Faculty Publications
Submissions from 2024
Beauty and Complexity: Esther's Night with the King in Biblical and Cultural Context, Sarah Gane Burton and Constance E. Gane
Allusions to Creation in the Book of Exodus, Richard M. Davidson
A Selected Bibliography of Jo Ann Davidson, Richard M. Davidson
Can we understand God's justice? Is the word, "Judgment" a bad word? #God #Justice #Mercy #Theology, Richard M. Davidson and Anil Kanda
Do Biblical Impurity Rules Literally Apply Today?, Roy Gane
BibleOnlineLearner: Learning in the 21st Century, Oliver Glanz
A Depth Psychology Reading of Exodus, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
A Health and Fitness Episode, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Dare to Think: Kant at 300, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Golden Rule 2.0: Kant at 300, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Interpretation is Everything, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Life, Theology, and Trauma Literature, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Looking Back at 2023, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Rethinking Cain, Rethinking Interpretations, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Trophy Culture, Parenting, & Education, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Guest Episode: With Dr. Torben Bergland on Fanaticism, Oliver Glanz, Ante Jerončić, and Torben Bergland
Guest Episode: On Trauma, with Steve Yeagley, Oliver Glanz, Ante Jerončić, and Stephen Yeagley
Catching God’s Rhythm: Understanding the Power of Ritual in Worship, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Connecting Worlds: Biblical, Theological, and Interdisciplinary Studies in Honor of Ekkehardt Mueller, Gerald A. Klingbeil and Eike Mueller
Introduction, Gerald A. Klingbeil and Eike Mueller
“They Shall See His face”: Toward a Theology of the Face of God, Jiri Moskala
Life Sketch of Jo Ann Davidson, A. Rahel Schafer and Richard M. Davidson
Submissions from 2023
Adventists by the Numbers: An Appreciation of the Ministry of Monte Sahlin, Niels-Erik Andreasen
Richard Davidson on God's Beauty, Richard M. Davidson
The Aesthetics of Israel’s Sanctuaries, Richard M. Davidson
The Significance of the Sanctuary in Scripture, Richard M. Davidson
Reading the Scriptures: The Necessity and Importance of Biblical Hermeneutics, Richard M. Davidson, Miguel Patiño-Hernández, and Joel Iparraguirre
Back to Eden—God’s Design for Human Sexuality, Richard M. Davidson and Jahisber Peñuela-Pineda
A Reflection on the "Seventh Day", Jacques R. Doukhan
Modern Applicability of the Book of Leviticus for Joyful Obedience, Roy Gane
Pre-Advent Judgment in the Context of God’s Salvation and Sanctuary, Roy Gane
The Red Cow as a Polemic Against the Cults of the Dead, Roy Gane
The holy days calendar, Roy E. Gane
Yom Kippur, Roy E. Gane
Jeremiah’s rebuilding (BNH) of the Destroyed City Without Brick and Mortar, Oliver Glanz
Testemunho Corajoso: Servindo a Deus em uma Sociedade Polarizada, Oliver Glanz
Identity, Narcissism, and Contemporary Culture, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jeroncic
The Promises and Perils of Philosophy, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jeroncic
Why Philosophy? Some Autobiographical Takes, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jeroncic
Across the Divide: Lessons from Jeremiah, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Ante's Approach to Life & Productivity, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Attention, and Why it Matters, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Culture, Reality, and Belief, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Existential Restlessness, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Faith and Spirituality in a Secular Age, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Identity and Change: Good or Bad?, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Identity, Self, and the Flux of Life, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Knowing God's Will, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Live Episode: Is the Bible Still Relevant?, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Live From AAR/SBL: Presentations that Spoke to Us, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Mainly on Life Miscellanies, and some on the Suffering God, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Marriage, Eschatology, and Ethics, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Memory, Learning, and the Good Life, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Oliver's Approach to Life & Productivity, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
On Mothers: An Ode of Gratitude and Awe, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
The Absence and Presence of God, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
What is In Media Res?, Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić
Guest Episode: With Andrew Tompkins on Resonance, Oliver Glanz, Ante Jerončić, and Andrew Tompkins
Review of God the Creator: The Old Testament and the World God Is Making, by Ben C. Ollenburger, Gerald Klingbeil
Review of Adventist Interchurch Relations: A Study in Ecumenics, by Stefan Höschele, Gerald A. Klingbeil
¿Cómo interpretar los escritos de Elena G. de White?, Jiří Moskala
Eternal Punishment and Immortality of the Soul, Jiří Moskala
The Seventh-day Adventist Identity: Who Are We as the Community of Faith?, Jiří Moskala
What is New in the New Covenant?, Jiří Moskala
A Theology of Glory: Divine Sanctum and Service in the Psalter, Jerome Skinner
Submissions from 2022
Roy Gane on God's Power (Life with God, Season 3: God is Power, Episode 4), Adelina Alexe, Roy Gane, Erik Aepler, Madison Turner, Rayner Suarez, and Samuel Eduardo Ricra Timana
Jiří Moskala on God's Power (Life with God, Season 3: God is Power, Episode 5), Adelina Alexe, Jiří Moskala, Andrew Orpana, and Juan Sanchez
Bible HelpDesk: Episode for August 17, 2022, Tiffany Brown, Ruben Covarrubias, Roy Gane, and Michael Younker
Bible HelpDesk: Episode for August 31, 2022, Ruben Covarrubias, Tiffany Brown, Michael Younker, and Roy Gane
Bible HelpDesk: Episode for March 30, 2022, Ruben Covarrubias, Kenia Reyes, Lola Johnston, and Roy Gane
A Song for the Sanctuary: Experiencing God’s Presence in Shadow and Reality, Richard M. Davidson
Does sexual intercourse constitute marriage? The issue of premarital sex, Richard M. Davidson
Reproduction/Population Control and Abortion-Related Issues: Old Testament Foundations, Richard M. Davidson
Sanctuary 101, Richard M. Davidson
The Cosmic Conflict in the Book of Exodus, Richard M. Davidson
The Nature of Humankind from the Beginning, Richard M. Davidson
Dr. Jiri Moskala on Preaching - Fix Your Eyes on Jesus Special Feature Lay Preacher Training, Christopher Findley and Jiří Moskala
The Fall of Babylon, Constance Gane
The Fall of Ninevah, Constance Gane
Applying Biblical Law to Modern Society, Roy Gane
Daniel 8 y 9: Una Respuesta a sus Desafíos Contemporáneos, Roy Gane
How to Apply Biblical Laws Today: Old Testament Principles for New Testament Christians, Roy Gane
Our Currency--Influence, Roy Gane
Covenants, Roy E. Gane
Divorce, Roy E. Gane
Levirate Marriage, Roy E. Gane
Sacrifice and the Old Testament, Roy E. Gane
Serving God Across the Divide: A Lesson from Jeremiah, Oliver Glanz
When Your Life is Taken Seriously: The Cross and the Day in Postmodern Perspective, Oliver Glanz
"God's Obedience": A Linguistic and Narrative Exploration of the Hebrew Idiom in 1 Kings 17:22 and Its Theological Implications, Oliver Glanz and Jonatas Leal
Khirbat Safra (2020-2021), Paul Z. Gregor, Paul Ray, Robert D. Bates, Trisha Broy, and Talmadge Gerald
A Alegria do Evangelho, Gerald Klingbeil
“Em memória de mim.”, Gerald Klingbeil
Quem Sou Eu? Navegando Pelo Delicado Equilíbrio Entre o “Eu” e o “Nós”, Gerald Klingbeil
Razões para Creer: 28 maneiras de expressar sua fé, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Why Were Some Prophecies Not Fulfilled?, Gerald A. Klingbeil
LGBTQ+ Adventists & the Bible // Part 5 (ft. Roy E. Gane), Anthony Lyder and Roy E. Gane
Clean and Unclean (Leviticus 11), Jirí Moskala