Faculty Publications
The Influence of a Conservative Religion on Premarital Sexual Behavior of University Students
Document Type
Publication Date
Numerous studies have concluded that religious practices and beliefs are associated with lower rates of premarital sexual activity. Few studies have evaluated sexual activity in religious communities with beliefs against premarital sexual activity. The purpose of this study is to examine the rates of various sexual behaviors among students attending a conservative church-affiliated university with beliefs against premarital sexual activity. A questionnaire elicited information such as the type and comfort level of sexual behaviors engaged in, the reasons for having vaginal intercourse, and so forth. While premarital sexual behavior still occurs in this sample, the data showed that respondents in this survey appear to engage in all types of sexual activity studied at lower rates than other comparison samples, thus suggesting that even in an age characterized by sexual excess and freedom, religious sub-cultural belief systems may have some success in reducing the levels of sexual activity.
Journal Title
North American Journal of Psychology
First Page
Last Page
First Department
Behavioral Sciences
Recommended Citation
Helm, Herb; McBride, Duane; Knox, David; and Zusman, Marty, "The Influence of a Conservative Religion on Premarital Sexual Behavior of University Students" (2009). Faculty Publications. 100.
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