"Trophy Culture, Parenting, & Education" by Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić

Trophy Culture, Parenting, & Education

Document Type


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In recent weeks, all across the country, students have received countless awards, recognitions, and trophies. That state of affairs prompted Ante and Oliver to examine the participation trophy phenomenon to probe the underlying forces that fuel it. For instance, what does it say about how we view parenting, psychological development, personal well-being, growth and resiliency, self-esteem, and motivation? To what extent is all that connected to shame and anxiety? What sociological and economic forces lurk in the background here? While, as usual, by their recognition, they bite more on what they can chew, they manage to crystallize some critical areas of concern beyond parenting and educational issues.

Journal Title

In Medias Res with Glanz & Jerončić



First Department

Old Testament

Second Department

Theology and Christian Philosophy
