"As One Who Serves: Perspectives on Adventist Mission & Ministry to Mem" by John Gavin, Petr Činčala et al.

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As One Who Serves: Perspectives on Adventist Mission & Ministry to Members, Families, and Communities

As One Who Serves: Perspectives on Adventist Mission & Ministry to Members, Families, and Communities



Much has been written about how the ministries of the Adventist Church can be more effective. There is a continued need for new approaches to ministry guided by news and rigorous research. The volume honors the contributions Monte Sahlin, who has dedicated his career to ministry and research spanning more than fifty years. The research, tributes and other information presented in this book were each submitted by those who worked closely with Monte Sahlin during his career or were strongly influenced by research, his many books, articles, presentations and blog posts and focusses on areas where Monte Sahlin has made significant related contributions.

  • Pastoral Ministry, Evangelism & Church Growth
  • Urban Mission & Ministry
  • Compassion Ministries - Social Action & Community Services
  • Church Administration & Leadership
  • Family Ministry, Youth & Young Adults

This book is organized around these important topics offering new and important insights for those in ministry within the Adventist church, highlighting recent research and inspiring continued scholarship.

Publication Date



Center for Creative Ministry and Andrews University Department of World Mission


Berrien Springs, MI

First Department

World Mission

As One Who Serves: Perspectives on Adventist Mission & Ministry to Members, Families, and Communities
