Jacob Milgrom
The Law, the Gospel, and the Modern Christian: Five Views [review] / Willem A. VanGemeren ... [et al.]., Roberto Badenas
The Laying On of Hands, P. Gerard Damsteegt
The Leader’s Age as a Factor Influencing Mission Effectiveness in the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Stanley E. Patterson
The Leadership Dynamics of Growing a Missional Church in the City: The District Church, Washington, DC. [Dissertation Notice], A. L. Graham
The Leading Servant, Gyeongchun Choi
The Learning Outcomes and Course Anxiety of Class Quizzes for Economics Students, Jerry Chi
"The Least of the Commandments": Deuteronomy 22:6-7 in Rabbinic Judaism and Early Christianity, Robert Morris Johnston
The Legacy of Gerhard Hasel’s Old Testament Theology: Basic Issues in the Current Debate Revealed in Old Testament Scholarship of the Last Four Decades, Richard M. Davidson
The Legacy of the Gospel: Reprising the Role and Function of the Church in 21st Century Communities, Andria Stewart
The Lesser and the Greater Lights: A Re-examination of the Relationship of the Writings of Ellen White to the Bible, Warren S. Ashworth
The Letter of James [review] / Douglas J. Moo., Ed Christian
The Letters of Paul: Conversations in Context [review] / Roetzel, Calvin J., Joseph J. Battistone
The Letters to the Thessalonians [review] / Gene L. Green., Leo Ranzolin Jr.
The Letter to Philemon: A New Translation with Notes and Commentary [review] / Markus Barth and Helmut Blanke., Carl P. Cosaert
The Letter to the Ephesians [review] / Peter T. O'Brien., Carl P. Cosaert
The Letter to the Hebrews [review] / O'Brien, Peter T., Erhard H. Gallos
The Life and Witness of Peter [review] / Larry R. Helyer, Denis Fortin
The Life of Desiderius Erasmus [review] / Hyma, Albert., Kenneth A. Strand
The Liminal Church: Exilic Consciousness and Adventist Theopolitics, Ante Jerončić
The Literary Structure of the Song of Songs Redivivus, Richard M. Davidson
The Literature of Theology: A Guide for Students and Pastors [review] / David R. Stewart., John W. Reeve
The Liturgical Function of Dates in the Pentateuch, Michael LeFebvre
The Lived Experience of Leadership for Female Pastors in Religious Organizations [Dissertation Notice], Althea W. Truman
The Lives of Ordinary People in Ancient Israel: Where Archaeology and the Bible Intersect [review] / William G. Dever, Owen Chesnut
The Living and Active Word of God: Studies in Honor of Samuel J. Schultz [review] / edited by Morris Inch and Ronald Youngblood., Richard M. Davidson
The Living Death: Typology of Leprosy and Its Cleansing, Richard M. Davidson
The Living God and Our Living Psyche: What Christians can Learn from Carl Jung [review] / Belford, Ann and Alvin Dueck, Samuel Garbi
The Location and Significance of Armageddon in Rev 16:16, William H. Shea
The Location of the Sea the Israelites Passed Through, Ferdinand O. Regalado
The Logic of Millennial Thought: Eighteenth-Century New England [review] / James West Davidson., David C. Jarnes
The Logos: Lord of the Cosmos, and Recent Trends in Science and Religion, John T. Baldwin
The Long and Winding Mode(s), Ivan Davis
The Long Seventh Century: Continuity and Discontinuity in an Age of Transition [review] / Gnasso, Alessandro, Emanuele E. Intagliata, Thomas J. MacMaster and Bethan N. Morris eds., Christopher R. Chadwick
The Lord's Day: A Theological Guide to the Christian Day of Worship [review] / Jewett, Paul K., Niels-Erik Andreasen
"The Lord's Day" in the Letter of Ignatius to the Magnesians, Fritz Guy
“The Lord's Day” of Revelation 1:10 in The Current Debate, Ranko Stefanovic
The Lord's Supper, Michael Campbell
The Lord's Supper and Children's Participation, Darius Jankiewicz
The Lost Gospel: the Book of Q & Christian Origins [review] / Burton L. Mack., Robert Kerry McIver
The Love Command in the New Testament [review] / Furnish, Victor Paul., Sakae Kubo
The Love of God: A Canonical Model [review] / Peckham, John C., Richard Rice
The Lure of the Millennium: The Year 2000 and Beyond [review] / Raymond F. Bulman., Caleb Rosado
The Luther Legacy : An Introduction to Luther’s Life and Thought for Today [review] / George Wolfgang Forell., C. Raymond Holmes
The Majesty of God in the Old Testament: A Guide for Preaching and Teaching [review] / Walter C. Kaiser Jr., Jo Ann Davidson
The Man Nobody Knows [review] / Barton, B., David Rausch, Eleanor Cooper, and James Tucker
The Man Who Knew God: Decoding Jeremiah [review] / Schreiber, Mordecai, Zdravko Stefanovic
The Markan "Divorce" Pericope: An Exegesis, Carlos C. Camarena
The Market Day of the Soul: The Puritan Doctrine of the Sabbath in England, 1532-1700 [review] / James T. Dennison, Jr., Bryan W. Ball
The Mark of the Beast as a "Sign Commandment" and "Anti-Sabbath" in the Worship Crisis of Revelation 12-14, Anthony MacPherson
Thematic Links Between the Historical and Prophetic Sections of Daniel, Zdravko Stefanovic
The Meaning and Function of System in Theology, Timothy Watson
The Meaning and Message of the Beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount, Ranko Stefanovic
The Meaning of "Let Us" in Gn 1:26, Gerhard F. Hasel
The Meaning of Nisdaq in Daniel 8:14, Richard M. Davidson
The Meaning of the City: An Urban Missional Approach to the Use of City Imagery in Revelation, Kleber de Oliveira Gonçalves
The Meaning of the Old Testament [review] / Lys, Daniel., Herold Weiss
The Meaning of the Renaissance and Reformation [review]/ DeMolen, Richard L., ed., Kenneth A. Strand
The Measure of a University, Christa McConnell
The Measure of a University: Rankings and Enrollment for 2015-16, Becky St. Clair and Stephen Payne
Theme Issue: Environmental design Research (EDR): The Field of Study and Guide to the Literature, Kathleen Demsky and Linda Mack
The Memoirs of Charles G. Finney: The Complete Restored Text [review] / Garth M. Rosell & Richard A.G. Dupuis, editors., George R. Knight
The Message and Mission of the Remnant: A Methodological Approach, Darius Jankiewicz
The Message of God's People in the Old Testament, Jiri Moskala
The Message of the Psalms: A Theological Commentary [review] / Walter Brueggemann., William H. Shea
The Message of the Trees in the Midst of the Garden, Sigve K. Tonstad
The Message of Zephaniah: An Urgent Echo, Greg A. King
The Millenarian World of Early Mormonism [review] / Grant Underwood., George R. Knight
The Millennial Maze: Sorting Out Evangelical Options [review] / Stanley J. Grenz., John K. McVay
The Millennium and the Judgment, Peter M. van Bemmelen
The Millennium Bug: Is This the End of the World as we Know it? [review] / Jon Paulien., Brian E. Strayer
The Millennium is Here Again: Is it Panic Time?, Jon Paulien
The Millennium: Transition to the Final Aeon, Keith Augustus Burton
The Mind of Christ: A Sociological Perspective with Implications for Curriculum construction., Lionel Matthews
The Ministry and the Ministry of Women [review] / Brunner, Peter, Sakae Kubo
The Minor Prophets: An Exegetical and Expository Commentary [review] / edited by Thomas Edward McComiskey., Bernard A. Taylor
The Missionary Letters of Vincent Donovan, 1957-1973 / John P. Bowen [book review], Bruce Campbell Moyer
The Mission-Charity Dilemma: Fresh Perspectives from Paul’s Practice, Felix H. Cortez
The Mission of God's People in the Old Testament, Jiri Moskala
The Mission of God: Unblocking the Bible's Grand Narrative [review] / Christopher J.H. Wright, Jo Ann Davidson
The Mission of God: Unlocking the Bible's Grand Narrative [review] / Christopher J.H. Wright, Cristian Dumitrescu
The Modern Application of Martin Luther's "Open Letter on Translating", John L. Bechtel
The Modernist Impulse in American Protestantism [review] / Hutchison, William R., Gary Land
The Molten Moment, S. Joseph Kidder
The Moody Atlas of Bible Lands [review] / Barry J. Beitzel., William H. Shea
The Moon: Its Creation, Form and Significance [review] / John C. Whitcomb, Donald B. DeYoung., R. H. Brown
"The Moor Makes a Cameo: Serial, Race, and the Ethics of Shakespearean Appropriation", Vanessa Corredera
The Moral Imperative Realized [review] / Fullan, Michael, Barbara J. Spencer
The Moral Teaching of Paul [review] / Victor Paul Furnish., John C. Brunt
The Moral Theology of Roger Williams: Christian Conviction and Public Ethics [review] / James Calvin Davis., Nicholas Cross
The Most Revealing Book of the Bible: Making Sense Out of Revelation [review] / Eller, Vernard., Kenneth A. Strand
The Mother of Jesus in the New Testament [review] / McHugh, John., Raoul Dederen
The Mountain Within: Leadership Lessons and Inspiration for Your Climb to the Top [review] / Herta Von Stiegel and Gina Smith, Erhard H. Gallos
The Mountain Within: Leadership Lessons and Inspiration for Your Climb to the Top [review] / von Stiegel, Herta, Erhard Gallos
The MSW Portfolio: Integrating Competencies and Practice Behaviors, Jan Wrenn and Curtis VanderWaal
The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings: A Reconstruction of the Chronology of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah [review] / Thiele, Edwin R., Siegfried H. Horn
The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings [review] / Edwin R. Thiele., Kenneth A. Strand
The Mystery of the Cross [review] / Alister McGrath., Jon Paulien
The Myth of Religious Neutrality: An Essay on the Hidden Role of Religious Belief in Theories [review] / Roy A. Clouser., Martin Frederick Hanna
The Myth of The Solid Heavenly Dome: Another Look at The Hebrew, Randall W. Younker and Richard M. Davidson
The Myth of the Solid Heavenly Dome: Another Look at the Hebrew רָקִיעַ (rāqîaʿ), Richard M. Davidson and Randall Younker
The Naked Anabaptist: The Bare Essentials of a Radical Faith [review] / Murray, Stuart, Jerry Moon
The Nature and Quality of the Text of the New English Bible, Sakae Kubo
The Nature of Biblical Theology: Recent Trends and Issues, Gerhard F. Hasel
The Nature of God in Plain Language [review] / David L. Hocking., Jon Paulien
The Nature of Leadership [review] / Anthonakis, J., Cianciolo, A. T., Sternberg, Robert J., Eds., John Grys
The Nature of the Human Being from the Beginning: Genesis 1-11, Richard M. Davidson
The Nature of the Human Being in Leviticus, Roy Gane
The Neo-Babylonian Historical Setting for Daniel 7, William H. Shea
The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land [review] / Ephraim Stern, editor., P. David Merling
The New Encyclopedia of Islam [review] / Cyril Glassé., Wolfgang Lepke
The New English Bible Translation of I Thessalonians, A. P. Salom
The New Faith-Science Debate: Probing Cosmology, Technology, and Theology [review] / edited by John M. Mangum., A. Josef Greig
The New Millennium Manual: A Once and Future Guide [review] / Robert G. Clouse, Robert N. Hosack, Richard V. Pierard., George R. Knight
The New Revised Standard Version, Sakae Kubo
The New Testament and Criticism [review] / Ladd, George Eldon., Sakae Kubo
The New Testament Explorer: Discovering the Essence, Background, and Meaning of Every Book in the New Testament [review] / Mark L. Bailey, Tom Constable., Otis Coutsoumpos
The New Testament Greek Manuscripts of the Catholic Epistles, W. Larry Richards
The New Testament in Its Ritual World [review] / Richard E. DeMaris, Teresa L. Reeve
The New Testament Logia on Divorce: A Study of Their Interpretation from Erasmus to Milton [review] / Olsen, V. Norskov., Kenneth A. Strand
The New Testament Story [review] / Ben Witherington III., Wilson Paroschi
The New Tirhakah Text and Sennacherib's Second Palestinian Campaign, William H. Shea
The Next Christendom: The Coming Global Christianity, 3d ed. [review] / Jenkins, Philip, Bruce Campbell Moyer
The NIV Study Bible, New International Version [review] / general editor, Kenneth Barker., Robert Morris Johnston
The Nuts and Bolts of Church Planting [review] / Aubrey Malphurs, Tom L. Evans
Theodicy and the theme of cosmic conflict in the early church / Sigve Tonstad., Sigve K. Tonstad
The Old Testament: Its Background, Growth, and Content [review] / Peter C. Craigie., Paul Dean Duerksen
Theological and Ethical Implications of Creation Care, Young Seok Cha
Theological Contributions of John Wesley to the Doctrine of Perfection, Theodore N. Levterov
Theological dictionary of the Old Testament. Vol. 11 [review] / edited by G. Johannes Botterweck, Helmer Ringgren and Heinz-Josef Fabry; translated by David E. Green., Martin G. Klingbeil
Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament: Vol. 7 [review] / edited by G. Johannes Botterweck and Helmer Ringgren; translated by John T. Willis., Michael G. Hasel
Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament. Vol. 8 [review] / edited by G. Johannes Botterweck, Helmer Ringgren and Heinz-Josef Fabry; translated by Douglas W. Stott., Nancy Jean Vyhmeister
Theological Education as Mission, Wagner Kuhn
Theological Explorations [review] / Van Buren, Paul M., Edward W. H. Vick
Theological German: A Reader [review] / [selected and edited by] Helmut W. Ziefle., Kenneth A. Strand
Theological Lexicon of the New Testament [review] / Ceslas Spicq; translated and edited by James D. Ernest., Roberto Badenas
Theological Motives for the Use of 1 Chronicles 16:8-36 as Background for Revelation 14:6-7, Willem Altink
Theologie des Alten Testaments in Grundzügen [review] / von Claus Westermann., Gerhard F. Hasel
Theologie des Neuen Testaments. 2 vol. [review] / Goppelt, Leonhard., Gerhard F. Hasel
Theology and Disestablishment in Colonial America: Insights from a Quaker, a Puritan, and a Baptist, Nicholas P. Miller
Theology and Life: Attending to the Gap, Miroslav M. Kis
Theology and Meaning: A Critique of Metatheological Scepticism [review] / Heimbeck, Raeburne S., James J. Londis
Theology and the Kingdom of God [review] / Pannenberg, Wolfhart., Richard Rice
Theology for the Community of God [review] / Stanley J. Grenz., Glen Greenwalt
Theology in Red, White, and Black [review] / Reist, Benjamin A., Sakae Kubo
Theology of Blindness in the Hebrew Scriptures, Ray W. McAllister
Theology of Hope [review] / Moltmann, Jürgen., Edward W. H. Vick
Theology of Sexuality in the Song of Songs: Return to Eden, Richard M. Davidson
Theology of the Old Testament: Testimony, Dispute, Advocacy [review] / Walter Brueggemann., Keith Mattingly
Theology of the Old Testament. Translated by J. A. Baker [review] / Eichrodt, Walther., Herold Weiss
Theology on the Way: Hermeneutics from and for the Frontline, Wagner Kuhn and Andrew Tompkins
Theology or Culture? A Closer Look at the Issues Driving the Current Debate over Ordination Without Regard to Gender in the Seventh-Day Adventist Church [Dissertation Notice], H. Allen Davis Jr.
The One, the Many and the Trinity: Joseph A. Bracken and the Challenge of Process Metaphysics [review] / Pugliese, Marc A., Richard Rice
Theonomy in Christian Ethics [review] / Greg L. Bahnsen., Daniel A. Augsburger
Theopathic or Anthropopathic? A Suggested Approach to Imagery of Divine Emotion in the Hebrew Bible, John C. Peckham
The Openness of God: The Relationship of Divine Foreknowledge and Human Free Will [ review] / Richard Rice., Robert Morris Johnston
Theophany, Andrews University
Theophany: Jace's story, Becky St. Clair
Theophilus Brabourne and the Sabbath, Nikolaus Satelmajer
The Ordination of Women in Light of the Character of God, Roger L. Dudley
The Ordination of Women in the American Church, Nicholas Miller
Theoretical psychology, yes; methodological egalitarianism, no!, Jay Brand
The organizational context of moral dilemmas: The role of moral administration in making and breaking dilemmas, Duane Covrig
The Origin of the Biblical Sabbath and the Historical-Critical Method: A Methodological Test Case, Gerhard F. Hasel
The Origin of the Eschatological Feast as a Wedding Banquet in the Synoptic Gospels: An Intertextual Study, Philip J. Long
The Other Intercessor: The Holy Spirit as Familia-Petitioner for the Father's Filiusfamilia in Romans 8:26-27, Ben Holdsworth
The Outrageous Idea of Christian Scholarship [review] / George M. Marsden., Russell L. Staples
The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church [review] / edited by F.L. Cross., Kenneth A. Strand
The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion [review] / editors in chief R.J. Zwi Werblowsky, Geoffrey Wigoder., Jacques Douhkan
The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Studies [review] / Susan Ashbrook Harvey and David G. Hunter, eds., John W. Reeve
The Oxford Handbook of Methodist Studies [review] / William J. Abraham and James E. Kirky, eds., Russell L. Staples
The Paleo-Hebrew Leviticus Scroll (11QpaleoLev) [review] / by D.N. Freedman and K.A. Mathews, with contributions by R.S. Hanson., William H. Shea
The Parable of the Bramble, Stanley E. Patterson PhD
The Parable of the Bramble, Stan Patterson
The Parable of the Tares and Matthew's Stratagy Vis-a-Vis Extreme Sectarian Impulses From Within His Community, Luca Marulli
The Parables of Jesus in Matthew 13 [review] / Kingsbury, Jack Dean., D. Malcolm Maxwell
The Parables of Jesus in the Light of the Old Testament [review] / Claus Westermann., Sakae Kubo
The Parables of the Triple Tradition [review] / Carlston, Charles E., Sakae Kubo
The Parables Then and Now [review] / Hunter, Archibald M., Sakae Kubo
The Parables: The Transforming Leadership Tools of the Master, Liv Fonnebo
The Paradox of Jesus in the Gospels [review] / Smith, Charles W. F., Sakae Kubo
The Parallel Literary Structure of Revelation 12 and 20, William H. Shea
The Parameters of Social Justice and Natural Law Theory, Edwin Cook
The Parian Marble and other Surprises from Chronologist V. Coucke, Rodger C. Young
The Parousia in the New Testament [review] / Moore, Arthur L., E. W. Marter
The Pascha and the Origin of Sunday Observance, Lawrence T. Geraty
The Passible Potter and the Contingent Clay: A Theological Study of Jeremiah 18:1-10, John Peckham
The Pastor and Institutionalization of Conflict Management in the Church, Arnold Kurtz
The Pastor as a Manager of Conflict in the Church, Arnold Kurtz
The Pastor's Role in Vision-Based Leadership, Tim Nichols
The Pastor Theologian: Resurrecting an Ancient Vision [review] / Hiestand, Gerald and Todd Wilson, Dwight Nelson
The Past President’s Address ‘94, C. Raymond Holmes
The Path of Biblical Theology [review] / Harrington, Wilfrid J., Gerhard F. Hasel
The Pattern of New Testament Truth [review] / Ladd, George Eldon., Herold Weiss
The Pauline Circle [review] / F.F. Bruce., Jon Paulien
The Pentateuch as Narrative: A Biblical-Theological Commentary [review] / John H. Sailhamer., Roy E. Gane
The Pentateuch as Torah: New Models for Understanding Its Promulgation and Acceptance [review] / Gary N. Knoppers and Bernard M. Levinson, Patrick Mazani
The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit in the General Epistles and the Book of Hebrews, Larry L. Lichtenwalter
The Personhood of the Holy Spirit and Why It Matters, Ron E. M. Clouzet
The Persuasive Appeal of the Chronicler: A Rhetorical Analysis [review] / Rodney K. Duke.., John W. Wright
The Peshitta and the Versions: A Study of the Peshitta Variants in Joshua 1-5 in Relation to their Equivalents in the Ancient Versions [review] / Johann E. Erbes., Richard A. Taylor
The Pharisee's Guide to Perfect Holiness: A Study of Sin and Salvation [review] / George R. Knight., Jon Paulien
The Pharisees in Judaism Prior to A.D. 70, Kenneth G.C. Newport
The Phoenician Name KPR: "Young Lion" or "He Forgives"? A Rejoinder., Scott C. Layton
The Plurality of the Godhead in the Bible, Ranko Stefanovic
The Pluriformity of the Alexandrian Text-Type in the Catholic Epistles, Coster Shimbaba Munyengwe
The Plymouth Lutheran Cemetery, Lindina Township, Juneau County, Wisconsin;, Lawrence Onsager
The Politics of Jesus: Vicit Agnus Noster [review] / Yoder, John H., William G. Johnsson
The Possible Influence of LXX Exodus 20:11 on Acts 14:15, Thomas B. Slater
The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business [review] / Duhigg, Charles, Bill Miller
The Power of Invisible Leadership: How a Compelling Common Purpose Inspires Exceptional Leadership [review] / Hickman, Gill Robinson and Georgia J. Sorenson, Robert L. Overstreet
The Practice of Beginning the Sabbath in America, Carl Coffman
The Prayers of Daniel, Paul Birch Petersen
The Preacher Sought to Find Pleasing Words: A Study of the Language of Qoheleth [review] / by A. Schoors., Bernard A. Taylor
The Predicament of Belief: Science, Philosophy and Faith [review] / Clayton, Philip, and Steven Knapp, Richard Rice
The Predicament of Contemporary Medical Ethics, Jerry Chi
The Pre-Existence of Christ in the New Testament [review] / Craddock, Fred B., Sakae Kubo
The Presbyterian Controversy: Fundamentalists, Modernists, and Moderates [review] / Bradley J. Longfield., George R. Knight
The Presbyter: Jewish Elder to Christian Priest, John Reeve
The Presence and the Power [review] / Gerald F. Hawthorne., John T. Baldwin
The Presence of the Future: The Eschatology of Biblical Realism [review] / Ladd, George Eldon, Kenneth A. Strand
The Present Status of Text Critical Studies in the Catholic Epistles, W. Larry Richards
The President's Page, Norman R. Gulley
The President's Page, E. Edward Zinke
The President's Page, C. Raymond Holmes
The President's page: Creation - The Sine Qua Non of Adventism, Jiri Moskala
The President's Page: The New Constitution and Bylaws of the Adventist Theological Society, Jiri Moskala
The President's Page: Tribute in Honor of Gerhard F. Hasel, E. Edward Zinke
The Priesthood of All Believers, P. Gerard Damsteegt
The Priest-King Role of the Messiah, Alberto R. Treiyer
The Primitive Church in the Modern World [review] / edited by Richard T. Hughes., Mark F. Carr
"The Prince and Me: An evening with Bloch and Bach" Senior Cello Recital - Rachel Gray, Department of Music
The Principle of Equivalency: An Analysis of the Hermeneutics of Shailer Mathews, Sakae Kubo
The Problem of History in Old Testament Theology, Gerhard F. Hasel
The Problem of Isaiah 6:13, Udo F. CH. Worschech
The Problem of Miracle in Primitive Christianity [review] / Fridrichsen, Anton, Sakae Kubo
The Problem of Ordination: Lessons from Early Christian History, Darius Jankiewicz
The Problem of Poverty [review] / Abraham Kuyper; edited and introduced by James W. Skillen., Miroslav M. Kis
The Problem of Translating "En to Auton Haimati" in Romans 3:25a, P. Richard Choi
The Process of Conversion as Explained by the Great Controversy Metaphor, Ed Christian
'The Professionalization of Students', Andrews University
'The Professionalization of Students': Honors Program Research Symposium benefits careers before they begin, Danni Francis
The Promise "I Am Coming Soon" in Revelation, Rabach Odek
The Promise of the Spirit [review] / Charles G. Finney; reviewed by James E. Miller., James E. Miller
The Promise of Trinitarian Theology [review] / Colin E. Gunton., Fernando L. Canale
The Prophet and Her Critics [review] / Leonard Brand and Don S. McMahon., Lael O. Caesar
The Prophetic Existence [review] / Neher, André., Zev Garber
The Prophetic Significance of Stephen, Wilson Paroschi
The Prophetic Voice in the Old Testament: An Overview, Jiří Moskala
The Prophet Samuel: In the Wrong Place at the Right Time, Eric Ellison
The Prophets as Preachers: An Introduction to the Hebrew Prophets [review] / Gary V. Smith., Martin T. Probstle
The Prophets [review] / Kraeling, Emil G., Zev Garber
The Psalm 23 through Postmodern Eyes: Insights and Lessons for Missiologists, Felix Cortez
The Psalmists' Journey and the Sanctuary: A Study in the Sanctuary and the Shape of the Book of Psalms, Dragoslava Santrac
The Psalmists' Journey and the Sanctuary: A Study in the Sanctuary and the Shape of the Book of Psalms, Dragoslava Santrac
The Psalms: An Introduction [review] / James L. Crenshaw., Wann M. Fanwar
The Psalms: Their Origin and Meaning [review] / Sabourin, Leopold., Zev Garber
The Psychology of Prayer: A Theosomatic (Psycho-Spiritual) Approach to Missionary Care, L. Ann Hamel
The Public Square: Union of Church and State: What We Can Learn from History and Scripture, Norman R. Gulley
The QOD Earthquake - Attempted Merger of Two Theological Tectonic Plates, Herbert Edgar Douglass
The Quest for a Biblical Trinity: Ellen White's "Heavenly Trio" Compared to the Traditional Doctrine, Jerry Moon
The Quest for "La Sapiens": Roy Bhaskar's Critical Realism and the Science and Religion Dialogue, Ante Jerončić
The Quest for ‘La Sapienza’: Roy Bhaskar’s Critical Realism and the Science and Religion Dialogue, Ante Jeroncic
The Quest for the Biblical Ontological Ground of Christian Theology, Fernando Canale
The Quest for the Historical Israel: Debating Archaeology and the History of Israel [review] / Amihai Mazar and Israel Finkelstein, Matthieu Richelle
The Quest for the Kingdom of God: Studies in Honor of George E. Mendenhall [review] / edited by H.B. Huffmon, F.A. Spina, and A.R.W. Green., William H. Shea
The Quest for the Original Text of the New Testament [review] / Philip Wesley Comfort., Jon Paulien
The Reaction of the Early Seventh-day Adventists to the Sunday Law Movement Before 1888, Eunyeong Ma
The Realities of Purpose-Guided Education Across Disciplines, Jerry Pattengale
The Reality of Faith [review] / Kuitert, H. M., H. Elison Adams Jr.
The Reality of God and Other Essays [review] / Ogden, Schubert M., Edward W. H. Vick
The Reception of Ellen G. White's Trinitarian Statements by Her Contemporaries, 1897–1915, Denis Kaiser
The Reformation and the Remnant, Nicholas P. Miller
The Reformation of the Bible, the Bible of the Reformation [review] / Jaroslav Pelikan; catalog of the exhibition by Valerie R. Hotchkiss and David Price., Kenneth A. Strand
The Reformation: Roots and Ramifications [review] / Heiko A. Oberman; translated by Andrew Colin Gow., Kenneth A. Strand
The Reformers and the Gift of Prophecy, Denis Fortin
The Reform of the Papacy: The Costly Call to Christian Unity [review] / John R. Quinn., Denis Fortin
The Reign of God: An Introduction to Christian Theology from a Seventh-Day Adventist Perspective [review] / by Richard Rice., Norman R. Gulley
The Reign of Terror, Jan Voerman
The Relationship Between Archaeology and the Bible, David Merling
The Relationship between Drug Treatment Program Ownership, Medicaid Acceptance and Types of Service Provision, Duane McBride, M. Mulatu, Jamie Chriqui, and Y. Terry-McElrath
The Relationship Between Epistemology, Hermeneutics, Biblical Theology and Contextualization: Understanding Truth [review] / edited by Douglas Welker Kennard., Karen K. Abrahamson
The Relationship Between Financial Incentives and Perceptions of Student Choice at Private Michigan Universities, Ndahwa Musa Masanja
The Relationship Between Herodotus' History and Primary History [review] / Sara Mandell and David Noel Freedman., James E. Miller
The relationship between perturbation theory and direct calculations of rare-earth transition intensities, Michael Reid, Gary Burdick, and H Kooy
The Relationship Between Selected Ministry Factors and Effective Local Church Youth Evangelism: A Delphi Study [Dissertation Notice], Dustin J. Schadt
The relationship between spiritual disciplines and religiosity, J. Habenicht and Karl Bailey
The Relationship Between State Methamphetamine Precursor Laws and Trends in Small Toxic Lab Seizures, Duane McBride, Yvonne Terry-McElrath, Jamie Chriqui, J. O’Connor, and Curtis VanderWaal
The Relationship between Successful Completion and Sequential Movement in Self-Paced Distance Courses, Janine Lim
The Relationship Between the Leadership Practices of Presidents and the Organizational Culture of Christian Colleges and Universities [Dissertation Notice], Jeremy Blake O'Dell
The Relationship of Perceived Leader’s Integrity to Job Burnout Levels Among Auto Salespeople, Jerry Chi
The Relationship of Servant Leadership and Nurses' Job Burnout, Jerry Chi
The Relationship of Servant Leadership and Nurses’ Job Burnout, Grace Chi and Jerry Chi
The Relationship of Supervision Variables to Counseling Self-Efficacy and Outcome Expectations Among Practicing Psychologists, Gunther L. Schwartz
The Relationship of the Old Covenant to the Everlasting Covenant, Ashwani Kumar
The Relationship of the Old Covenant to the Everlasting Covenant, Kumar Ashwani
The Relationships between Volunteering and Religious Behaviors among Seventh-day Adventist Faculty & Staff: Preliminary Findings, Curtis VanderWaal, J. Gavin, A. Mayer, and W. Ellis
The Relationships Between Youth Ministry and At-Risk Behavior in Youth, Barry Gane and Jimmy Kijai
The Religion of Ancient Israel [review] / Vriezen, Th. C., Zev Garber
The Religion of Protestants: The Church in English Society, 1559-1625 [review] / Patrick Collinson., Harry Leonard
The Religions of Ancient Israel: A Synthesis of Parallactic Approaches [review] / Ziony Zevit., Gerald A. Klingbeil
The Religions of the People in Sixteenth-Century Champagne [review] / Galpern, A. N., Cedric Ward
The Religious Fringe: a History of Alternative Religions in America [review] / Richard Kyle., Woodrow W. Whidden II.
The Religious Orders in England. 3 vols. [review] / David Knowles., Cedric Ward
The Religious Roots of the First Amendment: Dissenting Protestants and the Separation of Church and State [review] / Nicholas P. Miller, Brian E. Strayer
The Remnant and the New Covenant in the Book of Jeremiah, Kenneth D. Mulzac
The Remnant Church, Gerhard Pfandl
The Remnant Concept as Defined by Amos, Ganoune Diop
The Remnant Concept in Early Adventism: From Apocalyptic Antisectarianism to an Eschatological Denominational Ecclesiology, Stefan Höschele
"The Remnant of My Sheep": A Study of Jeremiah 23:1-8 in its Biblical and Theological Contexts, Kenneth D. Mulzac
The Remnant: The History and Theology of the Remnant Idea from Genesis to Isaiah [review] / Hasel, Gerhard F., Joseph J. Battistone
The Removal of the Winnebago Indians from Wisconsin to Nebraska in 1873-4, Lawrence Onsager
There Shall Be No Poor Among You: Poverty in the Bible [review] / Leslie J. Hoppe., Pedrito U. Maynard-Reid
The Reshaping of Ancient Israelite History in Chronicles [review] / Isaac Kalimi., Tarsee Li
The Responsibility of Dissent: The Church and Academic Freedom [review] / Hunt, John F., R. Connelly., Herold Weiss
The Restoration of the Primordial World of Genesis 1-3 in Revelation 21-22, Bruce Norman
The rest that remaineth: a study of five poems by George Herbert, Andrea Luxton
The Resurrection and the New Testament: A Fresh Look in Light of Recent Research, Jon Paulien
The Resurrection and the Old Testament: A Fresh Look in Light of Recent Research, Jon Paulien
The Resurrection of Jesus: Myth or Historical Reality?, Gerhard F. Hasel
The Resurrection of the Son of God [review] / N.T. Wright., Thomas W. Toews
The Revelation and Inspiration of Scripture in Adventist Theology. Part 1, Fernando L. Canale
The Revelation of St. John: An Introduction and Commentary [review] / Morris, Leon., Kenneth A. Strand
The Revised 28-Item Racial and Ethnic Microaggressions Scale (R28REMS): Examining the Factorial Structure for Black, Latino/Hispanic, and Asian Young Adults, Shandra Forrest-Bank, Jeffrey M. Jenson, and Shannon Trecartin
The Revised English Bible, Sakae Kubo
The Revisionary Potential of "Abba! Father!" in the Letters of Paul, Sigve K. Tonstad
The Rich Man in James 2: Does Ancient Patronage Illuminate the Text?, Nancy Jean Vyhmeister
The Right Questions: Truth, Meaning & Public Debate [review] / Phillip E. Johnson., Timothy G. Standish
The Rise of Adventism: Religion and Society in Mid-Nineteenth-Century America [review] / Gaustad, Edwin S., ed., Richard Schwarz
The Rise of Evangelicalism: The Age of Edwards, Whitefield, and the Wesleys [review] / Mark A. Noll., Nicholas P. Miller
The Rise of the Monarchical Episcopate, Kenneth A. Strand
The Rise of the New Apostolic Reformation and Its Implications for Adventist Eschatology, Trevor O'Reggio
The Road to Clarity: Seventh-Day Adventism in Madagascar [review] / Eva Keller., Stefan Hoschele
The Road to Racial Progress in the Seventh-day Adventist Church: A Survey of Counsel and Policy from 1890-1920, Jon Ruhumuliza
The Role and Status of the Catholic Church in the Church-State Relationship within the Roman Empire from A.D. 306 to 814, Jean Carlos Zukowski
The Role of Abigail in 1 Samuel 25, Kenneth D. Mulzac
The Role of African American Clergy in Reducing Mental Health and Substance Abuse Disparities and Increasing Treatment Linkages for Congregants, Curtis VanderWaal, E. Hernandez, P. Ippel, A. Sandman, and D. Sedlacek
The Role of Assyria in the Ancient Near East During the Reign of Manasseh, Roy E. Gane
The Role of Gatekeeping in Maintaining Program Integrity, Curtis VanderWaal, Ann-Marie Jones, and David Sedlacek
The Role of Hagar in Genesis 16, Philip R. Drey
The Role of Hope in Patients with Cancer, Grace Chi
The Role of Misunderstanding in the Fourth Gospel, Edwin E. Reynolds
The Role of Prayer in Ministries Dependent upon Donations, Susan Payne
The Role of SDA Education in the Formation of Adventist Lifestyle, George H. Akers and Charles Seabrough
The Role of Social Justice in Drug Use and Public Health Approaches, C. McCoy, Duane McBride, M. Zhao, R. Ache, and M. Comerford
The Role of the Church in the Interpretation of Scripture, Richard M. Davidson
The Role of the Genesis Creation in the Writings of the Apostolic Father, Eliezer Gonzalez
The Role of the Hebrew Cultus, Sanctuary, and Temple in the Plot and Structure of the Book of Revelation, Jon Pauline
The Role of the Populace in the Passion Narrative of Luke in Codex Bezae, George E. Rice
The Role of the Statement of Beliefs and Creeds, Kwabena Donkor
The Role of Tradition in Modern and Contemporary Theology: Mediating Epistemic Divides, Kwabena Donkor
The roles and functions of a husband, Grace Chi
The Rolling-Stone Tomb F.1 at Tell Hesban, James A. Kritzeck and Eugenia L. Nitowski
The Roman Near East, 31 B.C.-A.D. 337 [review] / Fergus Millar., Howard P. Krug
The Roots of Anti-Semitism in the Age of Renaissance and Reformation [review] / Heiko A. Oberman., Kenneth A. Strand
The Rosetta Stone in Historical Perspective, Keith Schoville
The Routledge Companion to the Practice of Christian Theology [review] / Higton, Mike, and Jim Fodor, eds., Elmer A. Guzman
The Runaway Church: Post-Conciliar Growth or Decline [review] / Hebblethwaite, Peter., Raoul Dederen
The Sabbath and Genesis 2:1-3, H. Ross Cole
The Sabbath and The Alien, H. Ross Cole
The Sabbath and the Most Prominent Magisterial Reformers, P. Gerard Damsteegt
The Sabbath as Metaphor in The Second Century C.E., Robert Morris Johnston
The Sabbath Commandment in Deuteronomy 5:12-15, Ekkehardt Mueller
The Sabbath in Jewish and Christian Traditions [review] / edited by Tamara C. Eskenazi, Daniel J. Harrington, William H. Shea., Niels-Erik Andreasen
The Sabbath in Luke's Writings, Paul B. Petersen
The Sabbath in Matthew 24:20, William H. Shea
The Sabbath in Scripture and History [review] / editor, Kenneth A. Strand ; contributors, including those to the appendixes, Daniel Augsburger ... [et al.]., Niels-Erik Andreasen
The Sabbath in the Epistle of Barnabas, William H. Shea
The Sabbath in the First Creation Accounts, Jiri Moskala
The Sabbath in the Gospel of Matthew: A Paradigm for Understanding the Law in Matthew?, Robert Kerry McIver
The Sabbath in the Great Schism of A.D. 1054, R. L. Odom
The Sabbath in the Pentateuch: An Exegetical and Theological Study, Mathilde Frey
The Salvation of the Unevangelized: The Exclusivist Views of Millard J. Erickson, Christopher R. Mwashinga
The Sanctuary and Adventist Experience, P. Gerard Damsteegt
The Sanctuary and the Atonement: Biblical, Historical, and Theological Studies [review] / editors, Arnold V. Wallenkampf, W. Richard Lesher., William H. Shea
The Sanctuary and the Mission of the Church, Jack J. Blanco
The Sanctuary: The Canonical Key of Old Testament Theology, Roberto Ouro
The Sanctuary, the Gospel, and the Law, Thomas A. Davis
The Sanctuary, the Gospel, and the Law [CHART for ARTICLE], Thomas A. Davis
The Sanctuary: “To Behold the Beauty of the Lord.”, Richard M. Davidson
The Saving Remnant: Religion and the Settling of New England [review] / Cedric B. Cowing., Brian E. Strayer
The Scandal of the Book of Job, Jiri Moskala
The Scholar and the Word of God, Thomas Shepherd
The Scholar and the Word of God: Reflections on 2 Peter 1:16-21, Thomas R. Shepherd
The Scripture Way of Salvation: The Heart of John Wesley's Theology [review] / Kenneth J. Collins., Woodrow W. Whidden II.
The Seal of God, P. Gerard Damsteegt
The Search for a Plausible Cosmology, Mart de Groot
The Search for Darius the Mede (Concluded), or, The Time of the Answer to Daniel's Prayer and the Date of the Death of Darius the Mede, William H. Shea
These are Gifts: Understanding Spiritual Gifts in Ministry, Skip Bell
The Second Epistle to the Corinthians: A Commentary on the Greek Text [review] / by Murray J. Harris., Erhard H. Gallos
The Second Letter to the Corinthians [review] / Seifrid, Mark A., Panayotis Coutsoumpos
The Septuagint, Sexuality, and the New Testament: Case Studies on the Impact of the LXX in Philo and the New Testament [review] / William Loader., James E. Miller
The Serpent and the Dove: Five Essays on Early Christianity [review] / Laeuchli, Samuel., Kenneth A. Strand
The Servant-Master Roles of the Laws of Christ, of Scripture, and of Nature, Martin F. Hanna
The Seven Signs of Ethical Collapse [review] / Jennings, M. M., Juan Prestol
The Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Latin America and the Caribbean [review] / Floyd Greenleaf., Alberto R. Trimm
The Seventh-day Men: Sabbatarians and Sabbatarianism in England and Wales, 1600-1800 [review] / Bryan W. Ball., George R. Knight
The Seventh-Day Sabbath and Sabbath Theology in The Book of Revelation: Creation, Covenant, Sign, Larry L. Lichtenwalter
The Seventy Weeks of Dan 9: An Exegetical Study, Jacques B. Douhkan
The Shaker Experience in America: A History of the United Society of Believers [review] / Stephen J. Stein., George R. Knight
The Shaking of Adventism [review] / Paxton, Geoffrey J., Erwin R. Gane
The Shape of Christology [review] / McIntyre, John, Edward W. H. Vick
The Shaping of Adventism: The Case of W.W. Prescott [review] / Gilbert M. Valentine., Jerry Moon
The Significance of Joshua's Reception of the Laying on of Hands in Numbers 27:12-23, Keith Mattingly
The Significance of the Cosmology in Genesis 1 in Relation to Ancient Near Eastern Parallels, Gerhard F. Hasel
The Silencing of Babylon: A Spiritual Commentary on the Revelation of John [review] / by John Guimond., Jon Paulien
The Silent Church: Human Rights and Adventist Social Ethics [review] / Zdravko Plantak., George R. Knight
The Sin Against the Holy Spirit in the Writings of G. C. Berkouwer and E. G. White: A Comparative Study and Ethical Implications, Michael Davey Pearson
The Sixteenth Century Protestant Reformation and Adventist Ecclesiology, Darius Jankiewicz
The Social World of Luke-Acts: Models for Interpretation [review] / edited by Jerome H. Neyrey., Bertram L. Melbourne
The Sociology of Pottery in Ancient Palestine: the Ceramic Industry and the Diffusion of Ceramic Style in the Bronze and Iron Ages [review] / Bryant G. Wood., P. David Merling
The Sola Scriptura Principle in the Current Debate, Aleksandar S. Santrac
The Song of Moses and the Song of the Lamb, Joel N. Musvosvi
The Son of Man in Daniel Seven [review] / by Arthur J. Ferch., William H. Shea
The Son of Man in Myth and History [review] / Borsch, Frederick Houk., Sakae Kubo
The Soul of Politics: A Practical and Prophetic Vision for Change [review] / Jim Wallis., Bruce Campbell Moyer
The 'Spirit of Prophecy' in the Revelation of John, Ranko Stefanovic
The Spiritual Gift of Scholarship, Martin Hanna
The Spirituality of Erasmus of Rotterdam [review] / Richard L. DeMolen., Kenneth A. Strand
The Spirituality of John Calvin [review] / Richard, Lucien Jospeh., Kenneth A. Strand
The "Spotlight-On-Last-Events" Sections in the Book of Revelation, Kenneth A. Strand
The Steward Leader [Interview with Scott Rodin], JACL Editors
The Steward Leader: Transforming People, Organizations and Communities [review] / Rodin, R., Stanley E. Patterson PhD
The Stillborn God: Religion, Politics, and the Modern West [review] / Mark Lilla, Bruce Campbell Moyer
The Storm-God in the Ancient Near East [review] / by Alberto R.W. Green., Martin G. Klingbeil
The Story of Ruth: A Chronological and Geneaological Perspective, Paul J. Ray
The Story of Ruth: A Chronological and Geneaological Perspective, Paul J. Ray
The Structural Equation Model of Management Information System, Jerry Chi
The Structure of Hebrews: A Text-Linguistic Analysis [review] / by George H. Guthrie., Matthew M. Kent
The Student's Complete Vocabulary Guide to the Greek New Testament: Complete Frequency Lists, Cognate Groupings and Principal Parts [review] / Warren C. Trenchard., William E. Richardson
The substantiation of Legal System and Continuation Law in Taiwan, Jerry Chi
The Success Delusion: Why it Can Be So Hard for Successful Leaders to Change, Marshall Goldsmith
The "Summer that Will Never End": Luther's Longing for the "Dear Last Day" in His Sermon on Luke 21 (1531), Johann Heinz
The Sustainable Society: Ethics and Economic Growth [review] / Stivers, Robert L., Sakae Kubo
The Synchronisms of the Hebrew Kings -- A Re-Evaluation: Part I, Edwin R. Thiele
The Synchronisms of the Hebrew Kings -- a Re-Evaluation: Part II, Edwin R. Thiele
The Synoptic Problem: An Introduction [review] / Robert H. Stein., George E. Rice
The Tablets of Ebla: Concordance and Bibliography [review] / by Scott G. Beld, William W. Hallo, and Piotr Michalowski., William H. Shea
The Tapestry of Early Christian Discourse: Rhetoric, Society, and Ideology [review] / Vernon K. Robbins., Ruben Dupertuis
The Techniques of the Sacrifice of Animals in Ancient Israel and Ancient Mesopotamia: New Insights Through Comparison, Part 1, JoAnn Scurlock
The Techniques of the Sacrifice of Animals in Ancient Israel and Ancient Mesopotamia: New Insights Through Comparison, Part 2, JoAnn Scurlock
The technological innovation for SDA distance education: Southwestern e-Learning System, Jerry Chi
The Tell el-Umeiri Inscription, P. David Merling
The Ten Commandments: A Short History of an Ancient Text [review] / Coogan, Michael, Zdravko Stefanovic
The Tension of Seventh-day Adventist Identity: An Existential & Eschatological Perspective, Jacques R. Doukhan
The Term Tehora in Genesis 7:2: A Linguistic Study, Roberto Ouro
The Text and the Times: New Testament Essays for Today [review] / Robin Scroggs., Ronald L. Jolliffe
The Text of the New Testament in Contemporary Research: Essays on the Status Quaestionis [review] / edited by Bart D. Ehrman and Michael W. Holme., Panayotis Coutsoumpos
The Text of the New Testament in Contemporary Research: Essays on the Status Questions [review] / Ehrman, Bart D., and Michael W. Holmes, eds., Carl P. Cosaert
The Theme of Apocalyptic War in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Alexander Bolotnikov
The Theological and Practical Significance of Health Reform in the Writings of Ellen G. White, Angel Manuel Rodriguez
The Theological Significance of the Root SWB in Jeremiah, George Ossom-Batsa
The Theology of Sexuality in the Beginning: Genesis 1-2, Richard M. Davidson
The Theology of Sexuality in the Beginning: Genesis 3, Richard M. Davidson
The Theology of the Johannine Epistles [review] / Judith M. Lieu., Herbert Kiesler
The Tomb of David in Jerusalem, William H. Shea
The Torah: Theology and Social History of Old Testament Law [review] / Frank Crüsemann; translated by Allan W. Mahnke., Eric L.O.R. Henry
The Trajectory of an Egalitarian Ethic in the Letters of Paul: The Case for Women's Ordination, Leo S. Ranzolin Jr.
The Transformation of Culture: Christian Social Ethics After H. Richard Niebuhr [review] / Charles Scriven., Russell L. Staples
The Transitional Process: From Traditional Church to a Cell-Based Church, William E. Hughes
The Transjordanian Altar (Joshua 22:10-34) According to Josephus (Ant. 5:100-114) and Pseudo-Philo (LAB 22:1-8), Christopher Begg
The Translator's New Testament [review] / [Produced Under the Direction of W. D. McHardy], Sakae Kubo
The treatment effects of music relaxation video on pain and anxiety levels of cancer patients, Grace Chi
The Trends of Management Education, Jerry Chi
The Trial of Jan Hus: Medieval Heresy and Criminal Procedure [review] / Fudge, Thomas, Trevor O'Reggio
The Triangular Relationships Among Macroeconomics, Politics and Investment Decisions, Jerry Chi
The Trinity in Scripture, Gerhard Pfandl
The Trinity in the Book of Revelation, Edwin Reynolds
The Trinity: Understanding God's love, His Plan of Salvation, and Christian Relationships [review] / Woodrow Whidden, Jerry Moon, John W. Reeve., Alberto R. Trimm
The Triumph of God's Love: The Optimistic, Theological Theodicy of Ellen G. White, Woodrow W. Whidden III
The Triumph of the Irrational in Postenlightenment Theology, Paul Fisher
The True and the False in the Ecclesiology of Revelation, Edwin Reynolds
The Trumpets In Their Contexts, Hans K. LaRondelle
The Truth About Armageddon: What the Bible Says About the End Times [review] / William Sanford LaSor., Kenneth A. Strand
The Two Aeons and the Messiah in Pseudo-Philo, 4 Ezra, and 2 Baruch, Arthur J. Ferch
The Two Olive Trees of Zechariah 4 and Revelation 11, Kenneth A. Strand
The Two Witnesses and the Land Beast in the Book of Revelation, Kayle B. de Waal
The Two Witnesses of Rev 11:3-12, Kenneth A. Strand
The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11, Ekkehardt Muller
The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11:1-13: Arguments, Issues of Interpretation, and a Way Forward, Ian R. Brown
The Unbelievable Pre-Trib Origin: The Recent Discovery of a Well-Known Theory's Beginning-- and Its Incredible Cover-Up! [review] / MacPherson, Dave, Kenneth A. Strand
The Unified Framework of Outcomes and Value Rubrics, Rosemary Bailey, Karl Bailey, and Rhonda Root
The Unified Framework of Outcomes and Value Rubrics (repeat), Rosemary Bailey, Karl Bailey, and Rhonda Root
The Unifying Logic of Israelite Purification Offerings Within Their Ancient Near Eastern Context, Roy Gane
The Unity of the Bible: Unfolding God's Plan for Humanity [review] / Daniel P. Fuller., Bruce Norman
The Use of Ek in Revelation: Evidence of Semitic Influence, Kenneth G.C. Newport
The Use of Fantasy Theme Analysis to Describe the Group Communication and Creative Problem-Solving Skills of University-Level Students as They Prepare for Destination Imagination Global Finals Competition, Elizabeth Morgan Armstrong
The use of hagios for the Sanctuary in the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, Philo, and Josephus / Carl P. Cosaert., Carl P. Cosaert
The Use of Italics in English Versions of the New Testament, Walter F. Specht
The Use of Miskan and Ohel Moed in Exodus 25-40, Ralph E. Hendrix
The Use of Scripture in Recent Theology [review] / Kelsey, David H., Gerhard F. Hasel
The Use of the Septuagint in New Testament Research [review] / R. Timothy McLay., Bernard A. Taylor
The Use of the Septuagint in New Testament Research [review] / R. Timothy McLay., Teresa L. Reeve
The Validity of the Levitical Food Laws of Clean and Unclean Animals: A Case Study of Biblical Hermeneutics, Jiri Moskala
The Variety of American Evangelicalism [review] / edited by Donald W. Dayton and Robert K. Johnston., Woodrow W. Whidden II.
The Verbal System of Biblical Hebrew: A New Synthesis Elaborated on the Basis of Classical Prose [review] / Jan Joosten, Kenneth Bergland
The vicious cycle: Relationship satisfaction's influence on male visual attention, L. Siebold, Y. Santos, and Karl Bailey
The Victorian "Lives" of Jesus [review] / Daniel L. Pals., John L. Brunie
The "Victorious-Introduction" Scenes in the Visions in the Book of Revelation, Kenneth A. Strand
The Vision of Daniel 8: Interpretations From 1700 to 1800 [review] / Samuel Nunez., P. Gerard Damsteegt
The Vitality of Old Testament Traditions [review] / Brueggemann, Walter and Hans Walter Wolff., Joseph J. Battistone
The Waldenses: Historical Perspectives from the Writings of Ellen White, Ellen G. White and Kathleen Demsky
The Waldensian Church in Torre Pellice (Front Steps), Troy Homenchuk
The Well Women of Scripture Revisited, Jo Ann Davidson
The Westminster Dictionary of Worship [review] / edited by J. G. Davies., R. Edward Turner
The Westminster Handbook to Evangelical Theology [review] / Roger E. Olson., Jo Ann Davidson
The Wisdom Books: Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes: A Translation with Commentary [review] / Robert Alter, Russell L. Meek
The Word Among Us: Contextualizing Theology for Mission Today [review] / Dean S. Gilliland, editor., Bruce L. Bauer
The Word Became Flesh [review] / Millard J. Erickson., Raoul Dederen
The Word Made Flesh: The Inspiration of Scripture, JoAnn Davidson
The Word Made Fresh [review] / Edington, Andrew., Sakae Kubo
The Word of God in English: Criteria for Excellence in Bible Translation [review] / Leland Ryken., Ed Christian
The Word of God in Puritan New England: Seventeenth-Century Perspectives on the Nature and Authority of the Bible, Allen Carden
The Word of Life: A Theology of John's Gospel [review] / Craig R. Koester, Jon Pauline
The Word of the Cross: A Contemporary Theology of Evangelism [review] / Lewis A. Drummond; foreword by J.I. Packer., Norman R. Gulley
The Works of John Wesley [review] / edited by Albert C. Outler ... [et al]., George R. Knight
The Works of Philo: Complete and Unabridged [review] / translated by C.D. Yonge., Mario Veloso
The world is too much: Effects of array size on the link between language comprehension and eye movements, D. Sorensen and Karl Bailey
The World's Writing Systems [review] / edited by Peter T. Daniels and William Bright., Leona Glidden Running
The Writings of Dirk Philips, 1504-1568 [review] / translated and edited by Cornelius J. Dyck, William E. Keeney, Alvin J. Beachy., Brian E. Strayer
The Youth of Erasmus [review] / Hyma, Albert., Kenneth A. Strand
Thiele's Biblical Chronology as a Corrective for Extrabiblical Dates, Kenneth A. Strand
Thinking About Thinking: An Assessment of Certain Presuppositions Underlying Some Adventist Lifestyle Issues, Ron du Preez
Thinking theologically: Adventist Christianity and the interpretation of faith [review] / Fritz Guy., Richard Rice
"This Generation" in Matthew 24:34, S. Joseph Kidder
"This generation" in Matthew 24:34, S. Joseph Kidder
This Sacred Work, Darren K. Heslop
This Sacred Work: Andrea Luxton, Sixth President of Andrews, Inaugurated, Becky St. Clair
Thomas Aquinas: An Evangelical Appraisal [review] / Norman L. Geisler; foreword by Ralph McInerny., Fernando L. Canale
Thorns Also and Thistles, Warren A. Shipton
Those Who Revise and Those Who Revolt, Jo Ann Davidson
Thoughts on the 144,000, Loron Wade
Three Epigraphic Finds from Tall Jalul, Jordan, Roy Gane and C Goulart
Three Notes on Relations Between Early Rabbinic and Early Christian Sources, William H. Shea
Three Popes and the Cardinal [review] / Martin, Malachi., Raoul Dederen
Three Reasons to Serve, Gary Hopkins, Duane C. McBride, Stuart Tyner, and Jonathan Duffy
Three Verifications of Thiele's Date for the Beginning of the Divided Kingdom, Rodger C. Young
Thrones in the Book of Revelation Part 1: Throne of God, Laszlo Gallusz
Thrones in the Book of Revelation Part 2: The Lamb on the Throne, Laszlo Gallusz
Thrones in the Book of Revelation Part 3: Thrones of God's Allies, Laszlo Gallusz
Thrones in the Book of Revelation Part 4: Thrones of God's Adversaries, Laszlo Gallusz
Through the Eyes of Women: Insights for Pastoral Care [review] / edited by Jeanne Stevenson Moessner., Delcy Kuhlman
Thursday Plenary: "The Andrews Philosophy of Christian Scholarship", Andrea Luxton
Thursday Worship, Stephen Zork and Susan Zork
Tied Up In Knotts, Andrews University
Tiffany Summerscales, Tiffany Summerscales
Tiffany Summerscales, Tiffany Summerscales
Time Setting, P. Gerard Damsteegt
Timothy Robertson, Timothy Robertson
Timothy Robertson, Timothy Robertson
Tiny House, Big Ideas, Andrews University
Tiny House, Big Ideas: A spacious 148 square feet of compact space, Melodie Roschman
To Be Like Jesus: Dr. C. Mervyn Maxwell's Life Ambition: A Tribute to a Professor Emeritus, P. Gerard Damsteegt
To Buy or Not to Buy? That is the Question, Jacquelyn Warwick
To Every Nation Under Heaven: The Acts of the Apostles [review] / Howard Clark Kee., Bertram L. Melbourne
To Fight or Not to Fight: The Sabbath and the Maccabean Revolt, Sigve K. Tonstad
To Flip or Not to Flip: The Case for Flipped Classroms, Israel Galla and Michael S. Gusky
Together in Christ: Building Christian Community, Skip Bell
To Kill and Take Possession: Law, Morality, and Society in Biblical Stories [review] / Daniel Friedmann., Ron Du Preez
Tolerance in African Traditional Religion, Emmanuel Abar
Tongues as of Fire: Pentecostalism in Contemporary Christianity [review] / Damboriena, Prudencio., Carl G. Tuland
Tony Becher’s Professional practice: Commitment & capability in a changing environment, Duane Covrig
Top Ranked STEM Program, Andrews University
Top Ranked STEM Program: Andrews among top 30 schools, James Oliver
To Sell is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others [review] / Pink, Daniel H., William R. Auxier
To Understand the Scriptures: Essays in Honor of William H. Shea [review] / edited by David Merling., James E. Miller
Toward a Collision with Eternity? (The President's Page), Larry L. Lichtenwalter
Toward a Monistic Philosophy of Man, John M. Berecz
Toward an American Theology: A Symposium on an Important Book, Roy Branson, Fritz Guy, and Earle Hilgert
Toward a Scriptural Aesthetic, Jo Ann Davidson
Toward a Theological Encounter: Jewish Understanding of Christianity [review] / Leon Klenicki, editor., Jacques B. Douhkan
Toward a Theology for the Future [review] / eds. David F. Wells and Clark H. Pinnock., Sakae Kubo
Toward a Theology of Religion in an Asian Adventist Perspective, Nestor C. Rilloma
Toward Consistent Adventist Hermeneutics: From Creation Through De-Creation to Re-Creation, Jiří Moskala
Toward Old Testament Ethics [review] / Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., Gerhard F. Hasel
Toward Rediscovering the Old Testament [review] / Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., Paul J. Ray Jr.
Towards a Missiological Model for Worldview Transformation Among Adherents to African Traditional Religion in Yorubaland, Kelvin Okey Onongha
Towards a Missiological Model for Worldview Transformation Among Adherents to African Traditional Religion in Yorubaland [Dissertation Notice], Kelvin Okey Onongha
Towards a model of pastoral leadership for church growth in German speaking Europe, Erich Baumgartner
Towards Righteousness by Faith: 1888 in Retrospect [review] / Arthur J. Ferch, editor., George R. Knight
Toward the Fulfillment of the Gog and Magog Prophecy of Ezekiel 38-39, Jiri Moskala
Toward the Theology of Mission of the Seventh-day Adventist church, P. Gerard Damsteegt
Tracing the Kingly Pattern: How a King Becomes a Legend, Stanley Lebrun
Tradition and Transformation in the Books of Chronicles [review] / Pancratius C. Beentjes, Jeffery P. Hudon
Traditions in Transformation: Turning Points in Biblical Faith [review] / edited by Baruch Halpern, Jon D. Levenson., Gerhard F. Hasel
Trajectories of Women’s Ordination in History, John W. Reeve
Transformational Youth Ministry, Allen Walshe
Transformation and Prosperity of a New Life., Jerry Chi and Grace Chi
Transformation and Prosperity of a New Life., Jerry Chi
Transforming Initiatives: Leadership Ethics from the Sermon on the Mount, D. Lawson
Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission [review] / David J. Bosch., Russell L. Staples
Transformissional Coaching: Empowering Leaders in a Changing Ministry World [review] / Ogne, Steve and Tim Roehl, Greg Schaller
Translation of Words with the Stem "Dik-" in Romans, A. J. Mattill Jr.
Trans-Nationalization of Latin American Higher Education: Perspectives and Challenges for the Region, Gus Gregorutti
Treasure of Qumran: My Story of the Dead Sea Scrolls [review] / Samuel, Archbishop Athanasius Yeshue, Alger F. Johns
Tributes by Church Associates and Colleagues, John T. Baldwin, Robert H. Carter, Norman R. Gulley, and Gordon M. Hyde
Tributes by Church Officers and The Adventist Theological Society, Robert S. Folkenberg, Robert J. Kloosterhuis, C. Raymond Holmes, Jack J. Blanco, and E. Edward Zinke
Tributes from Friends in the Theological Community, Gleason L. Archer, Walter C. Kaiser, Elmer A. Martens, and Willem A. VanGemeren
Tributes from Student Friends, Hermann V.A. Kuma, Samuel Koranteng-Pipim, and Ganoune Diop
Tributes to Hasel, C. Mervyn Maxwell, Randall W. Younker, and Richard M. Davidson
Tribute to Dr. C. Mervyn Maxwell, James R. Nix
Trinitarian Evidences in the Apocalypse, Woodrow W. Whidden
Trinity in the Old Testament, Norman R. Gulley
True or False? Genuine and False Cylinder Seals at Andrews University, Edith Porada
Truth, Allegiance, and Power Dimensions in Christian Discipleship: From a Language of Priority to a Balanced Approach, Boubakar Sanou
Trynchuk Studio Recital, Department of Music
Turning Eggs to Fossils: A Natural Experiment in Taphonomy, James Hayward, Charles Amlaner, and Karen Young
Turning Points: Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity [review] / Mark A. Noll., Jerry Moon
Turning the Tables, Os Guinness
Tuttle to Receive Honorary Degree, Andrews University
Tuttle to Receive Honorary Degree: Speakers, program times, and special events, Melodie Roschman
Twentieth Century Approaches to the Matthean Community, Robert Kerry McIver
Twisted Kisses (The President's Page), Larry L. Lichtenwalter
Two Aspects of Babylon's Judgment Portrayed in Revelation 18, Kenneth A. Strand
Two by Two Leadership: A Model of Christian Leadership [Dissertation Notice], Joseph Thomas Swanner IV
Two Essential Questions, Jack J. Blanco
Two Hundred Years from Lacunza: The Impact of His Eschatological Thought on Prophetic Studies and Modern Futurism, David Pio Gullon
Two Notes Concerning Pamphlet Literature of the Reformation Era, Kenneth A. Strand
Two Old Testament Theologies [review] / Spriggs, D. G., A. Josef Greig
Two-photon laser spectroscopy of Ce3+ in LiYF4, J Gacon, J Baudry, C Garapon, and Gary Burdick
Two "Selma" Screenings on Campus, Anthony James
Two "Selma" Screenings on Campus: Andrews honors Black History Month
Two Unpublished Letters Regarding Tregelles' "Canon Muratorianus", Earle Hilgert
Typology and Adventist Eschatological Identity: Friend or Foe?, Erick Mendieta
Typology in Scripture [review] / Richard M. Davidson., Niels-Erik Andreasen
Ugaritic Vocabulary in Syllabic Transcription [review] / John Huehnergard., James E. Miller
Ugarit in Retrospect: Fifty Years of Ugarit and Ugaritic [review] / edited by Gordon Douglas Young., William H. Shea
Ultimate Reality and Meaning in Luther's Theology of the Cross: No Other God, but the Incarnate Human God, Dennis Ngien
Unchaining the Bible: Putting the Bible Back in the Pew, Roland J. Hill
Unconditional Good News: Toward an Understanding of Biblical Universalism [review] / by Neal Punt; reviewed by Daniel A. Augsburger., Daniel A. Augsburger
Understanding Apostasy in the Christian Church, John Reeve
Understanding Board Leadership: Adventist Hospital Board Chair Behaviors and Effectiveness and Organizational Outcomes, Anthony Stahl, Duane M. Covrig, and Isadore Newman
Understanding Creation: Answers to Questions on Faith and Science [review] / Gibson, L. James and Humberto M. Rasi, Joe Galusha
Understanding Dispensationalists [review] / Vern S. Poythress., Hans K. LaRondelle
Understanding expressive writing: Its relationship to trauma, resilience, and parenting style, Lindsey Dever, Karl Bailey, and Harvey Burnett
Understanding Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism [review] / George M. Marsden., Woodrow W. Whidden II.
Understanding Fundamentalism: Christian, Islamic, and Jewish Movements [review] / Richard T. Antoun., John Graz
Understanding God’s Will, Plan and Implementation, Jerry Chi and Grace Chi
Understanding God’s Will, Plan and Implementation., Jerry Chi
Understanding Marketing: Expert Solutions to Everyday Challenges, Philip Kotler and Bruce Wrenn
Understanding Our Muslim Neighbors, Darren Heslop
Understanding Our Muslim Neighbors: Panel discussion encourages education, discovery, Danni Francis
Understanding the Book of Amos: Basic Issues in Current Interpretations [review] / Gerhard F. Hasel., Miary Andriamiarisoa
Understanding the Book of Hebrews: The Story Behind the Sermon [review] / Kenneth Schenck., Erhard H. Gallos
Understanding the Kingdom of God [review] / Harkness, Georgia., Sakae Kubo
Understanding the ‘When’ of Creation in Genesis 1–2, Richard Davidson
Under the Sacred Bo Tree: Enhancing a Ministry That Is More than Preaching, Rudi Maier
Un estudio comparado del valor económico y social de dos universidades adventistas, Gus Gregorutti
Ungodly Women: Gender and the First Wave of American Fundamentalism [review] / Betty A. DeBerg., Sara Karkkainen Terian
UNICEF Club Partners on Tap Project, Andrews University
UNICEF Club Partners on Tap Project: Students work with University of Minnesota, fundraises for clean water, Alixandria Reiner
Union with Christ: The New Finnish Interpretation of Luther [review] / edited by Carl E. Braaten and Robert W. Jenson., C. Raymond Holmes
United States Public Health Agency Involvement in Illicit Drug Policy, Planning and Prevention, 1999-2003, Duane McBride, Yvonne Terry-McElrath, Curtis VanderWaal, Jamie Chriqui, and Jna Myllyluoma
United We Stand': A Biblical Perspective on Ecumenical Relations, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Uniting in Hope, Accra 1974 [review]., Raoul Dederen
Unity - But At What Cost?, Gerhard Pfandl
Universal Legal Justification: a Failed Alternative Between Calvin and Arminius, Joseph Olstad
University Plans to Break World Record, Darren K. Heslop
University Plans to Break World Record: Next week's wellness fest includes attempt at group sit-ups record, Becky St. Clair
University & Seminary Respond to GC Vote, Andrews University
University & Seminary Respond to GC Vote: Statement on women's ordination issue, Becky St. Clair
University Vespers, Michael Gulker
University Wind Symphony Spring Concert, Andrews University
University Wind Symphony Spring Concert: Tuba soloist Roger Lewis will be featured guest artist
Unknowing, Knowing: and the Link with Scripture in Pseudo-Dionysius’s Mystical Theology, Cleran Hollancid
"Unwholly" Relationships: Unity in a Biblical Theology, Paul B. Petersen
Up a Tree: Soteriological Implications of the Interwoven Quest and Rescue Plots of Luke 19:1–10, Jonny Moor and Thomas Shepherd
Update from President Andreasen: Andrews taking steps to address homelessness among LGBT youth, Niels-Erik Andreasen
Up From Sea and Earth: Revelation 13:1, 11 in Context, Hugo Antonio Cotro
Uphill Battles: Challenges and Approaches for Technology Funds at Independent Institutions, Lawrence Onsager
Up the Down Path: Power, Ambition, and Spiritual Leadership, Stanley E. Patteson
Up the Down Path: Power, Ambition, and Spiritual Leadership, Stanley E. Patterson
Urban Ministry: The Kingdom, the City, & the People of God [review] / Harvie M. Conn & Manuel Ortiz., Bruce Campbell Moyer
Urban Mission Models, Gerson P. Santos
Urgency and Finality: The Essence of Millennial Belief, Norman H. Young
Usando Informação e Oração Para Mobilizar Para a Missão, Bruce Bauer
Use of applied behavior analysis with autistic children, L. Swaningson and Karl Bailey
User-Friendly Greek: A Common Sense Approach to the Greek New Testament [review] / Kendell H. Easley., Ronald L. Jolliffe
Using a Small Group Approach to Increase Church Growth in the Gikondo Seventh-day Adventist Church, Schadrack Nsengimana
Using CAPP for Degree Audit and Advising, Gary Williams
Using Case Studies as an Effective Teaching Strategy in the Sciences: Examining Gender and Ethnic Differences, Marlene Murray
Using High-fidelity Medical Simulation to Assess Critical Thinking in Medical Students, Lynda Daniel-Underwood
Using Illustrations And Storytelling Via Incarnational Ministry To Reach Post-Christian Young Adults, David J. Resendes
Using measurement to optimize open-plan office design, R Vickroy, S Ferguson, Jay Brand, and S Orfield
Using Photogrammetry to Interpret Human Action on Neolithic Monument Boulders in Ireland's Cavan Burren, Robin Johnson and Ariel Solis
Using Student-Centered Teaching Practices to Inspire the Leaders of Tomorrow, Jessica Goodrich
Using Theories of Change for the Education of Social Responsibility: A Theoretical Framework, Noël Harris
Using the Synectics Approach in the Classroom, Andrea Jakobsons
Utopia Park, Utopian Church: A Critical Examination of James K. Humphrey and the United Sabbath Day Adventists, 1930-2000, R. Clifford Jones
Valence Patterns in Biblical Hebrew: Classical Philology and Linguistic Patterns, Oliver Glanz, Reinoud Oosting, and Janet W. Dyk
Value Analysis for Moral Leadership, Lawrence G. Downing, Robert M. Krone, and Ben A. Maguad
Valuing What is Of Worth, Shirley Freed
Vanessa Corredera, Vanessa Corredera
Vanessa Corredera, Vanessa Corredera
Vatican Archives: An Inventory and Guide to Historical Documents of the Holy See [review] / Francis X. Blouin, Jr., general editor., P. Gerard Damsteegt
Vatican Council II, The New Direction; Essays Selected and Arranged by James D. Hester [review] / Cullmann, Oscar., Raoul Dederen
Va'yehi as a Discourse Marker in Kings, Tarsee Li
Vengeance in the Apocalypse [review] / by Joel Nobel Musvosvi., Edwin E. Reynolds
Vesper Concert - AU Wind Symphony, Department of Music
Vestiges of Roman Catholicism in Sixteenth Century Protestant Reformational Ecclesiology: A Study of Early Lutheran, Reformed, and Radical Ecclesiology, Darius Jankiewicz
Veterans Day Event to Honor Local Veterans, Darren K. Heslop
Veterans Day Event to Honor Local Veterans: Community members and families invited to attend, Danni Francis
Veterans Day Tribute, Andrews University
Vettius Valens and the Planetary Week, Robert L. Odom
Victorian Religious Revivals: Culture and Piety in Local and Global Contexts. [review] / David Bebbington, Michael W. Campbell
View in the Waldensian Synod, Troy Homenchuk
Views on Money, Accounting and Ethics: Are They Culturally Determined?, Annetta M. Gibson
Village of Bobbio Pellice, Troy Homenchuk
Violin Duo Performs on Campus, Andrews University
Violin Duo Performs on Campus: Andrews and DePaul faculty partner for recital
Violin Master Class - Rachel Barton Pine, Department of Music
Violin Studio Recital, Department of Music
Violin Studio Recital, Department of Music
Virginity Unveiled: Tertullian's "Veiling of Virgins" and Historical Women in the First Three Centuries A.D., Lynn H. Cohick
Vision and Mission–Part 1: Historical and Methodological Background, Fernando L. Canale
Visual jury perceptions of office environment design alternatives, Jay Brand
Vote Wisely: Biblical Principles for Exercising our Rights as Citizens, S. Joseph Kidder
Wakefield Wins Community Leadership Award, Herald Palladium
Waking from Doctrinal Amnesia: The Healing of Doctrine in the United Methodist Church [review] / William J. Abraham., Woodrow W. Whidden II.
Waldensian and Catholic Theologies of History in the XII-XIV Centuries: Part I, Gonzalo L. Pita
Waldensian and Catholic Theologies of History in the XII-XIV Centuries: Part II, Gonzalo L. Pita
Waldensian Church in Torre Pellice, Troy Homenchuk
Waldensian Church in Torre Pellice (2), Troy Homenchuk
Waldensian Museum in Torre Pellice, Troy Homenchuk
Waldensian Museum- Torre Pellice, Troy Homenchuk
Waldensian Museum Tour, Troy Homenchuk
Waldensian Synod in Torre Pellice, Troy Homenchuk
Waldensian Tour Guide, Kathleen Demsky
Walking in the Light, JACL Editors
Walking with the Poor: Principles and Practices of Transformational Development [review] / Bryant L. Myers., Rudolf Maier
Walls of Salvation, Hyveth Williams
Wandering in Darkness: Narrative and the Problem of Suffering [review] / Stump, Eleonore, Richard Rice
Wandile Mthiyane: Ambassador to One Young World, Andrews University
Wandile Mthiyane: Ambassador to One Young World: Architecture student improves his community in South Africa, Alixandria Reiner and Becky St. Clair
Warfare in the Old Testament: The Organization, Weapons, and Tactics of Ancient Near Eastern Armies [review] / Seevers, Boyd, Jeffrey P. Hudon
Was Ellen White Confused About Justification?, Thomas A. Davis
Was Karlstadt a Proto-Sabbatarian?, Edward Allen
WAUS Thank You Concert, Department of Music
We Are the Pharisees [review] / Kathleen Kern., Pedrito U. Maynard-Reid
Wedgwood Trio to Perform at Howard Center, Andrews University
Wedgwood Trio to Perform at Howard Center
Weep, O Daughter of Zion: a Study of the City-lament Genre in the Hebrew Bible [review] / F.W. Dobbs-Allsopp., Paul Dean Duerksen
Wege und Irrwege der Christenheit von der Urgemeinde bis zur Vorreformation [review] / Eberhardt, Walter., Kenneth A. Strand
We Have Come at Last to the End of the Beginning and We Look with Anticipation to the Future, Karen K. Abrahamson
Welcome, Jerry Moon
Welcome, Trevor O'Reggio
Welcome, Doug Matacio
Welcome, Michael Campbell
Welcome, Keith Edward Mattingly
Welcome AUSSJ and live long!, Jiri Moskala ThD, PhD
Welcome Christmas, Stephen Zork
Welcome Christmas, Department of Music
Welcome Christmas, Department of Music
Welcome Christmas, Department of Music
Welcome -- Why QOD Conference, Denis Fortin
Welcome -- Why QOD Conference, Jon Paulien
Wellness, Fitness and Integration into Everyday Life, Gretchen Krivak
We Must Obey God Rather than Men: Jan Hus on the Authority of Scripture in Relation to Church and Conscience, John C. Peckham
Wenn die Götter auferstehen und die Propheten rebellieren, Oliver Glanz
Wenn die Götter auferstehen und die Propheten rebellieren [When the Gods Resurrect and the Prophets Rebel] [review] / Glanz, Oliver, Angelika Kaiser
Were the Albigenses and Waldenses Forerunners of the Reformation?, Daniel Walther
Wesley and Charisma: An Analysis of John Wesley's View of Spiritual Gifts, Dojcin Zivadinovic
Wesley and the Quadrilateral: Renewing the Conversation [review] / W. Stephen Gunter ... [et al.]., Woodrow W. Whidden II.
We Speak What We Know, JACL Editors
West African Religious Traditions: Focus on the Akan of Ghana [review] / Robert B. Fisher., Keith Augustus Burton
'We Thank God for You' How Thanksgiving Transforms Our Walk: A Study in the Theology of Colossians, Thomas Shepherd
"We Thank God for You" How Thanksgiving Transforms Our Walk: A Study in the Theology of Colossians, Thomas R. Shepherd
What Are the Limits of Death in Paradise?, Leonard Brand
What Are They Saying About John? [review] / Gerard S. Sloyan., Edwin E. Reynolds
What a Ride!, Hyveth Williams
What Did the Ancient Israelites Eat? Diet in Biblical Times [reivew[ / Nathan MacDonald, Jan Åge Sigvartsen
What Does Freedom of Speech Mean to Me?, Andrews University
What Does Freedom of Speech Mean to Me?: Graduate Student Wins PSA Contest, Chris McLean-Wheeler
What Does It Mean to Be a Prophetic People?, Felix Cortez
What Does It Mean To Be Holy, P. Gerard Damsteegt
What Do Pastors in German-speaking Europe Perceive as Important Leadership Competencies in Order To Be Effective Pastoral Leaders, Thomas Ch. Gyuroka
What Do We Know About Jesus? [review] / Betz, Otto., Sakae Kubo
What Do You Know? (Work Station Two), Gary B. Swanson
What Happens to Biblical Truth if the SDA Church Accepts Theistic Evolution?, Norman R. Gulley
What if privatising higher education becomes an issue? The case of Chile and Mexico, Gus Gregorutti, Oscar Espinoza, Luis Gonzalez, and Javier Loyola
What is a Gospel?: The Genre of the Canonical Gospels [review] / Talbert, Charles H., Sakae Kubo
What Is an Adventist? Someone Who Upholds Creation, Marco T. Terreros
What is "Christian" About Christian Leadership?, Martin Frederick Hanna
What is Structural Exegesis? [review] / Patte, Daniel, Sakae Kubo
What Is the "Everlasting Gospel"?, Herbert E. Douglass
What is Wrong With the Homogeneous Unit Principle?: The HUP in the 21st Century Church, Skip Bell
What Matters Now: How to Win in a World of Relentless Change, Ferocious Competition, and Unstoppable Innovation [review] / Hamel, Gary, Matthew Shallenberger
What's In a Coauthor?: (Re)Locating Joseph Denney in Composition History, Ivan Davis
What the Bible Says About the Great Tribulation: The Late Great Tribulation [review] / by William R. Kimball., Hans K. LaRondelle
What They Didn't Teach You in Seminary: Lessons for Successful Ministry in Your Church [review] / White, James Emery, Russell L. Staples
When Death Was Not Yet, Jacques B. Douhkan
When is a path not a path? Eye movements and parsing in the visual world, Karl Bailey and F. Ferreira
When Jesus Confronts the World: An Exposition of Matthew 8-10 [review] / D.A. Carson., Kenneth A. Strand
When minds, tasks and environments don’t match, Jay Brand
When the Gods are Silent [review] / Miskotte, Kornelis H., Gerhard F. Hasel
When, Where, and Why Did the Change from Sabbath to Sunday Worship Take Place in the Early Church?, Robert Kerry McIver
Where and When Was the Aramaic Saqqara Papyrus Written?, Siegfried H. Horn
Where Gods May Dwell: Understanding the Human Condition [review] / S.D. Gaede., Sara Karkkainen Terian
"Where Jesus has Gone as a Forerunner on Our Behalf" (Hebrews 6:20), Norman H. Young
Whitcomb Tower Recital Series, Chi Yong Yun
Whitcomb Tower Recital Series, Chi Yong Yun
Whitcomb Tower Recital Series, Chi Yong Yun
Whitcomb Tower Recital Series, Chi Yong Yun
Whitcomb Towers Recital Series, Chi Yong Yun
Whitcomb Towers Recital Series, Department of Music
Whitcomb Towers Recital Series, Department of Music
Whitcomb Towers Recital Series, Department of Music
"Who Am I…" (Work Station Two), Gary B. Swanson
Who are the Habiru of the Amarna Letters?, S. Douglas Waterhouse
Who Authored the Bible?, Richard Davidson
Who Comes in the Name of the Lord?: Jesus at the Margins [review] / Harold J. Recinos., Bruce Campbell Moyer
Who Do You Aay that I Am?: Christology and the Church [review] / edited by Donald Armstrong., Ranko Stefanovic
Who Is My Neighbor?, Todd Johnson
Who is Speaking – Who is Listening? How Information Technology can Confirm the Integrity of the Text, Oliver Glanz
Who Needs Doctrines? Jesus is Coming!, P. Gerard Damsteegt
Who's Afraid of the Judgment?: The Good News about Christ's Work in the Heavenly Sanctuary, Roy Gane
Who's Afraid of the Old Testament God? [review] / Alden Thompson., A. Josef Greig
Who Said Life is Fair?: Job and the Problem of Evil [review] / Jerry A. Gladson., Jacques B. Douhkan
Whose Land is Palestine?: The Middle East in Historical Perspective [review] / Epp, Frank H., Kenneth A. Strand
Who’s Tampering with the Trinity? An Assessment of the Subordination Debate [review] / Millard J. Erickson, Woodrow W. Whidden II.
Who Succeeded Xerxes on the Throne of Persia?, William H. Shea
Who Watches? Who Cares? Misadventures in Stewardship [review] / Douglas Hackleman, Leonard Gashugi and Ann Gibson
Why an Undergraduate Leadership Program?, David Ferguson
Why can't we all get along? Interdisciplinary research teams in mixed-methods studies, Curtis VanderWaal
Why chance is a good theory, Jay Brand
Why God Holds the Winds, Herbert Douglass
Why Women Were Barred from Ordination in Christian Tradition, John Reeve
Will Christ Return in the Year 2000?, Norman R. Gulley
Will Computers Revolutionize College Libraries, K Dunn and Lawrence Onsager
William Foxwell Albright, A Twentieth-Century Genius [review] / Running, Leona Glidden, David Noel Freedman., Siegfried H. Horn
William Miller and the Rise of Adventism [review] / Knight, George R., Gary Land
Williams-Smith to Present on Book, Andrews University
Williams-Smith to Present on Book: "Born Yesterday" details unusual childhood, Melodie Roschman
Will I Ever Learn?: One Woman's Life of Miracles and Ministry, Hyveth Williams
Will We Find Gravity Waves?, Andrews University
Will We Find Gravity Waves?: Physics professor involved in ground-breaking research, Danni Francis
Wind Symphony Fall Concert, Alan Mitchell
Wind Symphony Fall Concert, Department of Music
Wind Symphony Fall Concert, Department of Music
Wind Symphony Presents Winter Concert
Wind Symphony Presents Winter Concert, Andrews University
Wind Symphony Spring Concert, Alan Mitchell
Winning Organizational Politics Without Losing Your Soul, Jerry Chi
Winter Concert: Andrews University Wind Symphony & SMC Brass Band, Alan Mitchell
Winter Concert: Andrews University Wind Symphony & SMC Brass Band, Alan Mitchell
Wisdom in Israel [review] / Von Rad, Gerhard., Zev Garber
"With My Many Chariots I Have Gone Up the Heights of Mountains": Historical and Literary Studies on Ancient Mesopotamia and Israel [review] / Tadmor, Hayim, Jeffrey P. Hudon
With This, it's 40 Volumes, Jerry Moon
With Wings as Eagles: Isaiah 40-55 [review] / Holmgren, Frederick., Gerhard F. Hasel
Witness to the Gospel: The Theology of Acts [review] / edited by I. Howard Marshall and David Peterson., Pedrito U. Maynard-Reid
Wolcott Hackley Littlejohn: Defender of the Faith, Kevin M. Burton
Wolfhart Pannenberg's Crowning Achievement: A Review of His "Systematic Theology", Richard Rice
Woman as the object of Qohelet's search / George M. Schwab., George M. Schwab
Women Bear God's Image: Considerations From a Neglected Perspective, Jo Ann Davidson
Women in Scripture: A Survey and Evaluation, Jo Ann Davidson
Women in the Church: A Biblical Theology of Women in Ministry [review] / Stanley J. Grenz with Denise Muir Kjesbo., Nancy Jean Vyhmeister
Women in the Church: A Fresh Analysis of 1 Timothy 2:9-15 [review] / edited by Andreas J. Köstenberger, Thomas R. Schreiner and H. Scott Baldwin., Nancy Jean Vyhmeister
Women in the Work: A Spirit of Collaboration, Chris McLean-Wheeler
Women in the Work: A spirit of collaboration, Tanya Ebenezer
Women Preachers and Prophets Through Two Millennia of Christianity [review] / edited by Beverly Mayne Kienzle and Pamela J. Walker., Teresa L. Reeve
Women, Presbyterianism, and Patriarchy: Religious Experience of Chewa Women in Central Malawi [review] / Isabel Apawo Phiri., Ernst R. Wendland
Women's Effective Leadership in Contemporary Taiwanese Churches [Dissertation Notice], Yoo Jin Deborah Park
Women's Ordination, Gender Identity, and the Sabbath, Mathilde Frey
Women's Status and Ordination as Elders or Bishops in the Early Church, Reformation, and Post-Reformation Eras, P. Gerard Damsteegt
Women, Teaching, Authority, Silence: 1 Timothy 2:8-15 Explained by 1 Peter 3:1-6, Ed Christian
Woodrow W. Whidden, Andrews University
Word Biblical Commentary. Vol.44: Colossians, Philemon [review] / Peter T. O'Brien, George E. Rice
Word Frequencies in the Book of Revelation, Steve Moyise
Word Made Flesh: The Inspiration of Scripture, JoAnn Davidson
Work and integrity: The crisis and promise of professionalism in Ameriea, Duane Covrig
Working with the Poor: New Insights and Learnings from Development Practitioners [review] / Bryant L. Myers, editor., Rudolf Maier
World Religions and the Vegetarian Diet, Jo Ann Davidson
Worship, Rob Barrett
Worship in the Book of Revelation, C. Raymond Holmes
Worship & Introduction, Martin Hannah
Worship Jon Paulien, Andrews University
Worship Music as Theology: A Methodology, David Williams
Wrestling with the Prince of Persia: A Study on Daniel 10, William H. Shea
Writer's Forum: Building consistency between title, problem, purpose and research questions to improve the quality of research plans and reports, Isadore Newman and Duane Covrig
Write the Vision: the Church Renewed [review] / Wilbert R. Shenk., Bruce L. Bauer
Yahweh is a Warrior: The Theology of Warfare in Ancient Israel [review] / Millard C. Lind., A. Josef Greig
Yea or Nay on Homework, Joshua W. Kim and Autumn R. Meis
"Yesterday": A Study of Hebrews in the Light of Chapter 13 [review] / Filson, Floyd V., Sakae Kubo
Yes: The Bible Supports the Ordination/Commissioning of Women as Pastors, Richard Davidson
Young adults as agents of change, Erich Baumgartner
Young Artist Concert, Claudio Gonzalez
"Young Lion" or "He Forgives"?: A Note on the Name KPR, Todd K. Sanders
"Your Daughters Shall Prophesy": James White, Uriah Smith, and the "Triumphant Vindication of the Right of Sisters" to Preach, Beverly Beem and Ginger Hanks Harwood
Youth Culture and HIV Prevention: Developing a qualitative study of youth and HIV prevention in the southeastern United States, Stacie Hatfield
"You Think I Look Marx?": Tracing Hybidity Through the Imagination of God in Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis, Shanelle Kim
Youth Ministry: Its Renewal in the Local Church [review] / Lawrence O. Richards., Stephen W. Case
Ytr as a Remnant Term in the Book of Jeremiah, Kenneth D. Mulzac
Yun Oh, Yun Oh
Yun Oh, Yun Oh
Zack Babb, Zack Babb
Zack Babb, Andrews University
'ZB in Nehemiah 3:8: A Reconsideration of Maximalist and Minimalist Views, Carl G. Tuland
Zechariah's Flying Scroll and Revelation's Unsealed Scroll, William H. Shea
Zum Status der syro-palästinensischen Vasallen des neuen Reiches, Cord Kühne
Zur Bedeutung von SRYH in Ri 9, 46.49, Karl Jaroš