Recent publications of the faculty of Andrews University
Submissions from 2022
Bible HelpDesk: Episode for April 6, 2022, Ruben Covarrobias, Tiffany Brown, Anthony Kent, and Rahel Wells
Bible HelpDesk: Episode for October 12, 2022, Ruben Covarrobias, Tiffany Brown, Rahel Wells, and Vinnie MacIsaac
Bible HelpDesk: Episode for August 31, 2022, Ruben Covarrubias, Tiffany Brown, Michael Younker, and Roy Gane
Bible HelpDesk: Episode for June 15, 2022, Ruben Covarrubias, Kenia Reyes, Félix Cortez, and Jeffrey Brown
Bible HelpDesk: Episode for May 4, 2022, Ruben Covarrubias, Kenia Reyes, Martin Hanna, and Oleg Kostyuk
Bible HelpDesk: Episode for March 30, 2022, Ruben Covarrubias, Kenia Reyes, Lola Johnston, and Roy Gane
Approaches to Faith Integration: A Case Study of Andrews University Employees, Duane Covrig, Glynis M. Bradfield, Steven Injety, and Duduetsang Kakhu
Is There a Delay?, Jo Ann Davidson
Offensive Grace, Jo Ann Davidson
A Song for the Sanctuary: Experiencing God’s Presence in Shadow and Reality, Richard M. Davidson
Does sexual intercourse constitute marriage? The issue of premarital sex, Richard M. Davidson
Reproduction/Population Control and Abortion-Related Issues: Old Testament Foundations, Richard M. Davidson
Sanctuary 101, Richard M. Davidson
The Cosmic Conflict in the Book of Exodus, Richard M. Davidson
The Nature of Humankind from the Beginning, Richard M. Davidson
Architectural Models, Stefanie P. Elkins
Idols, Stefanie P. Elkins
Lions, Stefanie P. Elkins
Ta'anach, Stefanie P. Elkins
Dr. Jiri Moskala on Preaching - Fix Your Eyes on Jesus Special Feature Lay Preacher Training, Christopher Findley and Jiří Moskala
Martin Hanna discussing his PhD on Torrance and Gilkey, December 22, 2022, Marty Folsom and Denis Fortin
Mentoring: An Essential for Novice Teachers, Kathleen Forbis, Anneris Coria-Navia, Jimmy Kijai, and Larry D. Burton
2 Timothy, Denis Fortin
Butler, George Ide (1834-1918), Denis Fortin
El Rol de Elena G. de White en el Desarrollo de las Doctrinas Adventistas, Denis Fortin
Revisions of the Adolescent Ellen Harmon: A Review of Donald E. Casebolt's Child of the Apocalypse: Ellen G. White, Denis Fortin
The Complexity of Patters of Leadership in the Early Church and in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Denis Fortin
With All Your Heart for a Lifetime, Jasmine Fraser
Sowing And Reaping: Dynamics Of David’s Family, Anna Galeniece
The Cost of Being a Disciple, Anna Galeniece
Mental Health and Wellness: Hope for Emotional, Psychological, and Social Well-being, Anna Galeniece and Ann Hamel
James, Erhard H. Gallos
Jude, Erhard H. Gallos
The Fall of Babylon, Constance Gane
The Fall of Ninevah, Constance Gane
Applying Biblical Law to Modern Society, Roy Gane
Daniel 8 y 9: Una Respuesta a sus Desafíos Contemporáneos, Roy Gane
How to Apply Biblical Laws Today: Old Testament Principles for New Testament Christians, Roy Gane
Our Currency--Influence, Roy Gane
Covenants, Roy E. Gane
Divorce, Roy E. Gane
Levirate Marriage, Roy E. Gane
Sacrifice and the Old Testament, Roy E. Gane
Shifting our Lens: Practical Trauma-informed Approaches for Educators, Charity Garcia, Ingrid Weiss Slikkers, and Tara Bailey
Dead Sea Scrolls and Linguistic Research, Oliver Glanz
Serving God Across the Divide: A Lesson from Jeremiah, Oliver Glanz
When Your Life is Taken Seriously: The Cross and the Day in Postmodern Perspective, Oliver Glanz
Khirbat Safra (2020-2021), Paul Z. Gregor, Paul Ray, Robert D. Bates, Trisha Broy, and Talmadge Gerald
Profile of a Comparative and International Education Leader: Marco Aurelio Navarro-Leal, Gus Gregorutti
Global South Research Collaboration: A Comparative Perspective, Abdoulaye Gueye, Edward Choi, Carolina Guzmán-Valenzuela, and Gustavo Gregorutti
A clinical test to assess isometric cervical strength in chronic whiplash associated disorder (WAD): a reliability study, Jeff Habberfield, Geoff Schneider, Kathryn Schneider, Sozina Katuli, and Lee Olson
Finding Truth in a Post-Truth World, Kenley Hall
"You're already Black...": Racially-informed Care and Intersections of Gender for LGBTQ African American Children and Youth in Birmingham, Alabama, Stacie Hatfield
Searching for Life Beyond our System, Ryan T. Hayes
Invigorating Seventh-day Adventist Science Education with Chemical Knowledge of God's Creation, Ryan T. Hayes and D. David Nowack
En Búsqueda de la Salvación: Vocación y misión de Elena G. de White, Abner F. Hernandez
Electron Energization Signatures in Traveling Kinetic Alfvén Waves at Storm Time Injection Fronts, A. J. Hull, P. A. Damiano, C. C. Chaston, J. R. Johnson, and G. D. Reeves
Virtual Teaching Rehearsals and Repeated Teaching Simulations: Impact on Pre-Service Teachers Efficacy, Lori Imasiku and Michelle K. Bacchiocchi
Using Online Education to Address the Challenges of Small, Multigrade Schools, Lori Imasiku, Michael Gayle, Michelle Bacchiocchi, and Melanie Kartik
Living Worldviews: The Promises and Perils of Worldview Formation, Ante Jerončić
A Talker and a Doer: David Faehner's 37-year legacy of making friends for Andrews, Douglas Jones
James White Library: A History, Meredith Jones Gray
HIstoriography and the New Adventist History, Denis Kaiser
Revelación divina, inspiración y autoridad de los escritos de Elena G. de White, Denis Kaiser
The Heavenly Trio: Exploring the Views of Ellen White and the Adventist Pioneers Regarding the Trinity [Review], Denis Kaiser
El Don de Profecía y el Ministerio de Elena G. de White, Denis Kaiser, S. Yeury Ferreira, and Joel Iparraguirre
Uniqueness of steady state positive solutions to a general elliptic system with Dirichlet boundary conditions, Joon Hyuk Kang
An Elliptic Nonlinear System of Multiple Functions with Application, Joon Hyuk Kang and Timothy Robertson
COVID-19 and Transition to Distance Learning: Perspectives of Postsecondary Teachers in Kenya, James Ogechi Kereri, Grace Moraa Kennedy, and Dovison Kereri
Correction to: A digital health program for treatment of urinary incontinence: retrospective review of real‑world user data (International Urogynecology Journal, (2023), 34, 5, (1083-1089), 10.1007/s00192-022-05321-3), Laura E. Keyser, Jessica L. McKinney, Samantha J. Pulliam, and Milena M. Weinstein
Shaping your Child's Worldview Through Modeling, Teaching, and Ministering, S. Kidder and Katelyn Campbell Weakley
Bewege Deine Gemeinde: Eine vom Geist geführte Bewegung werden, S. Joseph Kidder
Christ, the Son of the Living God: The Theme of the Chiastic Structure of the Gospel of Matthew, S. Joseph Kidder
Growing as a Disciple of Jesus: Experiencing His Presence, S. Joseph Kidder
How is Your Courage?, S. Joseph Kidder
Reclaim Your First Love, S. Joseph Kidder
Review of True North: A Prophetic Call to Faithfulness Mark Finley, Clinton Wahlen, Ken McFarland, and Phyllis McFarland, eds., Fallbrook, CA: Hart Books, 2022, S. Joseph Kidder
The Faithful Witness of Revelation 1:5 and 3:14--Part 2, S. Joseph Kidder
Preaching that Turns the World Upside Down, S. Joseph Kidder and Jeffrey Bradburn
Redemption: The Demonstration of God's Love, part 2, S. Joseph Kidder and Katelyn Campbell
Worldview: Its Overall Impact on Life, S. Joseph Kidder and Katelyn Campbell
Living with the Mind of Jesus: How Beliefs Shape Your Worldview, S. Joseph Kidder and Katelyn Campbell Weakley
Re-Creation: God Restores Everything, S. Joseph Kidder and Katelyn Campbell Weakley
Worldviews Transformed: How God and His People Can Change Worldview, S. Joseph Kidder and Katelyn Campbell Weakley
Worldview Through the Lens of Eternity, S. Joseph Kidder and Katelyn Campbell Weakley
Worldview Through the Lens of the Great Controversy, S. Joseph Kidder and Katelyn Campbell Weakley
Worldview Through the Lens of the Great Controversy--Part 1, S. Joseph Kidder and Katelyn Campbell Weakley
Coupling Between Alfvén Wave and Kelvin–Helmholtz Waves in the Low Latitude Boundary Layer, Eun-Hwa Kim and Jay R. Johnson
A Alegria do Evangelho, Gerald Klingbeil
“Em memória de mim.”, Gerald Klingbeil
Quem Sou Eu? Navegando Pelo Delicado Equilíbrio Entre o “Eu” e o “Nós”, Gerald Klingbeil
Razões para Creer: 28 maneiras de expressar sua fé, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Why Were Some Prophecies Not Fulfilled?, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Program Notes. Basically Bach! Camerata Milwaukee. Shorewood, WI. March 26, 2022., Marianne Kordas
How the “Blueprint” for Agriculture in Adventist Education Can Be Relevant in the 21st Century, Katherine Koudele
Mission Theology for the Last Days: Biblical Wisdom in Word and Deed, Wagner Kuhn
Mission Vision in Action: Perspectives on Global Missiology: A Festschrift Honoring the Life, Work, and Global Ministry of Bruce L. Bauer, Wagner Kuhn and Boubakar Sanou
Five Steps to Successfully Make Social Engagement Happen in Your Church, Sung Kun Kwon and Bordes Henry Saturne
A Children’s Book, A Local History Book, Summer Camps, and a Maintenance Agreement: An Update on the Lawrence T. Geraty Community Archaeology Endowment, 2022, Øystein LaBianca