"Relación Entre el Liderazgo Transformacional, Liderazgo Transaccional " by Jorge Platon Maquera Sosa

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


College of Education and International Services


Leadership PhD

First Advisor

Tevni Grajales

Second Advisor

Sylvia Gonzalez

Third Advisor

Raul Acuna Casas



A sustainable organization needs significant changes in strategies related to the development of human resources. Therefore, it is vital to know the leadership style of the academic administrators of a university, and how they influence in the satisfaction, effectiveness, and extra effort of faculty.

Purpose of the Study

This study explored the correlation between transformation, transactional, and laissez-faire leadership styles with the satisfaction, effectiveness, and extra effort of faculty at Universidad Peruana Union, in 2009.


The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ), Edition 5, adapted by Vega and Zabala, was the instrument used. Some items were modified in their wording. The population consisted of 163 faculty of the Universidad Peruana Union who work on the campuses of Lima, Juliaca, and Tarapoto. The statistical techniques used to analyze the data were canonical correlation and multiple regression.


Transformational leadership style has a positive significant impact with satisfaction (/?=0.947), effectiveness (/?=0.838), and extra effort (/?=0.838). Transactional leadership style did not show a significant relationship with satisfaction (/?=0.039), effectiveness (/? = 0.073), or extra effort (/? = 0.102) in faculty. Laissez-faire leadership style also did not show a significant impact with satisfaction (/? =0.024), effectiveness (/? = 0.055), or extra effort (/? = 0.014).


In spite of multiple efforts to understand leadership, it has not been explained in its entirety. Leaders in educational organizations must practice strategies that will encourage transformational leadership, as this is the style that obtains good results with followers. Transformational leadership powerfully impacts satisfaction, effectiveness, and extra effort in faculty at Universidad Peruana Union. On the other hand, both the transactional and the laissez-faire styles of leadership did not show a significant correlation with the criterion variables.

Subject Area

Peruvian Union University--Administration; Peruvian Union University--Faculty; Career development; Educational leadership



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