Faculty Publications | Department of Old Testament | Andrews University

Faculty Publications



articles from 2018


Appendix, Oliver Glanz


Bible Software on the Workbench of the Biblical Scholar: Assessment and Perspective, Oliver Glanz

Biblical Hebrew Reviewer: A Universal Study Companion, Oliver Glanz

Verbal Ambiguous Forms Database Published on BibleOL, Oliver Glanz and Claus Tondering


Khirbet Safra 2018, Paul Z. Gregor


Tall Jalul, Paul Z. Gregor, Robert D. Bates, Paul Ray, Constance E. Gane, and Randall W. Younker


6 + 1: When God’s Rhythm Becomes Our Rhythm, Gerald A. Klingbeil


70 Years of Broadcasting Hope in Germany and Beyond: European media center Stimme der Hoffnung celebrates landmark anniversary, Gerald A. Klingbeil


An Unconventional Love Story, Gerald A. Klingbeil


Believing. Hoping. Singing: A Conversation about the Publication of the new German-languageHymnal, Gerald A. Klingbeil


Book Review: An Anxious Kind of Mind: A True Story of Rising Above Anxiety Disorders, by Randy Fishell.Columbia, SC: SBC Books, 2017, Gerald A. Klingbeil


Book Review: Old Testament Law for Christians: Original Context and Enduring Application, by Roy E. Gane. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2017, Gerald A. Klingbeil


Book Review: Zondervan Handbook to the Bible, ed. By David and Pat Alexander, 5th ed. Grand Rapids, MI:Zondervan, 2017, Gerald A. Klingbeil


Calling Out the Marjority: Why We Need to Talk About Pastoral Burnout, Depression, and Even Suicide, Gerald A. Klingbeil


Guarding the Center, Gerald A. Klingbeil


HeartTalk: A Father’s Dating Advice for His Daughters, Gerald A. Klingbeil


In Other Words: “The Numbers Game”, Gerald A. Klingbeil

Libation Rituals in the Ancient Near East, Gerald A. Klingbeil


“Like a Woman in Childbirth, I Cry Out, I Gasp and Pant” (Is. 42:14): Discovering aSurprising Metaphor, Gerald A. Klingbeil


Old Testament Law For Christians: Original Context and Enduring Application, Gerald A. Klingbeil

Priests in the Ancient Near East, Gerald A. Klingbeil

Priests in the Ancient Near East, Gerald A. Klingbeil

Reviewed Work: Der Tod von eigener Hand: Studien zum Suizid im Alten Testament, Alten Ägypten und Alten Orient by Jan Dietrich, Gerald A. Klingbeil


Review of David Alexander and Pat Alexander (eds.), Zondervan Handbook to the Bible, 5th ed., Gerald A. Klingbeil


Review of Roy E. Gane. Old Testament Law for Christians: Original Context and Enduring Application, Gerald A. Klingbeil


So What?: 3-1 is Not Bad Math, Gerald A. Klingbeil


Stop the Clock!, Gerald A. Klingbeil


The Transformation: Becoming What We Were Meant to Be, Gerald A. Klingbeil


The Woman Who Built a Nation, Gerald A. Klingbeil


Babylon Undone: God's Way Out of Confusion, Gerald A. Klingbeil and Lael O. Caesar


Five End-Time Myths, Jiri Moskala


Seeing God's Goodness When Life is Not Fair: God's Judgement is the Key Element for Understanding the Puzzles of Life, Jiri Moskala


The Intercessory Ministry of Jesus Christ, Jiri Moskala


Why We Need an Educated Pastorate, Jiri Moskala

El Problema del Mal y la Esperanza de la Resurreccion en Salmo 73, Jiří Moskala

Hermenéutica de las Obras de E. G. White: Reglas Básicas de Interpretatción, Jiří Moskala


Misinterpreted End-time Issues: Five Myths in Adventism, Jiří Moskala

Origin of Sin and Salvation According to Genesis 3: a Theology of Sin, Jiří Moskala


Questões Mal Interpretadas sobre O Tempo do Fim: Cinco Mitos no Adventismo, Jiří Moskala


Seeing God's Goodness when Life Isn't Fair, Jiří Moskala


The Church School: Where Churches and Schools Collaborate in Mission, Jiří Moskala

The Meaning of the Intercessory Ministry of Jesus Christ on Humanity’s Behalf in the Heavenly Sanctuary, Jiří Moskala


The Significance, Meaning, and Role of Christ's Atonement, Jiří Moskala

God's Character and the Last Generation, Jiri Moskala and John Peckham

A Word From the Editors, John C. Peckham and Jiri Moskala


Preliminary Report on the 2016 Season of the Madaba Plains Project: Tall Jalul Excavations 2016, Paul Ray, Paul A. Gregor, Robert D. Bates, Constance E. Gane, and Randall Younker


ASOR 2017 Annual Meeting, Paul J. Ray


Khirbet Safra 2018, Paul J. Ray


RegionalASOR, Paul J. Ray


[Editorial], Randall W. Younker

Submissions from 2017




2017 Tall Hisban 2013 and 2014: Exploration of the Medieval Village and Long-Term Water Systems, Robert D. Bates, Bethany Walker, Stuart Borsch, Warren Schultz, Annette Hansen, and Chiara Corbino


The Second Campaign at Tell Hesban (1971), Roger S. Boraas and Siegfried H. Horn

Humanity: Hope after Death: If Death is not the End, What’s Next? (Part I), Felix H. Cortez, Carl P. Cosaert, Larry Lichtenwalter, and Andrea Jakobsons

Humanity: Hope after Death: If Death is not the End, What’s Next? (Part 2), Felix H. Cortez, Carl P. Cosaert, Larry L. Lichtenwalter, and Andrea Jakobsons

The Law of God: The Sabbath: Rest and Reconnection. (Part I), Felix H. Cortez, Jo Ann Davidson, Jiri Moskala, and Andrea Jakobsons

Salvation: What is Salvation and Who Needs It? (Part 2), Felix H. Cortez, Martin Hanna, Larry Lichtenwalter, and Andrea Jakobsons

Salvation: What is Salvation and Who Needs It? (Part I), Felix H. Cortez, Martin Hanna, Larry Lichtenwalter, and Andrea Jakobsons

The Law of God: The Law of God: For Us or Against Us? (Part 2), Felix H. Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, Carl P. Cosaert, and Roy Gane

The Law of God: The Sabbath: Rest and Reconnection. (Part 2), Felix H. Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, JoAnn Davidson, and Jiri Moskala

The Law of God: The Law of God: For Us or Against Us? (Part I), Felix H. Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, Roy Gane, and Martin F. Hanna

Humanity: What is Death and is it Final? (Part I), Felix H. Cortez, Jiri Moskala, John Reeve, and Andrea Jakobsons

Humanity: What is Death and is it Final? (Part 2), Felix H. Cortez; Jiri Moskala ThD, PhD; John W. Reeve; and Andrea Jakobsons

Salvation: What is Sin and What Can be Done about It? (Part 2), Felix H. Cortez, Jiri Moskala, Alberto Timm, and Andrea Jakobsons

Salvation: What is Sin and What Can be Done about It? (Part I), Felix H. Cortez, Jiri Moskala, Alberto Timm, and Andrea Jakobsons

Humanity: What is a Human and What Does God Want for Us? (Part 2), Felix H. Cortez, Teresa Reeve, Davide Sciarabba, and Andrea Jakobsons

Hermeneutics: What is Doctrine and Why is it Important?, Felix Cortez, Andrea Jakobson, John Peckham, John Reeve, and E. Edward Zinke

Gracia Ardiente: La Misericordia de Dios en el Pacto Sinaítico, Richard M. Davidson


How Can We Be Just Before God? The Reformation Heritage of Justification by Faith, Richard M. Davidson

Justification by Faith According to the Old Testament: In the Footsteps of the Reformers, Richard M. Davidson

Justification by Faith According to the Old Testament: In the Footsteps of the Reformers, Richard M. Davidson


Justification by Faith According to the Old Testament: In the Footsteps of the Reformers, Richard M. Davidson


La Doctrina de la Justificación por la Fe—Parte I: ¿En las Huellas de los Reformadores, Richard M. Davidson


O Espírito Santo no Pentateuco, Richard M. Davidson


The Genesis Account of Origins, Richard M. Davidson


The Salvation of Animals?, Richard M. Davidson

When Did the 2300 Days of Daniel 8:14 Begin and End? Fresh Evidence from Scripture, Chronology, and Karaite History, Richard M. Davidson

When did the 2300 days of Daniel 8:14 Begin and End? Fresh Evidence from Scripture, Chronology, and Karaite History, Richard M. Davidson


Who Authored the Bible?, Richard M. Davidson

Cómo Interpreter la Biblia en Diez Pasos, Richard Davidson, Ekkehardt Mueller, and Joel Iparraguirre trans.


Preliminary Report on the 2014 and 2015 Seasons of the Madaba Plains Project: Tall Jalul Excavations 2014 and 2015, Constance E. Gane, Chantal J. Klingbeil, Helena Gregor, Randall W. Younker, and Paul Ray

Old Testament Law for Christians: Original Context and Enduring Applications, Roy Gane


Area D, Lawrence T. Geraty


Marriage Metaphor and Feminine Imagery in Jer 2:1–4:2: A Diachronic Study Based on the MT and LXX [review] / Popko, Łukasz., Oliver Glanz


Vegangelical: How Caring for Animals Can Shape Your Faith [review] / King, Sarah Withrow., Oliver Glanz

Wrestling with the Violence of God: Soundings in the Old Testament, Oliver Glanz

Ecos de la Creation de Genesis 1 y 2 en el Pentateuco, Paul Z. Gregor


Jalul 2017, Paul Z. Gregor


Khirbet Safra Survey, Paul Z. Gregor


Preliminary Report on the 2014 and 2015 Seasons of the Madaba Plains Project: Tall Jalul Excavations 2014 and 2015, Paul Z. Gregor, Constance E. Gane, Helena Gregor, and Paul Z. Ray

Él dijo y fue hecho: La creación en el Antiguo Testamento, Gerald Klingbeil


All Is Well, Gerald A. Klingbeil


Back to Basics: A Reformation Journey, Gerald A. Klingbeil


Book Review: Steve and Karen Nicola, Comfort for the Day: Living Through the Seasons of Grief, 3rd edition, Bloomington, IN.: Westbow Press, 2016, Gerald A. Klingbeil


CD Review: “Freedom” by Brad Nickel, Gerald A. Klingbeil


Chance Discovery of Assyrian Palace with Biblical Connections, Gerald A. Klingbeil


Falling in Love All Over Again: Rediscovering the Gift of the Sabbath in a Busy World, Gerald A. Klingbeil


I Wish I Would Have…, Gerald A. Klingbeil


Jesus Loves the (Little) Children: Discovering the Difference Between Being and Doing, Gerald A. Klingbeil


Of Course They Are Lying, But I Don't Care: Of Post-Truth, Prophecy, and Postmodernism, Gerald A. Klingbeil