"Reforming Drug Treatment Services to Offenders: Cross-System Collabora" by Curtis VanderWaal, Faye Taxman et al.

Faculty Publications

Reforming Drug Treatment Services to Offenders: Cross-System Collaboration, Integrated Policies, and A Seamless Continuum of Care Model

Document Type


Publication Date

October 2008


For the past 2 decades the U.S. “war on drugs” has contributed to soaring incarceration rates, prison overcrowding, and overly harsh and race-based sentencing. This article calls for reform of drug treatment services for drug-addicted offenders. This article introduces an integrated model for delivering drug treatment services by improving cross-system collaboration along a seamless continuum of care. We offer practical principles and policies for improving drug treatment services across criminal justice and drug treatment agency boundaries. Reforming drug treatment services for offenders may reduce illicit drug use in the United States because the majority of heavy drug users are involved in the criminal justice system.


Retrieved February 18, 2015. From: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15332560802112086#abstract

Journal Title

Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions
