"Teachers' Implementation of and Stages of Concern Regarding English La" by Alozie Augustine Ogbonna

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


College of Education and International Services


Curriculum and Instruction PhD

First Advisor

Larry D. Burton

Second Advisor

Jimmy Kijai

Third Advisor

Grace Nwosu



In the State of New York, the adoption and implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and associated high-stakes assessments have sparked debates among educators, parents, students and politicians. Educators are concerned about its impact on students' test scores, graduation rates and school funding. With mounting accountability threats, teachers are forced to teach to the test in order to produce desirable test scores (Zimmerman, 2010, as cited in Pinar, 2012, p.17). Unfortunately, there were no studies that promoted understanding of teachers' concerns and the extent to which they were implementing the CCSS. The purpose of this study was to investigate teachers' concerns and the extent to which they were implementing the CCSS in language arts in the state of New York.


The design of this study is a non-experimental quantitative design using survey research methodology. A survey using a modified Stages of Concern Questionnaire (SoCQ) and a researcher-developed implementation of language arts core standards questionnaire were given to Grades 6-12 ELA teachers from 75 selected schools in New York state. Seventy-five teachers responded to the questionnaire with 53 useable responses. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and bivariate correlation.


Respondents were mostly from urban/suburban schools (90.4%). Teachers implement 13 of the 15 common core standards in language arts at least once a week (M=4.02 to M=6.15). Levels of implementation were similar in both middle and high schools (p>.05) and appear to be unrelated to number of years implementing the CCSS. Approximately half (52.8%) were at concern stages 4 to 6. And overall, there is no relationship between stage of concern and levels of implementation of the common core standards.


Teachers are adequately implementing language arts common core standards in New York. Half of the teachers' concerns are generally about how implementation of the standards affect their students and their colleagues. The other half are concerned about how implementation affects them personally. To achieve the objective of the curriculum and the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), teachers must continue to receive targeted professional development in their identified areas of needs.

Subject Area

Common Core State Standards (Education)--New York; Education--Standards--United States; English Language Arts (ELA); Teachers--New York



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