Recent publications of the faculty of Andrews University
Submissions from 2023
Models of Adult-on-Juvenile Cannibalism, Jim M. Cushing, Shandelle M. Henson, and James L. Hayward
Predator-Prey Dynamics of Bald Eagles and Glaucous-Winged Gulls, Jim M. Cushing, Shandelle M. Henson, and James L. Hayward
Predicting Flightless Cormorant Behavior, Jim M. Cushing, Shandelle M. Henson, and James L. Hayward
Predicting the Dynamics of Aggregate Loafing Behavior in Gulls, Jim M. Cushing, Shandelle M. Henson, and James L. Hayward
Simultaneous Modeling of Occupancy and Behavior Dynamics, Jim M. Cushing, Shandelle M. Henson, and James L. Hayward
Synchronized Egg-Laying as an Adaptive Response to Egg Cannibalism in Gulls, Jim M. Cushing, Shandelle M. Henson, and James L. Hayward
Predicting Haul-Out Behavior by Harbor Seals, Jim M. Cushing, Shandelle M. Henson, and James L. Hayward
Electron Energization by Inertial Alfvén Waves in Density Depleted Flux Tubes at Jupiter, P. A. Damiano, P. A. Delamere, E.-H. Kim, J. R. Johnson, and C. S. Ng
God at War, Jo Ann Davidson
God is Beauty, Jo Ann Davidson
God is Beauty. Part II, Jo Ann Davidson
The Sabbath as an Invitation to Delight, Jo Ann Davidson and Marcos De Benedicto
Richard Davidson on God's Beauty, Richard M. Davidson
The Aesthetics of Israel’s Sanctuaries, Richard M. Davidson
The Significance of the Sanctuary in Scripture, Richard M. Davidson
Reading the Scriptures: The Necessity and Importance of Biblical Hermeneutics, Richard M. Davidson, Miguel Patiño-Hernández, and Joel Iparraguirre
Back to Eden—God’s Design for Human Sexuality, Richard M. Davidson and Jahisber Peñuela-Pineda
Life 101: A Spiritual Guide to Help You in the Classroom of Life, Desiree Davis
Capturing chaos: a multidisciplinary approach to nonlinear population dynamics, Robert A. Desharnais, Shandelle M. Henson, R. F. Costantino, and Brian Dennis
Expatriate children: Lessons learned from missionary kids (MKs), Cheryl Doss and Braam Oberholster
A Reflection on the "Seventh Day", Jacques R. Doukhan
Tribute: Monte Sahlin and Research on Family Ministries, René Drumm
Examples of Denominational Reports Using Quantitative Research, René Drumm and Petr Činčala
Adventists, Politics and Social Issues in the United States, William W. Ellis, John T. Gavin, and Curtis J. VanderWaal
Acquisition of new function through gene duplication in the metallocarboxypeptidase family, Daniel Fajardo, Ritchie Saint Jean, and Peter J. Lyons
A Journey of Innovation, La Ronda Forsey and Janine Lim
Advent Christian Church, Denis Fortin
Albany Conference, Denis Fortin
A Life-Changing Witness, Denis Fortin
Doktrine o svetištu i spasenju u razvoju crkve adventista sedmog dana, Denis Fortin
Evangelical Adventists, Denis Fortin
G. I. Butler: An Honest but Misunderstood Church Leader, Denis Fortin
Paul’s Observance of the Sabbath in Acts of the Apostles as a Marker of Continuity Between Judaism and Early Christianity, Denis Fortin
The Church Restored, Denis Fortin
The Week: Redemption-Resurrection-Renewal: Day 4-Wednesday, Denis Fortin
George Butler & 1888, Denis Fortin, Michael W. Campbell, and Greg Howell
George Butler & Ellen White, Denis Fortin, Michael W. Campbell, and Greg Howell
George Butler Is Not a Villain, Denis Fortin, Michael W. Campbell, and Greg Howell
Remembering: It Matters How We Tell the Sabbath Story, Mathilde Frey, Edward Allen, Sigve K. Tonstad, and Denis Fortin
Challenges of Depression: Biblical Background and Impact on the Dynamics of Family Relationships, Anna Galeniece and Eriks Galenieks
Sabbath Rest in Hebrews 4, Erhard H. Gallos
Modern Applicability of the Book of Leviticus for Joyful Obedience, Roy Gane
Pre-Advent Judgment in the Context of God’s Salvation and Sanctuary, Roy Gane
The Red Cow as a Polemic Against the Cults of the Dead, Roy Gane
The holy days calendar, Roy E. Gane
Yom Kippur, Roy E. Gane
Data Collection Methods and Processes, Daniel Ganu, David Penno, and Leni Casimiro
Interpreting and Reporting Findings, Josephine Ganu, David Penno, and Maria Vallejos Atalaya
As One Who Serves: Perspectives on Adventist Mission & Ministry to Members, Families, and Communities, John Gavin, Petr Činčala, and Paul Richardson
Jeremiah’s rebuilding (BNH) of the Destroyed City Without Brick and Mortar, Oliver Glanz
Testemunho Corajoso: Servindo a Deus em uma Sociedade Polarizada, Oliver Glanz
Identity, Narcissism, and Contemporary Culture, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jeroncic
The Promises and Perils of Philosophy, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jeroncic
Why Philosophy? Some Autobiographical Takes, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jeroncic
Across the Divide: Lessons from Jeremiah, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Ante's Approach to Life & Productivity, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Attention, and Why it Matters, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Culture, Reality, and Belief, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Existential Restlessness, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Faith and Spirituality in a Secular Age, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Identity and Change: Good or Bad?, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Identity, Self, and the Flux of Life, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Knowing God's Will, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Live Episode: Is the Bible Still Relevant?, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Live From AAR/SBL: Presentations that Spoke to Us, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Mainly on Life Miscellanies, and some on the Suffering God, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Marriage, Eschatology, and Ethics, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Memory, Learning, and the Good Life, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Oliver's Approach to Life & Productivity, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
On Mothers: An Ode of Gratitude and Awe, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
The Absence and Presence of God, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
What is In Media Res?, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Guest Episode: With Andrew Tompkins on Resonance, Oliver Glanz, Ante Jerončić, and Andrew Tompkins
Editorial: An Unexpected Event Related to the Aquatic Mammals of Latin America, Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske
Editorial: Twenty years of the Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals, Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske, Nataly Castelblanco-Martínez, Carolina Loch, Aldo S. Pacheco, and Miriam Marmontel
Seeing Through Sonar: Detecting the Amazonian Manatee, Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske and Isabella Koh
Seeing in the dark: A review of the use of side-scan sonar to detect and study manatees, with an emphasis on Latin America, Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske and León David Olivera-Gómez
Engagement in the American Higher Education System, Gustavo Gregorutti
Engagement in the American Higher Education System, Gustavo Gregorutti
Learning from the Diversity of the Disciples, Tom Grove and S. Jsoeph Kidder
Hope Channel Bible Help Desk, Martin Hanna, Alicia Patterson, Ruben Covarrubias, and Enkose Plummer
Mathematical Modeling in Biology: A Research Methods Approach, Shandelle M. Henson and James L. Hayward
Salvación y Reconciliación en Cristo, Abner F. Hernandez
Estudio descriptivo de la comunicación interna de una institución de educación superior en Montemorelos, Nuevo León, Paola Isabel Hernandez Juarez and Karla Sarai Basurto Gutierrez
Researcher degrees of freedom in statistical software contribute to unreliable results: A comparison of nonparametric analyses conducted in SPSS, SAS, Stata, and R, Cooper B. Hodges, Bryant M. Stone, Paula K. Johnson, James H. Carter, Chelsea K. Sawyers, Patricia R. Roby, and Hannah M. Lindsey
Why Is It Good to Have Children?, Willie Edward Hucks II
A general predator-prey model with combined growth terms, Joon Hyuk Kang and Noelle Koliadko
An Elliptic Nonlinear System of Two Functions with Application, Joon Hyuk Kang and Timothy Robertson
Bonds of Love in Hopeful Expectations: Eschatology and Marriage in Christian Theology, Ante Jeroncic
Information Horizon of Solar Active Regions, Jay R. Johnson, Simon Wing, Carson O’ffill, and Bishwa Neupane
Information Horizon of Solar Active Regions, Jay R. Johnson, Simon Wing, Carson O'ffill, and Bishwa Neupane
Use of the Debriefing Assessment in Healthcare Simulation (DASH)© in Speech-Language Pathology Clinical Simulation Learning Experiences, Jenica Joseph, Tammy Shilling, Heather L. Ferguson, and Jimmy Kijai
Use of the Debriefing Assessment in Healthcare Simulation (DASH)© in Speech-Language Pathology Clinical Simulation Learning Experiences, Jenica Joseph, Tammy Shilling, Heather L. Ferguson, and Jimmy Kijai
Carver, Henry Edward (1820–1895), Denis Kaiser
¿Cómo Elena G. de White consideró y experimentó la inspiración?, Denis Kaiser
Divine Revelation, Inspiration, and Authority in Ellen G. White’s Experience, View, and Writings, Denis Kaiser
How to Read Ellen White's Writings Today, Denis Kaiser
Preston, Rachel Harris Oaks (1809-1868), Denis Kaiser
A Predator-Prey Biological Model with Combined Birth Rates, Self-Limitation and Competition Terms, Joon Hyuk Kang and Lucinda Ford