"Existential Restlessness" by Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić

Existential Restlessness

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Ante and Oliver pick up the theme of restlessness, what it might mean, what its causes are, how it is both a positive and negative reality, how it serves as a central trope in classics and epic literature, the warnings that are encountered therein, the problem of hedonic insatiability and adaptability, how boredom and acedia connect to restlessness, whether the recipe of life beyond restlessness as encountered in ancient philosophy can teach us anything, how the Bible offers a middle path between rest and restlessness, how the absence of restlessness might signal moral depravity, and how the love of God invites us to embrace a sense of arrivedness.

Journal Title

In Medias Res with Glanz & Jerončić



First Department

Old Testament

Second Department

Theology and Christian Philosophy
