Dissertations | Graduate Research | Andrews University


Dissertations from 2020


Teachers' Implementation of and Stages of Concern Regarding English Language Arts (ELA) Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in New York State, Alozie Augustine Ogbonna


Job Satisfaction as a Function of the Five Factor Model of Personality in the Community Mental Health Center Environment of Northern Indiana, Robert Ryan


Music Notation-to-Color Synesthesia and Early Stages of Music Education: A Grounded Theory Study, Eduardo Sola Chagas Lima


A Correlational Model of Burnout and Personality Among Clergy in the United States, Nathanael M. Stephens


Spiritual Coping as a Mediator of Distress and Posttraumatic Growth Among Adult Female Survivors of Sexual Abuse by Religious Leaders, Angela R. St. Hillaire


A Stratigraphic Analysis of the Middle Bronze Age from the Tell Taanach Excavations in 1963, '66 and '68, Ronald H. Wakeman

Dissertations from 2019


Islam, Christianity, Traditional Religions and Power Politics in Northern Nigeria Since Pre-Islamic Period, Emmanuel M. Abar


Working Memory and Attention as Predictors of Processing Speed in Elementary School Students: A Developmental Study, Monih Alshehri


Archaeological Backgrounds of the Sanctuary: A Search for Egyptian Cultural Influence in the Construction of the Hebrew Tent-Sanctuary, Leslie Scott Baker Jr


The Relationship Between Combat Experience, Veteran Pathology and the Pathology of Their Intimate Partners: What Factors Predict the Pathology of Veterans and Their Intimate Partners, Edwin A. Brennan


A Reassessment of the Excavations at Tall Safut, Owen D. Chesnut


Toward Engaging the Secular: Charles Taylor's Modern Social Imaginaries, Human Flourishing, and Theological Method, Jenifer A. Daley


Journey with Autism: Successful Educational and Social Interventions from a Single Case Study, Kwame M. De Jonge-Moore


Ceramic Architectural Models from the Madaba Plains Region: A Selected Art Historical Analysis, Stefanie P. Elkins


The Influence of Pornography Consumption, Religiosity, and Family Sexual Communication on Emerging Adults' Engagement in Hookup Culture in the United States, Angie Powels Horner


The Interplay of Racial Identity Attitude and Religious Orientation on the Social Integration Experiences of Black African College Students and African American College Students Attending Predominantly White Institutions in the United States, Christina Miattamengie Johnson


Advising Assessment Practices of Advising Professionals at an Accredited United Kingdom Urban Career-Focused Higher Education Institution: A Replicated Quantitative, Descriptive Analysis, Catherine E. Mahrt-Washington


Angels and Sub-Divine Supernatural Beings: Their Characteristics, Function, and Relationship to God and Humanity in Deuteronomy-Kings, Joni Amanda McGuire-Moushon


The Effects of a Transition Program on the Academic Achievement of Ninth Grade Students in a California Suburban High School, Igor Nicholas Milosavljević


School Principal's Leadership Style and Teacher's Self-Efficacy in High and Low Achieving Schools in Chikankata, Zambia, Pardon Mwansa


Variations in Individualistic and Collectivistic Cultural Orientation and the Protective Factors that Contribute to Resilience: Comparisons from Jamaica, Rwanda, and the United States, Stacey Nicely


Public School Teachers' Gender, Years of Teaching Experience, Knowledge, and Perceptions as Predictors of Their Implementation of Brain-Based Learning Practices in K-12 Classrooms, Emmanuel Oduro-Bediako


Examining Perceptions of Service Quality of Student Services and Satisfaction Among International Students at Universities in Indiana and Michigan, Mordekai Ochieng Ongo

Sanctuary/Temple in Genesis 1-3: A Reevaluation of the Biblical Evidence, Jahisber Penuela Pineda


Adventist Healthcare: A Qualitative Study of 19th Century Founding Governing Principles in 21st Century Adventist Hospitals, Cesiah Yareth Pimentel Melendez


The Third Space: The Meeting of Jew and Christian in the Act of Remembering, Restoring, and Reconciling - A Case Study of the Matzevah Foundation, Steven D. Reece


"Let Us Make 'adam": An Edenic Model of Personal Ontology, Marla A. Samaan Nedelcu


Motivation for the Sharing of Material Possessions in Acts, Philo's De Vita Contemplativa and the Didache: A Comparative Study, Lena V. Toews


Constructing a Theology of Relational Life Through the Themes of Creation, Incarnation, and Re-Creation as an Alternative to Current Categories of Religions, Andrew Tompkins


Toward a Biblical Theology of God's Presence in Christian Theology: A Study of How Difference Interpretations of the Divine Presence affect liturgy, Karl Tsatalbasidis


The Nature of David's Kingship at Hebron: An Exegetical and Theological Study of 2 Samuel 2:1-5:5, Christian Vogel


The Theological Significance of the Relations of Freedom and Time in the Sciences and Humanities: An Evaluation of the Contributions of David Bohm and Pauli Pylkko, Michael F. Younker

Dissertations from 2018


The Influence of Social Support and Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction on Student Academic Motivation at a Cameroonian University: Structural Equation Modeling, Samuel Adamou


Student Evaluations of Teaching, Course and Student Characteristics at Andrews University, Fatimah Al Nasser


A Theory Base and Mission-Sending Model for the South American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Silvano Barbosa


Reading As A Disclosure Of The Thoughts Of The Heart: Proto-Halakhic Reuse And Appropriation Between Torah And The Prophets, Kenneth Bergland


Use of Stories in Courses and Student Engagement at Southwestern Michigan College, Heather Day


A Multi Case Study Of Sexual Assault Policies And Procedures Of Two Residential Higher Education Institutions In The Midwest, Slandah Dieujuste


The Impact of Family Satisfaction, Racial Identity and Perceived Ethnic Discrimination on African-American College Students' Vulnerability to Stereotype Threat, Erica Lynn Featherson


Family Relational Dialectics: A Systemic Model for Explaining Relational Factors Contributing to Adolescents' Faith Maturity, Life Values, and Commitment to Christ, Jasmine J. Fraser


A Study Of Collaborative Skills Of Graduates Of A National, Faith-Based, Leadership Development Program, Eileen Kooreman


The Impact of Media Influence About Hair Texture on Internalized Racial Oppression, Ethnic Identity, and Self-Efficacy, Kristy L. La Mar


The Value of Reflective Thinking Among Public Elementary Teachers in Ontario, Canada, Margeaux Natalie-Ann Levy


Ethnic Identity and Adult Attachment as Correlates of Relationship Satisfaction Among White, Black, and Interracial Couples, Donalea McIntyre


Activist Leadership: A Grounded Theory Study Of Leadership And Effective Public-Sector Performance In A Young Democracy, Akinwumi Oladapo Oke


Religiosity and Ethnic Identity as Predictors of Identity Orientation Among African American and Caucasian American Women, Helen N. Rolle


A Psychometric Investigation of the Short Interpersonal Reactions Inventory: An Exploratory Factor Analysis of the Short Interpersonal Reactions Inventory and an Assessment of the Validity of the Type 1 (Cancer-Prone) Personality Category, Jason Taller


Leadership Development Among Youth in Latino Congregations: The Relationship of Religious Participation to Social Service Involvement and Engagement in Leadership Tasks, Elizabeth Tamez Mendez


Adapting To Change in the Swiss German Media Industry: Identifying and Developing Competencies Needed by Journalists and Editors To Cope with Future Market Needs - A Collective Case Study, Christiane E. Theiss


A Quantitative Study of Employees' Perceptions of the Relationship Between the Organizational Culture of a Toronto-Based Technology Company, and Their Job Satisfaction and Engagement, Donn Whitehall


Worship Music As Spiritual Identity: An Examination Of Music In The Liturgy Among Black And White Adventists In The United States From 1840 To 1944, David A. Williams


The Origins And Antecedents Of Joachim Of Fiore's (1135-1202) Historical-Continuous Method Of Prophetic Interpretation, Dojcin Zivadinovic

Dissertations from 2017


Instructional Strategies Used By Effective Mathematics Teachers In Adventist Elementary Schools In Florida: An MQI Analysis, Anna Adkins


Assessing The Factors Impacting Professional Learning For Teachers In Seventh-day Adventist Schools: A Comparison Of Millennials And Non-Millennials, Betty L. Bayer


The Coping Strategies of Nontraditional Female Students in Southwest Michigan and Northern Indiana, Desiree Davis


Mindset, Academic Motivation, And Academic Self-Efficacy As Correlates Of Academic Achievement Among Undergraduate Students in Communication Sciences and Disorders Programs, Heather Loraine Ferguson


Development and Application of Self-Awareness in Project Leadership: A Multiple Case Study of Department of Defense Project Managers, Jeffrey Brian Hart


The Doctrine of Prevenient Grace in the Theology of Jacobus Arminius, Abner F. Hernandez


The Relationship Between Transmission of Sexual Knowledge, Sexual Attitude, and Culture, Esther M. Hooley


The Influence of Cognitive and Psychological Well-being Factors on Freshmen Community College Student GPA: A Prediction Model, Barbara Karwacinski


One Purpose, Multiple Realities: A Qualitative Study on Parental Involvement in Two Malawian Private Secondary Schools, Josephine Katenga


The Effects Of Chinese Calligraphy On Reducing Anxiety And Comorbid Depression Levels Among Breast Cancer Patients In Hong Kong, Anna Liu


Student Demographics and Perceptions of the Cost-Sharing Program for Financing Higher Education in Tanzania and Their Relationship to Perceived Likelihood of Student Loans Repayment, Protas A. Makimu


"Witness" And "Bearing Witness" In The Legal Settings Of The Pentateuch And The Gospel Of John: An Intertextual Study, Franklin A. Marti


A Study Of The Pokot Cultural Worldview: Missiological Implications For Seventh-Day Adventist Witness Among The Pastoral Nomads Of Kenya, Haron Matwetwe


The Impact Of Student Self-Discipline And Parental Involvement in Students' Academic Activities on Student Academic Performance, Susan N. Mbaluka


An Investigation of the Attitudes Held by General Education Teachers Toward Students with Disabilities in a Pilot Inclusive Education Program in Cameroon, Agnes Y. Mngo


Estrategia “Comunión, Relacionamiento Y Misión–CRM” Y Su Influencia En La Fidelidad Hacia La Iglesia En Los Miembros De Grupos Pequeños En Un Distrito De La Misión Centro Oeste Del Perú, César Fernando Palacios Pinedo


Ethical Analysis Of Abuses Of Power In Christian Leadership - A Case Study Of "Kingly Power" In The Seventh-day Adventist Church, Zorislav Plantak


Toward A Priestly Christology: A Hermeneutical Study Of Christ's Priesthood, Adriani Milli Rodrigues


Cultural, Linguistic, Curricular And Financial Stories Of Andrews University International Undergraduate Students And Their Experiences Of Coping During The Academic Year 2014-2015: A Narrative Study, Renaude Etienne Saint-Phard


Applying Krumbolt's Theory of Career Decision Making (CDM) to the Longevity of Principals in the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, Sadrail Saint-Ulysse


Emotional Intelligence And Decision-Making As Predictors Of Antisocial Behavior, Melina Sample


Uncovering The Protological Hermeneutics Of George McCready Price And Benjamin Warfield, Sergio L. Silva


A Model Of Distress Tolerance In Self-Damaging Behaviors: Examining The Role Of Emotional Reactivity And Learned Helplessness, Brittany Kay Sommers


Teacher Perceptions Of The Implementation Of The Common Core State Standards In The Schools Of The Florida Conference Of Seventh-Day Adventists: A Qualitative Case Study, Rose J. Thomas


Measuring The Perceived Effectiveness Of Five Selected Professional Courses Taken By Alumni Theology Majors And How They Are Related To Selective Demographics: A Mixed Methods Study, Barry J. Tryon


Toward A Model Of The Ontology Of The Divine Indwelling Of Humans: A Comparative Study Of John Wesley And John Cobb, Cory Wetterlin

Dissertations from 2016


The Bonds That Break: Sibling Abuse Perpetration Behaviors as Correlates of Peer Bullying Perpetration Behaviors: A Structural Equation Model, Curt Bachman


Identity Styles, Mediated by Commitment and Syncretism, as Predictors of Undergraduate Students' Attitudes Toward Selected Discipleship Practice at Vally View University in Ghana in 2015: Implications for Religious Education, Juvenal Balisasa


Parental Involvement, Socio-economic Status and Students' Perceptions of the Classroom Learning Environmnet as Predictors of 8th Grade Students Academic Achievement: A Structural Equation Model, Allyson Blandin


The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11:1-13: Arguments, Issues of Interpretation, and a Way Forward, Ian R. Brown


Predictores Significativos de la Participacion de los Miembros de los Grupos Pequenos de la Mision del Oriente Peruna en el 2015, Orlando Chilon Guevara


A Theology of Missional Leadership in the Book of Revelation, Gyeongchun Choi


The Impact of Values Clarification and Expression of Beliefs on Dysfunctional Leadership among Church Lay Leaders, John F. Cosgrove


An Analysis of Adventist Mission Methods in Brazil in Relationship to a Christian Movement Ethos, Marcelo Eduardo da Costa Dias


Using High-fidelity Medical Simulation to Assess Critical Thinking in Medical Students, Lynda Daniel-Underwood


Self-efficacy, Locus of Control, Perceived Stress and Student Satisfaction as Correlates of Dissertation Completion, Gabriela A. Dumitrescu

What Do Pastors in German-speaking Europe Perceive as Important Leadership Competencies in Order To Be Effective Pastoral Leaders, Thomas Ch. Gyuroka


Observation and Coaching As a Professional Learning Model To Support the Implementation of Co-Teaching, Mary Alice Henley


The Expansion of Judah Under Uzziah into Philistia: The Historical Credibility of 2 Chronicles 26:6-7a in Light of Archaeological Evidence, Jeffrey P. Hudon


Musical Listening Interest, Socio-Demographic and Socio-Psychological Factors as Predictors of Test Anxiety Among Students of a Christian University in Jamaica, Wayne E. N. Ireland-Cleghorne


The Lived Experience of Conversion in the Broader Context of Experience of Faith Formation: A Phenomenological Study of Third- and Greater-generation Seventh-day Adventist Young Adults, Edyta Jankiewicz


Trust and Doubt: Perceptions of Divine Inspiration in Seventh-day Adventist History (1880-1930), Denis Kaiser


The Background and Meaning of the Image of the Beast in Rev. 13:14, 15, Rebekah Yi Liu


Faculty and Staff Perceptions of Stress, Efficacy, Personality, and Health Practices During Implementation of Comprehensive Educational Change at One Secondary School, Virginia Mae Lonser


The Relationship Between Financial Incentives and Perceptions of Student Choice at Private Michigan Universities, Ndahwa Musa Masanja


Justice, Cult, And Salvation In Isaiah 56-59: A Literary-Theological Study, Hudyard Y. Muskita


The Relationship Between Leaders' Emotional Intelligence and Employees' Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Job-Related Affective Well-Being at Andrews University, Robert L. Overstreet


The Relationship of Supervision Variables to Counseling Self-Efficacy and Outcome Expectations Among Practicing Psychologists, Gunther L. Schwartz