Recent publications of the faculty of Andrews University
Submissions from 2022
Obstructions to Shake Sliceness for Links, Anthony Bosman
God, Math, Science, and Faith, Anthony Bosman and David Asscherick
Understanding and Cultivating Mathematical Resilience in Students, Anthony Bosman and Adam Heck
Eight Approaches to Values Education, Glynis Bradfield
Eight Tips for Teaching through Tough Times, Glynis M. Bradfield
Strategies to Maximize Academic Integrity in Online Education, Glynis Bradfield and Ray McAllister
Bible HelpDesk: Episode for August 17, 2022, Tiffany Brown, Ruben Covarrubias, Roy Gane, and Michael Younker
Bible HelpDesk: Episode for September 21, 2022, Tiffany Brown, Kenia Reyes, Carl Cosaert, and Martin Hanna
Understanding Spiritual Well-Being Among Critical Incident Stress Management-Trained First Responders, Harvey Burnett
Understanding Spiritual Well-Being Among Critical Incident Stress Management-Trained First Responders, Harvey Burnett
Revisiting Proactive and Reactive Pathways to Resilience among CISM-Trained Responders and General Population Participants: Mechanisms that Contribute to Building Overall Psychological Body ArmorTM, Harvey J. Burnett Jr., Justine Jaeger, Kristen R. Witzel, and Karl G. D. Bailey
James White’s First Stroke and Rising Tension between Adventist Leaders, Kevin M. Burton
Everyone Has a Worldview, Katelyn Campbell Weakley and S. Joseph Kidder
Rich toward God: Financial investment techniques, Jerry Chi and Grace Chi
Rich toward God: Macroeconomics, politics, and investment environments, Jerry Chi and Grace Chi
Adventist and Christian Radio: Church Members’ Listening Habits, Petr Činčala
Applying to Daily Life! Research Data from the East-Central Africa Division, Petr Činčala
Are Adventists Happy and Grateful People?, Petr Činčala
Church Locations of the Global Survey Participants: What do These Data Mean? Part 1, Petr Činčala
Church Locations of the Global Survey Participants: What do These Data Mean? Part 2, Petr Činčala
Global Perspectives on Righteousness by Faith and the State of the Dead, Petr Činčala
Global Prayer Meeting Attendance Trends and Belief in the Power of Jesus’s Name, Petr Činčala
Helping Each Other to Grow Spiritually, Petr Činčala
Holistic Community: The Key to Real-life Discipleship, Petr Činčala, Petr Činčala
Involvement of People with Disabilities in the Church (Part 1), Petr Činčala
Involvement of People with Disabilities in the Church (Part 2), Petr Činčala
Learning from “the Wisdom of the Creator” to Restore Our Communities and Churches, Petr Činčala
Mission to the Cities and Centers of Influence: Global Knowledge of and Participation in the General Conference Initiatives, Petr Činčala
My Church and its Reputation in Community: Part 1, Petr Činčala
My Church and its Reputation in Community, Part 2, Petr Činčala
Reconsidering Worldview as a "LifeApp" Software, Petr Činčala
Sex to nezachrání (Sex won’t save it [marriage]), Petr Činčala
The Call and The Cost: Family Sacrifice and Support of Adventist Church Leaders, Petr Činčala
The Importance of Prayer, Petr Činčala
“The Sabbath Was Made for Man:” Global Perspectives on Sabbath-keeping, Petr Činčala
“The Type of Church I Attend:” Preferences in Church Size and Setting by Age, Petr Činčala
Women’s Involvement in the Adventist Church, Petr Činčala
A Story of Digital Church Development and its Implications, Petr A. Činčala, Foye Michael Belyea, and Mabio Cohelo
The Biblical Imperative for Pastoral Self-Care, Petr A. Činčala and René Drumm
Spiritual Health and Wellness: Cultivating a Friendship with God, Petr Činčala, Craig Carr, and Campbell Page
Broadband Energization of Superthermal Electrons in Jupiter’s Inner Magnetosphere, Drew Coffin, Peter Damiano, Peter Delamere, Jay Johnson, and Chung-Sang Ng
Relational Health and Wellness: Maintaining a Healthy Balance between your Ministry and your Family, Claudio Consuegra, Pamela Consuegra, Cesar de Leon, and Alina Baltazar
Small Schools: An Asset to Adventist Education, Anneris Coria-Navia and Maria Bastien Valenca
Centering Educational Resilience on Mission through Research, Professional Development, and Collaborative Teaching, Anneris Coria-Navia PhD and Glynis M. Bradfield
Highlighting Excellence in Small Schools, Anneris Coria-Navia, Aimee Leukert, Jerome Thayer, Maria Bastien Valenca, and Elissa Kido
Reanimating Shakespeare’s Othello in Post-Racial America, Vanessa Corredera
Premodern Critical Race Studies and the Question of History, Vanessa I. Corredera
Resources, Vanessa I. Corredera
Review of Shakespearean Adaptation, Race and Memory in the New World, Joyce Green MacDonald, Vanessa I. Corredera
When the Master’s Tools Fail: Racial Euphemism in Shakespeare Appropriation, or, the Activist Value of Premodern Critical Race Studies, Vanessa I. Corredera
En estos últimos días: El mensaje de Hebreos, Felix Cortez
Felix Cortez - Daniel-A Master Witness for God, Felix Cortez
1 Timothy, Félix H. Cortez
Authorship of Hebrews: the Case for Paul, Félix H. Cortez
Creation in Hebrews, Félix H. Cortez
Introduction to "Jude", Félix H. Cortez
La muerte y el infierno en el Nuevo Testamento, Félix H. Cortez
La muerte y la esperanza futura en la Biblia hebrea, Félix H. Cortez
Muerte e infierno en el Nuevo Testamento, Félix H. Cortez
Muerte y esperanza futura en la Biblia hebrea, Félix H. Cortez
Muerte y esperanza futura en la Biblia hebrea, Félix H. Cortez
On the Authorship of Hebrews: The Case for Paul, Félix H. Cortez
The Meaning of the Cross, Félix H. Cortez
Childhood in the New Testament Period, Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "1 Corinthians", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "1 John", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "1 Peter", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "1 Thessalonians", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "2 Corinthians", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "2 John", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "2 Peter", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "2 Thessalonians", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "2 Timothy", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "3 John", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "Acts of the Apostles", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "Colossians", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "Ephesians", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "Galatians", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "Hebrews", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "James", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "John", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "Luke", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "Mark", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "Matthew", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "Philemon", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "Philippians", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "Revelation", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "Romans", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "Titus", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Life in the New Testament World, Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Magic in New Testament Times, Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Oaths, Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Prayer, Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Sheol, Hades, Gehenna, and Hell: Concepts of the Afterlife in the Bible, Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Slavery in New Testament Times, Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Travel, Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Weddings in New Testament Times, Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Zealots, Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "1 Timothy", Félix Cortez and Keldie Paroschi