Faculty Publications | Andrews University

Recent publications of the faculty of Andrews University


Submissions from 2025


The World Comes to Andrews, Meredith Jones Gray


The Global Scope of Andrews University, John Wesley Taylor V

Submissions from 2024


Open Educational Resources: Initiatives at the James White Library, Margaret Adeogun


Perceived Faculty Barriers to Using Active Learning Methods in the Higher Education Classroom, Jochebed Ade-Oshifogun, Michelle Allyn, Anneris Coria-Navia, Erica Howell, Jenica Joseph, Tammy Shilling, Letrisha Stallard, and Kimberly S. Pichot

Our Shared Responsibility: Protecting the Earth, Gordon Atklns, A. Rahel Schafer, and Anil Kanda


Managing Differences in the Family, Alina M. Baltazar

Alcohol and College Students, Alina Baltazar and Curtis J. VanderWaal

Editorial, Bruce Bauer

Adventist Education, Lisa Beardsley-Hardy and George R. Knight

Adventists and the Military, Kevin M. Burton


There's a Wolff in the CAR, Kevin M. Burton

Beauty and Complexity: Esther's Night with the King in Biblical and Cultural Context, Sarah Gane Burton and Constance E. Gane

Introduction, Michael W. Campbell, Christie Chui-Shan Chow, David F. Holland, Denis Kaiser, and Nicholas P. Miller

Salmo 01, Paulo Candido de Oliveira

Salmo 23, Paulo Candido de Oliveira

Salmos, Paulo Candido de Oliveira


Prediction of intensified ethanol fermentation of sugarcane using a deep learning soft sensor and process analytical technology, Elmer Ccopa Rivera, Celina K. Yamakawa, Carlos E.V. Rossell, Jonas Nolasco, and Hyun J. Kwon

Who is Your Father? A Missiological Perspective on Personal Growth and Transformation, Petr Činčala and Allison Sauceda


Andrews Community Counseling Center, Ron Coffen

Healthcare and Medical Work, Anne Collier-Freed and Denis Kaiser


The Center for Teaching and Learning, Anneris Coria-Navia

'...a thing impossible I should love thee': Shakespearean Performance as White Property, Vanessa Corredera

Shakespeare, Race, and Appropriation, Vanessa Corredera


Ears to Hear: How to Study the Bible and Let Scripture Speak for Itself, Félix H. Cortez


Review of A Jewish Apocalyptic Framework of Eschatology in the Epistle to the Hebrews: Protology and Eschatology as Background, by Jihye Lee, Félix H. Cortez

Hope Channel Bible Help Desk, Félix H. Cortez, Davide Sciarabba, Crystal Louis, and Rebecca Fanai

Allusions to Creation in the Book of Exodus, Richard M. Davidson

A Selected Bibliography of Jo Ann Davidson, Richard M. Davidson

Can we understand God's justice? Is the word, "Judgment" a bad word? #God #Justice #Mercy #Theology, Richard M. Davidson and Anil Kanda

Hamlet as Resisting Subject: Intersecting Artistic Tactics in the Mousetraps of Doran and Godwin, Kristen N. Denslow and L Monique Pittman

Sabbath: A Timeless Practice for Modern Living, Martin Doblmeier and Jo Ann Davidson

Contextualization, Discipleship, and Adventist Missiology, Gorden R. Doss

Твердь духа. Молитва и мысли молящегося, Yuri N. Drumi


Density and abundance estimation of West Indian manatee, Trichechus manatus, between the states of Ceará and Piauí, Northeast Brazil, using active acoustics, Katherine Fiedler Choi Lima, Denis Moledo de Sousa Abessa, Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske, Renata Sousa-Lima, Ana Carolina Oliveira de Meirelles, and Cristine Pereira Negrão Silva

Adventist Views of Inspiration and the Biblical Canon, Denis Fortin


Augustin and Daniel Bourdeau: Lifelong Evangelists and Missionaries, Denis Fortin

George I. Butler: An Honest but Misunderstood Church Leader, Denis Fortin and Peter Dixon

Manifestations of God's Beauty through the Ministry of Presence in the Scriptures, Anna Galeniece


Do Biblical Impurity Rules Literally Apply Today?, Roy Gane


BibleOnlineLearner: Learning in the 21st Century, Oliver Glanz


A Depth Psychology Reading of Exodus, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić


A Health and Fitness Episode, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić


Dare to Think: Kant at 300, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić


Golden Rule 2.0: Kant at 300, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić


Interpretation is Everything, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić


Life, Theology, and Trauma Literature, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić


Looking Back at 2023, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić


Rethinking Cain, Rethinking Interpretations, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić


Trophy Culture, Parenting, & Education, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić


Guest Episode: With Dr. Torben Bergland on Fanaticism, Oliver Glanz, Ante Jerončić, and Torben Bergland


Guest Episode: On Trauma, with Steve Yeagley, Oliver Glanz, Ante Jerončić, and Stephen Yeagley


Enhancing pastoralist women's knowledge of danger signs through home-based life-saving skills intervention in Northern Kenya: A quasi experimental study, Dabo Galgalo Halake, Elijah Isinta Maranga, Japheth Mativo Nzioki, and John Gachohi

Hope Channel Bible Help Desk, Martin Hanna, Amilcar Groschal Jr., Ruben Covarrubias, and Rebecca Fanai


Did God Create Viruses?, James Hayward


Collaborative Publications, James L. Hayward, Shandelle M. Henson, Vanessa I. Corredera, and L. Monique Pittman

Prevention of Alcohol Use and Abuse, Gary Hopkins, Alina Baltazar, and Duane C. McBride

The Cultural Myths About Alcohol Use, Gary L. Hopkins, Duane C. McBride, and Myrnaliza Tan

The Laying on of Hands in Acts 6:6, Robert M. Johnston

Adventist Views of Inspiration and the Biblical Canon, Denis Kaiser


Who Has the Most Influence on Your Spirituality?, S. Joseph Kidder and Natalie M. Darisme


Alfvén Waves at the Interface of Solar Wind and Magnetosphere, Eun-Hwa Kim, Jay R. Johnson, and Peter Damiano

Catching God’s Rhythm: Understanding the Power of Ritual in Worship, Gerald A. Klingbeil

Connecting Worlds: Biblical, Theological, and Interdisciplinary Studies in Honor of Ekkehardt Mueller, Gerald A. Klingbeil and Eike Mueller

Introduction, Gerald A. Klingbeil and Eike Mueller

Adventist Lifestyle, Geroge R. Knight


An Evening with Bach, Teleman, & Vivaldi, Marianne Kordas


Griggs International Academy: A Church Bell for the World, Ben Kreiter and Deirdré Wilkens

Speaking in tongues and Biblical Hermeneutics: Implications for Adventist Mission Practice, Wagner Kuhn


Centrifugal Forces Impacting Urbanization in the Eastern Mediterranean during Roman and Early Islamic Times, Øystein S. LaBianca

Introduction, Peter N. Landless, Duane C. McBride, and Myrnaliza Tan


Changing the University, the Church and the World through Risk Prevention and Health Promotion, Duane McBride


Golden Jubilee: Roy Anderson and the start of the Andrews University Speech and Hearing Clinic, Scott Moncrieff

“They Shall See His face”: Toward a Theology of the Face of God, Jiri Moskala


Extending Natural Mates in Euclidean 3-space and Applications to Bertrand Pairs, Yun Myung Oh and Alexander Navarro

Reconstructing: Church History Part II, Trevor O'Reggio


Le Ministère et l'Intelligence Artificielle, Rogelio Paquini


Ministerio Juvenil para esta GeneraZión, Rogelio Paquini


Ministry and Artificial Intelligence, Rogelio Paquini

Doctrine of God, John C. Peckham


God with Us: Discipleship of the Mind, John C. Peckham


Is the Trinity Biblical?, John C. Peckham


Liar, Liar: The Devil's Strategy of Deception and Slander, John C. Peckham


Praying in the Shadow of Gethsemane, John C. Peckham


The Personhood and Divinity of the Holy Spirit, John C. Peckham


Understanding the Trinity: The Crucial Importance of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, John C. Peckham

Review of Adaptive Church: Collaboration and Community in a Changing World, by Dustin D. Benac, David K. Penno


Gender Difference on Internal Equity: Evidence From the Hospitality Industry in Ghana, Patricia Peprah


Convince official creditors to urgently restructure $5.4bn loans – Peprah to government, Williams Kwasi Peprah


Division, partial privatization of Ghana’s ECG on the GSE for improved performance and financial stability, Williams Kwasi Peprah


Strategic Restructuring for Efficiency: Proposing the Division and Partial Privatization of Ghana’s ECG on the GSE for Improved Performance and Financial Stability, Williams Kwasi Peprah


Strategic Restructuring for Efficiency: Proposing the Division and Partial Privatization of Ghana’s ECG on the GSE for Improved Performance and Financial Stability, Williams Kwasi Peprah


The mediating effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on heuristic techniques and cognitive biases on investment decision-making, Williams Kwasi Peprah, Christopher Ampadu Kwakwah-Oppong, Francis Osei-Kuffour, and Lenny Leorina Evinita

Faith-Based Programs for Prevention and Recovery, Katia Reinert and David Sedlacek


Bibliography: Hisban Interactive Archive Project, Terry Dwain Robertson and Patricio Ordoñez

Adventists in Africa, Boubakar Sanou

When Mission Practitioners Disagree: A Reflection on Acts 15:36-41, Boubakar Sanou

God's Love for Animals in the Torah: Are They Among the "Poor"?, A. Rahel Schafer

Life Sketch of Jo Ann Davidson, A. Rahel Schafer and Richard M. Davidson

Legacy of Beauty: A Festschrift in Honor of Jo Ann Davidson, A. Rahel Schafer and Iriann Marie Irizarry

Introduction, A. Rahel Schafer and Iriann Marie Irizarry