Digital Commons @ Andrews University - Celebration of Research and Creative Scholarship: P-15 The Changing Role And Skills Needed For Chief School Business Officials (CSBOs) to Impact Student Achievement

P-15 The Changing Role And Skills Needed For Chief School Business Officials (CSBOs) to Impact Student Achievement

Presenter Status

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Nursing

Second Presenter Status

Chair, Department of Nursing

Preferred Session

Poster Session

Start Date

4-11-2016 2:00 PM

End Date

4-11-2016 3:00 PM

Presentation Abstract

Aim: To collect information on the changes that have taken place over the years in the roles of CSBOs and the levels of awareness that CSBOs have about how their roles impact students’ achievement.

Method: A qualitative study was undertaken using open-ended personal interview questions. 5 CSBOs overseeing Chicago area public schools were interviewed and tape-recorded for 30–45 minutes. Inclusion criteria are 5 years working in the position, working in Illinois and older than 35 years of age. Purposive sampling method was utilized. Data was transcribed and analyzed using thematic open coding method.

Results: One of the important changing roles stressed was that of managing dwindling resources from state and federal sources and more especially from local sources. All respondents believe they indirectly impact students’ achievement through their competence in mostly all of the ASBO Professional Standards. The most important professional standard to all respondents was the financial resource management. This standard has the most number of competency indicators of 45 out of the 188. They all agreed that the hiring of qualified teachers is an integral part of the CSBO success.

Conclusion: The study established that CSBO roles have a significant influence on student achievement. The results have indicated that the main roles of CSBOs are mainly operational and financial.

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Nov 4th, 2:00 PM Nov 4th, 3:00 PM

P-15 The Changing Role And Skills Needed For Chief School Business Officials (CSBOs) to Impact Student Achievement

Aim: To collect information on the changes that have taken place over the years in the roles of CSBOs and the levels of awareness that CSBOs have about how their roles impact students’ achievement.

Method: A qualitative study was undertaken using open-ended personal interview questions. 5 CSBOs overseeing Chicago area public schools were interviewed and tape-recorded for 30–45 minutes. Inclusion criteria are 5 years working in the position, working in Illinois and older than 35 years of age. Purposive sampling method was utilized. Data was transcribed and analyzed using thematic open coding method.

Results: One of the important changing roles stressed was that of managing dwindling resources from state and federal sources and more especially from local sources. All respondents believe they indirectly impact students’ achievement through their competence in mostly all of the ASBO Professional Standards. The most important professional standard to all respondents was the financial resource management. This standard has the most number of competency indicators of 45 out of the 188. They all agreed that the hiring of qualified teachers is an integral part of the CSBO success.

Conclusion: The study established that CSBO roles have a significant influence on student achievement. The results have indicated that the main roles of CSBOs are mainly operational and financial.