Guest Episode: With Andrew Tompkins on Resonance

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With great anticipation, Oliver and Ante connected with their friend and colleague Andrew Tompkins, Assistant Professor of Mission and Intercultural Theology at Andrews University, to discuss the fascinating topic of resonance. Taking the work of the German sociologist Hartmut Rosa as their starting point, they explore Rosa's critique of modernity and contemporary society, the focus on competition, control, and acceleration, the all-pervasiveness of instrumental reason, how these forces impact all levels of human interactions and institutions, including religious ones, what is lost in the process, the notion of alienation as the absence of meaningful relationships, the concept of resonance itself, whether it should be viewed as a something that happens to us or as a result of human intentionality, how our perceptions of God are themselves beholden to these cultural forces, and how a spirituality of resonance might be retrieved.

Journal Title

In Medias Res with Glanz & Jerončić



First Department

Old Testament

Second Department

Theology and Christian Philosophy

Third Department

World Mission
