"Knowing God's Will" by Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić

Knowing God's Will

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After briefly discussing some questions of exercise and wellness, via Peter Attia's bestseller Outlive, Oliver and Ante shift their discussion to the question of knowing God's will, what it is, whether it is a pagan idea, how it tracks views of what it means to be human, whether it can be a form of superstition, whether there is something like God's "will" in the Bible, how we tend to turn God into an idol, what the dangers might lurk in "God told me so" convictions, whether we not are not seeking God's will enough, and how to make sense of biblical passages that promise deep intimacy with God.

Journal Title

In Medias Res with Glanz & Jerončić



First Department

Old Testament

Second Department

Theology and Christian Philosophy
