"The Chronology of the Events in Zechariah 12-14" by Won Jin Jeon

Date of Award


Document Type

Honors Thesis


Religion & Biblical Languages

First Advisor

Rahel Schafer


In current scholarship, there is a lack of consensus on the timing of the specific events in Zechariah 12-14, with a focus on eschatological or sequential chronologies. Preliminary exegetical research has revealed many connections between the three chapters. For instance, the phrase “in that day” ( ביום־ההוא ) occurs 17 times (versus four times in the rest of Zechariah). This concentrated usage closely interconnects the three chapters and suggests that the timeliness of all of the events is in close succession. Through findings in literary structures, key words, and intertextualities with other passages of the Old Testament, the conclusion is that the events in Zechariah 12 and 13 occur in one day. Even more, there exist literary structures and patterns that seem to support the idea that the various “in that day” events in Zechariah 14 occur in a single time, which is later than the day in Zechariah 12-13.

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